Fizzlewizzle wrote: »In the new Thieves Guild Area (during a quest).
I exit a building and some guy comes running by: "OH NO, AN EXPLOTION, ALL TAKE SHELTER IN THE NEARST PUB".
theher0not wrote: »
That one I liked. Not what I was expecting to hear...
tinythinker wrote: »
Subtle reference to Fallout?
Parrotbrain wrote: »
Technically not from ESO, but from Morrowind, my favourite game of the series. That game was seriously cool.
I loved getting mail from Pacrooti.LadyShauna wrote: »
I passed an NPC and I thought they said to ME, "One more drink and you'll look good". I dropped everything I was doing at that moment, my jaw dropped, I am standing there as he walks away with not even a glance back at me. I'm suddenly mortified that I'm not as beautiful as I believed myself to be... And now you tell me it was about someone else?Well good!
Gotta say Razum Dar is a charmer, but I also love the things Pacrooti writes to me about his stealing opportunities, if that counts.
HatchetHaro wrote: »Anything from Naryu Virian is great.
EDIT: whoops this is a bumped thread, just saw.