Surviving Cyrodiil - How to (hopefully) die less often


Dean the Cat here. I would like to make this guide for the newer players to Cyrodiil, as I'm pretty sure most of the information I write here is already well known to the better players. Okay, now that introductions are out of the way, the first thing to remember is:

Memento Mori

Yes, that's right. Memento Mori. "Memento Mori" is latin, which means "Remember that you will die". Death comes for us all in Cyrodiil, and the sooner you accept that fact, the sooner you can start getting better at surviving and even winning a few fights of your own. No, that Templar is not going to stop Jesus beaming you, nor is that Nightblade going to stop instagibbing you from sneak. These are all part and parcel of life as a soldier (Or PFI, but I won't write what that acronym stands for. Hint: It's a term from "The Witcher") fighting in Cyrodiil.

So... how do you stop dying that often? Survival in Cyrodiil follows a few basic unwritten rules.
1) Sneak. Sneak when you are alone, sneak when you are not sure if enemies are around, sneak sneak sneak sneak sneak. Sneaking allows you to observe enemy movement with a low chance of being spotted and killed on the spot. Sneaking is what allows even the best players to be ambushed and killed, as you can't really prepare for an attack that you can't see. An additional benefit of sneaking is that any physical attack that you initiate from sneak that hits the back of an enemy carries a massive damage bonus as well as a 3 second stun. Dirty fighting, I know, and definitely not the most courageous way of fighting, but if it keeps you alive...

2) Situational Awareness. One of the top leading causes of death in Cyrodiil is due to players not paying attention to their surroundings. I can't even begin to count the number of times I managed to sneak kill a whole row of players operating siege weapons without them even noticing their comrades have fallen. Thing is, it's really very easy to get tunnel vision. Always keep one eye on your back, always expect an attack at any time. Cyrodiil isn't safe. Always be prepared for a fight. If you are playing in first person mode, I highly recommend switching to third person, as the difference for your survival is night and day. Speaking of siege weapons, get off that siege when it's reloading. There is absolutely no point in just sitting there and waiting for it's reload, as siege weapons in Tamriel are enchanted with an auto-reloading enchantment, meaning as soon as you fire your shot, you can get off the siege weapon and put up wards/heals/anything that keeps you alive.

3) Know your enemy. So... you just got into a fight. Next second you are dead. Then you are wondering what the heck just happened and see a bunch of attacks in your death recap. It's frustrating, I know, you feel like you got cheated and you didn't have a fair chance of fighting back. Thing is, Cyrodiil isn't fair. 1v1s are rare as heck, usually only found in preset duel settings (Legend guild for NA, Colosseum/Mythical Playground guild for EU). However, even though combat isn't fair, if you put your time into studying the skills your enemy uses in Cyrodiil (I'll include a section on common skills in Cyrodiil), you will begin to understand what the heck just happened. Understanding your opponent and his/her limits is the key to winning fights in Cyrodiil, as every single character has a weakness. All you have to do is find that weakness, and exploit it to turn even the most fearsome fighter into a meek kitten.

4) Stay calm. I can't stress this enough. Stay calm and think rationally. Patience is your best friend. Fighting and winning is far more then just getting a good build, mashing a few buttons and watching your enemies' corpses hit the ground. Oh, so that sorc just bolted away and is using /laugh at you from a distance. Stop and think. What is that sorc trying to achieve? In this case, the most likely reasoning is that sorc is trying to taunt you into chasing in, chasing him into fighting on territory and ground that is favorable to him rather than you. Who knows, you might chase him, then suddenly find that your "prey" has suddenly become the predator, when 5 of his friends suddenly appear from stealth and rip you apart, then proceed to /sweep on your corpse. Don't let your emotions and feelings get the better of you. If you do, you'll be unable to fight at full strength and will be nothing more then a walking sack of 900 AP.

5) Don't run your horse out of stamina. Cyrodiil is large. I'm pretty sure you want to get from... let's say Alessia to Sejanus where there is a massive battle ongoing quickly. However, don't let your horse run out of stamina. Your horse's stamina bar is like the horse's HP bar. As long as your horse has stamina left, you cannot be dismounted from attacks made to you while riding. However, once you get hit while your horse has no stamina, you'll fall like a sack of potatoes from that horse and be locked into a 5 second long dismount animation that cannot be CC-broken. Really, it's more then enough time for anyone to kill you, even by just using light attacks.

6) Avoid running with the zerg. Safety in numbers, I know. However, you can be pretty sure that nobody is going to be watching your back. It lulls you into a false sense of security that you are safe, while in reality, it's quite easy for a experienced player to murder you right there and then, and your allies will be none the wiser. Go with players that you trust, people you know will watch your back. A duo or trio of skilled players working in perfect synchronization are more then capable of going 3vX, where X is a whole zerg.

7) Self-sustainability is key. I know, you love to pack the biggest weapon you can find, swing it as hard as you can at your opponent, and watch the pretty numbers (Assuming you are using an add-on that displays damage numbers). However, if you focus completely on offense without a thought to your own self-preservation, it shouldn't come as a surprise when you get to enjoy horse simulator every 5 minutes. The best players mix offense and defense together, each with their own personal style. For example, I focus on cloaking and (mostly) dodging, my friend Legendary Mage focuses on his wards and Kris focuses on permacloaking and leeching health. All these styles still have the same common goal in mind: Stay alive long enough to kill people. There is no use having a weapon like Mehrunes' Razor, when you are dead before you can use it. This isn't a PvE dungeon where you will have a dedicated healer and tank protecting you, if anything, any competent foe will focus down your healer first.

8) There is no cowardice in living to fight another day. Know when to retreat. If you see a fight is not going your way, don't be afraid to disengage if an opportunity presents itself. Don't ride senselessly to your death. I'm pretty sure you want to get more AP to buy that shiny Monster set piece from Abi-Daro, and the best way to do that is to stay alive longer. Less time on horse simulator = More time fighting and earning AP.

9) Do not stack on top of allies. With the introduction of the Vicious Death set in 2.3, stacking on top of allied players is a surefire way to cause everyone to die horribly. This set has a 5m explosion radius, and everyone caught within the flames will be swiftly incinerated and reduced to cinders. Proper spacing between allies is therefore important so that a single death will not cause a group wipe.

10) Replace Forward Camps if you are the last one to use it. Forward Camps are vital in ensuring that you will have a second chance in battle, and as such it is important to ensure that the Forward Camp is always active at the site of large battles. Though the cost of a camp is steep, it's well worth the cost as a single camp can be and is often the difference between a victory and a complete and utter wipe. And you'll earn a lot more AP if your side wins, I assure you.

11) Ensure that you wear as many pieces of Impenetrable as possible on your armour. Critical Resistance is really important in Cyrodiil, as without being able to soften the impact of Critical Hits, you'll find yourself quickly reduced to another corpse on the battlefield. It will hurt to give up the bonus stats from the other potential traits that you might want on your armour, but Critical Resistance will prevent you from being one-shotted. The general Time-To-Kill (TTK) in Cyrodiil is already extremely low. Inpenetrable will ensure that you survive for a precious few seconds more so that you can react to incoming attacks.

12) Be on the look-out for allied synergies. Synergies offer potent and powerful effects for both the caster and the synergizer. This means that it is almost always a good idea to synergize allied effects. A good example of this is the Dragonknight Standard's "Shackle" synergy. This synergy creates an unbreakable root, shackling all enemies currently within the standard for 5 seconds as well as dealing a burst of flame damage. This means that enemies are unable to escape the debilitating effects of the Standard and will swiftly be reduced to ash within seconds.

