Detect Potions, Radiant Magelight, Any form of AoE, Caltrops, Revealing Flare, Piercing Mark, NPCs, Roaming Bosses, Charge Attacks. It's your fault for not using the counters available, don't come to the forums and complain about an issue that only affects lazy individuals.
sabresandiego_ESO wrote: »
I'm a nightblade. I have piercing mark. Cloak is overpowered unless you have piercing mark. Just because its my class I won't be biased, facts are facts. My class is slightly overpowered in certain scenarios and needs some fixes.
sabresandiego_ESO wrote: »My class is slightly overpowered in certain scenarios and needs some fixes.
sabresandiego_ESO wrote: »I'm a nightblade. I have piercing mark. Cloak is overpowered unless you have piercing mark.
playing solo nb for the most time and i dont run mark target, just not needed. there are enough skills that break cloack, special in tight IC areas. Perhaps just change a skill on your bar instead of calling for a whole class to be nerfed.
Funny seeing so many familiar names from the Shieldbreaker threads here objecting. lmao
Sabre, I know you want balance, but honestly, this isn't the way to go about it. Other games use skill cooldowns, ESO uses resources, so until our beloved "infinite resources" aren't fixed (though anything threatening the zerg does get nerfed that way already, yes...) there will be no balance and nothing close to it.
So yeah, leave Cloak alone. And someone shut off the crying NBs.
Detect Potions, Radiant Magelight, Any form of AoE, Caltrops, Revealing Flare, Piercing Mark, NPCs, Roaming Bosses, Charge Attacks. It's your fault for not using the counters available, don't come to the forums and complain about an issue that only affects lazy individuals.
Jprip88b16_ESO wrote: »NB cloak needs to get the same threatment as sorc Streak do.. its the same type of skill that is used to get away from a fight.. so when streak got nerfed so should NB cloak nuff said