Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

[The Bug Notes] Compendium of current Bugs / Exploits

  • asneakybanana
    Xantaria wrote: »
    I would like to submit a bug which has been an on and off issue and back again as of the most recent update.

    At sometime between tanking the Foundation Stone Atronarch and the Mage, my health bar breaks. The health bar will start to stay at 100% and only slightly drop (if it drops at all). I think that something during the Wisp Mother fight or Foundation Stone Atronarch is causing this issue.

    I would like to say it has made me a better tank because I don't know what my health is at when tanking axes, but I am getting really tired of this bug.

    Do you know if other people in your raid have the same problem? And so far I don't think it's reproducable ... we kinda need to find out when exactly this happens. I know the Templar Healing Ultimate was the reason for some issues related to health bars in the past. Are people in your raids using it?

    Nobody is using that ultimate and it is only reproducible to the extent that it happens during some patches. One patch the de-synch would happen on every single AA run and this most recent patch it happened 1/2 times last night. I would like to get to the bottom of what is happening, but it is hard to in a raid.

    I have heard of health bar synching issues in AA before, but can't recall others having my exact issue. It makes me believe that it has something to do with the role that I am. The only fix that I know of is to die, but I will have to see if re-eating food works.

    Can't say I noticed your health bar last night but I do remember back in 1.4 or 1.5 my health bar would get despatched from either foundation atro or varlariel every time.
    Asneakybanana AD DK Former emperor of Chrysamere and Chillrend. World first hardmode Hel'ra and Quake con winner (Alliance rank 25)
    Asneakyhabenero EP DK Former emperor of Thornblade, Haderus. World first vMA Dk clear (Alliance rank 39)
    Asneakycucumber EP Sorc Former empress of Blackwater Bay and Trueflame (Alliance rank 32)
    Asneakypineapple EP Temp Former empress of Azuras Star and Haderus (Alliance rank 22)
    Asneakypickle EP NB Former empress of Trueflame (Alliance rank 47)
    Sweat Squad
    Crowned 27x on 12 different campaign cycles | 200M+ AP earned
    Fastest AA clear ever: 5:42 | Fastest HRC clear ever: 5:27 | NA first HM MoL
    609k Mag Sorc vMA
    NA first Tick Tock Tormentor
    NA first trinity (All No Death/HM/Speed run trials titles)
    2x Tick Tock Tormentor
  • Xantaria
    Xantaria wrote: »
    Asmael wrote: »
    Didn't see it in the list so...

    Weapon visual effects do not transpose correctly when swapping weapons, or just look like "toggles" without actually being one...

    - Rally (morph of Momentum) displays a white visual effect over the entire weapon. Reactivating the ability deactivates this effect. Reactivating again will re-enable the visuals. Not tested with Forward Momentum nor Momentum.
    - Multiples visual effects of the previously swapped weapon will persist. Grim Focus, Evil Hunter, Molten armaments... are affected. Equip a certain weapon type, like a 2-handed sword, use the skill, then swap to bow or dual wield for instance. The visuals retained after the swap will be the ones of the 2-handed sword.

    Not that it only affects VISUALS, not the actual effects of these abilities.

    There is actually an Addon that fixes this ... :')

    Please share the addon name. This is annoying and I sometimes cannot tell which weapon I have swapped to.

    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • Xantaria
    Xantaria wrote: »
    RoyJade wrote: »
    Valkyn Skoria is proccing at under a 1% chance per DoT tick.
    You can see it says it hit 12 times but when i went to go look at the mage only DPS it only showed 9 hits and I had over 1k DoT ticks over the duration of the fight. The 25% damage nerf was needed but this proc chance cant be intended.

    Have you consider the large cooldown between each proc ? Your dot tick a lot after a proc and during this time Valkyn can't proc.
    More testing can be interesting, to see if it's a % proc nerf or just the cooldown.

    Exactly this. Don't forget the cooldown. I do believe Valkyn Skoria works correctly.
    It has a 20s+ cool down now? When did this happen I always thought it was 5. I have an average of 4.9 ticks a second which should give me a 20% proc chance a second which means it should on average take 5s to get a proc. Even with a 5s cool down that's only 10s to proc it which should b 21+ procs not 9. There is no way 9 procs in 215s is working as intended.

    That's not how a Random Number Generator works ... Can you get more logs like that one? I don't know the cooldown exactly but I was guessing it's around 6 seconds.
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • olsborg
    After casting an ability with a cast time and animation canceling with light attack or other abilities, such as crystal fragment followed swiftly by a light attack and entropy will make your cf animation get stuck to the side of your head and the dmg doesnt seem to hit your target, at this time, both your target and your own hp get desynced, and when you or your target dies, the hp bar seem to catch up. This happens with wrecking blow and snipe too for reference.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • asneakybanana
    Xantaria wrote: »
    Xantaria wrote: »
    RoyJade wrote: »
    Valkyn Skoria is proccing at under a 1% chance per DoT tick.
    You can see it says it hit 12 times but when i went to go look at the mage only DPS it only showed 9 hits and I had over 1k DoT ticks over the duration of the fight. The 25% damage nerf was needed but this proc chance cant be intended.

