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PTS Update 40 - Feedback Thread for New Class Item Sets

  • Tannus15
    I was sure it would be arena style sets that changed skills to add functionality, potentially changing how we play the class.

    If the sorc set increased the initial hit of mages fury and reduced the execute explosion portion so we could use it as a spammable then we’d have something interesting.
    Make it strong enough to justify a 5pc and it’ll also feel awesome and with the recent lightning staff changes you’ve got a powerful shock sorc build.
  • Nebs
    Played with Monolith of Storms this evening. I really enjoyed loading up my character with Storm Calling abilities alongside their Oakensoul Ring. I was already using Storm-Cursed (alongside Draugrkin's Grip which I replaced for Monolith) so it fit the build nicely. I got rid of my pets and slotted every Storm Calling ability (except for Critical Surge) and played around in Craglorn. I don't know what my DPS looked like since I don't use add-ons on my PTS installation, but I know it felt good. I enjoyed using Power Overload to tag an enemy and was very glad each light attack using Power Overload counted as a direct hit that triggered a monolith. I had no trouble getting monoliths down in 3 - 4 seconds with each group of enemies, and although I wasn't in complete control of where those monoliths dropped, it was really satisfying when I got them right where I wanted them.

    I'm not really a numbers guy so I can't speak to the damage output, but I did note some things I didn't like about the set. I really didn't like that the set doesn't crit. I think that is my biggest disappointment about the set. Since day 1, critting on my sorcerer was always my number 1 goal. Critical Surge always encouraged it (which, as an aside, just now occurred to me how it'd feel way more flavorful to have it give Savagery/Prophecy instead of Brutality/Sorcery but I digress (I DON'T WANT IT TO, just sayin')).

    The second thing I didn't like was that there was no real reward to getting that 3rd monolith to drop. You're either at 0 or 100% power, no critting, no ramping up. I think I'd find it way more satisfying if dropping 1 monolith did a tiny amount of damage in a small area before then tethering to other monoliths and ramping in power. I think getting to see your numbers go up after catching a monster between 2, or even all 3, tethers would be really satisfying. I know that sort of thing would make balancing the set more difficult - but if you're ever going to let players benefit from optimal situations I feel like these class sets are the ones to let loose on. They're even available to all players! Go wild!

    I also didn't like that it ticks every 2 seconds instead of every second. Every 2 seconds is lame for something that isn't a sticky DoT, whether or not its best for server performance. If it is kept to every 2 seconds, then it should linger (briefly) after the enemy steps out of the range of the tether.

    Finally, I didn't play with other players, but if this set only works on one sorcerer then you're making this the only class set that people need to either not bring to a trial or forces you to coordinate DPS with your trial group (which like, you try herding cats), and that's really disappointing. The idea that there are situations where I could get paired with another sorcerer in a Dungeon Group Finder or Battlegrounds and now our sets are effectively half as effective is absolutely horrible (worse, if the other person has more weapon/spell power then mine does nothing). I don't understand that and I really don't think that limit should make it to Live. If it's because of performance then I think you should rework the set until it is server performant. This isn't a situation like Beckoning Steel because there are always fewer supports on a team, or even Azureblight, because that at least makes the explosions twice as fast. Instead, it just turns your set off and that really, really sucks.

    Regarding the visuals: absolutely knocked it out of the park. The visuals on my character while the set is passive is subtle and cool. The monoliths look neat, and the tethers are the perfect level of apparent but not obtrusive. 👩‍🍳💋
  • chessalavakia_ESO
    Initial Gardener of the Seasons Feedback

    The visuals for the armor seemed kind of meh to me. I don't really like the glow but, the falling leaves looks kind of nice. Pink pedals when you proc Herald of the Spring are kind of nice. The root proc looks kinda cool arriving and kind of odd when it fades. The transition towards Harbinger of Fall looks nice but, in combat I found at times I was missing it and was unaware of which stage I was in until I cast a heal.

    Might the visuals work better if it's no falling leaves when you don't have a buff up, green leaves after you've proc Herald of the Spring and done the transition and then Brown leaves after you proc Harbinger of Fall and done the transition?

    I think the set may end up being a bit on the weaker side. (If you compare it to the DK set it looks kinda bad as the DK gets Major and Minor heroism just for being on the first bar and they also get +14% healing just for being on the second bar.)

    Minor Heroism isn't terrible but, everybody running Oakensoul already has it and a fair number of other people get it from other things.

    Major Maim and Minor Vitality aren't necessarily needed for significant amounts of content. Major Maim also is provided by several other sources which puts a damper on the value.

    You can also end up unintentionally triggering swaps you don't want. For example, if I cast Betty Netch and Frost Cloak back to back I'll trigger Harbinger of Fall of fall

    If we weren't going to see a future Animal Companions and Winter's Embrace sets I'd suggest turning this set into a combo of all of them to go with the seasons and the mixture of class ability usage.


    Using a Green Balance ability procs Herald of the Spring

    Herald of the Spring Green Balance overheals proc Animal Companion related summon

    Then, when you use two non-Green Balance class abilities back to back you get Harbinger of Fall

    Harbinger of Fall Green Balance overheals proc Winter's Embrace related action.

    Initial Basalt-Blooded Warrior Feedback

    The armor style doesn't appeal to me as much as some of the others.

    The set has very good clarity of when the buff is active and which buff is active. It fits visually with many of the other DK abilities. Personally, I don't love the visual but it is clear and does align with the class visually. I again don't love the glowing on the set for having it equipped but it is one of the less annoying ones.