That's pretty much it for the basic rules. It will take time to get used to, as PvP is a totally different ball game from what you are used to in PvE. However, it never hurts to be armed with extra knowledge, and thus I shall cover some of the more commonly used abilities and tactics in Cyrodiil and how to fight them.

Common Abilities:
1) Bolt Escape - I think this ability needs no introduction, as it's already so famous and iconic. This ability is countered by charges and immovable effects (Potion or ability). Critical Rush and Ambush excel at keeping up with a bolting sorcerer, but if you are a sorcerer, you could just simply bolt after him anyway... In any event, when attempting to chase a bolting sorcerer, holding block while charging or using an immovable effect first is essential, as the sorc could just streak through you (If he took that morph) or turn around and hit you with a Crystal Fragments proc.

2) Shadow Cloak - Another iconic move, this ability seemingly has a near endless list of counters, yet only a few people seem to slot the common counters to this ability. Any AoE damage breaks the Nightblade who cast this out of cloak, detection potions reveal Nightblades and sneakers, while Radient Magelight provides a 10m anti-stealth field around you as well as protecting you and your allies from sneak attacks, reducing their damage by 60%. Revealing Flare works as well. Finally, Piercing Mark if applied on the offending Nightblade, will ensure that he is visible for the next 20 seconds unless he purges it off.

3) Radiant Destruction (aka Jesus Beam) - The Templar's newest toy given to them in 1.6, it's a ranged channeled execute that deals insane damage to enemies below 50% HP which bypasses dodgeroll. Ways of fighting this ability includes purging this ability off (It's counted as a DoT), cloaking it, blocking or *Evil chuckle* casting Eclipse on the casting Templar. Interrupting this ability with a bash, venom arrow or crushing shock also works.

4) Reflective Scales (aka Flap Flap) - Used by Dragonknights to kill unaware players to dare attack the Dragonknight with projectile attacks, this ability once casted, ensures that the next 4 projectiles that hit the Dragonknight within the next 4 seconds are reflected back to the attacker. This is an undoubtedly powerful skill, but it can be fought. Using non-projectile ranged attacks like Daedric Curse, Lightning and Restoration stave heavy attacks and Jesus Beam, one can damage the Dragonknight from range. Another solution is to forgo range attacks and engage the Dragonknight in melee, though this is far more risky as the Dragonknight has a whole arsenal of abilities designed for Close Quarter Combat (CQC). Applying some form of Crowd Control just before the scales wear off is also a means of preventing a recast of the scales.

5) Dragon Blood - A heal that heals the Dragonknight for 33% of missing health, this ability is severely reduced in effectiveness once a healing debuff has been applied.

6) Snipe - This ability releases a slow moving projectile at the target, at insane range, which deals massive damage if it connects. Counters to this ability are dodgerolling, blocking, using scales or interrupting the archer in question. This ability has a clearly audible sound as it travels through the air, which is your cue to dodge out of the way to avoid the snipe.

7) Uppercut - This melee range attack from a two-handed weapon deals massive damage coupled with a stun and empower buff when it connects. This ability can be countered by blocking, dodging or applying hard CC to the attacker. A dodge is still best used to dodge through the attacker, as the ability will then miss, and he/she has to waste time turning around to reacquire you.

8) Crystal Shard - The iconic "Purple rock of doom". This ability sends a moderately fast moving projectile at the target that deals massive damage as well as knocking down and stunning the victim for 2 seconds after it connects. This ability can be dodged, blocked or reflected back at the caster. If the ability is hard casted, interrupting the cast works well too.

9) Soul Assault - See #3; Same means to counter it. Easily identifiable by a beam of bright white light connecting the caster and the target.

10) Dark Flare - See #8; Same means to counter it. The projectile is lobbed in an arc rather then a straight line, so remember to look up.

11) Meteor - Meteor creates a ring of blue runes around the feet of the victim, along with a distinct sound effect. When the runes shrink into nothing, the meteor connects, dealing massive damage as well as sending the target and nearby allies into the air, while also applying a ground DoT. Meteors can be blocked, but they cannot be dodged. Use of a snare removal ability like Shuffle is recommended to escape the ground AoE after the meteor connects. If you are a Sorcerer, use of Bolt Escape works too.

12) Magicka Detonation - This ability deals massive AoE damage to anyone within the "Red ring of doom", with the damage inflicted by the ability scaling up with the number of targets caught in the blast. The damage can be mitigated somewhat by blocking, but purging is useless, as purging will only cause the ability to explode early. If this ability is casted on you, please do your allies a favor and don't go near them. As this ability has a cast time, it can be interrupted while it's still being cast to stun the caster.

13) Aspect of Terror - A signature skill of the Nightblade, this ability goes through blocks and dodgeroll to CC the target. Drinking an immovable potion or using the ability Immovable will prevent fear from taking effect. Otherwise, the only real thing you can do about this is to always be ready to CC-break, thereby meaning that you should have decent stamina regeneration and/or the Way of the Arena 5 piece item set.

14) Daedric Mines - The famous purple mines cast by Sorcerers, Daedric Mines have a 3 second arming time after being cast, but once armed, they deal high damage to anyone who dares step into them along with a root. Ways of fighting this ability include using ranged attacks, or using Immovable effects (Potion or ability). Either way, if you do decide to try and attack in melee, ensure you have a means of healing yourself from the spike damage from the mines.

15) Dark Talons - The iconic Dragonknight exclusive root, this ability is simply countered by dodgerolling. Purge effects can be used to remove the DoT or the damage debuff inflicted by this ability.

16) Encase - The sorcerer version of Dark Talons, but with an additional flaw. By simply jumping into the air, you can avoid being caught by this ability. Same counters as Dark Talons.

17) Fossilize - This Dragonknight's long duration CC is a 20 second long disorient with a twist. It roots you after the disorient effect ends, so remember to dodgeroll after CC-breaking. This ability goes through blocks.

18) Defensive Posture - This skill reflects the next projectile to hit the caster back at the attacker. This ability is visible on your opponent as a blackish-greyish gleaming stone-like sheen to their armor. Counter this ability by using non-projectile attacks or by simply light attacking the target with a bow/staff.

19) Conjured Ward - The signature Sorcerer shield/ward, this skill creates a buffer around the caster, absorbing a high amount of damage before shattering. While the ward is active, critical hits cannot be achieved on the caster. Counter this ability by attacking the stamina pool of the (usually frail) caster using CC effects or the Shieldbreaker Set (IC Tel-Var Stone set).

20) Shadow Image - This Nightblade skill places a static shade at the Nightblade's location, which fires a bow at the target, inflicting minor maim, reducing the damage the target does by 15%. The skill can also be activated again, teleporting the caster back to the shade. This skill can be countered by placing area denial on the shade, with good options being a Lingering Flare, Volcanic Rune, Caltrops or Daedric Mines.

21) Grim Focus/Assassin's Will - This Nightblade skill applies a buff to the Nightblade, increasing their damage for a short period of time. After the Nightblade performs 4 Light or Heavy attacks, this skill morphs into Assassin's Will, allowing the Nightblade to take a single shot from a spectral bow; which fires a moderately fast moving projectile. The projectile has a distinctive sound effect when being loosed, and deals massive damage when it connects. A tell-tale sign that a Nightblade is planning to perform an Assassin's Will is multiple Light attacks in a row, as that is the fastest way to proc an Assassin's Will. To counter this skill, dodge as soon as you have been hit by 3-4 light attacks in a row (Usually from a restoration staff) or use a reflect to send the projectile flying back at the offending Nightblade in question.