    Have you consider the large cooldown between each proc ? Your dot tick a lot after a proc and during this time Valkyn can't proc.
    More testing can be interesting, to see if it's a % proc nerf or just the cooldown.

    Exactly this. Don't forget the cooldown. I do believe Valkyn Skoria works correctly.
    It has a 20s+ cool down now? When did this happen I always thought it was 5. I have an average of 4.9 ticks a second which should give me a 20% proc chance a second which means it should on average take 5s to get a proc. Even with a 5s cool down that's only 10s to proc it which should b 21+ procs not 9. There is no way 9 procs in 215s is working as intended.

    That's not how a Random Number Generator works ... Can you get more logs like that one? I don't know the cooldown exactly but I was guessing it's around 6 seconds.

    In aware that's not how they work but on average over a million hits that would be about how often it would proc. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I'll try and get more but the problem is a lot of the times it does so little dps it doesn't show up on my dps report. Have like a minute 10 adjustors fight with only 3 procs running more dots then I did in the mage fight. So it seems that it's pretty consistent in terms of proc rate. Will post. The a screens jot of that when I get home from work. The set would actually be pretty decent still if they didn't need the proc rate so hard.
    Asneakybanana AD DK Former emperor of Chrysamere and Chillrend. World first hardmode Hel'ra and Quake con winner (Alliance rank 25)
    Asneakyhabenero EP DK Former emperor of Thornblade, Haderus. World first vMA Dk clear (Alliance rank 39)
    Asneakycucumber EP Sorc Former empress of Blackwater Bay and Trueflame (Alliance rank 32)
    Asneakypineapple EP Temp Former empress of Azuras Star and Haderus (Alliance rank 22)
    Asneakypickle EP NB Former empress of Trueflame (Alliance rank 47)
    Sweat Squad
    Crowned 27x on 12 different campaign cycles | 200M+ AP earned
    Fastest AA clear ever: 5:42 | Fastest HRC clear ever: 5:27 | NA first HM MoL
    609k Mag Sorc vMA
    NA first Tick Tock Tormentor
    NA first trinity (All No Death/HM/Speed run trials titles)
    2x Tick Tock Tormentor
  • Elsonso
    Maybe the maintenance tonight/tomorrow on PC/Mac will drop a patch that fixes some of these things.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • lonewolf26
    Please update the bug on Vigor to remove the bit about Vigor not breaking stealth as being a bug. According o Gina's post here it's intended to leave you in stealth.
  • WitchyWarrior
    Experienced today after the 2.1.7 patch (Mac).

    After exiting combat (intermittently), the cursor doesn't react to objects that can be interacted with i.e corpse. Crosshairs stay open and no 'E' pops up. Only way to clear that I've come across is to log out and back in (done this over 8 times in the past few hours, which is a pain). /reloadui has no effect on this.

    This happens everyday, multiple times a day in IC, Cyrodiil & PVE land since the patch as well. It does happen more frequently in IC though.

    If I swap weapons then dodge roll, it fixes it 99% of the time. It's VERY irritating in the Sewers when you are in a rush to get away from something but want to loot the bodies real fast.
    It happens in Cyrodiil trying to open doors.

    I swear ZOS is doing it on purpose because they want me to do tricks to get through doors. At least that's what I tell myself to not get so frustrated hahaha :)

    But please fix it somehow!
  • Dracane
    Another bug:

    The weapon glyph 'Glyph of weakening' reduces the targets weapon damage.
    But this glyphs cooldown is 9 seconds instead of 4 seconds like any other glyph.
    Auri-El is my lord,
    Trinimac is my shield,
    Magnus is my mind.

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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Thanks to everyone for compiling this list, and especially to @Xantaria for keeping it up to date! We wanted to provide a status for the issues you all called out, in red text below. For anything that doesn't have an update, it was likely added after we started going through the full list.

