That is an standard one lot uses. My favorite is an Khajiit in the Khenarthi’s Roost starting island, because of some artifact its raining inside an tower and he is mopping up the water.Fishoscandi wrote: »The dunmer banging a hammer at a barrel in Stormhold: I don't seem to be making much progress.
Most of the things Abnur Tharn says, he's the only npc that seems to have any sense
WolfingHour wrote: »"What delightful folly is this?" High kinlord Rilis
All of Rilis' dialogue is pretty great, all thanks to a great bit of voice acting.
That is an standard one lot uses. My favorite is an Khajiit in the Khenarthi’s Roost starting island, because of some artifact its raining inside an tower and he is mopping up the water.
Yeah, the guards have some interesting lines. I've actually chosen the flee option specifically because of what they say when they catch me.LadyAstrum wrote: »On my thief in Daggerfall, a guard tried to catch me and said:
"I was hoping for a different kind of contact."
Thought that was pretty funny.