Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.1 on the PTS on Monday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).

Official Feedback Thread for Templars

  • Kensei_ESO
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    There are several basic tools every class should have available from class abilities. These are Major Resolve, Major Ward, Major Mending, Major Evasion, Major Defile, Major Brutality, Major Sorcery, Minor Maim, Major Breach and Major Fracture. Players can choose any combination of weapon and class abilities to attain these de/buffs for use, including combinations with only weapon abilities and only class abilities.

    Templars have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Mending
    • Major Defile

    Dragonknights have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Mending
    • Major Defile
    • Major Fracture
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery
    • Minor Maim

    Nightblades have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Evasion
    • Major Defile
    • Major Fracture
    • Major Breach
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery
    • Minor Maim
    • Major Vitality

    Sorcerers have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery

    While Major Defile is accessible to three classes, it's gated behind an ultimate for 2 and cast time for Templars. For Nightblades, it is okay to leave Major Defile behind the ultimate because it costs 50, low enough to be considered a regular ability. Dragonknights' Major Defile is gated behind the Standard, their most expensive ultimate and hardest to keep enemies in without help. Templars require the Dark Flare morph of Sun Flare for Major Defile. For once, Templars are ahead of the other classes.

    Though as we can see, Templar and Sorcerer are severely lacking in the basic toolset, leading to very few builds for each class that are successful. Nightblades almost have the entire toolset, possessing Major Vitality instead of Major Mending, and are the most balanced and versatile class because of it. Dragonknights are a close second as they are missing several basic tools but still possess double the tools of Templar and Sorcerer.

    Granting the functionally same abilities to each class to achieve the same de/buffs is homogenization that lessens class identity. But granting these de/buffs through effectively different abilities is homogenization that retains class identity. Each of these classes has access to Major Ward and Major Resolve, but do the abilities that grant these buffs feel the same for each class? Templar has a rune that increases recovery; Dragonknight has a spiked shell that deals counter damage; Nightblade has a passive that activates when a skill line is used; Sorcerer has a lightning form that increases mobility and deals area damage. These all grant the same buffs, Major Resolve and Major Ward, and go about them in effectively different ways -- homogenization that retains class identity.

    This is very insightful @Ffastyl.

    All four classes don't need every one of these in their toolkit, but they should all have the same number of these tools. For example, it makes sense for Templars to have Major Mending but not Major Vitality, and vice versa for Nightblades.

    All classes DO need Major Sorcery, Brutality, Ward, and Resolve at a baseline minimum. Beyond that, they need a matching number of these tools but not exactly the same tools.

    There is currently an obvious and frustrating imbalance.
    Edited by Kensei_ESO on February 23, 2016 1:50PM
  • Brrrofski
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.

    Exactly, it straight up won't happen. Nobody will run them on pvp. Nobody.
  • danno8
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Honestly, no sorc is going to run them in pvp. Straight up. I certainly won't be.

    That's because you (and most Sorcerers) have never even considered the role of healing in PvP. And why would you with the other options open to you.

    I can guarantee you though that there will be quite a few former Templars who want to heal who now have a viable way of doing so in PvP, while maintaining all the benefits of being a Sorcerer, ie nice big shield, mobility and high insta-cast damage.

    Oh my pet died? BE, Hardened Ward, recast pet. Oh you keep attacking my pet? Good, I'll attack you while you attack it.
  • CP5
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Honestly, no sorc is going to run them in pvp. Straight up. I certainly won't be.

    That's because you (and most Sorcerers) have never even considered the role of healing in PvP. And why would you with the other options open to you.

    I can guarantee you though that there will be quite a few former Templars who want to heal who now have a viable way of doing so in PvP, while maintaining all the benefits of being a Sorcerer, ie nice big shield, mobility and high insta-cast damage.

    Oh my pet died? BE, Hardened Ward, recast pet. Oh you keep attacking my pet? Good, I'll attack you while you attack it.

    Thing is that pet will vaporize before you can even register its under attack. Have fun keeping it alive when everyone knows it is your source of healing.
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    There are several basic tools every class should have available from class abilities. These are Major Resolve, Major Ward, Major Mending, Major Evasion, Major Defile, Major Brutality, Major Sorcery, Minor Maim, Major Breach and Major Fracture. Players can choose any combination of weapon and class abilities to attain these de/buffs for use, including combinations with only weapon abilities and only class abilities.

