Official Feedback Thread for Sorcerers

  • DisgracefulMind
    Xsorus wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Xsorus wrote: »
    Bigpunn225 wrote: »
    I will say this sorcerers were in a really good spot the last couple of patches. I'm cool with lowering the shields time frame down, But 6secs is too low. 12secs would be a better time frame. Sorcs do not have great heals or a built in dodge chance so we have to rely on that ward to keep us alive. NB for example have a built in dodge chance in their skill tree, with other stam builds using shuffle for a dodge chance. Stam builds are getting a shield of their own this patch. Does anyone else not see the issue with this? So on top of a mean 20% dodge chance you have like a 7k ward with bone shield now, plus the ability to dodge roll multiple times. Magicka sorcerers do not the luxury of really dodge rolling attacks often we also don't have a dodge chance on top of a ward, like stam builds are going to have. So now stam builds will have multiple ways of mitigating a ton of dmg while your killing the only way a sorcerer can survive affectively in pvp and in solo pve. The sorcerer was really hurt offensively as well, by taking away dawnbreaker. This was by far the best instant dps ulti we had. The point im trying to make is this you are really hurting this class form two different angles this patch. This wasn't a small change this was a complete game changing move.

    Magicka Sorcs have Bolt Escape...which allows them to kite and burst if needed....This is basically their form of dodge...

    and you have access to decent enough heals..and the primary heal you guys use is the same one virtually every other Magicka Class uses...Healing saying you lack heals is rather ***.

    He said we have no good CLASS heal, compared to DK or Templar he's right. We have one decent class defense: Hardened ward, and that needs to go back to where it was. Prevent stacking it with harness magicka if you want, but we don't have the heals, reflect, cloak, or mitigation that other magicka classes have. So we got a 20 second shield, on top of 20K health, most of you do a fine job of eating into it quickly.

    It needs to go back, do this right. Fix shield stacking, by adding major/minor SHIELD. Don't wreck or nerf shields. Why is that so hard for ZOS?

    There's absolutely NO reason to run Hardened ward over Harness Magicka due to the magic return and the equal size and duration. So our best class defense gets replaced by an arguably better ability that's available to everyone, and there's no bonus for using our class skill (2% damge increase? No. GFY). ZOS, who the hell's stupid idea is this?

    You have access to surge and a passive in your line that gives you fairly decent heals in combat plus you have access to healing ward; again claiming you don't have access to heals is a load of *** cause every single magicka sorc runs restro staff because healing ward stacks so well with hardened... It's like saying you don't have access to a charge ability as a stamina user which you clearly do as a sorc in the form of crit charge or shield charge.

    And bolt escape is a form of mitigation no matter how much you wish it wasn't.

    As for having no reason to run hardened; it procs crystal fragments insta proc; you'd be insane not to use it over harness magicka.

    Can you stay out of feedback threads that have to do with a class you know nothing about?

    Any skill cast on the same bar as Crystal Fragments has a chance to proc it.

    Surge is not a reliable self-heal, particularly in PvP. Please stop saying it is. In PvE it's extremely good, and I will give you the point on that.

    And contrary to popular belief, sorcs run resto and healing ward because it's the only somewhat reliable heal we have access too. The twilight heal is strong, and I feel like it could be useful, but that heal entirely relies on a PET being out. So the pet must be summoned and THEN the heal must be activated. It's entirely unreliable.

    The only morph of bolt escape that mitigates damage somewhat is ball of lightning. Other than that, closing space to a sorc is extremely easy. There is no more infinite streaking. When streak mitigates a percentage of damage or grants me miss chance, please let me know.

    However, even with all of this, I'm okay with the shield nerfs. I feel like skilled sorcs will be just fine. I am, however, surprised by the buff to annulment. Dampen + Hardened Ward will be incredibly powerful.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • americansteel
    ButtersEP wrote: »
    Wards aren't that strong in Cyrodiil..(already nerfed 50% in Cyrodiil) mainly why I do not PVP only PVE with my Sorc, Sorcs are actually the lowest sustained DPS in the game (not by much) I say this based off a lot (several dozen Blood Spawn Test) across a lot of different end game players (a couple dozen) my trials guild run these tests weekly many of which are top 50 players on the Vmsa weeklys.

    With no ultimate's, sustained DPS only currently Mag DK's are number 1, followed by Mag NB's, then Mag Templars then Sorcs, Obviously this changes a bit with ultimate's but overload is not always forever.

