Emma_Eunjung wrote: »NO to all of this. What is the point of grinding to progress your toons if that progression is going to be rolled back on a whim?
Furthermore, the "power creep" from the Champion System is a much needed boost to solo-oriented players like me who have been struggling to conquer as much of the group content in the game as possible. The extra power that comes from hundreds of CP offers many players an important alternate path to accomplishing their goals in the game, goals that may not have even been possible before Update 1.6.
Finally, I don't share your optimism that ZOS would roll back the nerfs to Bolt Escape or whatever. Those abilities probably need a conceptual overhaul, not a mere tweak or re-balancing. Who knows when (or if) ZOS will get around to overhauling the abilities and combat mechanics.
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »No to all of this. What is the point of grinding to progress your toons if that progression is going to be rolled back on a whim?
Furthermore, the "power creep" from the Champion System is a much needed boost to solo-oriented players like me who have been struggling to conquer as much of the group content in the game as possible. The extra power that comes from hundreds of CP offers many players an important alternate path to accomplishing their goals in the game, goals that may not have even been possible before Update 1.6.
Finally, I don't share your optimism that ZOS would roll back the nerfs to Bolt Escape or whatever. Those abilities probably need a conceptual overhaul, not a mere tweak or re-balancing. Who knows when (or if) ZOS will get around to overhauling the abilities and combat mechanics.
SleepyTroll wrote: »Great post, I pretty much agree with everything and I hope more people see this and ZOS pays attention to threads like this instead of whining threads. I think the way the game is headed people are being forced into cookie cutter builds more then ever. I really just want to ask ZOS why they would nerf block the way they did but not take away block casting instead, I feel like they take the easy route instead of the better one, or they just dont know how. Another thing why did they nerf hp attributes and gliphs, just to have to nerf damage, take away the first nerf and I think there would be no need for the second nerf. Im hoping at least by December they fix the hole CP mess they created.
This may be completely off topic but how do people justify whining about TTK when they put every attribute point and all glyphs into either magicka or stamina and no hp? In pve players spec at least some into hp and in pvp they just cry for nerfs becuase they don't want to give up there glass cannon builds. If your wearing cloth and you don't have no hp you should die fast, if your out in the open on the front lines.
I mean all the nerfs maybe...UltimaJoe777 wrote: »What makes you think they do pay attention to whiny threads? lol
SleepyTroll wrote: »I mean all the nerfs maybe...
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
It isn't because people whine about them though. Zenimax would not nerf or buff a skill unless they personally saw fit to do it with good reason.
SleepyTroll wrote: »
Your joking right? Like you trying to troll me right now?
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »NO to all of this. What is the point of grinding to progress your toons if that progression is going to be rolled back on a whim
SleepyTroll wrote: »Great post, I pretty much agree with everything and I hope more people see this and ZOS pays attention to threads like this instead of whining threads. I think the way the game is headed people are being forced into cookie cutter builds more then ever. I really just want to ask ZOS why they would nerf block the way they did but not take away block casting instead, I feel like they take the easy route instead of the better one, or they just dont know how. Another thing why did they nerf hp attributes and gliphs, just to have to nerf damage, take away the first nerf and I think there would be no need for the second nerf. Im hoping at least by December they fix the hole CP mess they created.
This may be completely off topic but how do people justify whining about TTK when they put every attribute point and all glyphs into either magicka or stamina and no hp? In pve players spec at least some into hp and in pvp they just cry for nerfs becuase they don't want to give up there glass cannon builds. If your wearing cloth and you don't have no hp you should die fast, if your out in the open on the front lines.
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »NO to all of this. What is the point of grinding to progress your toons if that progression is going to be rolled back on a whim?
Furthermore, the "power creep" from the Champion System is a much needed boost to solo-oriented players like me who have been struggling to conquer as much of the group content in the game as possible. The extra power that comes from hundreds of CP offers many players an important alternate path to accomplishing their goals in the game, goals that may not have even been possible before Update 1.6.
Finally, I don't share your optimism that ZOS would roll back the nerfs to Bolt Escape or whatever. Those abilities probably need a conceptual overhaul, not a mere tweak or re-balancing. Who knows when (or if) ZOS will get around to overhauling the abilities and combat mechanics.
The catastrophic issue with the CP system and power creep is so pathetically obvious it is beyond belief, yet it is constantly overlooked, or rather deliberately denied: there are no meaningful compromises whatsoever put in place to balance the point paths available.
EVERYONE can have ALL possible points in the system maxed out eventually, regardless of build and gear. You can have magicka based builds able to max out stamina cost reduction, weapon damage, etc., as well as have stamina builds able to max out spell cost reduction and spell critical, etc. Such a system is the absolute epitome of what leads to power creep in games since there are no balances whatsoever in it.