    Templars have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Mending
    • Major Defile

    Dragonknights have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Mending
    • Major Defile
    • Major Fracture
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery
    • Minor Maim

    Nightblades have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Evasion
    • Major Defile
    • Major Fracture
    • Major Breach
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery
    • Minor Maim
    • Major Vitality

    Sorcerers have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery

    While Major Defile is accessible to three classes, it's gated behind an ultimate for 2 and cast time for Templars. For Nightblades, it is okay to leave Major Defile behind the ultimate because it costs 50, low enough to be considered a regular ability. Dragonknights' Major Defile is gated behind the Standard, their most expensive ultimate and hardest to keep enemies in without help. Templars require the Dark Flare morph of Sun Flare for Major Defile. For once, Templars are ahead of the other classes.

    Though as we can see, Templar and Sorcerer are severely lacking in the basic toolset, leading to very few builds for each class that are successful. Nightblades almost have the entire toolset, possessing Major Vitality instead of Major Mending, and are the most balanced and versatile class because of it. Dragonknights are a close second as they are missing several basic tools but still possess double the tools of Templar and Sorcerer.

    Granting the functionally same abilities to each class to achieve the same de/buffs is homogenization that lessens class identity. But granting these de/buffs through effectively different abilities is homogenization that retains class identity. Each of these classes has access to Major Ward and Major Resolve, but do the abilities that grant these buffs feel the same for each class? Templar has a rune that increases recovery; Dragonknight has a spiked shell that deals counter damage; Nightblade has a passive that activates when a skill line is used; Sorcerer has a lightning form that increases mobility and deals area damage. These all grant the same buffs, Major Resolve and Major Ward, and go about them in effectively different ways -- homogenization that retains class identity.

    And please, someone at ZOS read this post. It really shows why some classes are able to run different builds and others are locked down into very few options. This is something that should not have to wait until update 10 to get resolved.
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Honestly, no sorc is going to run them in pvp. Straight up. I certainly won't be.

    That's because you (and most Sorcerers) have never even considered the role of healing in PvP. And why would you with the other options open to you.

    I can guarantee you though that there will be quite a few former Templars who want to heal who now have a viable way of doing so in PvP, while maintaining all the benefits of being a Sorcerer, ie nice big shield, mobility and high insta-cast damage.

    Oh my pet died? BE, Hardened Ward, recast pet. Oh you keep attacking my pet? Good, I'll attack you while you attack it.

    Please try this. My vicious set could use some free explosions.
  • eliisra
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.

    Exactly, it straight up won't happen. Nobody will run them on pvp. Nobody.

    1v1 or small/mid scale for sure, twilight will likely die even faster than a pet templar, so why use it? In IC it will die from mobs.

    But zerg scale I have no doubt there be shield stacking mag sorcs, cross healing +2 targets with shielded pets to infinity. I might try full sorc raid next month, all with healing ladybirds, when there's a BDO maintenance. Unlike templar healer a magicka sorc with heal pet still has top dmg and better individual survivability. So might be pretty good in large battles, if you stack birds and sorcs.

    Sorc with heal pet will also be more effective than templar in PvE in many situations, especially for competitive speed runs. But yeah PvE, different story.
  • Brrrofski
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Honestly, no sorc is going to run them in pvp. Straight up. I certainly won't be.

    That's because you (and most Sorcerers) have never even considered the role of healing in PvP. And why would you with the other options open to you.

    I can guarantee you though that there will be quite a few former Templars who want to heal who now have a viable way of doing so in PvP, while maintaining all the benefits of being a Sorcerer, ie nice big shield, mobility and high insta-cast damage.

    Oh my pet died? BE, Hardened Ward, recast pet. Oh you keep attacking my pet? Good, I'll attack you while you attack it.

    So a templar is going to re roll sorc just to have a heal that might not be available by the time they need it? Doubt it. Thing they'll just slot healing springs if they already didn't.
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.

    Exactly, it straight up won't happen. Nobody will run them on pvp. Nobody.

    To be fair a 95% of the crying about BoL was the fact that the templar could be hiding behind a wall/up the stairs/in the tower unseen and untouched and still healing and spamming away saving people.

    That is the role the pet is perfect for. Which is why it is so funny to me.
  • danno8
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Honestly, no sorc is going to run them in pvp. Straight up. I certainly won't be.

    That's because you (and most Sorcerers) have never even considered the role of healing in PvP. And why would you with the other options open to you.

