Siege Engines fall under five categories, that being Anti-Infantry, Anti-Structure, Anti-Siege, Support and Useless (Yes, this is an actual category). Certain siege engines fall under multiple categories, and each siege engine has it's place on the battlefield.
- Anti-Infantry siege equipment focuses on the elimination of enemy forces, but generally require focused fire to be effective.
- Anti-Structure siege equipment focuses on tearing down enemy walls and doors, and are used for breeching and storming a keep.
- Anti-Siege siege equipment focuses on the elimination of enemy siege engines, allowing you to delay or hinder the breech of a keep, as without siege engines, the enemy cannot tear down the wall/door.
- Support siege equipment focuses on hindering enemy forces as well as supplementing allied forces with covering fire. Best used in tandem with an allied push.
- Useless siege equipment are generally outclassed by every other option there is, hence they earn this rather embarrassing title.
Stone Trebuchet
Category(s): Anti-Structure
Usage: This is the preferred weapon used to tear down walls and doors, as it has the highest sustained damage against structures of all siege weapons.
Cold Stone Trebuchet
Category(s): Anti-Infantry, Anti-Structure
Usage: Similar to the Stone Trebuchet, but with a much higher impact damage against enemy forces. A single hit from one of these Daedric siege engines is capable of inflicting 20k damage per hit. The damage done against structures is identical to the regular Stone Trebuchet.
Firepot Trebuchet
Category(s): Anti-Infantry
Usage: An Anti-Infantry siege engine, the Firepot Trebuchet immolates foes on impact, dealing 12k damage instantly to targets, then burning for an additional 12k damage over 4 seconds. Best used on stacked, immobile groups.
Cold Fire Trebuchet
Category(s): Anti-Infantry
Usage: Basically a Firepot Trebuchet on steroids, this beefed up version incinerates foes, dealing 15k instant damage instantly and burns for an additional 15k damage over 4 seconds. If you are a vampire and get hit by one of these without any purges or heals... well, I'll bury your ashes.
Iceball Trebuchet
Category(s): Useless
Usage: This siege engine is far too slow to serve as a Support siege, and doesn't deal enough upfront damage to justify being called an Anti-Infantry siege engine. Still nice for trolling though
Category(s): Anti-Structure, Anti-Siege
Usage: Non-elemental Ballistae are used in enclosed spaces for sieging walls and doors, when Stone Trebuchets will not fit. Ballistae also boasts massively increased damage against siege engines, allowing a coordinated volley of Ballistae fire to shred siege engines within seconds.
Fire Ballista
Category(s): Anti-Infantry, Anti-Siege
Usage: An iconic weapon on the battlefield, Flaming Ballistae boasts fast projectile speeds and moderately fast reloads, allowing them to be effectively used against more mobile enemies. A single shot from one of these glorified arbalests deals 8k damage on impact, with an additional 10k damage dealt over 6 seconds.
Cold Fire Ballista
Category(s): Anti-Infantry, Anti-Siege
Usage: A beefed up version of the Fire Ballista, this Daedric siege engine amps up the damage per shot, dealing 9.5k damage on impact and burning for 12k damage over 6 seconds.
Lightning Ballista
Category(s): Support, Anti-Siege
Usage: Though most would dismiss this siege engine, I find that this siege engine holds hidden potential. This siege engine allows its operator to inflict a long range 70% snare that lasts for 6 seconds. In addition, if fired by a Sorcerer, the siege engine also functions as an AoE execute, due to the Disintegration passive that Sorcerers have. This siege engine does 7k damage on impact and an additional 8.5k damage over 6 seconds. This siege also drains 10% of the target's Maximum Magicka per tick.
Scattershot Catapult
Category(s): Support
Usage: This siege engine does nearly insignificant damage but however, it has a rather unique function on the battlefield. It sends a projectile that covers a massive area, and inflicts a hidden debuff on all enemies affected. The debuff primes the targets, rendering them to take an additional 20% additional siege damage for 10 seconds. Couple this with the huge rate of fire and it's massive area of effect, and this seemingly harmless siege engine will have its effect felt by the enemy healers.
Meatbag Catapult
Category(s): Support, Anti-Infantry
Usage: Meatbag Catapults deal a respectable amount of damage on impact, as well as inflicting a strong DoT on targets affected. However, the main benefit of using a Meatbag is in the fact that these siege engines inflict both Major and Minor Defile on targets affected. This results in healers expending huge amounts of Magicka to keep their allies alive if they attempt to heal through the debuffs.
Oil Catapult
Category(s): Support
Usage: Oil Catapults inflict a 70% snare to targets affected for 6 seconds on impact, allowing the operator to ensure that enemy forces hit by this siege engine are nearly unable to move. This siege engine also drains 20% of the target's Maximum Stamina per hit.
Battering Ram
Category(s): Anti-Structure
Usage: Battering Rams inflict steady damage against a door, allowing a Level 5 door to be rammed open in 2.5 minutes if the ram is fully manned by 6 operators. The damage inflicted by the ram scales with the number of operators currently operating the ram, with a minimum of 3 operators and a maximum of 6 operators. However, the operators of a ram are vulnerable to Flaming Oil, which means purge and a siege shield is essential. A ram also allows for silent entry into keeps, as the noise produced by a ram isn’t as loud or distinct as other Siege Engines. A ram deals 1k damage per operator manning the ram, which is the same as a Fire Ballista. Though, rams can be used efficiently if the operators swaps betwixt the ram and another siege engine, running to the ram between shots. Usage of the ram is a controversial topic, some group leaders like the usage of the ram while others disapproves of ram usage.
Flaming Oil
Category(s): Anti-Infantry, Anti-Siege
Usage: Flaming Oil deals heavy damage to any enemies standing in the area of effect when the oil is poured, immolating them for 20k fire damage over 4 seconds. However, the use of Flaming Oil comes with a minimum height restriction. The oil must fall for 6 meters minimum before they will deal any damage, which means the setting Oil on the ground and pouring serves no purpose.
Extra Credit: Inevitable Detonation
Category(s): Anti-Infantry
Usage: The other morph of Proximity Detonation (Which is also the pain train's favourite skill), this morph excels at countering said pain trains. This morph changes the ability to detonate instantly on being purged, as well as dealing much higher base damage than Proximity Detonation. As pain trains tend to love spamming Purge, this means that you'll get an explosion from this ability as fast as you can spam the cast. A few high damage Magicka builds spamming this on an enemy pain train will melt them within seconds.
Using siege effectively requires the coordination of the various siege operators, as a single siege engine operating alone (Which is essentially what uncoordinated siege is) will barely have an effect on the enemy forces. A mix of Anti-Infantry and Support siege is best used to defend a breach (Along with a field of caltrops), while coordinated volleys of siege fire will down a structure within a minute.