Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

Azura's Star NA PC Thread

  • Taylor_MB
    So I'm just going to jump in here preemptively to stop the "AD zerg / nightcap" accusation that are undoubtedly coming.

    When I logged on AD and DC had 2 bars to EP's 1 bar. DC had 3 AD home keeps and 1 DC home keep.

    AD mounted a disorgainised and failed defense of Alessia (but managed to recap Fare during this time) leaving BRK the last emp keep (at the time controlled by EP). As such, we decided to group up #ADpuglyfe.

    As DC pushed for last Emp keep (and reached 3 bars pop), AD took back Roe. I guess DC abandoned BRK (I doubt 1 bar of EP could've stopped them) and tried to retake Roe, they were repelled.

    For whatever reason the DC crowns decided they would hole up in Alessia for the next 1-2 hours with their 3 bars of population. Small groups of AD kept capping Alessia resources while I took a pug of 20 and PvDoor'd Brindle, Ash and Aleswell (5 DC at Aleswell almost wiped the pug (AD just would not go up the damn stairs, haha)).

    As we were on Aleswell, DC finally left Alessia to try and cap Roe, they wiped and EP managed to take an undefended Alessia.

    AD then moved down south to take back Alessia, DC took this opportunity to recap Aleswell. It was around this time DC dropped to 2 bars (AD still on 2 and EP still on 1).

    After a long siege at Aleswell AD had the momentum and by this stage emping was a forgone conclusion. Minimal defense was put up at Chal (were AD did reach 3 bars population) and there was not enough EP online to have a significant impact defending BRK.

    EP set a very good example sticking to ring keeps and I sincerely believe AD will do the same.


    Just wanted to throw this in here before people see the map and see the population (as I'm writing this it's gone to 3 bars AD, 1 EP and 1 DC) and jump to any conclusions. So far AD has left scrolls alone (but it does appear they capped Arrius and Farra before the sensible minds could pull them back).

    Look forward to defending!

    Edited by Taylor_MB on August 6, 2016 7:40PM
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Kartalin
    Really wish we could go Saturday night without an emperor, would be so much more fun and balanced.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 33
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Outer_Rim
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Is DR the only organized largescale guild in Azura's? I don't recall a large group DC one, and I haven't heard a peep of a large group AD guild, just zergs. I can understand people logging out of Azura's to play elsewhere if there's a big EP ball running around pushing emp like it's serious business.

    Except they aren't playing as a ball group also TM is there for AD making sure the zerging for AD stays alive. This coming from an AD player.
    Edited by Outer_Rim on August 6, 2016 7:52PM
  • Minalan
    I'm surprised that we have any scrolls, that's a huge improvement for AD.

  • Rylana
    Minalan wrote: »
    I'm surprised that we have any scrolls, that's a huge improvement for AD.

    AD tried to take the Ep scrolls but got shut down hard.

    I talked to the emp and they said they wont push those keeps (after they had sieged arrius for the pugs, but meh)

    I dunno if the example will hold, the ad zerglings are just tunnel vision i swear
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • LeifErickson
    Rylana wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    I'm surprised that we have any scrolls, that's a huge improvement for AD.

    AD tried to take the Ep scrolls but got shut down hard.

    I talked to the emp and they said they wont push those keeps (after they had sieged arrius for the pugs, but meh)

    I dunno if the example will hold, the ad zerglings are just tunnel vision i swear

    After the good example EP made this whole emp reign by not pushing non emp keeps when there was no resistance online (correct me if I'm wrong), hopefully AD will do the same. However, I do like to pvp at gates sometimes as I don't get to pvp there very often. Some of my best fights ever in this game happened at EP's scroll temple when Azura's Star first became a no cp campaign and the map was all AD all the time. It was just me and 2 other EP and we managed to wipe the AD zerg at the temple with just the guards and got the biggest d tick I have ever gotten.
  • Rylana
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Is DR the only organized largescale guild in Azura's? I don't recall a large group DC one, and I haven't heard a peep of a large group AD guild, just zergs. I can understand people logging out of Azura's to play elsewhere if there's a big EP ball running around pushing emp like it's serious business.

    We arent playing ball-style, we usually run 12-18 (sometimes 20-24 during a major defense like for last emp keeps etc)

    We figured out that that style actually doesnt work here, we been running a more spread but single target focus fire setup, and more siege. The DC arent as organized as we are, but they have some nuggets of strong players (Carebears and FWF among them) along with a pretty good sized group via Minalan when they play.