    Excuse the shortness and/or repetitiveness of some of these answers; there's a lot to go through. :sweat_smile:

    Bugged Skills / Passives:
    • Trap Beast (Fighter's Guild): Currently the buff (Minor Force) granted by this ability is only increasing the bonus critical damage instead of the critical damage stated in the tooltip. Working on a fix, but no ETA.
    • Mara's Blessing (Champion System): Currently not working for everyone. For Dragonknights it seems to not work at all. Might be a stacking issue with Mountain's Blessing. Hmm, think there might be some confusion here. Mara's Blessing is a quest reward for the White-Gold Tower; there is a Champion ability called Mara's Gift. In either case, neither have anything to do with Ultimate generation which is what Mountain's Blessing affects, and both appear to be working correctly. Please provide additional information if necessary.
    • Elfborn / Precise Strikes (Champion System): Both Passives only grant half of the critical damage described in the tooltip. This could also be a tooltip error because if it would state that it increases the bonus critical damage it would be working correctly. But also their values are rounded heavily which means they only have an actual effect on your damage at those points: 1, 5, 11, 17, 24, 31, 40, 49, 58, 68, 78 and 89 (Thanks to @Asayre ). This also means putting points into those passives after 89 does not have any effect whatsoever. Working on a fix, but no ETA.
    • Radiant Destruction (Templar): This skill and its morphs always crit on the first tick. Previously the first tick was not able to crit at all. The fix to that gave it 100% crit. Could not reproduce this, and need more information if possible. Videos are always a plus!
    • Talons (Dragonknight): This skill is now blockable. This was not mentioned in any Patch Notes and might be a bug. Originally this was intended and was simply missed in the patch notes, but we will be reverting the change in a future update so it will not be blockable once again.
    • Molten Weapons (Dragonknight): This skill and its morphs do not increase the damage of the channeled heavy attacks from Lightning Staffs and Restoration Staffs.
    • Guard (Support): This skill got the tooltip: "While toggled Stamina does regenerate." added. This change to the tooltip was made at the same time Zenimax introduced zero Stamina Regenaration while blocking. Yet Stamina does not regenerate while using that skill and blocking at the same time. By @Aconight : Video
    • Rally (Two-Handed): The strong heal you should receive when the buff expires does not always work. By @VaxtinTheWolf : Video
    • Rapid Strikes (Dual Wield): This skill (both morphs most likely) does not procc the Ravager Set. We found that Ravager procs off Flurry and both morphs, so we'll need some more info on this.
    • Piercing Mark (Nightblade): This skill can cause monsters to desync. The piercing Mark is probably client sided and therefore shows the monster at a different position than it actually is on the server. Attacking the monster will force a resync resulting in the mob teleporting to his correct position.
    • Anticavalry Caltrops (Assault): This morph is supposed to increase the duration to 35 seconds from 30 seconds. It stays at 30 seconds. This will be fixed in the next update.
    • Charging Maneuver / Rapid Maneuver (Assault): @stevenbennett_ESO : For some characters/players, correctly buffs walking/running speed, but has no effect on mounted speed. More likely to happen on characters below VR1, but I've seen reports of it on some veteran chars as well. More likely to happen with unmorphed Rank I Rapid Maneuver, but I've seen reports of it at other ranks and morphs. Happens regardless of mount speed training (I've seen it with 0% and others have seen it at 60%). Happens both in PvE areas and Cyrodiil. 100% reproducible on characters it happens with. There are several threads reporting it (here, here, and here), including one from August back on the PTS (here). And I made a video demonstrating it: Video EDIT (2.1.6): Still people have issues with this! This will be fixed in the next update.
    • Caltrops (Assault): When you throw caltrops down and you sprint over them sometimes you'll gain super speed. This happens almost always when fighting Grobull in Veteran Darkshade Caverns and probably has to do with his reflect mechanic. It has been reported to also happen in Cyrodiil which could be a bigger problem because let's be honest ... 1000% movement speed is extremely funny but also slightly unfair.
    • Siphoning Attacks (Nightblade): This morph of Siphoning Strikes does not trigger the Transfer (Nightblade, Siphoning) Passive. This might be due to that morph being a toggle before 2.1.4. Now that it is a buff it should grant the Ultimate on activation. This appears to be functioning correctly. This passive only works while gaining Ultimate so you need to use either a light or heavy attack, or be healing.
    • Sap Essence (Nightblade): It is possible to dodge the healing component of this skill. This can be abused to generate Ultimate out of fights. Working on a fix, but no ETA.
    • Thundering Presence (Sorcerer): This skill does not procc Ravager although it should when damaging enemies in melee range. This skill was bugged on PTS in a way that it was proccing Ravager even when not hitting any mobs with it. I reported that issue and got a reply that they are fixing it. Seems they just made it so it doesn't procc Ravager at all.
    • Heavy Weapons (Two-Handed), Twin Blade and Blunt (Dual Wield): The Bleeding caused by Axes occurs two seconds after applying it. While constantly attacking / weaving you will never actually get any bleed damage on your target because the effect will just get reapplied again and again and won't have two seconds of time to ever cause damage. Working on a fix, but no ETA.
    • Vigor (Assault): This stamina ability's critical heals are increased by Elfborn (Spell Critical Damage) instead of Precise Strikes (Weapon Critical Damage). Also this ability does not unstealth you when used in stealth. The former will be fixed in our next update, and the latter is intended.