    This may seem off topic from the ward thread but since Sorcs will need to put more points in health and have a lower Magic pool, that sustained DPS number will be even lower, even more of a DPS loss when having to re-ward a lot.

    And correct me if I am wrong Sorc self heals only come from a critical hit with power surge only? Templars & NB's self heal automatically by just well, attacking, DK's can heal as needed, Frags do not always Proc.. and power surge runs out...

    I have every kind of character so I can play other classes, I am not so much complaining just pointing some things out.

    all wards except hardened ward are uselless.

    sorcs have stupid op dps, mobility, pets, OVERLOAD, mines. youre tankier than a HA DK tank and that should not be nor is it fair.

    hide behind 3 shields are you afraid to die?

    mag DKs still hit like a wet noodle! apply dots my stamplar already killed you.

    dont get me started on night blades.

    sorcerers bring a massive imbalance to pvp.
    Edited by americansteel on April 26, 2016 6:48PM

  • Xeven
    If you try to refresh ward at 5 seconds but get CC instead, your old ward will protect you long enough to get up. If you try to refresh at 6 seconds but get CC instead, you're dead.

    Effectively what we have is a 1 second ward, 4 second DPS rotation. That is the pigeonhole we've been shoved into.
    Edited by Xeven on April 26, 2016 6:56PM
    Xeven wrote: »
    If you try to refresh ward at 5 seconds but get CC instead, your old ward will protect you long enough to get up. If you try to refresh at 6 seconds but get CC instead, you're dead.

    Effectively what we have is a 1 second ward, 4 second DPS rotation. That is the pigeonhole we've been shoved into.

    My hurricane will shred you once I get that shield down!
  • RinaldoGandolphi
    As always @DisgracefulMind just nailed it!

    im leveling a stam Sorc not happy with how ZOS has butchered the mobile magic Sorc caster class i rolled in 2014 into a Tank caster class that face tanks damage with shields and is penalized for moving around.

    Stam Sorc is more mobile...a Streak + Boundless Storm and right sprint set up can chase down any magic Sorc in the game like a broke dig dog....Stamina Nightblades can do it too....Ezareth was right...Magic Sorcs are no longer the most mobile class in the game, not even close.

    Everything that was appealing about Sorc's when i rolled the class in 2014 is gone...i haven't mained my Sorc in months....every once in awhile i'll take him into PVP for 5 minutes(still do relaly well, one doesn't forget 2 years of maining one) or so then realize its boring due to the mobility nerfs the class has suffered....its simply not fun....

    i want my fun mobility back which is why im rolling a Stam Sorc...i was never big on the shield stacking thing, but each to their own...i'll never say anyone who does or doesn't stack shields is better or worse, everyone has their own style...just the current magic Sorc style hasn't appealed to me at all really since after 1.6...1.5 and before the class was fun, really...just my two cents

    I really wish they would just un-nerf streak and boundless storm...i relaly don't care what they do with sheilds...give me back my mobility to the darn magic sorc is fun again...if i wanted a tanky caster i would rolled a Templar or DK at launch not a Sorc :(
    Rinaldo Gandolphi-Breton Sorcerer Daggerfall Covenant
    Juste Gandolphi Dark Elf Templar Daggerfall Covenant
    Richter Gandolphi - Dark Elf Dragonknight Daggerfall Covenant
    Mathias Gandolphi - Breton Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant
    RinaldoGandolphi - High Elf Sorcerer Aldmeri Dominion
    Officer Fire and Ice
    Co-GM - MVP

    Sorcerer's - The ONLY class in the game that is punished for using its class defining skill (Bolt Escape)

    "Here in his shrine, that they have forgotten. Here do we toil, that we might remember. By night we reclaim, what by day was stolen. Far from ourselves, he grows ever near to us. Our eyes once were blinded, now through him do we see. Our hands once were idle, now through them does he speak. And when the world shall listen, and when the world shall see, and when the world remembers, that world will cease to be. - Miraak

  • psychotic13
    ButtersEP wrote: »
    Wards aren't that strong in Cyrodiil..(already nerfed 50% in Cyrodiil) mainly why I do not PVP only PVE with my Sorc, Sorcs are actually the lowest sustained DPS in the game (not by much) I say this based off a lot (several dozen Blood Spawn Test) across a lot of different end game players (a couple dozen) my trials guild run these tests weekly many of which are top 50 players on the Vmsa weeklys.

