Dean the Cat here. I would like to make this guide on how to create a decent build for Cyrodiilic warfare. This guide is mainly targeted at the newer players in Cyrodiil, and I hope that we will see less "Cut and Paste" styled builds in Cyrodiil.
Why create your own build? There are many benefits to creating your own build. Firstly, it will feel "Natural" to you, and you won't feel like you are fighting an another's person's skin, to put it figuratively. If you truly can synergize with the build that you are using, you will fight much better, as then the build is just another part of you, an extension of your own body, so to speak. Another benefit of a unique build is that your opponent will not know what to expect. If you can come up with a viable build that nobody has ever seen before, your chances of victory will improve considerably, as what you will be doing will be unexpected to your opponent. Lastly, by doing the research needed to create a working unique build, the knowledge that you gain by doing so will stay with you, making you a much better player at the end of it.
This guide will use various terminology and abbreviations that may or may not be familiar to you. I will include a section at the end of the guide explaining what each one means. It is recommended that testing be done on the Public Test Server (PTS) to save you both time and gold, as you are able to create a fully geared VR14 character template of any race for testing purposes on the PTS.
Without further ado, the is the first thing you'll need to consider when creating a build:
What is the goal of the build?
After you have decided on the main focus of your build, it is now time to start taking parts of other focuses and merging it with your build. This is Cyrodiil. You will not have a dedicated tank protecting you from harm, nor will you have a dedicated healer tending to your wounds. A competent opponent will target the supports of your group first, as once the supports fall, the rest of the group soon follows. You therefore need to be able to fend for yourself, and have built-in self sustainability into your build.
Damage Foci
Survival Foci
Healing Foci
Experiment with various combinations and ratios of your attributes to find something that works for you. Don't be discouraged by failure the first few times you attempt your own theorycrafting. Every single successful build you see out there is the result of a lot of failed builds by the creator of said build.
However, no build is complete just by attributes alone. You will have to factor in the abilities that you will be using, as well as the passive bonuses they provide. In addition, you will need to factor in the abilities that your opponent will most likely be using, and what you will have to face as a result. Combat in ESO has a limited skillbar design, to force you to make choices about the selection of abilities you want to bring into a battle, and once the battle has begun, you cannot change the abilities slotted into your skillbar. A balanced set of skillbars is therefore required for victory in Cyrodiil, combining offense, defence, crowd control, utility and survivability.
I hope this guide proves useful to you. Remember, nobody ever succeeded in creating a viable build on their first try. Good luck in your attempts to theorycraft new builds.

"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it."
- Bruce Lee
May your road lead you to warm sands.
Dean the Cat
Dean the Cat
Somewhat Insane Puddicat
EU-PC Megaserver; Ebonheart Pact,
Alliance Rank 34This one hails from far Singapore, excuse this one for his high pings. He also apologizes for any formatting/spelling errors, as he tends to answer using a mobile device.
Insanity is the price of Knowledge. Herma-Mora and Sheogorath, this one bows before thee.
This one does not advocate for any class to be nerfed. There are far deeper underlying issues then a simple "Class Imbalance". The Champion System is the problem. Not classes.Please read this before creating yet another nerf thread.
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