Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.1 on the PTS on Monday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).

Official Feedback Thread for Templars

  • Essiaga

    The thing about your opinion is that no matter what comes out of you mouth it holds weight because you have viewership and that viewership will often fall inline with what you say. Many of the things you suggested have come to be, you have to admit that much. AP rewards for small group. Gap Closers mini stun. Toppling Charge is now Dodge-able. DK changes ... even Arena and monster helms for AP.

    You also created a show called We Are ESO ... you're championing PVP as a whole but for the most part with the exclusion Templar class. You have admitted this and I don't know what you've attempted to do to rectify the situation. I know there are some Templar streamers and players who I feel would be more then qualified to speak on the Templar class. I think if the Templar received half the attention Magicka DK received fewer people would mind you're opinions on the templar. For Fengrush to rant on about BOL multiple times (though he has since clarified) with out a single Templar to counter the point seems unfair. You're experience is your own and as such it might not be as helpful to the community as someone who plays the class because they identify with the class. You'll only tear us down farther by pointing out where we work and not were we are broke. You might not be that voice but you do have the platform for that voice.

    I don't begrudge you for not finding enjoyment in the class. I don't enjoy playing my Sorc or stamNB. I do feel if the class were more balance in a few ways you might find more enjoyment in the Templar. You stated, I believe in the first WaESO, that you felt the templar class lacks mitigation, and mentioned Blinding Flashes. When it came time to discuss classes you covered DK and NB (which you have to admit are your 2 favorite classes) but didn't discuss Templar at all ... while I agree with Fengrush that Sorc/Stam Sorc didn't get addressed as well, he's had occasion to bring up issues with the stam sorc on multiple occasions(not to mention you and King play magicka Sorc), where as there's never been true Templar representation.

    So I think you can see the way the community perceives you is that of a leader and a voice of the players but your voice doesn't cover 1 class and that class is the one I'd say is most lacking in direction/identity and honestly the one who has received the most nerfs in the name of balance. DK, NB, Magicka Sorc ... we know who they are. Templars as a whole and Fengrush's beloved Stam Sorc seem to lack in the identity department.

    Maybe point out what you feel the class needs to make you more interested in playing it. Point out what you think the weakness is when you fight Templars. Maybe meet up with some templar streamers and invite them to discuss the class.

    But two thing I think We Are ESO absolutely needs to champion is
    • Bugged skills - like Chains and Toppling Charge that have been bugged super long time.
    • Battle Spirit, which seems to be a permanent band-aid an obvious place to start when ZOS looks at 'balance' in ESO. It effects 2 class more so then the others and those 2 were considered by most to be the bottom of PVP.

    i don't feel you present yourself as an expert, even on the classes you clearly excel at. I don't follow you, other then seeing some youtube videos and WaESO, but you always seem to take opinions into account and give you're perception. I appreciate the passion you have in the game and the voices you do give its player base.

    Keep fighting the good fight, just include the Templar as best you can.

  • TheM0rganism
    PS4 DC Stamina Templar Tank/DPS...because I ALWAYS play on hard mode
    #2233 - Never Forget
  • nagarjunna
    nagarjunna wrote: »
    Aedric Spear
    Focused Charge: Made further improvements to this ability and its morphs to prevent you from getting locked out of using other abilities.

    Yeah, right! One bug fix! When action's and words differ, believe actions! No improvements no changes business as usual

    I believe an amendment is in order:

    @nagarjunna- PC / NA / AD / DC
    Zazarakel - Max CP Magicka Templar
    Tartys - Max CP Stamina Nightblade
    Temelechus - Max CP Magicka Sorcerer
    Assaku - Max CP Stamina DragonKnight
    Truthforge - Sub 50 Stamina Templar
    Yang Wudi Sub 50 Stamina Sorceror [DC]
    Shou Chung Sub 50 Magicka DragonKnight
    Chen Tuan Sun 50 Magicka Nightblade
  • bowmanz607
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?
    Welcome to the forums. The place where people nitpick language out of context in hopes of furthering their weak arguments. I see this in law school everyday. It is a laughable attempt to discredit people character because it is all they have. The flaw is that any competent person will tear it apart and make you look silly.

    I'm sure a jury of your peers will see through the weak argument and attempt of opposing counsel and find you to be a credit let expert witness that has the proper experience and knowledge required to speak on the topic :)
  • Thal
    Perhaps if we all affectionately refer to "Toppling Charge" as "Overload," it will get an immediate hotfix to ensure it works.