    AD has an honest to god pugzerg. Depending on if TM is on the field or not, that can be a nightmare. Farmable when they arent, absolutely lethal when they are. (imagine a 12-18 man solid group surrounded by 20 pieces of siege + 20 more pugs shooting snipe just hitting wherever TM goes, its crazy)

    As far as EP goes...

    Theres DR running anywhere from smallman on the offhours to 20ish in prime
    Longbottom leafers might have 12 out there (these guys usually rally the pugs and run a group like that)
    Myrmidons might have 6-10 (they are usually on TF i think?)
    and then a couple dozen lowbie blackwater pugs that happened to have decided azuras was the next step for them.

    So realistically EP is the smallest faction, but not by much, and DR shoulders a good deal of the work holding off the organized groups. Assume TM/DR/Carebear/FWF are locked away in a corner fighting, and the AD have overwhelming numbers then. (there are probably sixty AD pugs to DCs 20 and EPs 20)

    EP and DC could both use an overnight guild each of maybe 12, but no more than that, or the campaign will swing hard, its almost balanced right now, almost.
    Edited by Rylana on August 6, 2016 8:03PM
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Minalan
    DC is made up of slightly better organized pugs (thanks to people like Betsy).

    None of us are running team speak groups though, that's a little like baby seal clubbing here.
  • LeifErickson
    Rylana wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Is DR the only organized largescale guild in Azura's? I don't recall a large group DC one, and I haven't heard a peep of a large group AD guild, just zergs. I can understand people logging out of Azura's to play elsewhere if there's a big EP ball running around pushing emp like it's serious business.

    We arent playing ball-style, we usually run 12-18 (sometimes 20-24 during a major defense like for last emp keeps etc)

    We figured out that that style actually doesnt work here, we been running a more spread but single target focus fire setup, and more siege. The DC arent as organized as we are, but they have some nuggets of strong players (Carebears and FWF among them) along with a pretty good sized group via Minalan when they play.

    AD has an honest to god pugzerg. Depending on if TM is on the field or not, that can be a nightmare. Farmable when they arent, absolutely lethal when they are. (imagine a 12-18 man solid group surrounded by 20 pieces of siege + 20 more pugs shooting snipe just hitting wherever TM goes, its crazy)

    As far as EP goes...

    Theres DR running anywhere from smallman on the offhours to 20ish in prime
    Longbottom leafers might have 12 out there (these guys usually rally the pugs and run a group like that)
    Myrmidons might have 6-10 (they are usually on TF i think?)
    and then a couple dozen lowbie blackwater pugs that happened to have decided azuras was the next step for them.

    So realistically EP is the smallest faction, but not by much, and DR shoulders a good deal of the work holding off the organized groups. Assume TM/DR/Carebear/FWF are locked away in a corner fighting, and the AD have overwhelming numbers then. (there are probably sixty AD pugs to DCs 20 and EPs 20)

    EP and DC could both use an overnight guild each of maybe 12, but no more than that, or the campaign will swing hard, its almost balanced right now, almost.

    Don't forget about the EP solo players!

    And I feel like if EP and DC had an overnight guild, AD would fall behind fast even though they have the most numbers.
  • NBrookus
    Rylana wrote: »
    Myrmidons might have 6-10 (they are usually on TF i think?)

    6-12 on a big night, usually more like 3-6 (not counting whomever is running with DR instead). If Azura's is dull, might be in Haderus or Trueflame or not online as a group at all.
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    EP set a very good example sticking to ring keeps and I sincerely believe AD will do the same.

    Just wanted to throw this in here before people see the map and see the population (as I'm writing this it's gone to 3 bars AD, 1 EP and 1 DC) and jump to any conclusions. So far AD has left scrolls alone (but it does appear they capped Arrius and Farra before the sensible minds could pull them back).

    I'm afraid I don't share your optimism about ring keeps. AD tried to get the EP scrolls this afternoon. They did not succeed and EP pushed back to Chal. But then people starting dropping out like flies... blackscreening and unable to log back in I assume, since that's what happened to me mid-battle. :/

    Whatever the emp's intentions are, AD has more than enough PUGs to take everything on the map at off hours when lightly defended.
  • Alomar
    My name's Commander Shephard and this is my favorite campaign on the Citadel.
    Haxus Council Member
    Former Havoc Commander
    Former DiE officer
    Alomar: 5 Stars - Beast: 3 stars - Kurudin: 5th NA emperor
    Awaiting New World, Camelot Unchained, and Crowfall
  • Kartalin
    Outer_Rim wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Is DR the only organized largescale guild in Azura's? I don't recall a large group DC one, and I haven't heard a peep of a large group AD guild, just zergs. I can understand people logging out of Azura's to play elsewhere if there's a big EP ball running around pushing emp like it's serious business.

