tennotsukai87 wrote: »People keep saying use AoEs and stealth detect potions. I use these options, but with AoEs I can never guess where the NB has fled off to. Once I use that one AoE and miss, he or she is long gone. Just fyi, I'm using lightning flood. Stealth detect is an option that I've used a few times; though, when I do have a potion to use and utilize the detect potion that NB can run so fast in SC that I may or may not catch him in time.
As an aside, I do think NBs lack survivability in terms of class abilities, but I don't feel like SC should be spammable. Infinite Focused Aim -> SC can really bug a person without ever the chance to find them. Perhaps, ZOS can do a little nerf while giving a slight buff to another skill to help with survivability. I will agree that NB is pretty damn squishy.
PainfulFAFA wrote: »
thats your problem.
Lightning flood is imo a small range aoe.
Try using caltrops, steel tornado, bombard, lightning form, encase -_-, runes -_-, mines -__-,
impulse, mage light u.u
Seriously cloak doesnt need a nerf (i play a stam sorc).
Aspect of terror (fear) is what needs the nerfing!!!
caltrops - very expensive stamina cost, perfect way to line yourself up for being feared, again
steel tornado - pbaoe that does have a decent range, but if the nb is smart they'll cloak between your attacks and run a direction so that your next attack will miss
bombard - decent range and nice rood/snare, only real weakness is its a cone, so the closer you are to the nb the less they have to move to escape
lightning form - like steel tornado, but without having to spam it, nb's can do exactly the same thing to avoid you
encase like bombard, but doesn't damage and in my own experience is hit or miss in keeping them pinned
runes - requires you to either see the target or be attacked, decent if the nb hits you with a dot, but otherwise kinda meh at that
mines - really?
impulse - same as steel tornado, but less aoe, the dot can help but most nb's don't worry about dots
mage light - have you seen its effective aoe? Seems like it begins and ends on your own characters feet for how much range it has
Caltrops is really good for this. I use it constantly as do most stam sorcs (and other classes) to stop NBs.
Steel Tornado has a 12.5m range
Lightning Form works all the time for me and other popular Stam Sorcs like Xael and Fengrush.
Radiant Magelight is a 12m radius against players in Light Armor. You need to factor in Medium Armor bonus and Stealthty (Bosmer / Khajit) bonus. then again, this is a nerf cloak thread so that doesn't matter. 12m for RML, thats huge. At my feet my ass.
These type of threads are really bad and most of you should feel ashamed of yourselves. You don't seem to realize how cringeworthy and embarassing this thread is.
The small group of you looking for a scapegoat (cloak) are absolutely ridiculous. Your argument is that a NB gets away... newsflash, that's the point of the ability. Are you going to cry and whine about heals being able heal after you get cloaked nerfed? Stupid people everywhere...
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
No, not at all. Since 2.1 hit, any damaging effect applied on the NB before he cloaked will no longer pop him out of cloak afterwards.
The NB gets hit by the Curse and takes the damage, but he does not become visible.
I would express my condolences but since half of the people in this topic now defending nightblades have been arguing against sorcerers who made the same arguments with respect to bolt escape all i can do is laugh at this topic.
You had it coming.
Now the impending nerf gives me a warm feeling and makes me sleep well at night. Just try to view it as karma (because that´s essentially what it is - when they gutted sorcs abilities to get away it was clear that they would do so for every ability enabling someone to get away sooner or later. In the end the forumcryblades are responsible themselves).
Listen to this ZOS, attitudes like this are the real problem.
I would express my condolences but since half of the people in this topic now defending nightblades have been arguing against sorcerers who made the same arguments with respect to bolt escape all i can do is laugh at this topic.
You had it coming.