    I can guarantee you though that there will be quite a few former Templars who want to heal who now have a viable way of doing so in PvP, while maintaining all the benefits of being a Sorcerer, ie nice big shield, mobility and high insta-cast damage.

    Oh my pet died? BE, Hardened Ward, recast pet. Oh you keep attacking my pet? Good, I'll attack you while you attack it.

    So a templar is going to re roll sorc just to have a heal that might not be available by the time they need it? Doubt it. Thing they'll just slot healing springs if they already didn't.

    Ah but healing springs require LoS does it not? Pets (like BoL) do not.

    Hence why ZoS went and changed the wrong part of BoL.

    edit: and they will roll Sorcerer for all the other reasons I stated. Don't undersell those advantages. They are huge.
    Edited by danno8 on February 23, 2016 2:38PM
  • danno8
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Honestly, no sorc is going to run them in pvp. Straight up. I certainly won't be.

    That's because you (and most Sorcerers) have never even considered the role of healing in PvP. And why would you with the other options open to you.

    I can guarantee you though that there will be quite a few former Templars who want to heal who now have a viable way of doing so in PvP, while maintaining all the benefits of being a Sorcerer, ie nice big shield, mobility and high insta-cast damage.

    Oh my pet died? BE, Hardened Ward, recast pet. Oh you keep attacking my pet? Good, I'll attack you while you attack it.

    Please try this. My vicious set could use some free explosions.

    I don't need LoS with my pet. Why would I stand within 5m of anyone?
  • Ffastyl
    Looking back at Update 5 from the perspective of de/buffs (or the basic toolset), the classes had largely the same tools save for Templar and Dragonknight possessing the Miss Chance debuff, which is effectively similar to Major Evasion. With this, Templar and Dragonknight had the complete defensive toolset but lacked the offensive toolset, creating the "stand your ground" or "1vX" meta. Most classes (all but Sorcerer) had options for defense, but there was a lack of offensive tools to counter this defense.

    At present we are seeing a flip of this, where classes are receiving the offensive toolset but are lacking in the defensive toolset, creating fast TTK and the "one-shot" or "glass cannon" meta. And a sub-problem of this, the "OP healer" issue, is a result of the counter-healing tool (Major Defile) not being accessible enough.

    Providing all classes the complete basic toolset will not fix all balancing issues. Some abilities scale too well or not well enough, have very high base value or very low base value, however the toolset approach is a clear starting point that can address many complaints players have had with each class.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • Ashamray
    I wanna be a gypsy templar. No house, no Wrobel. Freedom for me, please.
    Boadrig, EU PC

    Very Balanced
    Battleground Beta Testers
    Cite's Legacy

    Imperial City frequenter
    Imperial City feedback and suggestions
  • Brrrofski
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.

    Exactly, it straight up won't happen. Nobody will run them on pvp. Nobody.

    To be fair a 95% of the crying about BoL was the fact that the templar could be hiding behind a wall/up the stairs/in the tower unseen and untouched and still healing and spamming away saving people.

    That is the role the pet is perfect for. Which is why it is so funny to me.

    Why do people word it as crying. Healing two people, randomly within it's radius is plain stupid and has zero level of skill. People in groups will have to run their own heal now abs actually multi task.
  • AfkNinja
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.

    Exactly, it straight up won't happen. Nobody will run them on pvp. Nobody.

    To be fair a 95% of the crying about BoL was the fact that the templar could be hiding behind a wall/up the stairs/in the tower unseen and untouched and still healing and spamming away saving people.

    That is the role the pet is perfect for. Which is why it is so funny to me.

    Why do people word it as crying. Healing two people, randomly within it's radius is plain stupid and has zero level of skill. People in groups will have to run their own heal now abs actually multi task.

    The heal will still hit you through walls. This update literally did nothing except nerf overall total healing, we'll still be able to burst your hp back to full if you are in execute range and we STILL DON'T HAVE TO BE ABLE TO SEE YOU. 2 Templar can still camp up in a corner of a building somewhere and spam heals only now those heals will also have major mending on them (+25%). Line of sight WAS the issue and still is.
  • Brrrofski
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.

    Exactly, it straight up won't happen. Nobody will run them on pvp. Nobody.

    To be fair a 95% of the crying about BoL was the fact that the templar could be hiding behind a wall/up the stairs/in the tower unseen and untouched and still healing and spamming away saving people.