    This may generate more ult than desired when players get stuck in combat but, I will note for players that haven't tested that Major and Minor Heroism do not build ultimate outside of combat

    If you run the set on a single bar, the bonus for that bar will apply to both bars. I'm unsure if this is intended or a bug.

    I would guess that the set might be overpowered in situations where the ultimate is really important but, using it didn't feel that impressive in the limited Overland, Public Dungeon, or the brief Endless Archive testing I did.

    I tried a DK build similar to what I've run in the past and an ultimate slanted DK build.

    The ultimate slanted build could keep some ults up for a significant portion of the time but, it lost enough damage in the process it really wasn't that useful.

    The DK build that was like what I'd used in the past didn't feel that different with the added ult.
  • Bliblablubblubb
    Soul Shriven
    What I like about the sets:
    The general idea of being a class set. Also to bind them to a skill line I find good in general and incentiveses to think of ways how to use those skills.
    I like that arcanist set is tied to Crux.

    What can be improved:
    I am missing some more uniqueness. They seem like another 5 piece set from a dungeon or overland. So to be useful they need to have at least the same power level as those. We want to use the new class sets, so give them power.
    The proc conditions are either complicated or the description in the text is.
    Most need to be double-barred. That will limit how you pair them with other sets and therefore people will tend to use other ones.


    Move 2-4 piece bonus to 1-3 piece.
    Give them two procs. One with 4 piece bonus. One with 5 piece bonus. The 5 piece is meant to be one-barred.
    This also means players could use them as 4 piece sets only, if that's what they need for the build. Build diversity...

    sorcerer set:
    1 piece: crit chance
    2 piece: weapon & spell damage
    3 piece: weapon & spell damage
    4 piece: if a storm calling ability does damage to an enemy, create a Monolith for 10s up to 3 times. Each Monolith deals X damage in a 5m radius every 1s.
    5 piece Increase the damage of fury to a the value of a ranged spammable. Decrease splash damage by x %. Fury cost is changed to your highest resource.

    Way easier proc condition. Now you can use fury to proc the monoliths without losing damage.
    Fury cost: I know thats an Arcanist thing so far. Maybe change one of the morphs to cost Stam in general with a class change instead. This was to make stamsorc viable for the idea.

    Necro set:
    1 piece: health
    2 piece: healing taken
    3 piece: health
    4 piece: Casting a bone tyrant ability grants you beautiful corpse. 10s cooldown. Casting a corpse consumer ability consumes Beautiful Corpse, treating you as a corpse.
    5 piece: After Casting bone tyrant ultimate grant 3000 resistances to you and up to
    11 players in your group for 30s.
    While transformed you gain 600 weapon and spell damage.

    Yes, unnamed resistances buff. This of course focuses PvE tanking. The sets has to bring something to the table. There is a lot of good group buff sets. One of those has to be dropped for this set, so it has to be strong.
    600 weapon damage only to yourself: burst window for PvP.
    Adjust the numbers if it's too strong.
    Also this set incentives to use the class ultimate.

    Templar set:
    1 piece: weapon & spell damage
    2 piece: crit
    3 piece: weapon & spell damage
    4 piece: When you deal damage with a Dawn's Wrath ability, you gain a stack of Sunlight for 10 seconds, once per attack. You can have 50 stacks max and gain 12 Magicka Recovery per stack. When at max stacks, your Dawn's Wrath abilities deal 25% bonus damage.
    5 piece: if you cast a Nova after the effect ended you gain Wrathful Nova for 10s. If you damage an enemy with a Dawn's Wrath ability, a Wrathful Nova is cast on the enemy.

    This reduces the potential of wasting the stacks. Two Novas rights after each other? Sounds strong to me. It incentives to use the ultimate as an active skill.
    You could only use the set as 4 piece set if that's what you want.
    No curse attached to the set: No build uses only skills from one skill line. 25% damage increase is strong. But so are other sets: Deadly Strike increases nearly all Templar damage by 15%. No proc condition.
    The limitation to only buffing one skill line and a burst window is already a big curse.

    I hope this helped a bit to make the class sets the new shiny thing they should be. :)
  • RaptorRodeoGod
    What I like about the sets:
    The general idea of being a class set. Also to bind them to a skill line I find good in general and incentiveses to think of ways how to use those skills.
    I like that arcanist set is tied to Crux.

    What can be improved:
    I am missing some more uniqueness. They seem like another 5 piece set from a dungeon or overland. So to be useful they need to have at least the same power level as those. We want to use the new class sets, so give them power.
    The proc conditions are either complicated or the description in the text is.
    Most need to be double-barred. That will limit how you pair them with other sets and therefore people will tend to use other ones.

    I'll agree that having the Arcanist set tied to crux, and the Necro set tied to corpses makes them feel like they're tailored towards the class.

    I'll also agree that some if the other class sets don't necessarily feel unique; they just feel like proc sets other classes aren't allowed to use.

    And it's like they're afraid to give out Major buffs. Why would I use a class set to get a Minor buff I can easily get elsewhere? Class sets should get those hard to access buffs, to make them feel rewarding.
    Add a Scribing skill that works like Arcanist beam.
    Veteran players have been alienated and disengaged from Overland since One Tamriel, due to the lack of difficulty, and pushed into dungeons and trials; the minority of content in the Elder Scrolls Online. We can't take the repetition anymore, fix Overland engagement for Vet players. I don't even care if it's not combat related anymore, just make Overland engaging again.
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. Make a self debuff mythic. Literally anything at this point.
  • Turtle_Bot
    What I like about the sets:
    The general idea of being a class set. Also to bind them to a skill line I find good in general and incentiveses to think of ways how to use those skills.
    I like that arcanist set is tied to Crux.