    • Battle Resurrection (Support): This passive does not work in Imperial City (questionable if intended or not). Working on a fix, but no ETA.
    • Any Charge Ability (Two Handed / Templar / Sword and Board) : We all know it: Those Charge abilities can get you stuck, leaving your character unable to move forever. Working on a fix, but no ETA.
    • Overload (Sorcerer): Sometimes the light attack animations for Overload Light Attacks are missing: By @Xilc : Video
    • Sorcerer Pets (Sorcerer): As reported by @Fat_Cat45, sorc pets damage is not increased by Elemental Expert or Elfborn ( @Asayre : Also it seems that pets only take the caster's crit chance but not crit multiplier. On top of that the pets sometimes become unresponsive and don't do anything at all. By @Xilc : Video
    • Concealed Weapons (Nightblade): The speed buff this ability should be granting does not always apply. Using this ability out of Bat Swarm (Vampire) can result in an unbreakable stun on the target (needs confirmation). We're not able to reproduce this, and need more information. Keep in mind the boost is only granted if you are invisible or hidden.
    • Shuffle (Medium Armor): The visual effect is not always present when used in combination with other visual effects (for example Dragon Blood (Dragonknight) or Quick Cloak (Dual Wield)). This makes it hard to track wether it is active or not. There is also a report of a combination of Shuffle and Dragon Blood making it impossible to see the Magicka Bomb in the Serpent (Sanctum Ophidia) fight. This is intended as you are only able to have one visual effect on you at a time.
    • Flames of Oblivion (Dragonknight): This ability's first hit always does extremely little damage (like 1 to 5 damage). We're not able to reproduce this, and need more info.
    Bugged Achievements / Dungeons:
    • Lord Warden in ICP (Dungeon): Very rarely the boss does not give you any portals at the start and proceeds to charge his oneshot ability guaranteeing a wipe. EDIT (2.1.6): Maybe fixed! We're pretty sure we know what you all are talking about. Is it possible you're interrupting the portal cast?
    • ICP Timerun (Achievement): This Achievement is obtainable without actually doing the Timerun. In our case we did it within like 2 hours. We did Hardmode. EDIT (2.1.5): Still bugged! This should have been fixed in v2.1.6.
    • Serpent in Sanctum Ophidia (Trial): The pink bubbles the boss should spawn are not visible. You can only see a slight pink shade on the ground below them. This is something we've seen reported a number of times, but are not able to nail down the exact cause. As always, the more info you can give, the better!
    • Molag Kena in WGT (Dungeon): Sometimes one of Molag Kena's 4 adds (100% / 60% / 30%) can not be killed (suffers damages at first until it becomes untargetable). Even wiping does not always fix this issue. Thank you! Added this to our list to be fixed.
    • ICP Cells (Achievement): Currently it doesn't matter which cells you open for the achievement. Meaning you could go into the dungeon 4 times and always open the first Prison Cell and you will obtain the achievement although you are supposed to open the 4 different cells that are spread throughout the dungeon. This appears to be working as intended when we checked internally.
    • Flesh Abomination in ICP : The hoarvor's spawned by this boss sometimes are not attackable and walk around randomly (but they don't harm anybody) until the boss spawns his 4 exploding Hoarvors. The bugged hoarvors explode as well then. On PTS the fight worked without this issue. We aren't able to reproduce this, and need more info.
    • Lord Warden in ICP (Dungeon): When the Boss charges his oneshot ability and people are falling down from the sky after using the portals and there is a portal right in the middle, it will oneshot you when you land on it. Giving you the message 'Portal Feedback' in death recap. We aren't able to reproduce this, and need more info.
    • Molag Kena in WGT (Dungeon): Mac clients seem to always crash when Molag Kena starts up his cycling wall of lightning. EDIT (2.1.7): There have been some fixes for MAC client crashes so this might have been fixed. Should be fixed in the next update.
    • Normal Wayrest Sewers (Dungeon): Allene Pellingare will not spawn immediately upon defeating the fiendish hallucinations. Players must leave the area for her to reappear. Will be fixed in the next update.
    Bugged Items / Other:
    • Unable to use Skills (General): This is a very known issue, yet I'm not sure wether rapid weapon swaps are the source of this. They definitely play a role but I think it's rather when a Weapon Swap and a Skill are initiated at the exact same time. This cancels the skill but it's still trying to cast which causes a permanent global cooldown on your abilities. You can only cancel this global cooldown by sprinting because sprinting cancels any spell animation (also stuck ones caused by this bug) as the game does not allow any casting while sprinting.
    • Shield Breaker (Itemset): This set is not affected by the Battle Spirit (AvA) buff.
    • Beams (Visual) (XBOX ONE/PS4): The visuals of beams of all kinds are not always showing. Should be fixed in the next console patch.
    • Guild Bank (UI) (XBOX ONE/PS4): Loading/Removing many items in the Guild Bank causes bank or backpack items to not appear and the bank becomes unusable until relaunching client. Should be fixed in the next console patch.
    • Guild Trader (UI) (XBOX ONE/PS4): Currently doesn't show prices of items for sale. Should be fixed in the next console patch.
    • Player Location (UI): Player locations are updating delayed which means that you can end up being ported to a completely different location you wanted to when porting to a player.
    • Cursor (UI): by @LaucianNailor (MAC) : After exiting combat (intermittently), the cursor doesn't react to objects that can be interacted with i.e corpse. Crosshairs stay open and no 'E' pops up. Only way to clear that I've come across is to log out and back in (done this over 8 times in the past few hours, which is a pain). /reloadui has no effect on this. by @ontheleftcoast (PC) : I've run into a similar problem.. the only thing that clears it (and not 100%) is swapping weapons. If that doesn't work then I have to log out/in again.