    On a serious note, I was looking forward to not dying in VMA due to a potion lock out a wholeeeeeee lot until this moment.
  • TheM0rganism
    PS4 DC Stamina Templar Tank/DPS...because I ALWAYS play on hard mode
    #2233 - Never Forget
  • blabafat
    Essiaga wrote: »
    blabafat wrote: »
    @SemiD4rkness @Hymzir

    Yes; I agree that a skilled s/b stam DK is extremely hard to fight in live as a magicka templar - no doubt. Sribes beats me more than I beat him 100% true.

    However, in the next update, it's WAYY EASIER to fight these kind of builds because of the changes to CP, sweeps, vampires bane, and proxy det. With the CP system you can mitigate so much damage while buffing your own. As to what was buffed:

    Radiant Destruction - No longer dodgeable
    Dark Flare - 12% additional damage
    Vampires Bane - Everything about this skill was buffed. It's in general stronger - longer duration, damage, works on shields/block
    Jabs - Snares for 70%
    Healing passive applies major mending now - obvious buff
    Crescent sweep - 66% additional damage now (Though I have yet to compare this to dawnbreaker. I just need to wait on live patch)

    Those are the significant changes I saw. Radiant destruction not being dodgeable is HUGE. It hits extremely hard (Easily 10k plus ticks). As for channeled focus, on the live patch, you get the magicka recovery for 18 seconds, whether or not you are in the circle. On PTS, I haven't tested it after they made another change to it.

    Toppling Charge is the reason I stopped playing in December. They could fix it by replacing it with ambush or shield charge while the figure out what's wrong ... If they can't then there's no hope for ESO at all.

    @blabafat ... I don't believe the Templar is dead. I simply believe its not the class I signed up for and clearly lacks in mitigation and simply gets weaker at it with EVERY balance updated. The Cleansing Ritual fix is the latest example of that.

    DPS means little to me. Shield stacking is really the only place I've had legit complaint about my DPS output.

    Sun Shield. Blinding Flashes. Eclipse. Ritual ... That's my complaint. BOL is the only thing in class we have left. While I'll agree some of those skill at one time were OP I don't think it warrants them being removed and replaced with nothing, or nerfed into the dirt. Sorc are left with a decent shield ... at the cost Sun Shield and Igneous. That's not balance.

    Don't discount the level of experience you have with the class either. You've put as much time/effort into ESO as most people do learning MATH in their lives. Think about it. You also have a level of patients and acceptance for games many of us do not. You'll master whats in front of you. I just want to want to play the game. Lack of class identity is ruining it for me.

    *** used to have the "I want to be Like Mike" ads. Most people want to be like Blab, Sypher, Fengrush ... That's why you have viewership. You're really good and if you're having issues with this build or that, then 90 to 98% of players are hopeless (not that all builds need to be equally good against all other possible builds.)

    I wouldn't dream of tanking with a Templar when I have NB, DK, and Templar all at V16. I seriously think I'll be filling all three roles (heal, tank, dps) and possibly PVPing on my DK (if I continue playing ESO), but every time I play another class it just makes me want to play a viable Templar again. The Templar class used to fit like a glove. Now its missing fingers and the middle one is all I got left.

    Also you didn't mention Backlash or Eclipse. The 2 skills that got reworked. What do you think about them?

    Eclipse was kind of nerfed, and backlash will never be viable until it can crit
    Fire Cloak - VR12 DK - Nord - EP
    Ámeer - VR15 Templar - Imperial - AD
    The Mágician - VR16 Templar - Imperial DC
    Magíc - VR16 DK - Dark Elf - DC
    Àmeer - VR16 Templar - High Elf - DC
    ámeer - VR16 Templar - High Elf - AD
    Æ ámeer - VR16 Templar - High Elf - EP
    Ameer Flow - Level 34 Nightblade - High Elf - EP

  • Brrrofski
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.
  • Dread_Guy
    @blabafat I heard from @Deltia that backlash can crit now.
    "My name is Julius Decimus Heraclius, Guildmaster of the Scions of the Sun, Brigadier of the Covenant Army, loyal servant to the High King Emeric. Brother to a betrayed legion, son to a fallen empire. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next." ---Julius Decimus Heraclius (Imperial Templar)
  • danno8
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.
  • Rudyard
    Evidently the sorcs complaining about the frailty of their templar pet got heard, this from today's patch notes:
    Conjured Ward: Fixed an issue with this ability and its morphs where the damage shield created for your pets was not updating its value when the ability was re-cast.
    Deacon Grim
  • Soris
    60 pages
    1.8k posts
    in 19 days.