    What can be improved:
    I am missing some more uniqueness. They seem like another 5 piece set from a dungeon or overland. So to be useful they need to have at least the same power level as those. We want to use the new class sets, so give them power.
    The proc conditions are either complicated or the description in the text is.
    Most need to be double-barred. That will limit how you pair them with other sets and therefore people will tend to use other ones.


    Move 2-4 piece bonus to 1-3 piece.
    Give them two procs. One with 4 piece bonus. One with 5 piece bonus. The 5 piece is meant to be one-barred.
    This also means players could use them as 4 piece sets only, if that's what they need for the build. Build diversity...

    sorcerer set:
    1 piece: crit chance
    2 piece: weapon & spell damage
    3 piece: weapon & spell damage
    4 piece: if a storm calling ability does damage to an enemy, create a Monolith for 10s up to 3 times. Each Monolith deals X damage in a 5m radius every 1s.
    5 piece Increase the damage of fury to a the value of a ranged spammable. Decrease splash damage by x %. Fury cost is changed to your highest resource.

    Way easier proc condition. Now you can use fury to proc the monoliths without losing damage.
    Fury cost: I know thats an Arcanist thing so far. Maybe change one of the morphs to cost Stam in general with a class change instead. This was to make stamsorc viable for the idea.

    Necro set:
    1 piece: health
    2 piece: healing taken
    3 piece: health
    4 piece: Casting a bone tyrant ability grants you beautiful corpse. 10s cooldown. Casting a corpse consumer ability consumes Beautiful Corpse, treating you as a corpse.
    5 piece: After Casting bone tyrant ultimate grant 3000 resistances to you and up to
    11 players in your group for 30s.
    While transformed you gain 600 weapon and spell damage.

    Yes, unnamed resistances buff. This of course focuses PvE tanking. The sets has to bring something to the table. There is a lot of good group buff sets. One of those has to be dropped for this set, so it has to be strong.
    600 weapon damage only to yourself: burst window for PvP.
    Adjust the numbers if it's too strong.
    Also this set incentives to use the class ultimate.

    Templar set:
    1 piece: weapon & spell damage
    2 piece: crit
    3 piece: weapon & spell damage
    4 piece: When you deal damage with a Dawn's Wrath ability, you gain a stack of Sunlight for 10 seconds, once per attack. You can have 50 stacks max and gain 12 Magicka Recovery per stack. When at max stacks, your Dawn's Wrath abilities deal 25% bonus damage.
    5 piece: if you cast a Nova after the effect ended you gain Wrathful Nova for 10s. If you damage an enemy with a Dawn's Wrath ability, a Wrathful Nova is cast on the enemy.

    This reduces the potential of wasting the stacks. Two Novas rights after each other? Sounds strong to me. It incentives to use the ultimate as an active skill.
    You could only use the set as 4 piece set if that's what you want.
    No curse attached to the set: No build uses only skills from one skill line. 25% damage increase is strong. But so are other sets: Deadly Strike increases nearly all Templar damage by 15%. No proc condition.
    The limitation to only buffing one skill line and a burst window is already a big curse.

    I hope this helped a bit to make the class sets the new shiny thing they should be. :)

    Love these sets for plar, cro and sorc. Only thing I would add with the cro set is to have the beautiful corpse work with the tethers, this would allow them to function as AoE DoT/HoT around the necro making it easier to use those skills and make room for them in a build.

    These feel much more like what the class sets should have been all along since they are going to be so restricted in who can use them and how they work. Either 3 piece sets or if they need to be 5 piece sets, then they have some sort of slightly more generic proc or effect on the 4th piece with the 5th piece being something that alters or buffs a skill in the relevant skill line to facilitate a build around it.
  • grzes848909
    What I like about the sets:
    The general idea of being a class set. Also to bind them to a skill line I find good in general and incentiveses to think of ways how to use those skills.
    I like that arcanist set is tied to Crux.

    What can be improved:
    I am missing some more uniqueness. They seem like another 5 piece set from a dungeon or overland. So to be useful they need to have at least the same power level as those. We want to use the new class sets, so give them power.
    The proc conditions are either complicated or the description in the text is.
    Most need to be double-barred. That will limit how you pair them with other sets and therefore people will tend to use other ones.


    Move 2-4 piece bonus to 1-3 piece.
    Give them two procs. One with 4 piece bonus. One with 5 piece bonus. The 5 piece is meant to be one-barred.
    This also means players could use them as 4 piece sets only, if that's what they need for the build. Build diversity...

    sorcerer set:
    1 piece: crit chance
    2 piece: weapon & spell damage
    3 piece: weapon & spell damage
    4 piece: if a storm calling ability does damage to an enemy, create a Monolith for 10s up to 3 times. Each Monolith deals X damage in a 5m radius every 1s.
    5 piece Increase the damage of fury to a the value of a ranged spammable. Decrease splash damage by x %. Fury cost is changed to your highest resource.

    Way easier proc condition. Now you can use fury to proc the monoliths without losing damage.
    Fury cost: I know thats an Arcanist thing so far. Maybe change one of the morphs to cost Stam in general with a class change instead. This was to make stamsorc viable for the idea.