    Except they aren't playing as a ball group also TM is there for AD making sure the zerging for AD stays alive. This coming from an AD player.
    I'm not sure you know what you're talking about. We have 12 on our very best nights. We do work really well as a group though, maybe that's where the misunderstanding is? The benefits of a coordinated group with voice comms.

    After dethrone last night we did not push for emp because that's been bad for the campaign historically. Sure had a lot of fun at Arrius mine though.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 33
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Minalan
    NBrookus wrote: »
    Rylana wrote: »
    Myrmidons might have 6-10 (they are usually on TF i think?)

    6-12 on a big night, usually more like 3-6 (not counting whomever is running with DR instead). If Azura's is dull, might be in Haderus or Trueflame or not online as a group at all.
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    EP set a very good example sticking to ring keeps and I sincerely believe AD will do the same.

    Just wanted to throw this in here before people see the map and see the population (as I'm writing this it's gone to 3 bars AD, 1 EP and 1 DC) and jump to any conclusions. So far AD has left scrolls alone (but it does appear they capped Arrius and Farra before the sensible minds could pull them back).

    I'm afraid I don't share your optimism about ring keeps. AD tried to get the EP scrolls this afternoon. They did not succeed and EP pushed back to Chal. But then people starting dropping out like flies... blackscreening and unable to log back in I assume, since that's what happened to me mid-battle. :/

    Whatever the emp's intentions are, AD has more than enough PUGs to take everything on the map at off hours when lightly defended.

    That's what AD does. No use in getting mad about it, just go and take theirs..
  • NBrookus
    Minalan wrote: »
    NBrookus wrote: »
    Rylana wrote: »
    Myrmidons might have 6-10 (they are usually on TF i think?)

    6-12 on a big night, usually more like 3-6 (not counting whomever is running with DR instead). If Azura's is dull, might be in Haderus or Trueflame or not online as a group at all.
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    EP set a very good example sticking to ring keeps and I sincerely believe AD will do the same.

    Just wanted to throw this in here before people see the map and see the population (as I'm writing this it's gone to 3 bars AD, 1 EP and 1 DC) and jump to any conclusions. So far AD has left scrolls alone (but it does appear they capped Arrius and Farra before the sensible minds could pull them back).

    I'm afraid I don't share your optimism about ring keeps. AD tried to get the EP scrolls this afternoon. They did not succeed and EP pushed back to Chal. But then people starting dropping out like flies... blackscreening and unable to log back in I assume, since that's what happened to me mid-battle. :/

    Whatever the emp's intentions are, AD has more than enough PUGs to take everything on the map at off hours when lightly defended.

    That's what AD does. No use in getting mad about it, just go and take theirs..

    It's not an AD thing, AD just has the raw numbers to ensure it happens regularly. I'd rather not imitate them. The EP pugs tried to take DC's scrolls in prime time (despite being asked not to) and got beaten back.
  • Rylana
    Kartalin wrote: »
    Really wish we could go Saturday night without an emperor, would be so much more fun and balanced.

    Wish granted? Sunday morning technically, but dethroned just now.
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Minalan
    Rylana wrote: »
    Kartalin wrote: »
    Really wish we could go Saturday night without an emperor, would be so much more fun and balanced.

    Wish granted? Sunday morning technically, but dethroned just now.

    I had a blast at Roe earlier tonight, reds, blues, and yellows everywhere. They'll get it back again tonight or tomorrow I'm sure.
    NBrookus wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    NBrookus wrote: »
    Rylana wrote: »
    Myrmidons might have 6-10 (they are usually on TF i think?)

    6-12 on a big night, usually more like 3-6 (not counting whomever is running with DR instead). If Azura's is dull, might be in Haderus or Trueflame or not online as a group at all.
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    EP set a very good example sticking to ring keeps and I sincerely believe AD will do the same.

    Just wanted to throw this in here before people see the map and see the population (as I'm writing this it's gone to 3 bars AD, 1 EP and 1 DC) and jump to any conclusions. So far AD has left scrolls alone (but it does appear they capped Arrius and Farra before the sensible minds could pull them back).