    With no ultimate's, sustained DPS only currently Mag DK's are number 1, followed by Mag NB's, then Mag Templars then Sorcs, Obviously this changes a bit with ultimate's but overload is not always forever.

    This may seem off topic from the ward thread but since Sorcs will need to put more points in health and have a lower Magic pool, that sustained DPS number will be even lower, even more of a DPS loss when having to re-ward a lot.

    And correct me if I am wrong Sorc self heals only come from a critical hit with power surge only? Templars & NB's self heal automatically by just well, attacking, DK's can heal as needed, Frags do not always Proc.. and power surge runs out...

    I have every kind of character so I can play other classes, I am not so much complaining just pointing some things out.

    all wards except hardened ward are uselless.

    sorcs have stupid op dps, mobility, pets, OVERLOAD, mines. youre tankier than a HA DK tank and that should not be nor is it fair.

    hide behind 3 shields are you afraid to die?

    mag DKs still hit like a wet noodle! apply dots my stamplar already killed you.

    dont get me started on night blades.

    sorcerers bring a massive imbalance to pvp.

    God I hate idiots, that's how sorcs work. What class are you?

    NB ? You cloak cause you're too afraid to die?
    DK ? You reflect cause you're to afraid to die?
    Templar? You BoL cause you're afraid to die?

    Stop being such a hypocrite and making yourself look stupid, stfu.
  • GriM_728
    Conjured Ward: Reduced the duration of this ability and the Hardened Ward morph to 6 seconds from 20 seconds.
    Empowered Ward (Conjured Ward morph): Reduced the duration of this morph to 8 seconds from 20 seconds.

    I hope this is some twisted ass joke. I main as a magicka Sorc tank...HOW THE F**K WOULD I BE ABLE NOW WITH THESE CHANGES? The problem is NOT shield stacking in PvP, it's the lack of resources you've given stam builds to take on sorcerers. Shield Breaker set SHOULD NOT be the only option stam builds have to take on magicka sorcs.

    If this crap gets implemented I'm out and my sub is gone.
  • acw37162
    Stam Sorc feedback......

    Aside, thank for the bound armaments visual change

    In particular Thundering Presence; couple of things,

    It needs major expidition back,
    It needs access to the disentegrate passive (this was the only place stam sorcs had access to this passive now it's not worth the two skill point expenditure)
    Also, when you refresh the ability before the ability expires should not reset the damage or distance modifier, if you are managing to keep it up in fight at its highest modifier and distance you should be somewhat rewarded.

    Also crit surge needs heal off rapid strike regular morph, rapid strikes damage morph, and all hits but the final hit of the of the new healing morph.

  • CyrusArya
    Plain and simple, on live patch, shield stacking on Magicka sorc provides far too much mitigation over too much time for too little input.

    These changes to shields are fantastic, and I love that ward has a 6 second duration now to match the CC immunity duration. This finally introduces an element of skilled play and counter play with the class that is missing on live. Furthermore ZOS effectively killed shield stacking too, as off the top of my head, it seems wiser to just spam one 6 second shield rather than juggle 2. Need to test that though, but if true, this frees up a skill slot for sorcs while making em more balanced. Sorcs still have the best shield, its still really good, but the class as a whole is now more in line with other classes. If ZOS refuses to address shields as whole (which I would have preferred), the next best course of action is to normalize shields and then make them available to all so more than just one class can exploit an over powered mechanic. So hats off Zenimax on solid and effective balancing.

    As far as I'm concerned, the good sorcs in the game will be just fine and simply have a more even fight against other builds now. The only people this hurts are those who were being carried by hardened ward and needed a 20 second mental security blanket to compete.

    This change will separate the men from the boys, deal with it.
    A R Y A
    The K-Hole ~ Phałanx
    My PvP Videos
  • DisgracefulMind
    As always @DisgracefulMind just nailed it!

    im leveling a stam Sorc not happy with how ZOS has butchered the mobile magic Sorc caster class i rolled in 2014 into a Tank caster class that face tanks damage with shields and is penalized for moving around.

    Stam Sorc is more mobile...a Streak + Boundless Storm and right sprint set up can chase down any magic Sorc in the game like a broke dig dog....Stamina Nightblades can do it too....Ezareth was right...Magic Sorcs are no longer the most mobile class in the game, not even close.