    Necro set:
    1 piece: health
    2 piece: healing taken
    3 piece: health
    4 piece: Casting a bone tyrant ability grants you beautiful corpse. 10s cooldown. Casting a corpse consumer ability consumes Beautiful Corpse, treating you as a corpse.
    5 piece: After Casting bone tyrant ultimate grant 3000 resistances to you and up to
    11 players in your group for 30s.
    While transformed you gain 600 weapon and spell damage.

    Yes, unnamed resistances buff. This of course focuses PvE tanking. The sets has to bring something to the table. There is a lot of good group buff sets. One of those has to be dropped for this set, so it has to be strong.
    600 weapon damage only to yourself: burst window for PvP.
    Adjust the numbers if it's too strong.
    Also this set incentives to use the class ultimate.

    Templar set:
    1 piece: weapon & spell damage
    2 piece: crit
    3 piece: weapon & spell damage
    4 piece: When you deal damage with a Dawn's Wrath ability, you gain a stack of Sunlight for 10 seconds, once per attack. You can have 50 stacks max and gain 12 Magicka Recovery per stack. When at max stacks, your Dawn's Wrath abilities deal 25% bonus damage.
    5 piece: if you cast a Nova after the effect ended you gain Wrathful Nova for 10s. If you damage an enemy with a Dawn's Wrath ability, a Wrathful Nova is cast on the enemy.

    This reduces the potential of wasting the stacks. Two Novas rights after each other? Sounds strong to me. It incentives to use the ultimate as an active skill.
    You could only use the set as 4 piece set if that's what you want.
    No curse attached to the set: No build uses only skills from one skill line. 25% damage increase is strong. But so are other sets: Deadly Strike increases nearly all Templar damage by 15%. No proc condition.
    The limitation to only buffing one skill line and a burst window is already a big curse.

    I hope this helped a bit to make the class sets the new shiny thing they should be. :)

    What he said, especially the mages wrath as a spammable, sorcs really do need extra bar space
  • kojou
    Do you have any general feedback?

    Can we add Minor Slayer to the 3 piece bonus and move the 3 piece bonus to the 5 piece bonus? It would make it easier to find builds if I didn't have to combine it with a trials set. Since Endless Archive is basically a trial I think it would thematically fit.
    Playing since beta...
  • RaptorRodeoGod
    kojou wrote: »
    Do you have any general feedback?

    Can we add Minor Slayer to the 3 piece bonus and move the 3 piece bonus to the 5 piece bonus? It would make it easier to find builds if I didn't have to combine it with a trials set. Since Endless Archive is basically a trial I think it would thematically fit.

    I agree. Or maybe stick Minor Slayer/Aegis on the 5p. The support sets should probably get Minir Aegis instead of Slayer
    Add a Scribing skill that works like Arcanist beam.
    Veteran players have been alienated and disengaged from Overland since One Tamriel, due to the lack of difficulty, and pushed into dungeons and trials; the minority of content in the Elder Scrolls Online. We can't take the repetition anymore, fix Overland engagement for Vet players. I don't even care if it's not combat related anymore, just make Overland engaging again.
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. Make a self debuff mythic. Literally anything at this point.
  • chessalavakia_ESO
    Additional Basalt-Blooded Warrior Feedback

    I did a bit more testing this time with non-DK ults:

    It appears that you can keep or get close to keeping Flawless Dawnbreaker, Warhorn, or Barrier up on an ult slanted build without going Vamp.

    Overall, I would say the set is overpowered but, doesn't necessarily feel that powerful in much of the content I did.

    Getting the set to proc is quite easy and you might already be doing it as it's similar to procing Minor Brutality for your group

    It's got a solid healing/shielding boost on the back bar that isn't a named buff but, in a bunch of combat the healing amount is already excessive.

    The front bar has a great boost for ultimate gain but, I found I honestly wasn't necessarily getting great value from it.

    If ZOS decides to stick with the balance on it, I think they might want to make a statement to confirm that with release. With the number of complaints the set is getting, it might put a damper on people running the Endless Archive to get it because they are scared it might get nerfed straight out of the gate.

    Initial Nobility in Decay Feedback

    It might be beneficial to change the stock dye on the armor parts as on my potato computer it looked at first like it was my characters skin not armor in parts.

    Purple glow is a little annoying to me but, it could be worse.

    The beautiful corpse seemed a bit off but, I believe that's a known issue.

    I think the set really runs into the issue that it's a better version of Vampire's Cloak but, the primary people earning it are likely people that wouldn't run Vampire's Cloak except as a joke.

  • TheSpaceDuck
    Soul Shriven
    Which of the new item sets did you try out, and what did you think of them?
    Did anything you received feel under or over-powered?
    Single target: no.
    Multiple target: not tested as of this post.
    Do you have any feedback on the persistent visual effects?
    Do you have any general feedback?
    Might be nice to reword the "once per attack" as when read at first glance this set sounded like casting 50 wrath abilities to proc the effect instead of each damage tick.

    Thoughts: as a PvE plar main this set seems best suited for trash pulls or enounters with multiple adds during the pull to build the 50 stacks.
  • YandereGirlfriend
    Initial Feedback for Soulcleaver :

    I felt the set was quite powerful (maybe a little too powerful)

    The sorc set I tossed on a template build I set up quickly and I didn't make it to the Ink boss.

    I did the same thing with the NB set and it made it nearly to the Ink boss the second time around.

    I found that in the PvE content such as Public Dungeons where the npcs die fast I could easily keep my ult up even with the abilities draining it on use. I ended up running the CP for Health Recovery for every point of ultimate since my ult was staying high enough it seemed like it was a good deal for PvE at least.

    Visually, the set looks quite cool but, the red is more distracting than the sorc's purple and that combined with the visuals of grim focus really clash with how I like to view my Nightblade.