    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • danno8
    @blabafat I heard from @Deltia that backlash can crit now.

    It can crit, but don't think it can crit past the cap. Pretty sure they made it able to crit a few patches ago.
  • Jakhajay
    Brrrofski wrote: »

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    What about PvEers then? This will absolutely destroy PUGs
    Sh'ira - One Eyed Tihm - Do'Mazar - Dar'Sol - Hazzahn - J'darr Sun-Arrow - Bishabi -J'manna - Narim Tollana - Abijah-Ra - Idhassi-Ko - Kajhe the Salty - Ti'lani - Sabhan-Dar - Palamai
    JakhajayAlt: Azala-Do - Saahni the Ohmes - S'aolla of the Darks - Zashima-La Ako'Zhajiit - Lo'Mai-Dro - Taheh-Do - Hrrula - Hatamira - Da'lai

    Shield Anvil - Trake's Talons
    Knight Praefect - Knights of the Steel Claw

    All Khajiit, All the time!
    For Elsweyr and her people!
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Rudyard wrote: »
    Evidently the sorcs complaining about the frailty of their templar pet got heard, this from today's patch notes:
    Conjured Ward: Fixed an issue with this ability and its morphs where the damage shield created for your pets was not updating its value when the ability was re-cast.

    Dont worry pets are squishy! Once you get theough the spamable shields to killing the spam healing pet you are golden...

    Unless ofcourse you want to use our powerhouse dark flare as hard and long as it is to get that off they will probably have recast the pet and shielded it again. I guess we could charge them to stun them so... Nevermind.
  • Essiaga
    Thal wrote: »
    Perhaps if we all affectionately refer to "Toppling Charge" as "Overload," it will get an immediate hotfix to ensure it works.

    On a serious note, I was looking forward to not dying in VMA due to a potion lock out a wholeeeeeee lot until this moment.

    I think we should say that its OP. Templar fixes usually revolve around making us worse.
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    It annoying for the Templar as well. Sometimes the heal we need goes elsewhere ... though I'm using HtD.

    I'd like Healing Ritual to be replaced with BOL and ONLY heal others. Then Rushed Ceremony can be made a self heal only.
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    Essiaga wrote: »
    Thal wrote: »
    Perhaps if we all affectionately refer to "Toppling Charge" as "Overload," it will get an immediate hotfix to ensure it works.

    On a serious note, I was looking forward to not dying in VMA due to a potion lock out a wholeeeeeee lot until this moment.

    I think we should say that its OP. Templar fixes usually revolve around making us worse.
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    It annoying for the Templar as well. Sometimes the heal we need goes elsewhere ... though I'm using HtD.

    I'd like Healing Ritual to be replaced with BOL and ONLY heal others. Then Rushed Ceremony can be made a self heal only.

    Having an in-class self heal has been a dream of mine since I was made familiar with the class.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • skarvika
    I main a templar and feel stupidly weak in PVP. As in I can't hit OR heal for beans...
    Edited by skarvika on February 23, 2016 3:04AM
    QQing is a full time job
  • GhostwalkerLD
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Edited by GhostwalkerLD on February 23, 2016 4:22AM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • GhostwalkerLD
    Essiaga wrote: »
    Thal wrote: »
    Perhaps if we all affectionately refer to "Toppling Charge" as "Overload," it will get an immediate hotfix to ensure it works.

    On a serious note, I was looking forward to not dying in VMA due to a potion lock out a wholeeeeeee lot until this moment.

    I think we should say that its OP. Templar fixes usually revolve around making us worse.
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    It annoying for the Templar as well. Sometimes the heal we need goes elsewhere ... though I'm using HtD.

    I'd like Healing Ritual to be replaced with BOL and ONLY heal others. Then Rushed Ceremony can be made a self heal only.

    That would be awesome and actually would make Healing Ritual useful... which is why it probably won't happen. :(
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • CP5
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    It does have a cost, the pets current summoning cost. But in all honesty that pet is suicidal and will get itself killed when you need it most. And if they are used in pvp people will just one shot the things and leave the sorc needing to resummon more often than not. But I agree, this is just like when they nerfed surge with the cooldown, then gave everyone the cp passive to heal on crits, or the stamina regen when blocking nerf being paired with the original black rose set. They are not good at timing those are they?
  • ashlee17
    Another Templar here concerned about the nerf to breath of life. It quite a "tweak". Please reverse this decision or at least reduce it casting cost to reflect its deminished effectiveness.