22) Bombard - This bow skill fires a burst of arrows in a cone, snaring and rooting all enemies within the area of effect up to 20m from the archer in question. The main threat from this skill isn't the damage portion, but rather the snare and the root. Counter this ability by having some from of snare removal (Mist Form, Shuffle, Forward Momentum, Retreating Manuevers).

23) Negate Magic - This Sorcerer ultimate places a purple globe on the battlefield, in which all non-weapon line/Fighter's Guild abilities are unable to be used. Prior to 2.4, this ultimate could be CC broken. However, the ultimate is now unaffected by CC-breaks, which means a single well placed Negate makes and breaks fights. Root/snare abilities are often used to ensure that targets remain under the negate, so ensure that you have a form of Stamina based root/snare removal (Shuffle, Forward Momentum) and leave the globe as soon as possible.

Common Tactics:
1) Ganking - Usually enjoyable on the end of the person doing the ganking, not so much on the end of the person being ganked. Ganking is the act of waiting in sneak in groups of 2 to 3 for a unaware target to pass, before leaping out of sneak and engaging the target. The victim often has little to no chance to react or survive such an attack. Usage of Radient Magelight as well as constantly maintaining some stamina on your horse is the best protection against gankers. Also, if you suspect a trap, dismount and sneak. It may take you longer, but it is better to arrive late then arrive dead.

2) Tower Farming - Tower farming is usually done by organized groups looking for some easy AP. If you spot enemy forces capturing a resource, then fleeing into the tower, do not capture the resource. Instead, set up sieges to attack the tower, as this will force the enemy group out of the tower, ruining their attempts at a tower farm. If the resource has already been captured, the best solution is to leave them alone, as if they don't get the easy AP they came for, they will attempt to push out of the tower to re-capture the resource, which is the best time to strike them, as they are no longer protected by the walls of the tower. Alternatively, you could gather a bunch of friends, assigning some to fire firepot trebuchets at the upper levels of the tower, denying access to the tower farming groups. The rest should stack up at the door, cast Rapid Maneuvers and as many damage shields and wards as possible and enter the tower at the same time. Once in, head up to the upper floors of the tower and set up flaming oil and start pouring.

3) Baiting - Usually done by Sorcerers, this tactic offers a seemingly enticing target as a bait to would be attackers, while the bait's allies await in sneak. As soon as anyone takes the bait, the hidden players attack the victim, often instantly gibbing their target. This strategy is the main reason why one does not simply chase sorcerers, as you can never be sure if there is an ambush waiting or not. The best counter for this sort of strategy is simply common sense. If it is too good to be true, it most likely is.

4) Decoy sieges - A more advanced tactic used by the better players in Cyrodiil, decoy sieges involve a single player bringing a keep wall to 51%, then proceeding to place a ton of oil pots down, then flagging the keep. This gives the false illusion to the enemy that the keep is under attack by a large amount of siege weapons, thus diverting enemy forces to the keep in question whereas a real attack is staged somewhere else on the map. This strategy is countered by having constant scouting patrols of your alliance's keeps.

5) Transitus breaking - Another advanced tactic, transitus breaking is when a group of players captures every resource around a keep or captures an outpost, in order to break the teleportation link between keeps, thus preventing reinforcements from reaching the front lines. This strategy can have a large impact on the Cyrodiilic map, as any keep that lacks defenders will quickly fall to any decently organized group. Once again, the strategy is countered by having constant scouting patrols.

Additional knowledge worth knowing is the basics of how to fight as an alliance, as an alliance that works well together can repel the two other alliances, despite constant assaults on that alliance.
1) Resurrect your fallen allies. If you see the corpses of your allies lying on the ground and it is safe to do so, resurrect the fallen. Every single fighter who can lift a blade or cast a spell matters in a fight. A single player is enough to turn the tides of battle. Who knows, that player that you resurrected may just set up a hidden flaming oil or fire balista, and that one pour or shot wipes the enemy zerg. Also, players tend to be grateful to those that resurrect them, and constantly resurrecting your allies will ensure they remember, and the next time you meet your end in Cyrodiil, you can be sure that they will resurrect you.

2) Call out enemy positions in /zone. Information is key to winning the campaign, and the more information you can provide, the better it is for your alliance. For example, you see a bunch of Daggerfall Covenant soldiers setting up siege at Kingscrest Lumbermill. They are aiming their sieges at the keep, but they haven't actually fired yet. Call them out in /zone. Early warning in /zone ensures that allies will come to your aid, and you won't have to fight all those enemies alone. Besides, people will love you for it. A good early warning scouting report turns the tides of battles. It's the difference between defending the keep solo vs defending it with 10-20 allies by your side.

3) Don't reveal sneaking allies. A very common mistake that most players make in Cyrodiil is that when they are being chased, they head to allies in sneak. This action often results in the death of the allies in question. Think about it, if they are alive, they could resurrect you after the enemy zerg has passed, or if it is a small group of enemies chasing you, they could launch a surprise attack on the back of the group, turning the tables on the enemy and wiping them in one attack. Another side effect of revealing sneaking allies is that it is a surefire way to ensure that they won't resurrect you the next time you die.

4) Buy your own siege engines and use them. Siege is king on the battlefields of Cyrodiil (20k damage Cold Stone Trebuchet anyone?), and a well placed shot from one of these engines of war makes and breaks armies. Siege weapons are the key to taking and defending keeps. Siege weapons basically pay for themselves, even though they may have a seemingly steep upfront cost at first. An example would be that you are assaulting Arrius Keep. There are a lot of enemy defenders on the wall, raining spells and arrows on your forces, while you are unable to fight back due to the wall. If none of your forces brought sieges, there is absolutely no way to destroy that wall and expose the defenders to retaliation. However, if you brought sieges, you could break down the wall, then storm the breech with your allies, and massacre the defenders on the wall, earning a ton of AP in the process, pretty much earning far more then you spent with the investment of the siege engine.

Another point to note is that if someone else has placed siege, please do not steal it from them, as players who place and operate multiple siege engines are usually well-versed in siege warfare, and know the weakpoints of keeps and where to strike for optimal effect. Taking away siege from such players often harms your allies rather then helping them, as a slow siege of an enemy keep means that enemy reinforcements have more time to arrive. More enemies at a keep means that your forces will have a much harder time taking said keep as for every minute the siege goes on, the advantage slowly shifts towards the defending force rather then the attacking one.

5) Protect allies that are operating siege engines. A siege engine operator has little to no awareness of his/her surroundings, and therefore a prime target for an enemy Nightblade assassination. Protecting these vulnerable operators is the key to ensure that the keep wall falls in any decent amount of time, as a dead operator cannot fire the siege engine.

6) Don't argue with people in /zone. Infighting inside the alliances does nothing but breed distrust and mutual animosity. You are all in it for the fight, for good or evil. Don't waste your time with these trolls and instead focus on what is important, which is to say fighting and having fun.