    Everything that was appealing about Sorc's when i rolled the class in 2014 is gone...i haven't mained my Sorc in months....every once in awhile i'll take him into PVP for 5 minutes(still do relaly well, one doesn't forget 2 years of maining one) or so then realize its boring due to the mobility nerfs the class has suffered....its simply not fun....

    i want my fun mobility back which is why im rolling a Stam Sorc...i was never big on the shield stacking thing, but each to their own...i'll never say anyone who does or doesn't stack shields is better or worse, everyone has their own style...just the current magic Sorc style hasn't appealed to me at all really since after 1.6...1.5 and before the class was fun, really...just my two cents

    I really wish they would just un-nerf streak and boundless storm...i relaly don't care what they do with sheilds...give me back my mobility to the darn magic sorc is fun again...if i wanted a tanky caster i would rolled a Templar or DK at launch not a Sorc :(

    I miss the mobility as well. I never used my Sorc to bolt across maps (I mean, I've ran from zergs, ofc, and still will), I won't bolt across a map to get away from 3-4 players, I'll fight to the death. I play my Templar more often than not because as a Sorc it feels like I'm stuck in one spot most of the time stacking shields. With all the snares it becomes sluggish to move on a Sorc. I still enjoy dueling on mine, and do take her out time to time, but the interest has faded.

    What I'd like to see happen is Annulment and Hardened Ward become "Major" buffs. Allow Healing Ward to be Minor to keep that option of a heal. Imo this would allow a lot more balance for shields. I think it'd be completely fine to give shields back their 20s duration, maybe even a compromise of 10-12s, but not allow annulment and ward to stack. I'd also like to see some reworking of the Bolt cost stack if they were to make something like this happen, as it would NOT (against popular belief) be fair to keep Sorc escape mechanic nerf while the rest go free.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Lucky28
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Xeven wrote: »
    If you try to refresh ward at 5 seconds but get CC instead, your old ward will protect you long enough to get up. If you try to refresh at 6 seconds but get CC instead, you're dead.

    Effectively what we have is a 1 second ward, 4 second DPS rotation. That is the pigeonhole we've been shoved into.

    My hurricane will shred you once I get that shield down!

    i'm sorry Feng, did you mean tickle?. stam sorcs got the shaft as well, Hurricane is a cool idea but as it's no longer lightning damage you can't get that possible burst via disintegrate passive. sigh.
  • Weng
    Playing a stamina sorc I use Thundering Presence, because it's a bit more pve dps, armor buff is the same and I don't need to respec for the speed buff in pvp (with lots of stam regen no problem for me to keep it up).

    Hurricane is only good for pve dps in my setup, I would have to respec to Boundless in pvp, every tiny bit of mobility is important.
    And turning this skill to physical damage shows another deficiency when it comes to passives:
    Energized --> useless
    Disintegrate --> useless
    From my combat logs I could discern that is was mostly Thundering Presence or Boundless Storm triggering the latter.
    Furthermore I think the Hurricane animation/graphics is lame, well, that's my opinion.

    Suppression Field deals magic damage now, again a stamina sorc is left behind in dps.

    Besides, I have seen that there is a new set whose purpose can only be to bring back hybrid builds to the game. I simply don't believe this will work, wasting a 5 piece set bonus for getting both spell and weapon damage to the highest value of these.
    Sorc will never be played hybrid again, if players want to run a decent build: It is stamina or magicka now.
  • dpencil
    Day 1 playtesting feedback:
    Playing my main, a mag sorc from live (this is the only vet char I have).

    1. Not having a buff tracker like S'renderr was not fun at all! I tried playing that way for a little while but by the time I realized my shield was gone and I was taking damage it was too late to react. Thankfully that addon is not broken with the update, so turning it back on helped considerably. Something like that really should be in the base game though, especially for console players.

    2. I ran through Normal Maelstrom to see how the ward change would effect my playstyle. What I ended up doing was turning on the overhead healthbar on myself when injured. Seeing this pop would remind me that I was taking damage and needed to reapply my ward. It also made me realize that I usually take a lot less damage than I thought I did (at least in normal mode content). Ward would expire well before being used up. I switched to Empowered Ward too for the cost reduction, extra two second duration, and Minor Intellect. The more frequent casting didn't really hurt my resource management and ended up procing frags a little more. I put Harness Magicka on my back bar but really didn't ever feel the need to use it. All in all the change in duration made me wait to start taking damage before reapplying. The big downside to this is that in Vet Maelstrom, group content, or PVP, where the burst damage can be huge and unexpected, this kind of playstyle will leave me a lot more vulnerable. I think 10-12 seconds would be a much more reasonable duration reduction, especially considering we aren't also getting a major cost reduction for this skill with the decreased duration.

