asneakybanana wrote: »Valkyn Skoria is proccing at under a 1% chance per DoT tick.
You can see it says it hit 12 times but when i went to go look at the mage only DPS it only showed 9 hits and I had over 1k DoT ticks over the duration of the fight. The 25% damage nerf was needed but this proc chance cant be intended.
Not sure if this is intended/bug. This might be really stupid but here goes:
Is it intended that V16 mobs in IC only drop V15 glyphs? My character is also V16. I was slightly dissapointed that all the glyphs dropped from V16 mobs were V15 ( therefore won't yield V16 runes when deconstructing). In past iterations, runes have always been a level range, eg V10-V14 and it didn't matter as much. Now, however since runes are only tied to one level it's rather frustrating to be getting V15 glyphs from V16 mobs.
The V16 mobs also seem to be dropping V15 gear, but unlike enchanting , you can use the material gained from deconstructing V15 gear, in order to craft V16 gear. ( So, not so much of an issue). This does add then, yet another layer of grinding to get V16 gear, since you can't get V16 glyphs to decon. ( I understand that this may be intended by ZOS, based on the direction that obtaining gear/motufs/crafting materials seems to be headed in)
I know you can get V16 runes by buying them with TV stones, or getting lucky with a specific mob dropping a v16 rune (the 70k one).( Not sure if there are more ways though).
So my question is, is it intended or a bug. Of course if anyone has received a V16 glyph from killing a V16 mob , then I will continue searching for those, in order to deconstruct them
Many thanks.
EDIT: For clarity. Glyphs were picked up in sewers/districts. ( not dungeons). P'S now that I think of it, I've only come across V15 alchemy water and V15 recipes. So I'm wondering if V16 recipes/alchemy water/ glyphs/pvp vendor gear have been left out of this update. (Either on purpose or by accident). Or I might just be unlucky and not have seen any).
Personofsecrets wrote: »I would like to submit a bug which has been an on and off issue and back again as of the most recent update.
At sometime between tanking the Foundation Stone Atronarch and the Mage, my health bar breaks. The health bar will start to stay at 100% and only slightly drop (if it drops at all). I think that something during the Wisp Mother fight or Foundation Stone Atronarch is causing this issue.
I would like to say it has made me a better tank because I don't know what my health is at when tanking axes, but I am getting really tired of this bug.
fwiw, today, after running the sewers for a while i was checking my inventory and found six v16 runes, so they DO drop. i think i probably got them from a trove scamp, as our group (3 man) killed two of them.
previously, i got six v15 runes in loot, but i don't remember where. i really don't keep track while i'm running.
asneakybanana wrote: »Valkyn Skoria is proccing at under a 1% chance per DoT tick.
You can see it says it hit 12 times but when i went to go look at the mage only DPS it only showed 9 hits and I had over 1k DoT ticks over the duration of the fight. The 25% damage nerf was needed but this proc chance cant be intended.
Soul Lock passive is currently proccing at < than the 10% tool tip. More like 2-3%
bob.ellisonb16_ESO wrote: »3. Willow's Path 5 set bonus does work with drinks.
Thanks LylithI was aware that the V16 runes could drop from the scamps, but the only glyphs(for decon) that have dropped for me are V15. So I was just wondering if that is intended.
Have you consider the large cooldown between each proc ? Your dot tick a lot after a proc and during this time Valkyn can't proc.
More testing can be interesting, to see if it's a % proc nerf or just the cooldown.
Personofsecrets wrote: »I would like to submit a bug which has been an on and off issue and back again as of the most recent update.
At sometime between tanking the Foundation Stone Atronarch and the Mage, my health bar breaks. The health bar will start to stay at 100% and only slightly drop (if it drops at all). I think that something during the Wisp Mother fight or Foundation Stone Atronarch is causing this issue.
I would like to say it has made me a better tank because I don't know what my health is at when tanking axes, but I am getting really tired of this bug.
"Radiant Destruction (Templar): This skill and its morphs always crit on the first tick. Previously the first tick was not able to crit at all. The fix to that gave it 100% crit."
I thought this was intended. I remember reading in the patch notes somewhere that the first hit will always crit. I don't think this is a bug, it is intended.
I'll go through the notes.
•Radiant Destruction: Fixed an issue where this ability’s visual effects would persist if the first tick of damage killed your target.
•Radiant Destruction: This ability and its morphs can now critically hit.
•Radiant Oppression (Radiant Destruction morph): Reduced the damage bonus from 40% to 20%. We also fixed an issue where the bonus damage wouldn’t always apply on the first tick.
I think the bold part is what broke it and made it always crit.
Didn't see it in the list so...
Weapon visual effects do not transpose correctly when swapping weapons, or just look like "toggles" without actually being one...
- Rally (morph of Momentum) displays a white visual effect over the entire weapon. Reactivating the ability deactivates this effect. Reactivating again will re-enable the visuals. Not tested with Forward Momentum nor Momentum.
- Multiples visual effects of the previously swapped weapon will persist. Grim Focus, Evil Hunter, Molten armaments... are affected. Equip a certain weapon type, like a 2-handed sword, use the skill, then swap to bow or dual wield for instance. The visuals retained after the swap will be the ones of the 2-handed sword.
Not that it only affects VISUALS, not the actual effects of these abilities.
Overload Heavy Attacks doesnt work with the Shieldbreaker-Set.
There is actually an Addon that fixes this ... :')
asneakybanana wrote: »Valkyn Skoria is proccing at under a 1% chance per DoT tick.
You can see it says it hit 12 times but when i went to go look at the mage only DPS it only showed 9 hits and I had over 1k DoT ticks over the duration of the fight. The 25% damage nerf was needed but this proc chance cant be intended.
Do you know if other people in your raid have the same problem? And so far I don't think it's reproducable ... we kinda need to find out when exactly this happens. I know the Templar Healing Ultimate was the reason for some issues related to health bars in the past. Are people in your raids using it?
It has a 20s+ cool down now? When did this happen I always thought it was 5. I have an average of 4.9 ticks a second which should give me a 20% proc chance a second which means it should on average take 5s to get a proc. Even with a 5s cool down that's only 10s to proc it which should b 21+ procs not 9. There is no way 9 procs in 215s is working as intended.
Exactly this. Don't forget the cooldown. I do believe Valkyn Skoria works correctly.
bob.ellisonb16_ESO wrote: »1. Infight (AvA)
I found that if I take Rally off my skillbar I can mount much more often. But this is a strange bug that seems to effect possibly Khajits more than other classes, as I am often left not being able to mount 5-10 minutes after combat ends even when other bugged players can mount after 2-3 minutes.
Personofsecrets wrote: »
Nobody is using that ultimate and it is only reproducible to the extent that it happens during some patches. One patch the de-synch would happen on every single AA run and this most recent patch it happened 1/2 times last night. I would like to get to the bottom of what is happening, but it is hard to in a raid.
I have heard of health bar synching issues in AA before, but can't recall others having my exact issue. It makes me believe that it has something to do with the role that I am. The only fix that I know of is to die, but I will have to see if re-eating food works.
Elijah_Crow wrote: »
Please share the addon name. This is annoying and I sometimes cannot tell which weapon I have swapped to.
asneakybanana wrote: »It has a 20s+ cool down now? When did this happen I always thought it was 5. I have an average of 4.9 ticks a second which should give me a 20% proc chance a second which means it should on average take 5s to get a proc. Even with a 5s cool down that's only 10s to proc it which should b 21+ procs not 9. There is no way 9 procs in 215s is working as intended.