With the advent of 2.1 (Also called 1.7 by most players, myself included), the gates of the Imperial City have been opened. The Imperial City and the sewers that extend beneath the City bring unique dangers and challenges not found anywhere else, along with a measure of risk vs reward in the form of the Tel-Var stone system. Therefore, a section dedicated to surviving and braving the dangers of the Imperial City have been included.
1) Always carry a Sigil of Imperial Retreat. Sigils of Imperial Retreat are stones that allow the user of the stone to teleport back to the sewer base of the alliance that the user belongs to. These life-saving stones have an 8 second cast time, and will pull the user out of stealth when used. However, once the channel is complete, the user teleports back to base, leaving nothing but a cloud of purple mist where they once were. This Sigil is therefore invaluable in protecting your Tel-Var stones from would be thieves, as you lose 80% of your Tel-Var stones on PvP death. There is nothing more frustrating then losing 1k+ Tel-Var to an enemy, just because you didn't have the foresight to retreat with these Sigils. However, there is a hefty price tag on these Sigils. They cost 10k Alliance Points from the Tel-Var General Goods Merchant in your base, or can be found at random from chests scattered throughout the Imperial City.

2) Beware of Sweeper Bosses. Sweeper Bosses (Or FOEs as I like to call them) are extremely powerful and deadly enemies, often requiring 10 or more players to take down. These FOEs once aggroed, will relentlessly chase their target across entire districts of the Imperial City, not stopping till they or their target is dead. Therefore, engage these enemies with extreme caution. They are easily recognizable by having a unique name in addition to having 3 Diamonds on their health bar. FOEs in the Imperial Sewers will have a banner on their backs, along with randomized travel paths. Tread carefully, lest your next step may be your last. However, a creative player may intentionally draw aggro from these walking apocalypses, only to train them into a large group of enemy players, thereby borrowing the strength of the FOE to wipe a much larger group.

3) Form warbands of 4-8 players. Running around in a zerg in the Imperial City will net you next to no Tel-Var stone gains, as all Tel-Var stones gained is split among all members of the party. For example, if a monster were to drop 4 Tel-Var stones, and there were 24 people in the party, 4 players would get 1 Tel-Var stone, while the rest of the party gets nothing. The same distribution is applied to Tel-Var stones earned from a player kill. Therefore, to ensure some rewards for your trouble while not being too few to fall apart at the first sign of danger, a warband of 4-8 players is recommended. A warband of 4-8 coordinated players is more then capable of wiping any enemy, be it daedra, men or mer.

4) Have some form of snare removal. Snares are deadly in the close quarters of the Imperial City/Sewers, and therefore some means of freeing yourself from snares is imperative. Skills that offer snare removal are Shuffle, Rapid Maneuvers, Forward Momentum and Purge.

5) Scout Ahead. It pays to be cautious, and sending a member of a group who specialises in stealth to scout the area pays off. A scout can mean the difference between walking into an ambush and losing your Tel-Var stones, or turning the tables on the ambushers by ambushing them instead. This also applies when engaging daedra. Always have one eye on your back to look out for incoming enemy alliance players.

6) Do not fight under an enemy alliance's spawn point. Fighting at such a position means that the enemy will be able to almost instantly return to the battle, which means that you will be fighting a neverending stream of opponents, and you will inevitably fall by the weight of sheer numbers. Stay away from enemy spawn points if you can help it, and minimise time spent near one should you be unable to prevent yourself from approaching one. The spawn points are easily identified by Alliance Banners flying on the walls of the building where the alliance spawns at.

7) Enemy players are not your only enemy. Daedra fill the streets of the Imperial City, and as a result, chasing mindlessly after an enemy opponent may result in you running headfirst into a pack of daedra, thereby meeting your swift and ignominious end. Constantly weigh the risk vs the reward, and know when to give up the chase. It is better to let the opponent go, then risk losing all your Tel-Var stones.

Another common issue that new players face is not knowing which kind of Sieges Engines to use, and what are the various synergies and effects of the myriad of Siege Engines have on their targets. The following section is dedicated to explaining the various kinds of sieges as well as their use.
Siege Engines fall under five categories, that being Anti-Infantry, Anti-Structure, Anti-Siege, Support and Useless (Yes, this is an actual category). Certain siege engines fall under multiple categories, and each siege engine has it's place on the battlefield.
  • Anti-Infantry siege equipment focuses on the elimination of enemy forces, but generally require focused fire to be effective.
  • Anti-Structure siege equipment focuses on tearing down enemy walls and doors, and are used for breeching and storming a keep.
  • Anti-Siege siege equipment focuses on the elimination of enemy siege engines, allowing you to delay or hinder the breech of a keep, as without siege engines, the enemy cannot tear down the wall/door.
  • Support siege equipment focuses on hindering enemy forces as well as supplementing allied forces with covering fire. Best used in tandem with an allied push.
  • Useless siege equipment are generally outclassed by every other option there is, hence they earn this rather embarrassing title.

Stone Trebuchet
Category(s): Anti-Structure
Usage: This is the preferred weapon used to tear down walls and doors, as it has the highest sustained damage against structures of all siege weapons.

Cold Stone Trebuchet
Category(s): Anti-Infantry, Anti-Structure
Usage: Similar to the Stone Trebuchet, but with a much higher impact damage against enemy forces. A single hit from one of these Daedric siege engines is capable of inflicting 20k damage per hit. The damage done against structures is identical to the regular Stone Trebuchet.

Firepot Trebuchet
Category(s): Anti-Infantry
Usage: An Anti-Infantry siege engine, the Firepot Trebuchet immolates foes on impact, dealing 12k damage instantly to targets, then burning for an additional 12k damage over 4 seconds. Best used on stacked, immobile groups.

Cold Fire Trebuchet
Category(s): Anti-Infantry
Usage: Basically a Firepot Trebuchet on steroids, this beefed up version incinerates foes, dealing 15k instant damage instantly and burns for an additional 15k damage over 4 seconds. If you are a vampire and get hit by one of these without any purges or heals... well, I'll bury your ashes.

Iceball Trebuchet
Category(s): Useless
Usage: This siege engine is far too slow to serve as a Support siege, and doesn't deal enough upfront damage to justify being called an Anti-Infantry siege engine. Still nice for trolling though :smile:

Category(s): Anti-Structure, Anti-Siege
Usage: Non-elemental Ballistae are used in enclosed spaces for sieging walls and doors, when Stone Trebuchets will not fit. Ballistae also boasts massively increased damage against siege engines, allowing a coordinated volley of Ballistae fire to shred siege engines within seconds.

Fire Ballista
Category(s): Anti-Infantry, Anti-Siege
Usage: An iconic weapon on the battlefield, Flaming Ballistae boasts fast projectile speeds and moderately fast reloads, allowing them to be effectively used against more mobile enemies. A single shot from one of these glorified arbalests deals 8k damage on impact, with an additional 10k damage dealt over 6 seconds.

Cold Fire Ballista
Category(s): Anti-Infantry, Anti-Siege
Usage: A beefed up version of the Fire Ballista, this Daedric siege engine amps up the damage per shot, dealing 9.5k damage on impact and burning for 12k damage over 6 seconds.

Lightning Ballista
Category(s): Support, Anti-Siege
Usage: Though most would dismiss this siege engine, I find that this siege engine holds hidden potential. This siege engine allows its operator to inflict a long range 70% snare that lasts for 6 seconds. In addition, if fired by a Sorcerer, the siege engine also functions as an AoE execute, due to the Disintegration passive that Sorcerers have. This siege engine does 7k damage on impact and an additional 8.5k damage over 6 seconds. This siege also drains 10% of the target's Maximum Magicka per tick.