    • Drinks (Item): The Stamina Regeneration from using Drinks will still apply while sneaking allowing you to sneak permanently.
    • Kagrenac's Hope (Itemset): An issue with this set seems to make the user take a lot more damage. this seems to occur especially when fighting Sewer Bosses in the Imperial City Sewers. We weren't able to reproduce this, and would love some additional info.
    • Night's Silence (Itemset): The movement speed penalty while sneaking and wearing five pieces of this set still applies although it shouldn't.
    • Shields (UI): You see a shield on your Health bar although you don't have one. It stays even after dying. Usually happens in PvP (very often), and can only be fixed if you leave Cyrodiil or relog. Probably caused when you receive a shield on your client but didn't actually receive it because you were already dead serverside for example. That shield stays on your healthbar forever then. Probably fixable by resetting all API shield values to 0 on death. Working on a fix, but no ETA.
    • Infight (AvA): Quite often (especially after healing other people in a big fight) you will remain in combat for a long time making it impossible for you to mount up. This is most likely caused by the people you healed before getting in a new fight although they are not affected by your healing anymore and probably not even close to you. The bug for dying and reviving while still being in combat is known, but healing and being stuck in combat is working as intended.
    • Restoration Staff (Animation): When weaving Restoration Staff light attacks with for example a skill like Strife (Funnel Health/Swallow Soul), eventually the animations will go out of sync. This results in the animations associated with the light attacks and Strife spam do not sync with the button presses, which breaks weaving.
    • Noble District in IC (Sound): "We've reinforced the walls! push them back!" This sound message sometimes keeps playing every few minutes wherever you go. It keeps doing that until you restart the game.
    • CC Immunity (General): CC Immunity is not working reliably and seems to never work against charge abilities when being affected by Retrating Maneuver (Support). On top of that it is possible to get stunned while being in the 'break free'-animation.
    • You cannot communicate with this player (XBOX ONE): @cph1972 : Since the patch I have had the error 'You Cannot Communicate with this Player' when trying to send group invites. Other people also get the error when trying to group with me. In the last group 3 people attempted it and got the same error. My status is set to online so that shouldn't be the issue. I have been away for a few weeks and have only been getting this error since the new IC patch. Also, I get 'that player does not exist' and have done since launch when trying to send in-game mail to certain players (not all players but most).
    • Keep Guards (Cyrodiil): Those can use a bash attack that stuns the target. This stun is unbreakable. The guard can chain CC you this way until you die. We weren't able to reproduce this.
    • Health Bars (UI): Sometimes health bar values get stuck on a wrong amount making your HP appear as if you were on below 100% health although you are at full HP. I know that this was caused in the past from being healed by Rite of Passage (Templar) or its morphs while also taking damage. This might still be the case or it is a new issue. By @Huggalump : Video Working on a fix, but no ETA.
    • Rewards from the Worthy Masonry Repair Kits (Item): Rewards from the Worthy Masonry Repair Kits dont stack with, or interact with vendor bought Masonry Repair Kits. If you use up your Rewards one, you just run out, it does not roll over to the vendor bought ones. Thanks, we've made a note of this.
    • Rewards of the Worthy (Cyrodiil): If you have PvP rank 50 you cannot get any "Rewards for the Worthy" from earning AP in Cyrodiil. Working on a fix, but no ETA.
    • Emperor Health Buff (Imperial City): You don't get this buff in the Imperial City Districts but you do get it in the Imperial City Sewers. Made a note, thank you!
    • Multiple Mundus Stones (General): Yes, this is still a thing. I have heard of multiple characters having more than one mundus stone. One of those characters was created after Imperial City was launched. People who have this bug have no idea how it happened and there is (currently) no way to reproduce it. The Twice-Born set was never used on those characters.
    • Exploit in IC: I know about this exploit, contacted Rich Lambert on 18.09. and he forwarded this to the Q&A team. Let's hope for a hotfix soon. And let's try to keep this quiet if we want to enjoy PvP the next days.
    • Volatile Familiar (Sorcerer): It is possible to have two Volatile Familiars up at the same time. (how to reproduce: pending)
    • Arena in IC (Exploit): Currently you can prevent other alliances from entering the Arena by either throwing Caltrops (Assault) or Wall of Elements (Destruction Staff) at the door. This will put enemies in fight so that they cannot use the door to enter the arena. To my knowledge those two skills are the only ones that can apply damage through objects. This can also stop players from leaving the arena.
    • Koloppi Essence (Item): Currently you can use this costume, which was made unusable in Cyrodiil for obvious reasons (it makes you very hard to see), in the Imperial City and in the Cyrodiil Delves. It should not be usable in any AvA environment. Working on a fix, but no ETA.
    • Sap Essence (Nightblade): It is possible to dodge the healing component of this skill. This can be abused to generate Ultimate out of fights. Working on a fix, but no ETA.
    • Drinks (Item): The Stamina Regeneration from using Drinks will still apply while sneaking allowing you to sneak permanently.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • melodeath
    a few other bugs..