    That is the role the pet is perfect for. Which is why it is so funny to me.

    Why do people word it as crying. Healing two people, randomly within it's radius is plain stupid and has zero level of skill. People in groups will have to run their own heal now abs actually multi task.

    The heal will still hit you through walls. This update literally did nothing except nerf overall total healing, we'll still be able to burst your hp back to full if you are in execute range and we STILL DON'T HAVE TO BE ABLE TO SEE YOU. 2 Templar can still camp up in a corner of a building somewhere and spam heals only now those heals will also have major mending on them (+25%). Line of sight WAS the issue and still is.

    I agree, Los was the issue. But this at least reduces the chance of someone getting healed from behind a wall. I'll take that for now.
  • AfkNinja
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.

    Exactly, it straight up won't happen. Nobody will run them on pvp. Nobody.

    To be fair a 95% of the crying about BoL was the fact that the templar could be hiding behind a wall/up the stairs/in the tower unseen and untouched and still healing and spamming away saving people.

    That is the role the pet is perfect for. Which is why it is so funny to me.

    Why do people word it as crying. Healing two people, randomly within it's radius is plain stupid and has zero level of skill. People in groups will have to run their own heal now abs actually multi task.

    The heal will still hit you through walls. This update literally did nothing except nerf overall total healing, we'll still be able to burst your hp back to full if you are in execute range and we STILL DON'T HAVE TO BE ABLE TO SEE YOU. 2 Templar can still camp up in a corner of a building somewhere and spam heals only now those heals will also have major mending on them (+25%). Line of sight WAS the issue and still is.

    I agree, Los was the issue. But this at least reduces the chance of someone getting healed from behind a wall. I'll take that for now.

    It doesn't though....smart healing ALWAYS targets the lowest health. With a couple templar parked in that building corner everyone gets auto heals right when they need them. Seriously, the half strength side heal was never a real issue before as in that corner no one would be in your rune or ritual so all the heals were baseline (side heals were -75% because of battle spirit. -50% BS, side heal -50% = -75% total heal strength).

    You thought smart healing was bad before just wait, no one has to be in my rune anymore or ritual. The primary and secondary heal are going to be 25% stronger on blind heals than last patch. The problem will persist, more people will complain and BOL will get nerfed AGAIN next patch. Once again, the issue is line of sight, as we will find out by Dark Brotherhood.

    Edit: All nerfing the side heal did was make healing pick up group dungeons much harder.
    Edited by AfkNinja on February 23, 2016 4:21PM
  • staracino_ESO
    Do not fret about LoS being the main issue. I can guarantee you that it will be the number one priority fix before anything else in the realm of Templars gets looked at.
  • contact.opiumb16_ESO
    Guys, don't lose your time with this class, it is dead since 1.6 release, and its design don't work anymore since caps are not here, plus some skills like eclipse and toppling are bugged since beta.
  • joleda4ub17_ESO
    CP5 wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Honestly, no sorc is going to run them in pvp. Straight up. I certainly won't be.

    That's because you (and most Sorcerers) have never even considered the role of healing in PvP. And why would you with the other options open to you.

    I can guarantee you though that there will be quite a few former Templars who want to heal who now have a viable way of doing so in PvP, while maintaining all the benefits of being a Sorcerer, ie nice big shield, mobility and high insta-cast damage.

    Oh my pet died? BE, Hardened Ward, recast pet. Oh you keep attacking my pet? Good, I'll attack you while you attack it.

    Thing is that pet will vaporize before you can even register its under attack. Have fun keeping it alive when everyone knows it is your source of healing.
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    There are several basic tools every class should have available from class abilities. These are Major Resolve, Major Ward, Major Mending, Major Evasion, Major Defile, Major Brutality, Major Sorcery, Minor Maim, Major Breach and Major Fracture. Players can choose any combination of weapon and class abilities to attain these de/buffs for use, including combinations with only weapon abilities and only class abilities.

    Templars have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Mending
    • Major Defile

    Dragonknights have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Mending
    • Major Defile
    • Major Fracture
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery
    • Minor Maim

    Nightblades have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Evasion
    • Major Defile
    • Major Fracture
    • Major Breach
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery
    • Minor Maim
    • Major Vitality

    Sorcerers have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery

    While Major Defile is accessible to three classes, it's gated behind an ultimate for 2 and cast time for Templars. For Nightblades, it is okay to leave Major Defile behind the ultimate because it costs 50, low enough to be considered a regular ability. Dragonknights' Major Defile is gated behind the Standard, their most expensive ultimate and hardest to keep enemies in without help. Templars require the Dark Flare morph of Sun Flare for Major Defile. For once, Templars are ahead of the other classes.