Scattershot Catapult
Category(s): Support
Usage: This siege engine does nearly insignificant damage but however, it has a rather unique function on the battlefield. It sends a projectile that covers a massive area, and inflicts a hidden debuff on all enemies affected. The debuff primes the targets, rendering them to take an additional 20% additional siege damage for 10 seconds. Couple this with the huge rate of fire and it's massive area of effect, and this seemingly harmless siege engine will have its effect felt by the enemy healers.

Meatbag Catapult
Category(s): Support, Anti-Infantry
Usage: Meatbag Catapults deal a respectable amount of damage on impact, as well as inflicting a strong DoT on targets affected. However, the main benefit of using a Meatbag is in the fact that these siege engines inflict both Major and Minor Defile on targets affected. This results in healers expending huge amounts of Magicka to keep their allies alive if they attempt to heal through the debuffs.

Oil Catapult
Category(s): Support
Usage: Oil Catapults inflict a 70% snare to targets affected for 6 seconds on impact, allowing the operator to ensure that enemy forces hit by this siege engine are nearly unable to move. This siege engine also drains 20% of the target's Maximum Stamina per hit.

Battering Ram
Category(s): Anti-Structure
Usage: Battering Rams inflict steady damage against a door, allowing a Level 5 door to be rammed open in 2.5 minutes if the ram is fully manned by 6 operators. The damage inflicted by the ram scales with the number of operators currently operating the ram, with a minimum of 3 operators and a maximum of 6 operators. However, the operators of a ram are vulnerable to Flaming Oil, which means purge and a siege shield is essential. A ram also allows for silent entry into keeps, as the noise produced by a ram isn’t as loud or distinct as other Siege Engines. A ram deals 1k damage per operator manning the ram, which is the same as a Fire Ballista. Though, rams can be used efficiently if the operators swaps betwixt the ram and another siege engine, running to the ram between shots. Usage of the ram is a controversial topic, some group leaders like the usage of the ram while others disapproves of ram usage.

Flaming Oil
Category(s): Anti-Infantry, Anti-Siege
Usage: Flaming Oil deals heavy damage to any enemies standing in the area of effect when the oil is poured, immolating them for 20k fire damage over 4 seconds. However, the use of Flaming Oil comes with a minimum height restriction. The oil must fall for 6 meters minimum before they will deal any damage, which means the setting Oil on the ground and pouring serves no purpose.

Extra Credit: Inevitable Detonation
Category(s): Anti-Infantry
Usage: The other morph of Proximity Detonation (Which is also the pain train's favourite skill), this morph excels at countering said pain trains. This morph changes the ability to detonate instantly on being purged, as well as dealing much higher base damage than Proximity Detonation. As pain trains tend to love spamming Purge, this means that you'll get an explosion from this ability as fast as you can spam the cast. A few high damage Magicka builds spamming this on an enemy pain train will melt them within seconds.
Using siege effectively requires the coordination of the various siege operators, as a single siege engine operating alone (Which is essentially what uncoordinated siege is) will barely have an effect on the enemy forces. A mix of Anti-Infantry and Support siege is best used to defend a breach (Along with a field of caltrops), while coordinated volleys of siege fire will down a structure within a minute.

With the advent of 2.4, custom-designed Poisons (I call them Toxins) have been introduced as a new and potent tool in the arsenal of death-dealing implements. It is almost always a good idea to have a toxin active on your weapon instead of an enchantment, due to the variety of potent and deadly effects that severely hinder your opponent's capabilities to fight back. As such, I will go through a list of basic rules and good to have effects when attempting to create a potent toxin.
1) Many effects in a single Toxin may not be the best idea. Toxin effects get diluted the more effects you attempt to stack in a single dose, and as a result, 3 effect toxins are almost always never a good idea. Focus on creating a Toxin with slightly fewer effects, but with a more potent application per dose to really put the hurt on your victim. For example, an increase cost toxin that lasts only for 2.3 seconds is pretty much useless.

2) Consider the weaknesses in your build when creating your own personal Toxin. Toxins can enhance key aspects of your build due to unique draining effects present on some reagent combinations. Consider tailoring a Toxin or two to reducing the weaknesses in your own build. For example, a Werewolf may consider using a Hindrance Toxin on his or her weapons, as a snare being available to use in Werewolf form ensures that enemies will find it extremely difficult to evade the Werewolf's attacks.

3) Toxins are unpuragable. A common mistake of players when they get hit with Toxins is to attempt to purify or purge them off. However, purges have no effect against Toxins, therefore one should conserve resources and attempt a different tactic when fighting against a player that uses Toxins. This includes Hindrance Toxins and their effect on snare immunity abilities.

4) Utility Toxins are generally better then damage ones. Damage can be achieved in many ways, and using a valuable toxin proc to deal more damage is a waste when it could be used to target aspects of opposing fighters that are not normally targetable. A +60% cost Toxin always wins against a Toxin that does 1k damage per second.

Useful effects to have on Toxins:
  • +60% cost of abilities
  • +60% cost of ultimate
  • Snare
  • Minor Vunerability
  • Detection
  • Root

Well, this concludes my guide to the basics of Cyrodiil, and I hope it helps you become a better player. After all,

"Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

May your road lead you to warm sands.

Dean the Cat

EDIT: Spelling errors and minor contextual errors
EDIT2: Added an additional section to the guide based on feedback
EDIT3: Further edits and improvements
EDIT4: Updated the guide for 1.7, added in section for the Imperial City/Sewers
EDIT5: Updated the guide for 2.3, added in extra tips in the survival section, updated out-of-date counter methods with up-to-date ones.
EDIT6: General improvements and additions to various sections.
EDIT7: Added in a new section on Siege types
EDIT8: Added in a new section of Toxins, additions to various sections.
Edited by DeanTheCat on August 1, 2016 11:50AM
Dean the Cat
Somewhat Insane Puddicat
EU-PC Megaserver; Ebonheart Pact, Alliance Rank 34
This one hails from far Singapore, excuse this one for his high pings. He also apologizes for any formatting/spelling errors, as he tends to answer using a mobile device.

Insanity is the price of Knowledge. Herma-Mora and Sheogorath, this one bows before thee.

This one does not advocate for any class to be nerfed. There are far deeper underlying issues then a simple "Class Imbalance". The Champion System is the problem. Not classes.

Please read this before creating yet another nerf thread.

My guides:
  • Soulac
    Also you should consider to try new things, risk something and do some duels from time to time.
    You will learn how far you can go, what to do in certain situations and you'll get much better overall. Knowledge is power.

    Overall nice guide!
    R.I.P Dawnbreaker / Auriel´s Bow
    Member of the Arena Guild and the overpowered Banana Squad.
    Nathaerizh aka Cat - Nightblade V16 - EU

    - Meow -
  • Snit
    Roll out of red circles. Fast.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • DeanTheCat
    Soulac wrote: »
    Also you should consider to try new things, risk something and do some duels from time to time.
    You will learn how far you can go, what to do in certain situations and you'll get much better overall. Knowledge is power.

    Overall nice guide!
    Snit wrote: »
    Roll out of red circles. Fast.

    Gah, I knew I forgot something... /facepalm

    *Note to self: Don't try to write the whole thing in one shot and get someone to proofread first*
    Dean the Cat
    Somewhat Insane Puddicat
    EU-PC Megaserver; Ebonheart Pact, Alliance Rank 34
    This one hails from far Singapore, excuse this one for his high pings. He also apologizes for any formatting/spelling errors, as he tends to answer using a mobile device.

    Insanity is the price of Knowledge. Herma-Mora and Sheogorath, this one bows before thee.