    -siphoning strikes (not the toggle) will look like it can be activated even when you have 0 magicka left
    -retreating manouver cancelling even though you're not doing anything
    -magicka depleting even though you arent using any spells and not beeing under attack.
    -ambush teleporting you 5 meters behind a target instead of on your target.
    -cloak breaking from shades.
    -(wasnt sure if olready mentioned) your precious break free/manouver doesnt do anything against charge abbilities and power bash
    Edited by melodeath on September 23, 2015 7:42PM
  • Dagoth_Rac
    • Infight (AvA): Quite often (especially after healing other people in a big fight) you will remain in combat for a long time making it impossible for you to mount up. This is most likely caused by the people you healed before getting in a new fight although they are not affected by your healing anymore and probably not even close to you. The bug for dying and reviving while still being in combat is known, but healing and being stuck in combat is working as intended.

    People you healed now fighting elsewhere is definitely not what it is happening, or at least not the only reason this happens. I only use self heals (Rally) and still end up stuck in combat for 3 and 4 minutes after everyone else in my group is out of combat, mounted up, and heading to next fight. I think a clue to this may come from Vet Spindleclutch dungeon. There is a mob right before the Blood Spawn fight who has a tendency to get stuck in wall and become unkillable. We ignore and move on. But this mob has not broken their leash and does not reset. 10 minutes later, I will still be in combat and unable to go through door to final boss while everyone else goes through with no problem. I think what is happening is that if you are self-healing (just from Rally? Or any self heal?) and do not kill everything you encounter (or make it break leash and reset), you never leave combat. Not killing everything you encounter is rare in a PvE dungeon but common in PvP. So I think that is why this bug seems like a PvP bug but does happen in isolated circumstances in PvE.

    Basically, if I was in combat with a player, we should leave combat after a certain amount of time or distance. I should not still be in combat if minutes have passed, I have not engaged with any enemies, and that other player is not in my vicinity. Cyrodiil is big enough as it is. I don't want to walk from Keep to Keep just because some player ran away and stealthed 5 minutes ago.
  • MikeB
    Uppercut becomes instant cast after the first swing. If you just keep pressing your uppercut button on Xbox 1 NA, after the first cast it becomes instant cast.
  • Sharkano
    Wow. The Trap Beast exploit that is actually destroying stone collection in IC is told to the developer and no ETA for a fix on this game-breaking problem?
  • SneaK
    On Xbox:
    Take Flight still bugs out in that the wings occasionally get stuck.
    Food purchased from Cyrodiil merchants do not work.
    Can't really jump when sneaking (not sure if this is a bug or not).
    Edited by SneaK on September 23, 2015 8:55PM
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Bosmer Nightblade AR 32 - Altmer Templar AR 26 - Dunmer Dragonknight AR 18 - Altmer Sorcerer AR 20 - Khajiit Dragonknight AR 18
    (+3 not worth mentioning, yet)
  • nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO
    Kagrenacs bug only happens in IC, not anywhere else and it causes mobs to do massive damage to the wearer. So far in our guild it has only been wearers of 5 piece light armor versions of the set that have experienced this bug.

    Typically a standard mob in the IC sewers can 2 shot a person with the bugged armor.
  • hammayolettuce
    Clouding Swarm Bugged

    With the changes to how vampirism works and the passives not working unless a skill or bat swarm is slotted from the skill line it is paramount that the 2 skills and 1 ultimate work as they should be.