    3. I engaged in some PVP duals for about 30 minutes and felt like I performed similarly to Live. Shields get obliterated pretty quick if you're put on the defensive. I found success only when putting a lot of aggression against my target (which, I guess is pretry normal). Hardened ward is probably still the better morph for PVP even with the shorter duration. Empowered Ward gave me about a 7k shield. Hardened would give 10k.

    4. VERY dissapointed in the new gear sets for light armor magicka users. Many of the stam sets look amazing but there is just nothing at all for us. Elegant is a bad set and always has been. It should not have been updated. Necropotence wouls have been a much better choice. The Aether set is mislabed as a medium armor set in PTS right now. When that gets fixed it may be a desirable raid set, but there's nothing for PVP or general PVE. Just keep running Julianos/VD. I guess at least I don't have to farm or craft a new set...

    5. No meaningful positive updates to any standard mag sorc skills or destro staff skills. The Negate change is nice, but I only run Overload. Extra health for my Twilight is ok too, but it's rare other players attack her anyway. So, while I'm happy about most of new stuff added to the game with this dlc, I am pretty dissapointed with the lack of positive attention sorcs received (of either the mag or stam variety). It is not the strongest class in the game, but you would think so from these patch notes. Give us a spamable dps skill in our class skills that is on par with Force Pulse, please. We should not be forced to choose between that and Mage's Wrath (which isn't even meant to be used as a normal spam skill). Nevermind removing Trapping Webs from the realm of possibility. It's just not a positive feeling right now for sorcs in general. Surely this was anticipated by the devs, right?

    Anyway, that's my feedback so far. I hope we can hear a sympathetic response to some of these concerns soon.
  • Thal
    Couple things - Stam Sorc is my favorite character to play. I have no delusions about it being my most powerful character... It's just fun. That's it.

    With that said, I was really and truly hoping for a spammable in-class stamina skill, especially when I saw the change to Wrecking Blow (not complaining about that - that change is fine). I think it's a huge miss by ZOS in the 'stamina update' not to finally get the Stam users a morph to do some offense with.

    Second, also have a magic sorc mainly for group content. The 6 second shield and homogenization of shields is a bit concerning. Not every class requires shields and this move makes me feel like some class identify has been lost. Feedback on the duration - make it function with battle spirit. Half strength and half duration, meaning 12 seconds in PvE and 6 in PvP. The duration wasn't causing any problems in PvE. (I don't think the duration mattered in PvP either honestly)
  • CP5
    Ok, going one more round on stam-sorc ideas (and for those interested the first thread linked in my sig is from last february, in case you wanted to see what was getting thrown around back then).

    Surge, add mild shock damage on all light/heavy attacks to help all sorcs proc disintegrate more often. It scales off of max health and would be nice if we could more reliably use it.

    Hurricane, either give it a debuff (since it no longer gives the speed buff) or make it so that recasting maintains its current level (so you are rewarded for maintaining it, with the skill perhaps gaining more strength if maintained past the first 15s). Or it could do some death's wind style knock backs (or act like a vacuum and draw enemies in to help sorc tanks).

    Curse, pet buffs added to base skill and the pet morph made a poison based skill, maybe with some armor reduction thrown in, this way stam sorcs aren't forced so much into bound armaments for their passives.

    Something in dark magic needs to be usable for more sorcerer builds. Blood magic doesn't help sorcs that depend on shields given their small health pools, and sorcs with large health pools can't reliably use the very expensive skills in the tree.

    Pets need to be able to work off of something other than max magicka, this is a long needed change and greatly cuts their power off of magicka stacking builds.

    Overload only really works on magicka sorcs, and the heavy attack remains one of the fastest ways to waste ultimate.

    Aside from those what other things would help the class? After a year of waiting i'm kinda burnt out on this.
  • Derra
    Feynn wrote: »
    My main, that I have played since launch, is a magicka Sorcerer. I strongly empathize with the plight of stamina Sorcerers, but my feedback will be focused on magicka. Here is my advice:

    1. Reconsider nerfing the duration of Hardened Ward.
    2. Consider making pets a long-duration skill instead of a toggle that takes up two skill slots.
    3. Boost Sorcerer DPS to bring it in line with other classes (like Magicka NB).