    Initial Feedback for Wrathsun

    I found I could get the set to proc fairly fast in areas with decent mob density. The magicka loss is definitely painful. If you aren't displaying the stacks, it's hard to tell when it's actually about to go off.

    I think functionally, it might be more effective in groups/group Pvp due to the potential big synergies but I can't actually test that since I run solo.

    Visually, the set looks okay and the white light isn't as offensive as the nightblades red and goes with the general flashiness of the Templar.

    The thing that makes Wrathsun difficult for PvP application is because, if multiple targets are involved, you have no idea where the Nova is going to actually proc itself. It will proc on the 50th valid tick of damage, which could mean that the Nova falls beautifully onto a clump of players OR that it falls uselessly away on some troll tank running around by themselves.

    In that way, you have to balance wide application of ticks to targets in order to rapidly build stacks vs. tagging too many targets and losing any semblance of control over where/when the Nova procs.

    That's not to say that there isn't a place for it only that it will require a fairly high skill cap for an organized group as well as the set wearer to make the set work in a way that isn't fairly useless and random.
  • YandereGirlfriend
    Reawakened Hierophant

    I love the IDEA of this set, like others have said, with making the connection to Crux.

    However, the actual buffs provided - and the mechanics of applying them to group members - is somewhat lacking.

    Let's start with the buffs themselves: you get a small damage shield (which becomes VERY SMALL in PvP after Battle Spirit is applied and the size is decreased by 55%) at 1 Crux, Minor Heroism at 2 Crux, and Major Protection at 3 Crux.

    IMO, the damage shield is not needed in PvE and is irrelevant for mitigation in PvP (and Battle Spirit). Minor Heroism is somewhat useful but also easily sourced via other means (such as the Warden class set). And then finally, the Major Protection is okay... but Major Protection is extremely easy to source in 2023 and we can get this with 100% uptime simply by slotting Alliance War Flare on our back-back in PvP. In other words, this set isn't really bringing anything unique or particularly valuable to the table.

    Second, let's talk about sourcing these buffs for allies, which is itself very difficult given the limited healing options in the actual Arcanist class kit. We have only two usable options: Chakrams to hit 4 targets at a time or randomly spam Domain and hit 6 at a time (which is just a waste of GCDs and resources).

    So Chakrams is the only viable means of proccing it. Chakrams is either a Crux-builder or a Crux-spender, so realistically, you will only ever have the option of proccing Major Protection if using Chakrams as a sort of healing spammable. Chakram spam is also crushing to cast from a sustain perspective. If using the Crux-spender morph, you will have extremely infrequent procs of the set and cannot control which level of Crux that you remain at, since casting Chakrams will reset your Crux to zero every cast.

    Ways to improve this set:

    1. Give it more meaningful buffs (bigger damage shield at 1 Crux, Minor Protection at 2 Crux, Major Vitality at 3 Crux)

    2. Allow multiple buffs to be applied for the level of Crux that you're currently at (e.g. at 3 Crux, proccing the set gives the buffs for 1 Crux, 2 Crux and 3 Crux and applies the damage shield, Minor Heroism, AND Major Protection, rather than simply Major Protection).

    3. Allow the set to proc off of the Glyphic ultimate as well as on all ticks of healing from the Curative Runeforms (e.g. the Domain HoT) line. This would allow the wearer to supply a much better uptime on the buffs to a whole trial or raid group rather than being restricted to only 4 targets PER CAST with Chakrams.

    TLDR; The idea of this set is great but its implementation is flawed. Using at least one of the ideas presented above, it could be improved by increasing the reward for using the set and/or making the set easier to use in general.
    Edited by YandereGirlfriend on September 21, 2023 7:13PM
  • notyuu
    Low tier feedback on a set and a single question

    Hierophant set
    the concept in theory is quite nice, plays great with class idenity however in actual use the buffs given based on the crux peter off unto the point where they go mostly unnoticed, mix in the fact that they do not stack apply, meaning if ya got 3 crux triggering the set only gets you major protection applying and not the other buffs leaves the set feeling like a nothingburger, maybe see about making the buffs stack together, meaning that casing a 3 crux gives the buffs from 1, 2 & 3 at the same time.

    Feedback aside...

    Why is the DK set built around boosting ult gen when DK is already oppressive with current ult gain?