    Please let us know someone has been notified about it. Just to clarify again:
    • Mark target allows you to be seen by everyone in clouding swarm - been that way since 1.6 [Bug?]
    • Single target attacks still hit you in clouding swarm by both players and NPC - This was never the case before
    • Single target attacks that have knock backs can completely knock you out of invis status in clouding swarm and looks like you are in devouring swarm.

    Thank you for looking into this and hope to hear that it is indeed being checked on.
    Snü (Magicka DK) ♥ Thnu (Stamplar) ♥ Pizza for Breakfast (Magplar) ♥ Sparklefingers (Magicka Sorc) ♥
    Bean and Cheese Burrito (Magicka DK) ♥ Snurrito (Stamplar) ♥
  • Domander
    Emperor Health Buff (Imperial City): You don't get this buff in the Imperial City Districts but you do get it in the Imperial City Sewers. Made a note, thank you!

    If you relog, it will fix this and you will get the Emp buff
  • SirDopey
    Probably should add "Crown Repair Kits" to the bugged items, twice last night I used one and it did absolutely nothing (NA PC/MAC).
    NA PC | AD
    xx Doc Holliday xx
  • Xantaria
    SirDopey wrote: »
    Probably should add "Crown Repair Kits" to the bugged items, twice last night I used one and it did absolutely nothing (NA PC/MAC).

    happened to me aswell ... stand still stay out of fight and then it works
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • asneakybanana
    Clouding Swarm Bugged

    With the changes to how vampirism works and the passives not working unless a skill or bat swarm is slotted from the skill line it is paramount that the 2 skills and 1 ultimate work as they should be.

    Please let us know someone has been notified about it. Just to clarify again:
    • Mark target allows you to be seen by everyone in clouding swarm - been that way since 1.6 [Bug?]
    • Single target attacks still hit you in clouding swarm by both players and NPC - This was never the case before
    • Single target attacks that have knock backs can completely knock you out of invis status in clouding swarm and looks like you are in devouring swarm.

    Thank you for looking into this and hope to hear that it is indeed being checked on.

    Can Confirm about the mark target. Really annoying. Also the single target thing has to do with single target abilities with cast times. Has been that way for ages. Remember back in like 1.3 having it happen with lethal arrow. Also news have always targeted you in bats. It's stupid. Can't comment on the cc knocking you out of invisible.
    Asneakybanana AD DK Former emperor of Chrysamere and Chillrend. World first hardmode Hel'ra and Quake con winner (Alliance rank 25)
    Asneakyhabenero EP DK Former emperor of Thornblade, Haderus. World first vMA Dk clear (Alliance rank 39)
    Asneakycucumber EP Sorc Former empress of Blackwater Bay and Trueflame (Alliance rank 32)
    Asneakypineapple EP Temp Former empress of Azuras Star and Haderus (Alliance rank 22)
    Asneakypickle EP NB Former empress of Trueflame (Alliance rank 47)
    Sweat Squad
    Crowned 27x on 12 different campaign cycles | 200M+ AP earned
    Fastest AA clear ever: 5:42 | Fastest HRC clear ever: 5:27 | NA first HM MoL
    609k Mag Sorc vMA
    NA first Tick Tock Tormentor
    NA first trinity (All No Death/HM/Speed run trials titles)
    2x Tick Tock Tormentor
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    Please update the original list with a link to this thread about the Kagrenac's Hope set being bugged, (under "Bugged items/other") in light of @ZOS_GinaBruno's comment that they need more info and can't reproduce this issue. Thanks. I thought the user testing of this issue was documented fairly well, although it doesn't seem to affect everyone.
    Edited by Pyr0xyrecuprotite on September 24, 2015 2:12AM
  • MrGrimey

    Console bug:
    Medium armor passive agility not fixed... Although I have no way of testing, pretty sure it's there because this bug was fixed in the same patch that fixed the sneak movement bug and that bug hasn't been fixed either

    Gear bug:
    Willows path bonus +15% to regen is not working with champ points and other regen bonuses

    Edited by MrGrimey on September 24, 2015 2:17AM
  • CtrlAltDlt
    MrGrimey wrote: »

    Console bug:
    Medium armor passive agility not fixed... Although I have no way of testing, pretty sure it's there because this bug was fixed in the same patch that fixed the sneak movement bug and that bug hasn't been fixed either

    Gear bug:
    Willows path bonus +15% to regen is not working with champ points and other regen bonuses

