stevenbennett_ESO wrote: »
In this video I'm running a Level 11 character with ONLY Rapid Maneuver slotted, and the location is in Cyrodiil in the Ebonheart Pact base. I'm walking / riding in circles around the Transitus Shrine where you appear in the zone. I'm not pressing shift at all during this. You can accurately judge speed by counting seconds as I pass the four staircases at each point of the compass and clearly see that while walking speed is improved by the expected 40%, mounted speed is completely unchanged. (And since I have no training in Mount Speed, is actually slower than the walking speed with Rapid Maneuver up…) You can also see that when I dismount with Rapid Maneuver up, I still get the faster walking speed.
Isn't it because unique item can't be enchanted ?
sixuponthelot wrote: »Thundering Presence (sorc skill) doesn't proc the ravager set. As a stamina based AOE that is within the melee range it should proc ravager, and it used to proc the ravager in the PTS.
sixuponthelot wrote: »Friend of mine and I crash on boss of White Gold Tower. We crash at the same time each time we attempted boss. We are the only people I've run it with that play on a Mac. So I believe it has to do with Macs, but as it is we can't finish the dungeon without relogging and expecting the other dps to pick up the slack during the fight. The crash always occurs during the beginning of when he puts that fire line in the middle of the room.
Thundering Presence (sorc skill) doesn't proc the ravager set. As a stamina based AOE that is within the melee range it should proc ravager, and it used to proc the ravager in the PTS.
Are you talking about Molag Kena here?
Nice list. This is not verified yet, but, I see vids of people stacking Divine armor. Either Divines does not stack, its not working correctly now or its not working with the Ritual Mundus, as it did not increase my healing numbers on Healing Springs or Mutagen when I equipped 1, 2 or 3 pieces of Divine armor.
Nice list. This is not verified yet, but, I see vids of people stacking Divine armor. Either Divines does not stack, its not working correctly now or its not working with the Ritual Mundus, as it did not increase my healing numbers on Healing Springs or Mutagen when I equipped 1, 2 or 3 pieces of Divine armor.
Scyantific wrote: »Veteran Fungal Grotto: The Gamyne Bandu battle is broken. She can't be attacked by targeted skills or AoE.
Reformed group and reset instance three times already and nothing.
Suggesting we all get a free Gold key for this.
Ok.. lets see..
Tonight, we had a dude who we killed outside a keep, he phoenixed armor rezed, we killed him again, he rezed again, we killed him again... Total five times before he stopped coming back.. Isnt the cool-down supposed to be like 10 min between when those activate?
Sigh.. one other.. but I cant remember atm.. see if I remember tomorrow.
New bug, using Structured Entropy mage guild skill triggers potion cooldown even if you have or have not used a potion. This stops you being able to use potions.
The weapon damage increase from the Agility passive in the Medium Armour skill line results in a change in the weapon damage on the character sheet and a change in the abilities tooltip value however the actual damage dealt does not reflect this.
The testing is done in Cyrodiil and with the aid of Foundry Tactical Combat. The attacker is equipped with 4 pieces of the Armour Breaker set and a 2H axe. In fact any medium armour will work, it's just what I had handy. All equipment is V16 and legendary. The weapon damage shown in the character sheet is 1700 (=1571 (2H axe) + 129 (Shield Breaker 4 piece)). Attacker's stamina pool is 11849. The tooltip value for Wrecking Blow is 4567. Attacker's focus is 100 (base focus). Target has 18552 physical resists. The actual damage recorded is 1645. This is in line with expectations because damage in Cyrodiil is halved and the mitigation provided by the target's resistance is 27.95% ( (18552-100)/660 ). Thus the calculated damage is
4567 [Tooltip] * 0.5 [Battle Spirit] * (1-0.2795) [Physical resistance] = 1645 [Calculated damage]
When an extra piece of Armour Breaker is equipped, the weapon damage on the character sheet is increased to 1904 (=1700*1.12). This correctly reflects the 12% increase in weapon damage due to the Agility passive. Attacker's stamina pool has also increased to 12270. The Wrecking Blow tooltip now reads 4960. Using the same calculation as above, we expected
4960 [Tooltip] * 0.5 [Battle Spirit] * (1-0.2795) [Physical resistance] = 1786 [Calculated damage]
But the actual damage recorded is only 1669.
I've verified that the tooltip value of Wrecking blow accurately reflects the increased weapon damage. From previous testing without ever using 5 pieces of medium armour I found that the tooltip value of Wrecking blow is
Wrecking blow tooltip value = 0.154 * ( Stamina + 10.48 * Weapon Damage)
In the first case with only 4 pieces of Medium Armour the calculated Wrecking Blow tooltip is 4568 while in the second case it is calculated to be 4962. Both these values match favourably with the actual tooltip value.
So to reiterate, the Agility passive in the Medium Armour skill line correctly increases weapon damage by 12% and this change is reflected in the tooltip value for a skill however the actual damage dealt does not reflect this.
Arena in IC (Exploit): Currently you can prevent other alliances from entering the Arena by either throwing Caltrops (Assault) or Wall of Elements (Destruction Staff) at the door. This will put enemies in fight so that they cannot use the door to enter the arena. To my knowledge those two skills are the only ones that can apply damage through objects.
Cherryblossom wrote: »Unable to interact bug, can't use skills or interact with the enviroment.
Can be remedied by weapon swap, Opening Map, Esc swaping weapon, unequiping a piece of clothing! I'm sure there are others.
But this bug has been in the game since launch, well known but never fixed.
DeanTheCat wrote: »Battle Resurrection Support Passive is not working in the Imperial City/Sewers.
Kollopi Essence can be used in the Imperial City/Sewers