    Though as we can see, Templar and Sorcerer are severely lacking in the basic toolset, leading to very few builds for each class that are successful. Nightblades almost have the entire toolset, possessing Major Vitality instead of Major Mending, and are the most balanced and versatile class because of it. Dragonknights are a close second as they are missing several basic tools but still possess double the tools of Templar and Sorcerer.

    Granting the functionally same abilities to each class to achieve the same de/buffs is homogenization that lessens class identity. But granting these de/buffs through effectively different abilities is homogenization that retains class identity. Each of these classes has access to Major Ward and Major Resolve, but do the abilities that grant these buffs feel the same for each class? Templar has a rune that increases recovery; Dragonknight has a spiked shell that deals counter damage; Nightblade has a passive that activates when a skill line is used; Sorcerer has a lightning form that increases mobility and deals area damage. These all grant the same buffs, Major Resolve and Major Ward, and go about them in effectively different ways -- homogenization that retains class identity.

    And please, someone at ZOS read this post. It really shows why some classes are able to run different builds and others are locked down into very few options. This is something that should not have to wait until update 10 to get resolved.

    The fact that stuff like this wasn't part of the basic game design is concerning. ZOS didn't mathematically balance anything, not attributes when leveling up, not major/minor buffs per class, not cast timers for some critical skills but not others, not all-in-one skills that provide damage and self-heals, not useless ultimates against class defining abilities that don't require ultimate points, not anything. The game is just a scrambled hodgepodge of abilities with almost no forethought. The fundamental physics of their game looks to be bent and feels unstable. The system honestly feels like there is some giant gravitational field tugging away that is beyond the scope of our understanding. Is all of this only about money? The building blocks are there to make an incredibly diverse and reasonably balanced system, but the creators either don't have the guts to make the hard decisions, or the willingness to notice that their system will implode on itself. It makes me sad!
    Edited by joleda4ub17_ESO on February 23, 2016 4:40PM
  • Minno
    Well that escalated quickly lol.

    Back on topic, for TG update templars will find a way to make their class work. I have a few builds I think will be viable and already practiced healing both with and without BOL as a main spamable.

    I'm not worried just disappointed in the overall treatment of the class. Public enemy #1 is still ZOS as buggy skills continue to remain after 2 years.

    Let's not forget we asked for the following as a community priority:

    - stable game performance (pvp lag, pve fps issues)

    Have to wait for live to see if that was achieved. If not, this will be the real reason I leave ESO and I'd suggest you follow suite.

    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • david.haypreub18_ESO
    ZOS has a pattern of overcorrecting and 'fixing' the wrong things:

    --Block casting is a problem? Nerf all blocking
    --Damage and healing in PvP a problem? Nerf all damage and healing.
    --LOS for BOL a problem? Nerf BOL.

    After a bunch of these overcorrections, the meta just gets messed up: a bunch of skills are broken or useless (Blazing Shield comes to mind), others are OP, and the patchwork gets patchier.

    Moral of the story: don't overcorrect. Only fix what is broken. Blocking itself wasn't broken; block casting was. BOL wasn't the problem; the Line of Sight for it was. If you just change the meta without fixing the problem, the game becomes worse, not better.
    Templars are 'just slower... by design'
    Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
    VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
    VR 16 Sorcerer
    38 Nightblade
    24 DK
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.

    Exactly, it straight up won't happen. Nobody will run them on pvp. Nobody.

    To be fair a 95% of the crying about BoL was the fact that the templar could be hiding behind a wall/up the stairs/in the tower unseen and untouched and still healing and spamming away saving people.

    That is the role the pet is perfect for. Which is why it is so funny to me.

    Why do people word it as crying. Healing two people, randomly within it's radius is plain stupid and has zero level of skill. People in groups will have to run their own heal now abs actually multi task.

    And that is why it is funny. People wanted it changed as it is obvious you did. You are happy with the change. But then they made another class do it just as well if not better. the pet will heal to targets for cheaper in exactly the same way BoL did.