Now the impending nerf gives me a warm feeling and makes me sleep well at night. Just try to view it as karma (because that´s essentially what it is - when they gutted sorcs abilities to get away it was clear that they would do so for every ability enabling someone to get away sooner or later. In the end the forumcryblades are responsible themselves).
caltrops - very expensive stamina cost, perfect way to line yourself up for being feared, again
steel tornado - pbaoe that does have a decent range, but if the nb is smart they'll cloak between your attacks and run a direction so that your next attack will miss
bombard - decent range and nice rood/snare, only real weakness is its a cone, so the closer you are to the nb the less they have to move to escape
lightning form - like steel tornado, but without having to spam it, nb's can do exactly the same thing to avoid you
encase like bombard, but doesn't damage and in my own experience is hit or miss in keeping them pinned
runes - requires you to either see the target or be attacked, decent if the nb hits you with a dot, but otherwise kinda meh at that
mines - really?
impulse - same as steel tornado, but less aoe, the dot can help but most nb's don't worry about dots
mage light - have you seen its effective aoe? Seems like it begins and ends on your own characters feet for how much range it has
Junglejim82 wrote: »
This is exactly the problem . Sorc gets nerfed so I'm gonna do my best to get NBS nerfed now. Seen it on every gaming forum ever class wars. It's all b.s.
Nope it´s not ***. That´s the problem. If you start nerfing one ability for one class you can´t just stop halfway through and leave similar options intact for other classes. That´s the problem with nerfing instead of buffing counters.
I´m currently getting my NB ready and pvping on it solo (magica based) and honestly i´m not concerned at all for cloak nerfs. I´ve adapted on my main and i will adapt on this char too.
Junglejim82 wrote: »
If you're comparing bolt escape and cloak it's apples and oranges . You bolt and cloaking isn't gonna make me keep up as you disappear over the horizon. You attack me , I cloak and I'm still there albeit invisible. However use a counter and I'm there for all to see right infront of you . Nah the comparable thing we had was bow + dodge + double take + sprint then I could just about chase down a sorc only to fight him out of resources by the time I caught him . That was nerfed in the patch in case you never noticed. Bow dodge and major expedition no longer stack . Just because one skill was unbalanced doesn't mean other skills are.
SourishWhale wrote: »If nightblades get "the same treatment" as sorcs, then shouldn't they an OP damage shield as we'll?
So we nerf cloak, but give NBs a shield so they can roll on 10 people with an I win button instead?
I dunno if that's a great solution... Haha
Btw, everyone has access to mist form and invis pots? Why don't you use them? Because you say you don't have room on your bar or inventory for a skill which has no offensive power? Hmmmm.......
Nightblades are squishy. We all know that everyone would choose to 1v1 a NB over any other class.
I know when I see a NB when I'm running my Stamplar I head straight for them!
No heals. No damage shields. No other escape mechanism.
Your thread is invalid.
The sorc will run out of magicka LONG before you run out of whatever resource you were using to chase him.Nah the comparable thing we had was bow + dodge + double take + sprint then I could just about chase down a sorc only to fight him out of resources by the time I caught him
The sorc will run out of magicka LONG before you run out of whatever resource you were using to chase him.
Edit: Ofc i´m arguing from the pov of a magica nb. You can´t take into account stambuilds when balancing a magica ability.
Junglejim82 wrote: »
Tbh that's not the case I've experienced it 1st hand plenty of times it was really pretty even in 1.6 obviously I'm not talking about 1.7 with the escape change . Like usain bolt vs usain bolt. If my stam was full I'd maybe just have enough stam left to gap close by the time I'd caught up enough to use it . That was our mobility escape if you like as stam NBS .
Why can't you ? I'm a stamblade , cloak , double take , siphoning strikes , mass hysteria are regularly on my bars . How they affect my build are completely relevant and should be taken into account
Junglejim82 wrote: »
Typical response listing the reasons he doesn't want to slot a counter , tough luck deal with stealthers then . Caltrops and mage light along with flare and pots are the counters I hate . I don't want to use shield breaker , barrier , snare counters when they are situational but guess what I need those things when the situation arises or I'm bang in trouble so I run them . This is pvp . Rebalancing happens alot in pvp and I'm fine with it when warranted but a Nerf for cloak is laughable
@blurCaltrops is really good for this. I use it constantly as do most stam sorcs (and other classes) to stop NBs.
Steel Tornado has a 12.5m range
Lightning Form works all the time for me and other popular Stam Sorcs like Xael and Fengrush.