    I'm afraid I don't share your optimism about ring keeps. AD tried to get the EP scrolls this afternoon. They did not succeed and EP pushed back to Chal. But then people starting dropping out like flies... blackscreening and unable to log back in I assume, since that's what happened to me mid-battle. :/

    Whatever the emp's intentions are, AD has more than enough PUGs to take everything on the map at off hours when lightly defended.

    That's what AD does. No use in getting mad about it, just go and take theirs..

    It's not an AD thing, AD just has the raw numbers to ensure it happens regularly. I'd rather not imitate them. The EP pugs tried to take DC's scrolls in prime time (despite being asked not to) and got beaten back.

    Zergs don't have a conscience, and yours tend to be larger. Yesterday AD tried the same thing.
    Edited by Minalan on August 7, 2016 5:55AM
  • Kartalin
    Rylana wrote: »
    Kartalin wrote: »
    Really wish we could go Saturday night without an emperor, would be so much more fun and balanced.

    Wish granted? Sunday morning technically, but dethroned just now.

    Yep, I was on my DC character last night and at Roebeck. It was just chaos, but a lot of fun. I logged off after dethrone though, was pretty tired.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 33
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • NBrookus
    @Minalan @Kartalin Roe was a blast... DC put up a hell of a fight and I thought you guys had it more than once. 31k o-tick, but the lag was really annoying.

  • Mutagem
    I'm honestly sick of the whole "AD Zergs waa" argument. Every faction zergs at one point or another. Red did several times at BRK when they had emp
    Mutagem - AD Stamina Nightblade - Prefect
    Mutagentleman - AD Magicka Templar - Palatine
    Mutageneticist - AD Magicka Sorcerer - Corporal
  • Caza99

    NBrookus wrote: »
    @Minalan @Kartalin Roe was a blast... DC put up a hell of a fight and I thought you guys had it more than once. 31k o-tick, but the lag was really annoying.

    That's the second time this campaign I've missed a 30k+ Roebeck tick -_- This time I crashed just before it flipped.
    PC NA - @MercerESO
  • Minalan
    Caza99 wrote: »
    NBrookus wrote: »
    @Minalan @Kartalin Roe was a blast... DC put up a hell of a fight and I thought you guys had it more than once. 31k o-tick, but the lag was really annoying.

    That's the second time this campaign I've missed a 30k+ Roebeck tick -_- This time I crashed just before it flipped.

    I missed it too, but that's because I was ganking people rushing in from the south and west after we burned the yellow camp.

    Can't let reinforcements in without harassing them now can we.

    I DID get some nice ticks at Glad today though, both AD and EP attacked with big zerg groups. It was ridiculously fun.
  • Rylana
    Mutagem wrote: »
    I'm honestly sick of the whole "AD Zergs waa" argument. Every faction zergs at one point or another. Red did several times at BRK when they had emp

    At no time were you ever outnumbered. Think about that.

    Once you realize how ludicrous it is to say EP was zerging at last emp keep with maybe 20-30 total people, when youre attacking it with over 60, you might get why I teabag you every time you die.
    Edited by Rylana on August 7, 2016 10:35PM
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Caza99
    Rylana wrote: »
    Mutagem wrote: »
    I'm honestly sick of the whole "AD Zergs waa" argument. Every faction zergs at one point or another. Red did several times at BRK when they had emp

    At no time were you ever outnumbered. Think about that.

    Once you realize how ludicrous it is to say EP was zerging at last emp keep with maybe 20-30 total people, when youre attacking it with over 60, you might get why I teabag you every time you die.

    ^ this x10
    That last BRK emp defense was insane....outnumbered 2:1 by AD, sieging 2 walls at once and we still managed to hold. I missed that damn tick too -_- After that spectacular failure on AD's part, I have no regrets about tbagging every AD brave enough to have come through the outer breach and get rekt by Lily's siege. I don't understand how AD can call us a massive zerg after that >.<
    PC NA - @MercerESO
  • Armitas
    The problem with zerging is that it creates a vicious cycle. You make your enemies better and yourselves worse, then you justify getting more, then your enemies get even better, so you justify a bigger zerg and it just keeps going getting more and more ridiculous.
    Edited by Armitas on August 7, 2016 11:24PM
    Nord mDK
  • Mutagem
    Rylana wrote: »
    Mutagem wrote: »
    I'm honestly sick of the whole "AD Zergs waa" argument. Every faction zergs at one point or another. Red did several times at BRK when they had emp

    At no time were you ever outnumbered. Think about that.