    This one does not advocate for any class to be nerfed. There are far deeper underlying issues then a simple "Class Imbalance". The Champion System is the problem. Not classes.

    Please read this before creating yet another nerf thread.

    My guides:
  • JDar

    I presume this guide is GPL'd then?
  • Tankqull
    Your Meteor is not 100% correct.
    you have to differ between the two morphs, ice comet infact is not dodgeable and if you try to do so you will be ported back into its impact area (to recieve the snare effect i guess). Shooting Star on the other hand is dodgable as long as the dodge animation lasts while it impacts.
    the problem is without knowing your opponent you have no chance of knowing if you can dodge it or not.

    and mines are quite laughable as they are like pet-selfdestruct explosions not affected by the casters spellpierce wich makes them less effective every day due to the increasing CP points
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • DeanTheCat
    Tankqull wrote: »
    Your Meteor is not 100% correct.
    you have to differ between the two morphs, ice comet infact is not dodgeable and if you try to do so you will be ported back into its impact area (to recieve the snare effect i guess). Shooting Star on the other hand is dodgable as long as the dodge animation lasts while it impacts.
    the problem is without knowing your opponent you have no chance of knowing if you can dodge it or not.

    and mines are quite laughable as they are like pet-selfdestruct explosions not affected by the casters spellpierce wich makes them less effective every day due to the increasing CP points

    Huh. Shooting Star can be dodged? News to me. Well, I kinda never really tried dodging those as I cloak them and I play with minimum 400 ping. Mines on the other hand still hurt me quite a lot, as remember, not everyone has 200+ CP along with Nirnhoned armor (Only have round 150 CP along with zero Nirnhoned, too busy to play much these days :( )
    Dean the Cat
    Somewhat Insane Puddicat
    EU-PC Megaserver; Ebonheart Pact, Alliance Rank 34
    This one hails from far Singapore, excuse this one for his high pings. He also apologizes for any formatting/spelling errors, as he tends to answer using a mobile device.

    Insanity is the price of Knowledge. Herma-Mora and Sheogorath, this one bows before thee.

    This one does not advocate for any class to be nerfed. There are far deeper underlying issues then a simple "Class Imbalance". The Champion System is the problem. Not classes.

    Please read this before creating yet another nerf thread.

    My guides:
  • Knootewoot
    DeanTheCat wrote: »

    Huh. Shooting Star can be dodged? News to me. Well, I kinda never really tried dodging those as I cloak them and I play with minimum 400 ping. Mines on the other hand still hurt me quite a lot, as remember, not everyone has 200+ CP along with Nirnhoned armor (Only have round 150 CP along with zero Nirnhoned, too busy to play much these days :( )

    Witcher 3?

    Good thing to ride horse is use of "retreating manouvres" while not sprinting with horse. That way you have speed and all horse stamina. As soon someone attacks cast retreat again and sprint. Saved me lots of times.

    Best way to gank horses is to deploy the cavelary morph of caltrops. Stamina gone from horses quick. Tested this once between Arius and Farragut in the narrow passage just behind mine Arrius. A whole raid fell from their horses. Image that doing it with a gank group waiting in stealth. Blood and mayhem awaits.

    Edit: Are you a NB and got marked by piercing mark? Be sure to slot purge to get rid of this unwanted effect. Yes, you have to get rid of some usefull skills. I have one bar which only consists of counter measures to unwanted counters applied to me.

    - Immovable for fear (alternative you can use potions. but I have little time to play so I don't want to harvest)
    - piercing mark for stealthers (alternative you can use detect potions
    - Purge for piercing mark
    - Retreating maneuvers for cc's
    Edited by Knootewoot on May 29, 2015 9:31AM
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Suntzu1414
    why does everyone paraphrase Sun tzu...

    "if you wait long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by...with snipe arrows in the back"

    Kill Well
    DC - NB VR15 - Khajit - DW / S+B / Bow
    DC - NB VR 15 - Wood Elf - S+B / Resto
    DC - TP VR 15 - Brenton - Resto / Dual Wield
    DC - SC VR 12 - High Elf - Desto / Dual Wield
    EP - TP VR 5 - Nord - 2hd / 2hd
    EP - DK 20 - Imperial - S+B / Desto / Bow
  • DeanTheCat
    Knootewoot wrote: »

    Witcher 3?

    Good thing to ride horse is use of "retreating manouvres" while not sprinting with horse. That way you have speed and all horse stamina. As soon someone attacks cast retreat again and sprint. Saved me lots of times.

    Best way to gank horses is to deploy the cavelary morph of caltrops. Stamina gone from horses quick. Tested this once between Arius and Farragut in the narrow passage just behind mine Arrius. A whole raid fell from their horses. Image that doing it with a gank group waiting in stealth. Blood and mayhem awaits.

    Edit: Are you a NB and got marked by piercing mark? Be sure to slot purge to get rid of this unwanted effect. Yes, you have to get rid of some usefull skills. I have one bar which only consists of counter measures to unwanted counters applied to me.

    - Immovable for fear (alternative you can use potions. but I have little time to play so I don't want to harvest)
    - piercing mark for stealthers (alternative you can use detect potions
    - Purge for piercing mark
    - Retreating maneuvers for cc's

    Nope. IRL commitments (Mainly to my chess club). Well, my guide was more focused to help newbies stay alive. Also, mark doesn't really hinder my build, I can fight just as well out of stealth as in stealth. It's just much easier for me to stay in stealth in the first place. I run a Dual Wield (Main bar) + 2hand (Buff Bar) build. I don't have exactly enough magicka to use both cloak and purge anyway. I use charging manoeuvres rather then retreating. That extra speed makes a difference after you engage someone and they are trying to flee. My build is... rather unique. I haven't seen any EU NBs who run a similar build to mine(Other then Listens-to-Fishes, but her build was made by me in the first place). :smile:

    My horse has enough stamina investment so that if they want to dismount me, they need to deal 80% of my health in damage first. By that time, even if I get dismounted, I'm most likely dead anyway. Else I just dismount, dodge, vigor and kill the ganker. :smirk:
    Suntzu1414 wrote: »
    why does everyone paraphrase Sun tzu...

    "if you wait long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by...with snipe arrows in the back"

    Kill Well

    Well, it isn't my fault that you picked that name right? :p
    Dean the Cat
    Somewhat Insane Puddicat
    EU-PC Megaserver; Ebonheart Pact, Alliance Rank 34
    This one hails from far Singapore, excuse this one for his high pings. He also apologizes for any formatting/spelling errors, as he tends to answer using a mobile device.

    Insanity is the price of Knowledge. Herma-Mora and Sheogorath, this one bows before thee.

    This one does not advocate for any class to be nerfed. There are far deeper underlying issues then a simple "Class Imbalance". The Champion System is the problem. Not classes.

    Please read this before creating yet another nerf thread.

    My guides:
  • Derra
    I dont like the comment about sneak because I despise the fact that every class can go invisible at will in an open pvp game. It does not make sense and encourages ganking and zerging.
    Nightblades should be the only class to do so and only with their class skill resulting in a VERY limited invis time at all.
    Edited by Derra on May 29, 2015 10:38AM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Rosveen
    It's "memento mori."
  • DeanTheCat
    Rosveen wrote: »
    It's "memento mori."

    Thanks, I'll correct that spelling error.
    Derra wrote: »
    I dont like the comment about sneak because I despise the fact that every class can go invisible at will in an open pvp game. It does not make sense and encourages ganking and zerging.
    Nightblades should be the only class to do so and only with their class skill resulting in a VERY limited invis time at all.