    I get it you are happy with the BoL nerf. But they made another class just as capable of doing what you are complaining about. Which you have to admit is funny. Because people in groups still wont have to run their own heals.
    Edited by vyndral13preub18_ESO on February 23, 2016 4:59PM
  • joleda4ub17_ESO
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.

    Exactly, it straight up won't happen. Nobody will run them on pvp. Nobody.

    To be fair a 95% of the crying about BoL was the fact that the templar could be hiding behind a wall/up the stairs/in the tower unseen and untouched and still healing and spamming away saving people.

    That is the role the pet is perfect for. Which is why it is so funny to me.

    Why do people word it as crying. Healing two people, randomly within it's radius is plain stupid and has zero level of skill. People in groups will have to run their own heal now abs actually multi task.

    A game where everyone is solo and PVP becomes a FFA doesn't appeal to everyone. It certainly doesn't appeal to me. The most fun I have in PVP is playing a healer and supporting my team. I think it's a blast. Take that away an I'm gone. Cyrodiil will eventually become a ghost zone where the only people left are solo and the only thing left to do is fight 1v1 arena style. There will be no new blood or no new fodder. People like you will complain about stuff why PVP is all 1v1 and you'll have nobody to blame but yourself. Congrats, it looks like you're winning.
  • bowmanz607
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.

    Exactly, it straight up won't happen. Nobody will run them on pvp. Nobody.

    To be fair a 95% of the crying about BoL was the fact that the templar could be hiding behind a wall/up the stairs/in the tower unseen and untouched and still healing and spamming away saving people.

    That is the role the pet is perfect for. Which is why it is so funny to me.

    Why do people word it as crying. Healing two people, randomly within it's radius is plain stupid and has zero level of skill. People in groups will have to run their own heal now abs actually multi task.

    A game where everyone is solo and PVP becomes a FFA doesn't appeal to everyone. It certainly doesn't appeal to me. The most fun I have in PVP is playing a healer and supporting my team. I think it's a blast. Take that away an I'm gone. Cyrodiil will eventually become a ghost zone where the only people left are solo and the only thing left to do is fight 1v1 arena style. There will be no new blood or no new fodder. People like you will complain about stuff why PVP is all 1v1 and you'll have nobody to blame but yourself. Congrats, it looks like you're winning.

    so running around hammering on one button is fun???
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.

    Exactly, it straight up won't happen. Nobody will run them on pvp. Nobody.

    To be fair a 95% of the crying about BoL was the fact that the templar could be hiding behind a wall/up the stairs/in the tower unseen and untouched and still healing and spamming away saving people.

    That is the role the pet is perfect for. Which is why it is so funny to me.

    Why do people word it as crying. Healing two people, randomly within it's radius is plain stupid and has zero level of skill. People in groups will have to run their own heal now abs actually multi task.

    A game where everyone is solo and PVP becomes a FFA doesn't appeal to everyone. It certainly doesn't appeal to me. The most fun I have in PVP is playing a healer and supporting my team. I think it's a blast. Take that away an I'm gone. Cyrodiil will eventually become a ghost zone where the only people left are solo and the only thing left to do is fight 1v1 arena style. There will be no new blood or no new fodder. People like you will complain about stuff why PVP is all 1v1 and you'll have nobody to blame but yourself. Congrats, it looks like you're winning.

    so running around hammering on one button is fun???

    Why are we talking about nightblades?

  • jcasini222ub17_ESO
    Reading some of these posts makes me feel like Ive been playing templar wrong.

    This is from large group perspective but when team members are getting low health, a burst is going on and you see 10 health bars dropping fast once below 20 percent I spam the hell out of mutagen. It seems to work amazingly and costs less than bol. After mut spam then healing springs stack , remembrance/pi if things are overly cray, then toss bol's around. The more I think this update changes nothing about the above rotation for healing I do but makes it stronger. Also this should all go on inside the puryfing ritual if possible.

    I understand the los checks argument and I agree with a caveat, los checks added healers all need an easy way to access major expedition since moving as a temp healer (Im jelly of nbs off heal combined with mobility hehe) is already pretty slow, its not like running and trying to toss healing springs is all that effective. I need to take into account where my main group is, enemy group, make assumptions on push dynamics and locations to fall back etc etc. This is me pugging without ts.

    I dont see any dps slotting more self healing abilities, the description above fits now and fits in the future just with me getting the benefit of major mending. DPS that move too far away from the healers will loose out on that extra bol heal.

