VaxtinTheWolf wrote: »
Here you go. Most likely to assume it's because I'm at full health, or just an Argonian that I get this.
Saint_JiubB14_ESO wrote: »Hopefully there are a few fixes today, also did youbget the rearming trap exploit added ylto the list?
What exploit?
I'm starting to think a back-up should be kept of the original post somewhere, just in case the thread is deleted for whatever reason...
That's probably due to lag and issues with CC immunity.
Have you actually tested this? I have not heard anything about this. People break free from my Clouding Swarm -> Concealed Weapon all the time.Oh wow I get banned for revealing exploits and you can just post them ? No way
Other exploits:
You can have 2 volatile familiar pets at the same time
Using concealed weapons out of Batform results in an unbreakable stun
Templars can bug out biting jabs to hit a target, and the entire damage blows up after some seconds, just one shotting the target.
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »My son looked up from the book he was reading while my big tough-guy Dunmer Vampire Nightblade was doing that run, and asked: "Why is your character running like he just crapped his pants?"
Some items are out
Threads got removed by ZOS. I hope that means there will be a fix shortly. Youtube and google should still help you out, if you want to know about it.
Maybe in order to prevent ZoS editing/locking, you guys could just list the remarming trap exploit without details (and add them if ZoS doesn't patch it in a timely manner (i hope today).
the original bug repart hasn't been removed (contains less hints on how to reproduce):
"While toggled stamina does regenerate" <- that was supposed to mean while blocking right? Whenever else do you not regen stamina i mean..
Either i'm reading it wrong, or it's broken.
In the video you can pretty clearly see my stamina regen slightly while Guard is toggled (without, but as soon as i block it drops like a rock.
My stamina regen with relentless on is 1600 and without its 1500, and i was obviously not intercepting any projectiles all of a sudden.
Tested and reported this issue on the PTS already, no matter what you do, it does not regen Stamina while you have the skill active, makes the skill 100% a deathsentence >.>
I have LITERALLY never seen someone use this skill.
Saint_JiubB14_ESO wrote: »Hopefully there are a few fixes today, also did youbget the rearming trap exploit added ylto the list?
I'm starting to think a back-up should be kept of the original post somewhere, just in case the thread is deleted for whatever reason...
CitraBenzoet_ESO wrote: »Trap beast in pvp is not working right. Ive seen it do some diff things.
1. Cant break from it and take continuous damage,it re sets itself and if you have healers keeping you up you can be stuck in one for a minute or more. (Top side cyrodiil outside a keep)
2. A whole group walked through one in the sewers. Half died instantly, but health bars showed half full and they lost their stones.they all were bugged in various ways they had to exit the game (or force close since you cant log out while in combat) and log back in.
3. I got through but for 10 seconds after and not snared my health would quickly drop and with a single heal to myself go back to 100% then drop to nearly zero so id cast all heals i could to get back to 100% then itd drop to zero. I have never seen anything like that.
Trap beast needs to be looked at. Was reported on PTS from what i understand
"While toggled stamina does regenerate" <- that was supposed to mean while blocking right? Whenever else do you not regen stamina i mean..
Either i'm reading it wrong, or it's broken.
In the video you can pretty clearly see my stamina regen slightly while Guard is toggled (without block), but as soon as i block it drops like a rock.
My stamina regen with relentless on is 1600 and without its 1500, and i was obviously not intercepting any projectiles all of a sudden.
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »My son looked up from the book he was reading while my big tough-guy Dunmer Vampire Nightblade was doing that run, and asked: "Why is your character running like he just crapped his pants?"
Hahaha, yes, that's it EXACTLY!
A couple more bugs I spotted and taken screenshots of:
On vr1 Breton robe/jerkin, there is a panel at the front missing a texture - this doesn't dye at all, but remains solid matt black.
Also, some doors have a strange black space after going though them, usually just on one side - a piece of untextured single-sided mesh that is solid black just on the inside faces.
This is the view immediately on going through the door:
I've seen these on and off since beta. I think it's something showing that shouldn't, at a guess.
Oh wow I get banned for revealing exploits and you can just post them ? No way
Other exploits:
You can have 2 volatile familiar pets at the same time
Using concealed weapons out of Batform results in an unbreakable stun
Templars can bug out biting jabs to hit a target, and the entire damage blows up after some seconds, just one shotting the target.
How do you reproduce the 2 volatile familiar pets exploit?
Can anybody else confirm the concealed weapons out of batform resulting in unbreakable stun bug because @Lava_Croft is not able to reproduce it?
Templar Jabs being a channeled ability + server lag might be the issue here, but I honestly don't know.
Yes, I know all of thisAnd I even made a thread about it, describing everything. But Zenimax removed it and warned me. I will not do the same mistake 2 times.
And also a bug that should be added, Shield Breaker is the only effect not being affected by the Battle Spirit debuff. This is a known issue and it's still there.
I'll add this! Thank you!
I can explain the volatile bug, but when I get banned again, I will ban you from my in game friends list
None of the bugs I've demonstrated in my YouTube videos are listed here.
- Overload Sorc Ability consistently freezes and does nothing
- Daedric Summoning pets occasionally freeze, do nothing