    I understand ZOS is concerned with the abuse of shields in PvP, but didn't they already nerf their size in Cyrodiil? Please be mindful of the effects of these nerfs on PvE as well. Reducing the duration of Hardened Ward to 6sec is really untenable for so many of us. As someone else pointed out above, Hardened Ward is really the health of so many Sorcerers. We need it to survive in PvE. If you make it last only 6 sec, it will result in a huge drain on our DPS as well, as we'll be losing time and magicka to keep casting it. And no, Hardened Ward is not the sort of skill we can use just "when needed", it's the skill that keeps us from getting one-shotted, so it's nice to be able to keep it up. And the fact that Annulment is now just a replica of Hardened Ward makes Hardened Ward absolutely pointless and it makes Sorcerers less unique (which means less useful).

    I understand you are trying to convince more Sorcerers to use pets and I recognize you have made some great changes to pets so far. But by nerfing Hardened Ward like this you are making pets even less useful, because Hardened Ward is necessary to keep pets alive. Besides, you are not addressing the two main problem of pets: the fact that they are a toggle which occupies two skill slots instead of one (considering that maximizing DPS also requires Sorceres to already use two slots for Inner Light and two slots for Bound Aegis). Do you really want to make pets viable in the end game? Make them a timed skill so that we can equip them on just one bar instead of having to keep them on both of them. And adjust the casting time in line with the duration of the skill (if the pet lasts something like 20 or 30 seconds, for example, make their summoning an instant cast).

    In terms of DPS, there are absolutely no improvements to Sorcerers, which are still the most underperforming class. The only way for Sorcerers to DPS is through Overload, and other classes are able to outperform Sorcerers even while we are using Overload.

    I bet no one even wasted a thought at pets and the implications a reduced time on hardened ward would have on their usefulness at zos.

    ZOS attempts at balancing is like watching an american try to drive a stick shift for the first time. Only that they don´t improve with attempts made/over time.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Derra
    Xeven wrote: »
    Sorcs weren't buffed, lol. Stacking two six second shields is redundant, stupid, allows for practically zero DPS, and will run you out of magicka extremely quickly.

    Sure you can stand there and stack, much like a Templar can stand there and spam BoL. The difference being the stacker will shortly run out of magicka and die while the Templar can do it practically forever.

    In both cases, neither of them are a threat to anyone but themselves.

    Magicka Templars, Dragon Knights, and Nightblades now effectively have Conjured Ward on top of BoL, Cloak, and Wings. Sorcs have nothing but Hardened Ward for the above stated reasons. The stacking meta is over. Believe it.

    Actually, stamina classes now have Conjured Ward too, on top of Vigor, Rally, Block, Dodge Roll, and Shuffle.

    Keep all shields @6 second duration. Increase Sorc ward to 10 seconds. Anyone complaining about sorc now is mentally challenged.

    And stamina classes can now comfortably go for 7/7 well fitted for an extra 35% dodgeroll cost reduction :dizzy: They have a shield to help with crits now - as does everyone.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • killa_shroomz
    I have a magicka sorcerer, and I usually just pve with her. From a pve perspective, reducing the shield to 6 seconds kinda sucks a lot. The time reduction turns it into a magical block, and not a magical shield.

    My problem is this, instead of fixing shield stacking, you give everyone a shield, make annulment block physical damage, (essentially giving everyone a hardened ward along with the stamina shields absorbing magical damage) and reduce all the times to 6 seconds.

    To combat people being annoyed by shield stacking, you give everyone the ability to do it.

    From a shield stacking sucks point of view, this makes me sad. We'll have to see if 6 seconds matters in PVP.
    From a pve point of view, now I'm probably just going to put lightning form back on. Since if I'm going to get hit, I'd rather take less damage, then rely on the shield and get completely worked over because some monster shot me with one arrow.
  • relaxed83

    Instead of just the patch notes maybe ZOS could make explanations on why they make changes like nerfing the shields on sorcs rather than just posting what they did. This would prevent atleast some ranting and raving, personally I'm against the sorc shield changes... completely destroyed my play style and I'm against the changes to prox det... it works fine why was it nerfed against single players that doesn't make sense... it's weaker than velicous curse but takes time to cast... I'm pretty much useless against DKs and anyone who was reflect spells or scales on they just lock me down and flame lash me over and over until I'm out of magicka because I'm spamming shields to stay's ridiculous.