There is a reason other games that employ skill trees with passive bonuses force players to make choices and do not allow for everything and anything to be an option to a SINGLE build. Seasonal caps and other such rubbish proposals are not going to solve the issue here, they will only stave off over a modicum of time the inevitable result.
DeanTheCat wrote: »Which is why there needs to be a cap on number of points spent, not number of points earned. Nobody should be able to max out more than 25% of the CP system.
That is still a band-aide to the problem, especially if you are going to still allow people to willy-nilly invest in every single star. People are already proving, in typical fashion, that cookie cutter builds for meta are their only interest and any other viable options in most arenas for competitive play, whether they are PvE or PvP, are disregarded. Then comes the nerf-this-that parade as a result. The system completely fails to provide any meaningful choices for diversity, let alone effectiveness based on player skill.
SleepyTroll wrote: »
Wait so you like that you can solo group content lol Its an an MMORPG. Like the guy who soloed the last boss in the white gold tower, like that's cool and all but that shouldn't be possible. I'm sorry your playing an online game that requires a group.
DeanTheCat wrote: »
I get what you mean, but ZoS is now too invested into the CP system at this point to pull out unscathed. The only solutions that ZoS would consider are solutions that leave the CP system in in some form. Perhaps the point paths could be tweaked? Put Magicka benefiting passives in tree favouring Stamina and vici versa. That way, along with a cap with the number of points spent would make players choose between having passives that benefit their build or trees that boost their style of play.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »
thats not true, in many mmo's they do have NPC followers and hirelings you can get to help you ingame and dungeons.
eso is not the norm, look at dungeons and dragons online, they have allowed as many as 6 hireling NPC's to help you in dungeons and with bosses
there is solo play in eso and it is what i love and it is what i look for in all mmo's i play.
many of us solo players love the solo experiance in an mmo.
those who do not like solo play and look for group on a constant basis willl find thier groups.
everyone wins, us solo players tho need more solo stuff in eso to satisfy our solo desires.
SleepyTroll wrote: »
Wait so you like that you can solo group content lol Its an an MMORPG. Like the guy who soloed the last boss in the white gold tower, like that's cool and all but that shouldn't be possible. I'm sorry your playing an online game that requires a group.
You said: "I'm sorry your playing an online game that requires a group"
Oh no,
you mean that?
You want to nerf the player base ???
This platform is paid by all players !!!
also people like to me, who mix playing solo with playing duo or going with a group or a zerg
and please do not forget the TES RPG roots of not only this game, but also the playerbase.
The TES roots are not a gimmick to have something different from WOW and have some kind of a "guaranteed" start up pool of players.
ZOS created a new kind of MMO.
So far I think ZOS balances this diversified playerbase very well, enabling as well high diversity in builds.
Is simply said a fantastic achievement so far.
And playing "group" content solo is a fantastic challenge, also highly challenging the build profile.
maxlacab16_ESO wrote: »@DeanTheCat Very good post, but I have to disagree.
Every game or sport or art or skill is based on the principle of "Rewards for Investment" or "Mastery through Practice."
Players who invest large parts of their time in building knowledge, skills and routines within the framework of the game, should by all means be rewarded for their efforts. If those rewards were capped, and everyone who played the game could achieve the same "excellence" and "advancement" in a casual play style, the game would be pointless!
In the big and relevant marathon races, there is always a small group of "hard core" racers, who with every race they run, push the envelope of what is humanly possible. Then there are many many others who are fast, very fast, but often more than an hour behind that 'hard core' group in the front! And then you got the tens of thousands who hope that they will be able to finish the race on their feet, and not die of a exhaustion or a heart attack!
Now, should the front runners be capped for the sake of the pack? The race would be pointless and the marathon would die!
The dis-balance between casual gamers and intense (hard-core) gamers will always be extreme. If the game did not allow this, there would be no intense gamers and there would be no game at all...it would be Angry Birds.
In addition, the dis-balance you point out is only relevant in PVP. In PVE your best buddy is the one that can protect you from all the baddies in the world!
As for selective grouping in PVE: let the VR16 Legends group with each other and sweep up all the trophies, items and loot they want. There are hundreds of other players still wanting to do the same content at lower levels. If you are not a VR16 Legend, don't pretend to be one! And if you are lucky, you may convince a VR16 Legend to run with you and get you that upgrade that you have failed to get on your own!
On the point of class dis-balance, which you did not get into, I can only suggest that if you think your own class is overpowered by another, roll a new character of that class and see if the class is actually OP, or if you just need to L2P!
IMO, nerfing a class or skill is always the wrong fix and never a solution. If the lower level players indeed want to be SAFE from higher level players in PVP, then I would suggest to BRACKET the levels and make it impossible to attack a player in another BRACKET than your own!
just my 2c