Radiant Magelight is a 12m radius against players in Light Armor. You need to factor in Medium Armor bonus and Stealthty (Bosmer / Khajit) bonus. then again, this is a nerf cloak thread so that doesn't matter. 12m for RML, thats huge. At my feet my ass.
These type of threads are really bad and most of you should feel ashamed of yourselves. You don't seem to realize how cringeworthy and embarassing this thread is.
The small group of you looking for a scapegoat (cloak) are absolutely ridiculous. Your argument is that a NB gets away... newsflash, that's the point of the ability. Are you going to cry and whine about heals being able heal after you get cloaked nerfed? Stupid people everywhere...
Sneaky-Snurr wrote: »@blur
I thank you for expressing the point of view of not nerfing any skill. :thumbsup:
To be honest, attempting to reason with the ones wanting to nerf the game is just a waste of time and energy hence why I've stopped responding them as they're impossible to reason with. I've found your arguments to be spot on but somehow they fail to comprehend the points you conveyed. You can check out my previous replies to those people in this thread and they come nowhere close to answering my simple questions because they simply don't have one. Most of their arguments are derailed from the essence of the debate and proves to be nonsensical, narrow-scoped and somewhat trivial.
They seem to be extremely rigid as they don't consider how the nerf could affect the class as a whole in regards to a stam and magicka builds which is already restrictive due to the nature that class abilities only have 3 skills scaled off of stam but they leave out stam users' concerns on that. The simple question I asked was something along the lines of 'What's left for NB stam users in terms of utilising class abilities since there are only a mere 3 class abilities that scale off of stamina in the whole class' and without any surprises, they failed to answer that question and proceeded with a quick change of topic.
Guys, Staminablade with S&B is much stronger as a Magickablade atm. So don't blame Cloak...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfGW4eYsJ_g
Guys, Staminablade with S&B is much stronger as a Magickablade atm. So don't blame Cloak...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfGW4eYsJ_g
And: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/de/discussion/218821/batcat-stamina-nightblade-s-b-build-pvp#latest
Sneaky-Snurr wrote: »@blur
I thank you for expressing the point of view of not nerfing any skill. :thumbsup:
To be honest, attempting to reason with the ones wanting to nerf the game is just a waste of time and energy hence why I've stopped responding them as they're impossible to reason with. I've found your arguments to be spot on but somehow they fail to comprehend the points you conveyed. You can check out my previous replies to those people in this thread and they come nowhere close to answering my simple questions because they simply don't have one. Most of their arguments are derailed from the essence of the debate and proves to be nonsensical, narrow-scoped and somewhat trivial.
They seem to be extremely rigid as they don't consider how the nerf could affect the class as a whole in regards to a stam and magicka builds which is already restrictive due to the nature that class abilities only have 3 skills scaled off of stam but they leave out stam users' concerns on that. The simple question I asked was something along the lines of 'What's left for NB stam users in terms of utilising class abilities since there are only a mere 3 class abilities that scale off of stamina in the whole class' and without any surprises, they failed to answer that question and proceeded with a quick change of topic.
You described problem effecting every stamina build- classes have only few stamina morphs! It's not NB problem alone, Temps have 3 class stamina morphs, DKs 2 morphs and sorcs(about them maybe I'm wrong) 2 morphs. Stop acting like special snowflake!
Strange i´m feeling quite a bit more potent in using cloak + shadow image than i´ve ever felt using bolt escape based on the sheer fact that my enemies are not able to see me and react accordingly.
Also gapclosers. They´re in the same ballpark for countering bolt as using aoe is for cloak (6m range against a class with 65% movementspeed while cloaked - LOL) to counter cloak.
Edit: Ofc i´m arguing from the pov of a magica nb. You can´t take into account stambuilds when balancing a magica ability.
You described problem effecting every stamina build- classes have only few stamina morphs! It's not NB problem alone, Temps have 3 class stamina morphs, DKs 2 morphs and sorcs(about them maybe I'm wrong) 2 morphs. Stop acting like special snowflake!