    If these changes are implemented I am going to cancel my sub and quit playing...I only play a sorc class magicka and now it's pointless.
    Edited by relaxed83 on April 26, 2016 10:43PM
  • potirondb16_ESO
    Actually the main issue about the magika sorc is force pulse. Force pulse would be so much better on sorc if it could be only the staff element which is thrown and if it would deliver a bit more domage. That would gives magika sorc a better sustain dps when out of ultimate.

    Stamina Sorc, well...
  • Septimus_Magna
    Wouldnt it be better to give dmg shields a 50% crit dmg reduction instead of the current 100% crit dmg reduction?

    This would make it better possible to burst through shields in pvp without messing up sorcs in pve.
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • Lucky28
    Wouldnt it be better to give dmg shields a 50% crit dmg reduction instead of the current 100% crit dmg reduction?

    This would make it better possible to burst through shields in pvp without messing up sorcs in pve.

    No because that ruins so many builds. and i'm not talking about sorcs. that would mostly screw my DK group build.
  • RoxyPhoenix
    What I dont get are the changes to dampen and bone shields. I mean why they even though of doing it in the first place. What exactly is the reason they turned dampen in to a hardened clone and bone in to a stam equivalent. So now, every magica/stamina character will get their own hardened ward, and sorc will have two. Is this is how they address shield stacking problem by giving out more shields ?

    I feel sorry for stamina sorcs, once again u get rekt, its just not fair innit ?

    The only good change is the Negate, might actually be useful again.

    So this is how I see things will go if nothing gets changed:
    - PVE - both magica and stamina sorc will be outperformed by any other class within their respective roles [tank/dps/heal]
    - PVP - Magica sorc will loose some burst capability but will get tankier, stamina sorc... well, what can I say, u guys know it too well.
  • Yo_Donno
    Still really upset about the shield nerf. The naked truth is that a Sorc that knows what they're doing... like REALLY knows what they're doing is no harder to kill than a player of similar skill using another class. The wards didn't, at full duration, provide an advantage over any class and thats the way it should be.

    The wards aren't any more powerful than a Templars breath of life, a Nightblade's siphons or a DK's reflective scales. They all have their own advantages but offer similar protection; especially if in Cyrodiil shields and heals are dropped by half while reflective scales is not, and a Nightblade can still sneak and run away if he gets low health.

    Besides this, DURATION WAS NEVER THE PROBLEM. I can't stress that enough.
    Edited by Yo_Donno on April 27, 2016 12:19AM
  • Erock25
    I would really like ZOS to address the universal community opinion that stam sorcs are routinely neglected. Please @ZOS_GinaBruno , everyone can't be wrong. Do what you can, pretty please.
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  • Spearblade
    There's honestly very little "Sorciness" about Stamina Sorcerer at all. It's almost all Weapon/Fighter's Guild abilities, with some passives.
  • SonOfSune
    The duration on shields are to short. I don't think this resolves the PvP concerns with shield stacking, but it definitely makes shields extremely annoy to use now.

    I think Wrobel's idea of classifying shields like armor buffs would be a better solution.

    I.E. Major Shielding: Includes shields like Hardened Ward and Harness Magicka that do not stack and have very long a duration.

    Minor Shielding: Includes shields healing Healing Ward and Sun Shield that have very short a duration and a special effect when the shield ends.

    Please do not leave in this current duration, as it makes playing with shields far to difficult to use.

  • Irkillez
    Soul Shriven
    Instead of changing the duration maybe add a global cooldown in the 10-12 sec range for shields and make all a 20 sec duration, Would put an end to the pure shield staking builds that are ruining pvp.
  • aLi3nZ
    Is hardness Magika now the better sheild to use? I use to slot just hardened Ward on my sorc for pvp? Maybe now I should just slot harness Magika? I guess I will have to test. I have only tried my mageblade on pts so far.
  • Yo_Donno
    aLi3nZ wrote: »
    Is hardness Magika now the better sheild to use? I use to slot just hardened Ward on my sorc for pvp? Maybe now I should just slot harness Magika? I guess I will have to test. I have only tried my mageblade on pts so far.

    If these changes go through (which I hope they don't) Harness Magicka will still be weaker than hardened ward. The other morph though, Dampen Magic and Hardened Ward with 7 pieces light armor will be the same exact cast aside from the pet buff on Hardened ward (which lets be honest nobody really uses). The two will cost the same, and absorb the same amount of damage.
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