    Im glad to hear about the improvements to the reliability of the Templar charge. Looking forward to using it again.
    Edited by ashlee17 on February 23, 2016 9:39AM
    Administrator of More Than Fair Guild- North American Server- Come and Join us for a fun and friendly experience - 480+ members and great trader location- all factions welcome - mail me @ashlee17 in game for an invite.
    Join the crusade for better guild management tools!
    Please comment and support this cause!
  • Cinbri
    We got patch that fixed nothing for templar... Not even ninja-fix of anything related to templar.
    Even a single request to add just a visual effect to templar skill ignored..
    Everything that could be spoken already told 20 times in this thread. Everything i could think of i told here
    With such "fixes" i pretty sure when they will make everything works on damage shields our sweep healing still won't work coz we unique. At this point don't see reason to waste time on talking about anything in this thread of "Templar feedback".
    Edited by Cinbri on February 23, 2016 7:28AM
  • Essiaga
    Yeah. Nearly 1800 post over 60 pages and not word one. Pointless. Our money is no good.

    I'm out. Best of luck all.
  • Brrrofski
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.
    Jakhajay wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    Honestly, no sorc is going to run them in pvp. Straight up. I certainly won't be.

    What about PvEers then? This will absolutely destroy PUGs

    Why will it? If the healer has half a brain, they were using more than bol anyway. People just have to stop being so stupid in dungeons. If that's impossible, just join a guild or find a good group and stick with them for pledges. Learn how you all play and things get easy.

    Maybe this wasn't the answer. But something had to be done. I'd prefer if it had a LoS effect, but this will do.
    Edited by Brrrofski on February 23, 2016 8:38AM
  • Farorin
    I wonder if literally anybody from ZOS is still listening, or if this thread has been forgotten despite the ruckus we are all causing?
  • nagarjunna
    After the latest farce (toppling charge fix/no fix) my original belief has been confirmed. My beloved Templar is retired!

    This class has been destroyed utterly by well-meaning individuals who when they have finished killing the class will cry out: "We did not mean to..."

    It will be too late.
    @nagarjunna- PC / NA / AD / DC
    Zazarakel - Max CP Magicka Templar
    Tartys - Max CP Stamina Nightblade
    Temelechus - Max CP Magicka Sorcerer
    Assaku - Max CP Stamina DragonKnight
    Truthforge - Sub 50 Stamina Templar
    Yang Wudi Sub 50 Stamina Sorceror [DC]
    Shou Chung Sub 50 Magicka DragonKnight
    Chen Tuan Sun 50 Magicka Nightblade
  • Mumyo
    Iyas wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    I feel the power of buffed Dark Flare... when my Dark Flare was reflected by Scales and one-shotted me with 20k damage.

    did you leave your house? but without double reflect and projectile purge its a real problem. What happens if you put the bubble on a reflect dk?

    so good xD
    Edited by Mumyo on February 23, 2016 9:48AM
  • Ffastyl
    There are several basic tools every class should have available from class abilities. These are Major Resolve, Major Ward, Major Mending, Major Evasion, Major Defile, Major Brutality, Major Sorcery, Minor Maim, Major Breach and Major Fracture. Players can choose any combination of weapon and class abilities to attain these de/buffs for use, including combinations with only weapon abilities and only class abilities.

    Templars have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Mending
    • Major Defile

    Dragonknights have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Mending
    • Major Defile
    • Major Fracture
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery
    • Minor Maim

    Nightblades have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Evasion
    • Major Defile
    • Major Fracture
    • Major Breach
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery
    • Minor Maim
    • Major Vitality

    Sorcerers have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery

    While Major Defile is accessible to three classes, it's gated behind an ultimate for 2 and cast time for Templars. For Nightblades, it is okay to leave Major Defile behind the ultimate because it costs 50, low enough to be considered a regular ability. Dragonknights' Major Defile is gated behind the Standard, their most expensive ultimate and hardest to keep enemies in without help. Templars require the Dark Flare morph of Sun Flare for Major Defile. For once, Templars are ahead of the other classes.