    Once again Im thinking of this from a 20v20 (or more) keep battle perspective and apparently a healer that doesnt know what he's doing lol.

    That being said I will miss being able to spot heal 2 people randomly in pve with one bol cast making me feel like a true orc shaman.
  • timidobserver
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.

    Exactly, it straight up won't happen. Nobody will run them on pvp. Nobody.

    To be fair a 95% of the crying about BoL was the fact that the templar could be hiding behind a wall/up the stairs/in the tower unseen and untouched and still healing and spamming away saving people.

    That is the role the pet is perfect for. Which is why it is so funny to me.

    Why do people word it as crying. Healing two people, randomly within it's radius is plain stupid and has zero level of skill. People in groups will have to run their own heal now abs actually multi task.

    A game where everyone is solo and PVP becomes a FFA doesn't appeal to everyone. It certainly doesn't appeal to me. The most fun I have in PVP is playing a healer and supporting my team. I think it's a blast. Take that away an I'm gone. Cyrodiil will eventually become a ghost zone where the only people left are solo and the only thing left to do is fight 1v1 arena style. There will be no new blood or no new fodder. People like you will complain about stuff why PVP is all 1v1 and you'll have nobody to blame but yourself. Congrats, it looks like you're winning.

    so running around hammering on one button is fun???

    Well this whole thing became a big deal because a few highly skilled players freaked out when they couldn't bring down a healer by "hammering one button."
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Brrrofski
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.

    Exactly, it straight up won't happen. Nobody will run them on pvp. Nobody.

    To be fair a 95% of the crying about BoL was the fact that the templar could be hiding behind a wall/up the stairs/in the tower unseen and untouched and still healing and spamming away saving people.

    That is the role the pet is perfect for. Which is why it is so funny to me.

    Why do people word it as crying. Healing two people, randomly within it's radius is plain stupid and has zero level of skill. People in groups will have to run their own heal now abs actually multi task.

    And that is why it is funny. People wanted it changed as it is obvious you did. You are happy with the change. But then they made another class do it just as well if not better. the pet will heal to targets for cheaper in exactly the same way BoL did.

    I get it you are happy with the BoL nerf. But they made another class just as capable of doing what you are complaining about. Which you have to admit is funny. Because people in groups still wont have to run their own heals.

    For pve it will be relevant.

    Pvp, no sorc is going to run it. Simple as
  • Zheg
    FENGRUSH wrote: »

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.

    With the stupidly broken magicka meta that's incoming, as we were theorycrafting raid possibilities, one of the more fun ideas was a full 24 man group of sorcs with pets, particularly given that you can summon 2 atros because ZOS coding. Healing will be paltry next patch because of fasalla's guile and the sheer burst dmg #s requiring shields rather than sustain. The aoe caps from all those pets, plus shields, would make fengrush's head explode and be a monumental FU to wrobel and wheeler; their likely response? Nerf the damage of blazing spears a little because it was stronger than intended.

    If we're still playing the game come update 10 when vet levels are removed, wrobel can bet his juice boxes that we will have zero qualms about making people level to 50 and running the cheesiest group comp imaginable because he's utterly incapable of coherent class and combat balance.
    Edited by Zheg on February 23, 2016 5:38PM
  • Brrrofski
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.

    Exactly, it straight up won't happen. Nobody will run them on pvp. Nobody.

    To be fair a 95% of the crying about BoL was the fact that the templar could be hiding behind a wall/up the stairs/in the tower unseen and untouched and still healing and spamming away saving people.

    That is the role the pet is perfect for. Which is why it is so funny to me.

    Why do people word it as crying. Healing two people, randomly within it's radius is plain stupid and has zero level of skill. People in groups will have to run their own heal now abs actually multi task.

    A game where everyone is solo and PVP becomes a FFA doesn't appeal to everyone. It certainly doesn't appeal to me. The most fun I have in PVP is playing a healer and supporting my team. I think it's a blast. Take that away an I'm gone. Cyrodiil will eventually become a ghost zone where the only people left are solo and the only thing left to do is fight 1v1 arena style. There will be no new blood or no new fodder. People like you will complain about stuff why PVP is all 1v1 and you'll have nobody to blame but yourself. Congrats, it looks like you're winning.

    Well the game got a lot more fun for you. You'll have to use more in your arsenal than bol.

    People will have to slot a heal for themselves. How is that making it a solo game??
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