    You'll never see anything but zergs then if sneak were to be removed. Nobody likes to die, and sneak is an excellent way to allow people to dare venture solo.
    Dean the Cat
    Somewhat Insane Puddicat
    EU-PC Megaserver; Ebonheart Pact, Alliance Rank 34
    This one hails from far Singapore, excuse this one for his high pings. He also apologizes for any formatting/spelling errors, as he tends to answer using a mobile device.

    Insanity is the price of Knowledge. Herma-Mora and Sheogorath, this one bows before thee.

    This one does not advocate for any class to be nerfed. There are far deeper underlying issues then a simple "Class Imbalance". The Champion System is the problem. Not classes.

    Please read this before creating yet another nerf thread.

    My guides:
  • Soris
    Derra wrote: »
    I dont like the comment about sneak because I despise the fact that every class can go invisible at will in an open pvp game. It does not make sense and encourages ganking and zerging.
    Nightblades should be the only class to do so and only with their class skill resulting in a VERY limited invis time at all.

    I've been thinking this since Beta 1. Why the hell would somone allow whole zergs can sneak in open fields in day light just because it is a thing from previous TES games? Those games are single player games you know. Hell, you can't even sneak in daylight in those games without expert sneaking. It makes no sense. It only cause gankfest in every corner of Cyrodiil.
    Nothing more.
    It needs either a whole new skill line like Legerdemain and only works in nights and shadows or as Derra said.
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • Knootewoot
    DeanTheCat wrote: »

    Nope. IRL commitments (Mainly to my chess club). Well, my guide was more focused to help newbies stay alive. Also, mark doesn't really hinder my build, I can fight just as well out of stealth as in stealth. It's just much easier for me to stay in stealth in the first place. I run a Dual Wield (Main bar) + 2hand (Buff Bar) build. I don't have exactly enough magicka to use both cloak and purge anyway. I use charging manoeuvres rather then retreating. That extra speed makes a difference after you engage someone and they are trying to flee. My build is... rather unique. I haven't seen any EU NBs who run a similar build to mine(Other then Listens-to-Fishes, but her build was made by me in the first place). :smile:

    My horse has enough stamina investment so that if they want to dismount me, they need to deal 80% of my health in damage first. By that time, even if I get dismounted, I'm most likely dead anyway. Else I just dismount, dodge, vigor and kill the ganker. :smirk:

    Hmm must try charging maneuvers then someday.

    I run

    - lethal strike / steel tornado
    - surprise attack
    - dark cloak
    - ambush
    - fear / vigot
    - ULT: soul harvest

    - focussed aim
    - piercing mark / purge
    - immovable / draining shot
    - retreating manouvres
    - camouflaged hunter / vigor
    - ULT: Flawless dawbreaker / ice comet

    Most of the times. Behind the '/' is what I use when in a (large) group.

    Also I use not the top armor. I used to run 5 hunding, 4 ashen and 3 shadowwalker. I use now 5 night silence (sneak speed) 4 morag tong and 3 shadow.

    all stats in stamina.

    Also have stuff of the air so I can have more stam regeneration.

    I used to have 85% crit chance (the reason I used hunding/ashen all divine trait) +thief and camo hunter.

    But recently changed to warrior stone. (sadly no stamina regeneration stone)

    Also tried magicka vampire NB (since im Breton it looked great) and it was fun. But got tired of my ugly vampire face. Almost had same setup except the skills which are now magicka morphs (impale and concealed weapon)
    Edited by Knootewoot on May 29, 2015 11:12AM
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Zargorius
    deleted :D
    Edited by Zargorius on May 29, 2015 11:43AM
    Honor is a dead man's code.
  • DeanTheCat
    Knootewoot wrote: »

    Hmm must try charging maneuvers then someday.

    I run

    - lethal strike / steel tornado
    - surprise attack
    - dark cloak
    - ambush
    - fear / vigot
    - ULT: soul harvest

    - focussed aim
    - piercing mark / purge
    - immovable / draining shot
    - retreating manouvres
    - camouflaged hunter / vigor
    - ULT: Flawless dawbreaker / ice comet

    Most of the times. Behind the '/' is what I use when in a (large) group.

    Also I use not the top armor. I used to run 5 hunding, 4 ashen and 3 shadowwalker. I use now 5 night silence (sneak speed) 4 morag tong and 3 shadow.

    all stats in stamina.

    Also have stuff of the air so I can have more stam regeneration.

    I used to have 85% crit chance (the reason I used hunding/ashen all divine trait) +thief and camo hunter.

    But recently changed to warrior stone. (sadly no stamina regeneration stone)

    Also tried magicka vampire NB (since im Breton it looked great) and it was fun. But got tired of my ugly vampire face. Almost had same setup except the skills which are now magicka morphs (impale and concealed weapon)

    You don't really need two hard CC-es on the same bar. Referring to Fear and the Surprise + Cloak combo. Anyway, I doubt you'll have the Magicka to use both anyway. Also, if you have enough weapon damage, in my opinion, you don't need that Soul Harvest ulti. The animation on that is much longer then a surprise attack or an ambush. Vigor is so good, that it always deserves a spot on the main bar in my opinion. Having a heal on the main bar is incredibly useful. Killer's Blade is useful, but if you have enough damage to begin with, it's kinda unneeded. You don't really need an execute when you can do 10k damage surprise attacks.

    But then, what works for me may or may not work for you. So each to his own really.
    Edited by DeanTheCat on May 29, 2015 11:21AM
    Dean the Cat
    Somewhat Insane Puddicat
    EU-PC Megaserver; Ebonheart Pact, Alliance Rank 34
    This one hails from far Singapore, excuse this one for his high pings. He also apologizes for any formatting/spelling errors, as he tends to answer using a mobile device.

    Insanity is the price of Knowledge. Herma-Mora and Sheogorath, this one bows before thee.

    This one does not advocate for any class to be nerfed. There are far deeper underlying issues then a simple "Class Imbalance". The Champion System is the problem. Not classes.

    Please read this before creating yet another nerf thread.

    My guides:
  • Knootewoot
    DeanTheCat wrote: »
    You don't really need two hard CC-es on the same bar. Referring to Fear and the Surprise + Cloak combo. Anyway, I doubt you'll have the Magicka to use both anyway. Also, if you have enough weapon damage, in my opinion, you don't need that Soul Harvest ulti. The animation on that is much longer then a surprise attack or an ambush. Vigor is so good, that it always deserves a spot on the main bar in my opinion. Having a heal on the main bar is incredibly useful. Killer's Blade is useful, but if you have enough damage to begin with, it's kinda unneeded. You don't really need an execute when you can do 10k damage surprise attacks.

    But then, what works for me may or may not work for you. So each to his own really.

    Well I always take opinions seriously, so thanks for the advice. It will take me some thinking but it might free up some spots on my bar so I can replace them with usefull stuff.

    I would like there where no skills at all though. I would be happy with the fighting system of WARBAND. Longer fights and no uberskills
    Edited by Knootewoot on May 29, 2015 12:16PM
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Valnas
    nice post dean.

    agreed re harvest/killer blade vs concealed. I liked sloting 2 of them but in the end building more sp dmg/mag and slotting other stuff and just using concealed won out most of the time.
    Fluph Head EP sorc dank magus
    valnäs EP nb
    opHotterslol AD dk
  • ItsRejectz
    Awesome post Dean, some solid advice there. You also brought up a point that a lot of players still don't realise, that you get a massive damage buff when attacking from stealth/out of combat.
    It's why people see single hits (even heavy attacks) hitting for over 19k and why you don't see the same damage from them same hits replicated in a duel.