    This set would allow for near or actual 100% uptime on corrosive, you know, like back when the oaken soul ring gave major heroism, and thus something has to be done, eaither a complete redesign of the set or the more pratical option of disabling DK ult gen while they have corrosive active (which would also resolve other issues, but that's another topic entirely)
  • Ruby_Rise_8
    im allrdy mb week trying to tell you this is disaster. starting from solo advantage to see what you wear & correct my aim untill group demanding me on use this only gear till "must" to use class gear because its above any one else... till many other consequences including trully immortal ballgroup using synnergy of different class gears in odd ways ulntill it will be beter thne any pve gear from dunges & making it useless trials too... exept for triffect lovers but it not same.
    its disasterous tendention in future but its not too late to fix. limit to endless archieve only. & only. mb ok for 1 solo arenas.
    Otherwise pvp will become like in all western games - 2 class set i know your stat before you hit me... TESO is NOT enough pvp focused game to allow such. so im afraid guys will start looking alternatives with same "must use class gear" but better.
    if TESO will lose its attractive combqat system to cvlassic You MUST... well... alots ppl might just quit & im afraid this time it will be alots more then each time u nerf someone because before we could had adapt make odd ways to overcome nerfs... but now... i could had gave oaken to templar or nb dk even... but dk's ulti set to none. if you just tell me what class set is il look utubers & if they love it i will know half of your character its not how cyro war suppose to be. its .... its deffinately wrong direction. as sorc i have advantage vs nb & no nb want for sorc to know what he wear directly.
  • Ruby_Rise_8
    Ballghroups theorycrafters are many & they allready develobbing on using your class sets to make more metas then you can detect. let me say example is: i use dk set+ shirt of canonic+ something other & im become ultimate generator. use 2-3 more such dk (and ad will do it deffinately) & you have infinite ultimate so what else- rest will just trigger down all rest at will.
    But however if ulk have give such ulti to anyone else then like old ulti sets it will just... vanish. sooner or later amoungs other meta. All why we in cyro is we never know what enemy will do or use it adds thrill to battle. once il know 1 set they wear it will be ... noew you revealed us new imbalanced sets thos gone directly for class so you've limited both our class fro improvisation (key core we love this system) also you terlling my enemy: "he will wear this set. or he is ... 0" so i allready pre calculating half of my tactics & I MUST NOT DO IT byt any logic.. if you make nb focus this il know theyr weak spot window same as for dk. all cyro will be cool for is... crystal- we have alots western mmos where classes divided JUST BECAUSE THEY USE THIS & THIS GEAR ONLY & they have more epic pvp. for pve it will have dire consequences aswell. over years we overcame metas & imbalance with improving our skill & non standart combo. Now you jsut taking it from us... Shall i be happy?
    to say politely- not at all. If you give us imbalance gear- give came chances for all to use it. If you dont then raver remove it from game pls or limit for solo arenas only or solo content.
  • Ruby_Rise_8
    now u ZOS giving me 1 class set n2xt 2 years u give me 2nd... so any nb will know what i wear & i will know what they wear it will make me hunt down any nb in cyro. i will know precisely what they will use diff will not be many. this why it dangerous... & then WHAT?! "warrior- go warrior heavy. tank go heavuy tank, rogue go medium rogue- if you not agree- wear raggs & overcome odds"- this is where it moves into,,, where from i know it... well... nevermind where from. It go against all single games rules "all for all" i can understand why you had made classes cuZ its mmo. but why despite even worst buggs & breaks you deciding to take away thing we love this game? giving nb ganker set? give it to dk give dk other set? give it to nb also.
    it becomes a strategy where i know enemy soldiers units stat exept its not a atrategy & its mmo & i shall dont. & we on small map with limited abilities to shift around. Reminds me strategies i was raised on. thisi s my last theme about it. it allrdy costed me alots. just pls dont listen to "smart"advisers from ball group who wanna just abuse balance then leave when they bored & come back 2 years later to do same. Pls thinm about whom likes cyro for variativety & thrill of risky it allready provides ones who wish to stay there not :"ahaha farmed- gone out- will go next year". 1 friend of mine sitting there forever & was happy & i still helping him improve so it holds Man into this pvp area cvuz he thinks not standart each time something odd. Well i hope you will understsnd this while its not too late. idk where else to... ahh damn i said allready all i wanted.
  • Quethrosar
    anything that needs time to do damage sucks. even in vet trials trash dies pretty fast. as a sorcerer i would want heavy fast damage, not slow over time junk.
  • Tyrant_Tim
    Okay, here are my opinions.

    First, I feel the Warden, Arcanist, and Nightblade sets are in a really good place for their respective skill lines, with that being said…

    I love the idea of corpse generation for Necromancer, although the two buffs provided are very obtainable, if those could be changed to either major brutality/sorcery, minor berserk, or minor vitality, it would be a much better option. Hopefully at a later point we can see another set introduced that Decay’s an opponent, turning them into a walking corpse, to allow tethers to attach to enemies.

    Someone mentioned a possible remedy to the Dragonknight set’s problem, and that damage over time scaling with your ultimate count could encourage Dragonknights to use their ultimate offensively instead of holding out for 500 Balorgh procs constantly. Also want to add, the set is very ugly when activated and would love for this visual to be looked into, as the giant chunks of rock look bland, and float above your armor, rather than attach to it.

    For the Sorcerer set, having enemies only able to take damage from one pillar at a time completely shuts down this set for players in large groups, because if two players are using it, only one of them will be doing damage, of course this could be remedied if the damage was increased, or the frequency of ticks, it would offset that problem.

    Now for the Templar set, I have to say, out of all of them, it’s got to be the worst. Pre-DoT changes, when Vampire’s Bane ticked once-per-second, 50 stacks wouldn’t have been a problem, but with the current frequency you can deal damage with Dawn’s Wrath, it pushes the set into a very niche area that only works for AoE fights in Cyrodiil. I feel this is a bad direction to be taking, when comparing it to the other sets that have universal functionality. The damage increase to Dawn’s Wrath would be great with Dark Flare, but in order to achieve a decent stack production, you’re forced to use the other morph. Overall, I would say this set needs to be looked at again, possible solutions could be, less stacks required to reach the max, a revert to the tick rate of Vampire’s Bane, or the removal of the halving of your magic.
    Edited by Tyrant_Tim on September 22, 2023 6:56PM
  • YandereGirlfriend
    Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
    Okay, here are my opinions.

    First, I feel the Warden, Arcanist, and Nightblade sets are in a really good place for their respective skill lines, with that being said…

    I love the idea of corpse generation for Necromancer, although the two buffs provided are very obtainable, if those could be changed to either major brutality/sorcery, minor berserk, or minor vitality, it would be a much better option. Hopefully at a later point we can see another set introduced that Decay’s an opponent, turning them into a walking corpse, to allow tethers to attach to enemies.

