pureskills101 wrote: »I Havent heard the 10lbs of fat one yet! But that one did make me laugh
tinythinker wrote: »I was in The Rift (in the city of Riften) playing a female Argonian character who was riding past a guard who said, "So tell me, are (young?) Argonian maidens really..." I was riding fast and missed the end of his comment, though.
Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who needs a bot to finish a game.
sheggorathb16_ESO wrote: »@kewl;1393639 I just have to say I will need to hunt this down to see it myself now... I bet thats based off Blackadder, even the NPC's blank stare reminds me of Baldrick.. The quote is in the spoiler below for anyone who doesnt know its madness.SpoilerBlackadder: Now Baldrick, fix me some coffee, and make it taste slightly less like mud this time.
Baldrick: Not easy I'm afraid, Sir
Blackadder: And why is this?
Baldrick: 'cause it is mud. We ran out of coffee 13 months ago
Blackadder: Brilliant. So every time I've drunk your coffee for the past 13 months, I have in fact, been drinking, hot mud.
Baldrick: With sugar...
Blackadder: ...which makes all the difference
Baldrick: Well, it would if we had any sugar, but we ran out New Years Eve 1915. Since when, I've been using sugar substitute...
Blackadder: ...Which is?
Baldrick: Dandruff. But I could add some milk this time, or, Saliva
Blackadder: No thank you Baldrick. Call me Mr. Picky, but I think I'll pass.
Baldrick: That's probably because you're mad, sir!
Blackadder: Well, quite!
There are many quotes here that I know and love, and some I didnt know and now love, but the ones I remember that I havent seen here unless I missed them I've listed below.
Although I've seen various wonderfully sarcastic and sharp witted comments from the players side I think my favourite character response so far was when they had to 'commit their soul' (which obviously they dont have anymore) to get into a Veiled inheritance area...
Player: "I'm ready. What do I have to do?"
Palomir: "You can see the black soul gem, here. Place your hand on it. Good. You can come and go all you want, but first. you take the oath. Be sure you want this. You commit your immortal soul with this pledge."
Player: "My soul, huh? I'm ready. Go ahead."
One of Raz's that stayed with me was; "Razum-dar is just a simple Khajiit. He seeks the best for all the people of Tamriel. Also, a saddle that won't pinch the tail. One day ...." Me and my Khajiit friends always joke about saddles now... Like when I'm complaining that I really want the tiger mount, someone just said, 'because the saddle wont pinch your tail?' I probably just said yes.
A female Khajiit guards phrase I quite like because it rhymes, and I like the enthusiastic delivery was something like; "Where words fail, CLAWS prevail!"
Shadesofkin wrote: »"The only way to change a slavers mind, is to drive a sword through it" -Dragonstar Arena Champion
"No charge to have a look" from a female merchant in Rawl'Kha i think.
ShadowDisciple wrote: »Hey Fancy Man!
theher0not wrote: »I don't remember exactly what she said but Jizali (The blademaster khajit in Halow city) says that she is in love with the enchantress(Dunmer female) and says that she did every thing she could to get the dunmer to get feelings for her, from rubing her head to the enchantress leg and purr to leaving a dead skeever outside the enchantress' house.
If you go and speak to the enchanter you can see that she has no idea why the khajiit is acting so wierd.