    The main reason radiant magelight is a good option for people getting ganked or having issues with NB's, as it reduces stealthed damage by 50% and prevents the stun.
    Xbox EU - GT: o69 Woody 69o

    VR16 Sorc: Vlad V Impaler
    VR16 Sorc: Yes it's Woody
    VR16 NB: Prince of Wallachia
    VR16 Templar: Sir Lancelot the Brave
    VR16 DK: I'm Better Than You

  • Torquebow
    Good advice here. I would say the the biggest lesson I'm learning is not to over extend. In other MMOs, its pretty easy to jump into the frey and then escape if need be. In ESO, if you get CCed while being over extended from your allies, you are dead meat.
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    Torqbow - Thrall of Vokundein
  • Trottz
    another piece of effort and dedication that deserves a sticky and wont get it. and greenhorns keep on dieing and crying. wasting APs on sieging sieges and purgeraids without friendlies finishing the job
    Trist'is and Krahl, a.D.

    “Show me a mortal who is not pursued, and I’ll show you a corpse. Every hunter is hunted, every mind that knows itself has stalkers. We drive and are driven. The unknown pursues the ignorant, the truth assails every scholar wise enough to know his ignorance, for that is the meaning of unknowable truths.”
  • MissBizz
    Thanks for the guide! I shall be sharing it with others!
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • DeanTheCat
    I added a new section of the guide on fighting as an alliance, based on feedback from my guildmates. (Thank you Eldrowyn)
    Dean the Cat
    Somewhat Insane Puddicat
    EU-PC Megaserver; Ebonheart Pact, Alliance Rank 34
    This one hails from far Singapore, excuse this one for his high pings. He also apologizes for any formatting/spelling errors, as he tends to answer using a mobile device.

    Insanity is the price of Knowledge. Herma-Mora and Sheogorath, this one bows before thee.

    This one does not advocate for any class to be nerfed. There are far deeper underlying issues then a simple "Class Imbalance". The Champion System is the problem. Not classes.

    Please read this before creating yet another nerf thread.

    My guides:
  • Farorin
    This needs to be required reading for all newbies to PVP and stickied or something, or put into a downloadable document for ease of access.
  • Endek
    Well presented, thank you!

    My main toon recently hit VR11 as I was finishing Cadwell's Gold and I was excited at the prospect of venturing into Craglorn and finally completing my game of VR catch up!

    That was until I entered Craglorn and couldn't find any guildies or a group to even start questing in the zone... Oh dear... and after burning myself out with some less than average PvP skills several months ago, I thought I should revisit Cyrodiil.

    This info has helped me get off my rocking horse and back to Cyrodiil in an attempt to keep the dust off my toon and hit that mystical VR14.

    Thanks and have fun out there.
  • frozywozy
    Great guide, I love it. I even linked it into a sticky in my own guild forums.

    I would add a small thing to your siege section if that is possible. I will illustrate this with a short scenario.

    I ride to an important keep and with the help of a few players, I start sieging it to prepare it for my group coming up soon after. I get the wall down to 60% and I start seeing counter-siege going up and scouts on the wall. That means that the enemy probably mentioned in their zone chat that their keep is under attacked and they surely have reinforcements on their way.

    The keep is not flagged yet and since I'm rotating between 3-4 sieges at the same time, some random new players steal my sieges and start sieging the corners of the keep (indestructible). I take the time to whisper them politely to give me the sieges back or to target the walls so the keep flags but I get no answer in return.

    This happens to me at least 5times a day in different circumstances. People are selfish and foolish. Don't get me wrong, I would gladly give them sieges if they would ask me nicely and if they would actually target the freaking wall.

    Also sometimes, you just dropped your siege, then you disengage one second and the player was actually spamming your siege to steal it from you. I really hope that ZOS give us the option to bind a siege to ourselves or something.

    Until that happens, please act with manners and only use an empty sieges if it's been reloaded and unused for at least 5 seconds, thank you.
    Edited by frozywozy on June 1, 2015 8:39PM
    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  • DeanTheCat
    frozywozy wrote: »
    Great guide, I love it. I even linked it into a sticky in my own guild forums.

    I would add a small thing to your siege section if that is possible. I will illustrate this with a short scenario.

    I ride to an important keep and with the help of a few players, I start sieging it to prepare it for my group coming up soon after. I get the wall down to 60% and I start seeing counter-siege going up and scouts on the wall. That means that the enemy probably mentioned in their zone chat that their keep is under attacked and they surely have reinforcements on their way.

    The keep is not flagged yet and since I'm rotating between 3-4 sieges at the same time, some random new players steal my sieges and start sieging the corners of the keep (indestructible). I take the time to whisper them politely to give me the sieges back or to target the walls so the keep flags but I get no answer in return.

    This happens to me at least 5times a day in different circumstances. People are selfish and foolish. Don't get me wrong, I would gladly give them sieges if they would ask me nicely and if they would actually target the freaking wall.

    Also sometimes, you just dropped your siege, then you disengage one second and the player was actually spamming your siege to steal it from you. I really hope that ZOS give us the option to bind a siege to ourselves or something.

    Until that happens, please act with manners and only use an empty sieges if it's been reloaded and unused for at least 5 seconds, thank you.

    Heh. Reminds me why I named one of my mules "Steals-Your-Siege". Good point you made there. I'll go edit the guide later (Currently responding on a phone browser). Always looking for feedback to improve it :smile:
    Endek wrote: »
    Well presented, thank you!

    My main toon recently hit VR11 as I was finishing Cadwell's Gold and I was excited at the prospect of venturing into Craglorn and finally completing my game of VR catch up!

    That was until I entered Craglorn and couldn't find any guildies or a group to even start questing in the zone... Oh dear... and after burning myself out with some less than average PvP skills several months ago, I thought I should revisit Cyrodiil.

    This info has helped me get off my rocking horse and back to Cyrodiil in an attempt to keep the dust off my toon and hit that mystical VR14.

    Thanks and have fun out there.

    Always glad to see new soldiers on the battlefield. Good luck out there! Just remember, don't be discouraged. We all started out as newbies once.
    Dean the Cat
    Somewhat Insane Puddicat
    EU-PC Megaserver; Ebonheart Pact, Alliance Rank 34
    This one hails from far Singapore, excuse this one for his high pings. He also apologizes for any formatting/spelling errors, as he tends to answer using a mobile device.

    Insanity is the price of Knowledge. Herma-Mora and Sheogorath, this one bows before thee.

    This one does not advocate for any class to be nerfed. There are far deeper underlying issues then a simple "Class Imbalance". The Champion System is the problem. Not classes.

    Please read this before creating yet another nerf thread.

    My guides:
  •  Jules
    Great guide. :)

    IGN- @Juies || Youtube || Twitch
    EP - Julianos . Jules . Family Jules . Jules of Misrule. Joy
    DC - Julsie . Jules . Jukes . Jojuji . Juliet . Jaded
    AD - Juice . Jubaited . Joules . Julmanji . Julogy . Jubroni . Ju Jitsu

    Rest in Peace G & Yi
    Viva La Aristocracy
  • Grampa_Smurf
    Great read :)

    Life isn't measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
  • glak
    What support spells reveal enemy allies in sneak?
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