    Someone mentioned a possible remedy to the Dragonknight set’s problem, and that damage over time scaling with your ultimate count could encourage Dragonknights to use their ultimate offensively instead of holding out for 500 Balorgh procs constantly. Also want to add, the set is very ugly when activated and would love for this visual to be looked into, as the giant chunks of rock look bland, and float above your armor, rather than attach to it.

    For the Sorcerer set, having enemies only able to take damage from one pillar at a time completely shuts down this set for players in large groups, because if two players are using it, only one of them will be doing damage, of course this could be remedied if the damage was increased, or the frequency of ticks, it would offset that problem.

    Now for the Templar set, I have to say, out of all of them, it’s got to be the worst. Pre-DoT changes, when Vampire’s Bane ticked once-per-second, 50 stacks wouldn’t have been a problem, but with the current frequency you can deal damage with Dawn’s Wrath, it pushes the set into a very niche area that only works for AoE fights in Cyrodiil. I feel this is a bad direction to be taking, when comparing it to the other sets that have universal functionality. The damage increase to Dawn’s Wrath would be great with Dark Flare, but in order to achieve a decent stack production, you’re forced to use the other morph. Overall, I would say this set needs to be looked at again, possible solutions could be, less stacks required to reach the max, a revert to the tick rate of Vampire’s Bane, or the removal of the halving of your magic.

    The Templar set would be much-improved if they squashed the current bug wherein you only build one stack per tick on Solar Barrage and Nova no matter how many targets you hit with it.

    This behavior is different from Reflective Light, which will apply one stack per tick per target.

    If they fix that bug then the Templar set will become much more viable.
  • Billium813
    What can be improved:
    I am missing some more uniqueness. They seem like another 5 piece set from a dungeon or overland. So to be useful they need to have at least the same power level as those. We want to use the new class sets, so give them power.
    The proc conditions are either complicated or the description in the text is.
    Most need to be double-barred. That will limit how you pair them with other sets and therefore people will tend to use other ones.

    Templar set:
    1 piece: weapon & spell damage
    2 piece: crit
    3 piece: weapon & spell damage
    4 piece: When you deal damage with a Dawn's Wrath ability, you gain a stack of Sunlight for 10 seconds, once per attack. You can have 50 stacks max and gain 12 Magicka Recovery per stack. When at max stacks, your Dawn's Wrath abilities deal 25% bonus damage.
    5 piece: if you cast a Nova after the effect ended you gain Wrathful Nova for 10s. If you damage an enemy with a Dawn's Wrath ability, a Wrathful Nova is cast on the enemy.

    This reduces the potential of wasting the stacks. Two Novas rights after each other? Sounds strong to me. It incentives to use the ultimate as an active skill.
    You could only use the set as 4 piece set if that's what you want.
    No curse attached to the set: No build uses only skills from one skill line. 25% damage increase is strong. But so are other sets: Deadly Strike increases nearly all Templar damage by 15%. No proc condition.
    The limitation to only buffing one skill line and a burst window is already a big curse.

    I really like this observation. I was disappointed that the new Class Item Sets are just MORE 5 piece sets where the 1-4 are just traditional WD/SD, regen, max stats. I was hoping that they would be 2-3 piece sets so that we can get some new build combinations and interesting designs.

    I was hoping for 1 piece effect like a monster set, 2 piece for a new class Passive, and 3 piece for a new effect!

    For instance:
    Templar set:
    1 piece: Adds Magicka Recovery
    2 piece: When you deal damage with a Dawn's Wrath ability, you gain a stack of Sunlight for 10 seconds, once per attack. You can have 50 stacks max and gain 12 Magicka Recovery per stack. When at max stacks, your Dawn's Wrath abilities deal 25% bonus damage.
    3 piece: if you cast a Nova after the effect ended you gain Wrathful Nova for 10s. If you damage an enemy with a Dawn's Wrath ability, a Wrathful Nova is cast on the enemy.
  • UsualSurrender
    Which of the new item sets did you try out, and what did you think of them?
    Sunwrath set, tested on dummies, both ST and AoE.
    Interesting ideas were put into this set, and it is nice to see the Nova making a comeback into the Templar's visual identity

    Did anything you received feel under or over-powered?
    Underpowered, but can be easily fixed.
    50 stacks is too many for trash packs, as the adds die before we can build up the stacks, and the overall damage boost+nova are not enough for single target boss fights. The only niche situation where this set may be worth it is long AoE fights with several high-HP mini-bosses.
    Reducing the number of required stacks could fix that.
    Also reducing magicka by 50% is a fun and balanced gimmick on Stamina templars, but way too detrimental to magicka templars. 15k+ magicka cost for a proc is nuts.

    Do you have any feedback on the persistent visual effects?
    Not too bright, not too dim, and matches the class colour theme. Solid 5/7

    Do you have any general feedback?
    It would be nice to have more info on the Wrathful Nova regarding the other effects it has (status effect, debuffs, synergy,etc...). If it is only a damage proc with a Nova visual, that's a bit disappointing.
    Bugfix: please note that Solar Barrage adds only 1 stack every 2 seconds regardless of the number of enemies it hits, unlike Reflective Light. Hopefully this is just an oversight.