    Once you realize how ludicrous it is to say EP was zerging at last emp keep with maybe 20-30 total people, when youre attacking it with over 60, you might get why I teabag you every time you die.

    You teabag me every time I die because you're a knob lol

    Actually it wasn't but keep telling yourself that. Also lol @ BRK tonight you guys don't zerg though right? It only took both you and DC attacking it the first time and failing giving us a 15k defense tick then hammering 4 walls down afterward including a door to take it...but yep you guys don't zerg lol There wasn't 40-60 EP there nope lolol
    Edited by Mutagem on August 8, 2016 2:47AM
    Mutagem - AD Stamina Nightblade - Prefect
    Mutagentleman - AD Magicka Templar - Palatine
    Mutageneticist - AD Magicka Sorcerer - Corporal
  • Minalan
    Rylana wrote: »
    Mutagem wrote: »
    I'm honestly sick of the whole "AD Zergs waa" argument. Every faction zergs at one point or another. Red did several times at BRK when they had emp

    At no time were you ever outnumbered. Think about that.

    Once you realize how ludicrous it is to say EP was zerging at last emp keep with maybe 20-30 total people, when youre attacking it with over 60, you might get why I teabag you every time you die.

    Ouch @Rylana, you're right. But why do you have to be such a d*** about it? XD

  • Minalan
    Mutagem wrote: »
    Rylana wrote: »
    Mutagem wrote: »
    I'm honestly sick of the whole "AD Zergs waa" argument. Every faction zergs at one point or another. Red did several times at BRK when they had emp

    At no time were you ever outnumbered. Think about that.

    Once you realize how ludicrous it is to say EP was zerging at last emp keep with maybe 20-30 total people, when youre attacking it with over 60, you might get why I teabag you every time you die.

    You teabag me every time I die because you're a knob lol

    Actually it wasn't but keep telling yourself that. Also lol @ BRK tonight you guys don't zerg though right? It only took both you and DC attacking it the first time and failing giving us a 15k defense tick then hammering 4 walls down afterward including a door to take it...but yep you guys don't zerg lol There wasn't 40-60 EP there nope lolol

    I reserve tea bagging for failed stealth gankers, or people who attempt a gank when I'm in the middle of PVE. I figure if I ever make just one of them rage quit on accident or hulk out on their keyboard, pI've done the world a favor.

    Anyone else? There's nothing gained by it unless they did it to me first. I'll even shoot a tell to a really good enemy, like Patrick... Hey you're good. It took five of us to finally take you down!
  • Rylana
    On behalf of Patrick Scott, the first video of his reign (from his PoV)

    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Caza99
    Mutagem wrote: »
    Rylana wrote: »
    Mutagem wrote: »
    I'm honestly sick of the whole "AD Zergs waa" argument. Every faction zergs at one point or another. Red did several times at BRK when they had emp

    At no time were you ever outnumbered. Think about that.

    Once you realize how ludicrous it is to say EP was zerging at last emp keep with maybe 20-30 total people, when youre attacking it with over 60, you might get why I teabag you every time you die.

    You teabag me every time I die because you're a knob lol

    Actually it wasn't but keep telling yourself that. Also lol @ BRK tonight you guys don't zerg though right? It only took both you and DC attacking it the first time and failing giving us a 15k defense tick then hammering 4 walls down afterward including a door to take it...but yep you guys don't zerg lol There wasn't 40-60 EP there nope lolol

    There were 40-60 EP there, yes. But how many actually did anything? At least half those EP sat outside the outer breach being potatoes while myself and DR pushed inside. We were inside and started sieging the inner and the rest of EP STILL sat outside. At no point during that siege were you actually fighting a group of EP that outnumbered you. In fact a lot of the EP that were originally there left after 10 minutes, because EP wouldn't push, couldn't keep the outer tagged and kept dieing to siege. I find it funny that you in particular continue to call EP zergers when the only time I ever seen you is in the middle of an AD zerg.
    Edited by Caza99 on August 8, 2016 12:09PM
    PC NA - @MercerESO
  • Darnathian
    Rylana wrote: »
    On behalf of Patrick Scott, the first video of his reign (from his PoV)


    That meteor/take fligh/ nado combo Wow. Nice vid
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