    Though as we can see, Templar and Sorcerer are severely lacking in the basic toolset, leading to very few builds for each class that are successful. Nightblades almost have the entire toolset, possessing Major Vitality instead of Major Mending, and are the most balanced and versatile class because of it. Dragonknights are a close second as they are missing several basic tools but still possess double the tools of Templar and Sorcerer.

    Granting the functionally same abilities to each class to achieve the same de/buffs is homogenization that lessens class identity. But granting these de/buffs through effectively different abilities is homogenization that retains class identity. Each of these classes has access to Major Ward and Major Resolve, but do the abilities that grant these buffs feel the same for each class? Templar has a rune that increases recovery; Dragonknight has a spiked shell that deals counter damage; Nightblade has a passive that activates when a skill line is used; Sorcerer has a lightning form that increases mobility and deals area damage. These all grant the same buffs, Major Resolve and Major Ward, and go about them in effectively different ways -- homogenization that retains class identity.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
    danno8 wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    Dreddlock- wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    @sypherpk and @blabafat Im very tired of repeating the same thing but I will so you guys can get it. Can templar be somewhat succesfull in pvp? Yes. Can templars be competitive in pvp? Magicka to a certain degree and a big NO for stam templar (same can be said about stam sorc)
    I dare you guys to fight Sribes or any good sword and board stam DK with a templar (magicka or stamina). As I said before, you will not beat him. @sypherpk thinks of himself as a very talented player, id like to see him tryhard vs a top 5 magicka sorc on a templar (stam or magicka)
    I could also post videos of me slaying 5+ dudes, heck, even 10 dudes sometimes in iC and all that as a stamina templar but that doesn't mean that the class is fine. You sypher kill vr4s and 5s by just spamming jabs then you expect us all to "realise" how good templars are.

    I didn't post the videos to prove templars are top notch. I know they are not. I just posted them to show that I have enough experience with the class to at least talk about the class.

    I highly regard your DK, Sorc, and Nightblade skills, but when you don't even know if the removal of knockback on puncturing sweeps and it's morphs are good or bad..... please stop. Your embarrassing your self.

    Actually it would have been embarrassing if I pretended to know if it was a good or bad thing without actually having the knowledge.

    At least I can admit when I don't know something or make a mistake. Except some of you are looking at a 2.5 hour video I posted where I read the notes for the first time quickly without any real time to reflect/analyze it and are trying to rip any slight mistake or slip up just to belittle or discredit me.

    I stated right in the begging of my Templar part of the video that "I am NOT a Templar expert" so I'm confused where you are getting this idea that I know the class inside out. All I said was I've played it and I'm commenting on it from my experience with the class.

    Where did this elitist attitude come from?

    The issue wasn't your mistake or slip up. The issue, for me at least, was the reflexive whine about an insignificant buff to a Templar synergy even though you had no idea what it was. It demonstrated your bias. You were so prepared to whine for more nerfs that you did it before you even knew what you were whining about.

    Additionally, you basically celebrated the BoL nerf like it was a birthday present showing even more bias. You certainly have the right to be as bias as you want and celebrate our nerfs, but you shouldn't expect a friendly reception in our thread afterwards.

    I have v16 magica and stamina templars. So I have no bias against them.

    I also celebrated the bol nerf. It's so frigging annoying when fighting that a templar anywhere in the range, who may be having his own fight and doesn't even know his alliance memeber is fighting, heals himself and then the guy i'm fighting is getting healed.

    It's way too strong in pvp. Pve wise, most the content is far too easy as it is. So having to use more than bol isn't a big deal.

    So I'm glad it got nerfed. That along with the barrier and purge nerf may mean that people will have to use their brains and not just get saved by other people who happen to be near them.

    I honestly can't wait for Sorcerers with the new improved BoL from Twilight Matriarch, who will now be fully shielded with a refreshable Hardened Ward, to start stacking and healing even better in a 35m no line of site circle.

    People are gonna lament the old BoL.

    It does sort of take the teeth out of their justification that BOL was "Too powerful a heal" when they take that exact same heal and give it to sorcerers... and make it even better (costing no mana, on a shieldable pet, spammable), while leaving ours still costing the same amount yet healing for 25% less.

    But hey, whatever. Gives me an even better reason to level my sorcerer and heal on him instead. Assuming I decide to keep playing.

    Lol I cant wait for people to replace burst healing of templars with pets - Im sure thatll work out great.
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