    Please fix this ASAP..
    PC NA - jeazzy

    stamblade outnumbered pvp vol 1.
    Stamblade outbumbered pvp vol 2. No cheese
  • asneakybanana
    Valkyn seems to have been fixed all of a sudden? was running the daily today and had 5 procs in 30-40s and then 7 procs in a minute which is pretty reasonable compared to the 9 procs in 3:30 and 3 procs in 1:10.
    Asneakybanana AD DK Former emperor of Chrysamere and Chillrend. World first hardmode Hel'ra and Quake con winner (Alliance rank 25)
    Asneakyhabenero EP DK Former emperor of Thornblade, Haderus. World first vMA Dk clear (Alliance rank 39)
    Asneakycucumber EP Sorc Former empress of Blackwater Bay and Trueflame (Alliance rank 32)
    Asneakypineapple EP Temp Former empress of Azuras Star and Haderus (Alliance rank 22)
    Asneakypickle EP NB Former empress of Trueflame (Alliance rank 47)
    Sweat Squad
    Crowned 27x on 12 different campaign cycles | 200M+ AP earned
    Fastest AA clear ever: 5:42 | Fastest HRC clear ever: 5:27 | NA first HM MoL
    609k Mag Sorc vMA
    NA first Tick Tock Tormentor
    NA first trinity (All No Death/HM/Speed run trials titles)
    2x Tick Tock Tormentor
  • Czeri
    Spell resistance is bugged since IC. You can still make the glyph, you can still use the glyph, but the enchantment doesn't take to the item. It has also disappeared from items enchanted prior to the IC update.

    I wonder if this is a side effect of fixing nirnhoned, they just took spell resistance out entirely...
  • Maulkin
    I have to add a couple I don't see on the list:

    1) Crystal Frags very frequently bugs out and it does not do any damage on the target despite the server indicating that damage was done. Thread with detailed explanation and video below:
    Crystal Fragments Bug [Vid]

    2) Daedric Mines don't proc the heal from Power/Crit Surge when they crit. Allegedly that's because somehow they are considered dots when they clearly aren't.
    EU | PC | AD
  • Docmandu
    [*] Shuffle (Medium Armor): The visual effect is not always present when used in combination with other visual effects (for example Dragon Blood (Dragonknight) or Quick Cloak (Dual Wield)). This makes it hard to track wether it is active or not. There is also a report of a combination of Shuffle and Dragon Blood making it impossible to see the Magicka Bomb in the Serpent (Sanctum Ophidia) fight. This is intended as you are only able to have one visual effect on you at a time.

    The good old.. it's not a BUG it's a FEATURE...

    However, bottom line for the player is, it's impossible to know if your buff is still up or not (more so for Console players, as they don't have the luxury of using 3rd party addons to fix/work around problems in the base game like this).

    So whatever the cause, I'd still call it a bug / problem / issue / whatever.

    A fix is still in order, either by changing the code or by creating a new visual cue / effect (glowing hands?! since we already have glowing feet, which stack just fine with all the other visual effects).
  • Nifty2g
    Lord Warden in ICP (Dungeon): When the Boss charges his oneshot ability and people are falling down from the sky after using the portals and there is a portal right in the middle, it will oneshot you when you land on it. Giving you the message 'Portal Feedback' in death recap. We aren't able to reproduce this, and need more info.
    I believe this is when you are falling and a meteor hits the ground as you are falling usually happens on hardmode? I've had it happen a few times but I'm not sure if that's it exactly
  • EgoRush
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    Lord Warden in ICP (Dungeon): When the Boss charges his oneshot ability and people are falling down from the sky after using the portals and there is a portal right in the middle, it will oneshot you when you land on it. Giving you the message 'Portal Feedback' in death recap. We aren't able to reproduce this, and need more info.
    I believe this is when you are falling and a meteor hits the ground as you are falling usually happens on hardmode? I've had it happen a few times but I'm not sure if that's it exactly

    Nope, but I've seen that happen too, meteors sometimes seem to follow us through the portal. This issue happens on normal mode too - if you mess up the portals or someone dies and therefore doesn't take their portal leaving a portal behind, there is a chance it will hover around the middle where people land causing an instant death "Portal Feedback" coming up on the death recap. I've had it happen a couple of times and been on teams where it's happened.
    Server: EU Pact
    Guild: Hodor (PvE -, Chimaira (PvE)
    Character: Oriantha (Templar Healer), Zelda's Inferno (Dragonknight Tank), The Lumen Sage (Stamina Sorcerer DD), The Umbra Witch (Magicka Nightblade DD), Flirts-With-Boys (Stamina Nightblade DD), Oriantha Ellesidil (Magicka Sorcerer DD/healer), Wariantha (Magicka Warden in the making)

    Current vMA score (Templar): Pending return to game
    World Record for all trials pre-Thieves Guild
    World first V16 Maw of Lorkhaj clear
    World first V16 Maw of Lorkhaj speed run clear
    Returning to the game for Morrowind
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