    Overall I am pleased to know that we will soon get 3 Sets per class, and I like the design and ideas put into (some) of them. Sunwrath needs a few tweaks at least to be on par with other good dungeon proc sets.
  • Tyrant_Tim
    Templar set:
    1 piece: Adds Magicka Recovery
    2 piece: When you deal damage with a Dawn's Wrath ability, you gain a stack of Sunlight for 10 seconds, once per attack. You can have 50 stacks max and gain 12 Magicka Recovery per stack. When at max stacks, your Dawn's Wrath abilities deal 25% bonus damage.
    3 piece: if you cast a Nova after the effect ended you gain Wrathful Nova for 10s. If you damage an enemy with a Dawn's Wrath ability, a Wrathful Nova is cast on the enemy.

    This is, IMO exactly how the sets should have been done. The game is already diluted with hundreds of 5-piece sets, it needs more sets like these.
    Edited by Tyrant_Tim on September 23, 2023 7:29PM
  • J18696
    Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
    Okay, here are my opinions.

    First, I feel the Warden, Arcanist, and Nightblade sets are in a really good place for their respective skill lines, with that being said…

    I love the idea of corpse generation for Necromancer, although the two buffs provided are very obtainable, if those could be changed to either major brutality/sorcery, minor berserk, or minor vitality, it would be a much better option. Hopefully at a later point we can see another set introduced that Decay’s an opponent, turning them into a walking corpse, to allow tethers to attach to enemies.

    Someone mentioned a possible remedy to the Dragonknight set’s problem, and that damage over time scaling with your ultimate count could encourage Dragonknights to use their ultimate offensively instead of holding out for 500 Balorgh procs constantly. Also want to add, the set is very ugly when activated and would love for this visual to be looked into, as the giant chunks of rock look bland, and float above your armor, rather than attach to it.

    For the Sorcerer set, having enemies only able to take damage from one pillar at a time completely shuts down this set for players in large groups, because if two players are using it, only one of them will be doing damage, of course this could be remedied if the damage was increased, or the frequency of ticks, it would offset that problem.

    Now for the Templar set, I have to say, out of all of them, it’s got to be the worst. Pre-DoT changes, when Vampire’s Bane ticked once-per-second, 50 stacks wouldn’t have been a problem, but with the current frequency you can deal damage with Dawn’s Wrath, it pushes the set into a very niche area that only works for AoE fights in Cyrodiil. I feel this is a bad direction to be taking, when comparing it to the other sets that have universal functionality. The damage increase to Dawn’s Wrath would be great with Dark Flare, but in order to achieve a decent stack production, you’re forced to use the other morph. Overall, I would say this set needs to be looked at again, possible solutions could be, less stacks required to reach the max, a revert to the tick rate of Vampire’s Bane, or the removal of the halving of your magic.

    Completely agree on the visual effect for the dk set its very ugly pretty much just a fat suit of rocks hanging off your character
    PC NA Server
    Pridē - Dragonknight
    Vanıty - Arcanist
  • YandereGirlfriend
    I haven't seen the Necromancer, Dragonknight or Sorcerer class set animations but I love the animations for Arcanist, Warden, Templar, and especially Nightblade.

    Everything else aside, adding these sorts of unique set animations is a major win in terms of aesthetics and character theming ability. So well done, ZOS, on that front.

    Hopefully that will be a thing for most/all new sets going forward.
    Edited by YandereGirlfriend on September 24, 2023 4:41PM
  • Tyrant_Tim
    J18696 wrote: »
    Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
    Okay, here are my opinions.

    First, I feel the Warden, Arcanist, and Nightblade sets are in a really good place for their respective skill lines, with that being said…

    I love the idea of corpse generation for Necromancer, although the two buffs provided are very obtainable, if those could be changed to either major brutality/sorcery, minor berserk, or minor vitality, it would be a much better option. Hopefully at a later point we can see another set introduced that Decay’s an opponent, turning them into a walking corpse, to allow tethers to attach to enemies.

    Someone mentioned a possible remedy to the Dragonknight set’s problem, and that damage over time scaling with your ultimate count could encourage Dragonknights to use their ultimate offensively instead of holding out for 500 Balorgh procs constantly. Also want to add, the set is very ugly when activated and would love for this visual to be looked into, as the giant chunks of rock look bland, and float above your armor, rather than attach to it.

    For the Sorcerer set, having enemies only able to take damage from one pillar at a time completely shuts down this set for players in large groups, because if two players are using it, only one of them will be doing damage, of course this could be remedied if the damage was increased, or the frequency of ticks, it would offset that problem.

    Now for the Templar set, I have to say, out of all of them, it’s got to be the worst. Pre-DoT changes, when Vampire’s Bane ticked once-per-second, 50 stacks wouldn’t have been a problem, but with the current frequency you can deal damage with Dawn’s Wrath, it pushes the set into a very niche area that only works for AoE fights in Cyrodiil. I feel this is a bad direction to be taking, when comparing it to the other sets that have universal functionality. The damage increase to Dawn’s Wrath would be great with Dark Flare, but in order to achieve a decent stack production, you’re forced to use the other morph. Overall, I would say this set needs to be looked at again, possible solutions could be, less stacks required to reach the max, a revert to the tick rate of Vampire’s Bane, or the removal of the halving of your magic.

    Completely agree on the visual effect for the dk set its very ugly pretty much just a fat suit of rocks hanging off your character

    Yup, we’re going to see MANY complaints about the DK set visual when it goes live. It’s such a good set that everyone will use it, but it is so atrocious to look at when activated.
    Edited by Tyrant_Tim on September 24, 2023 8:39PM
  • SandandStars
    I would like a Warden set that turns cliff racers into concealed weapon
  • acastanza_ESO

    Frankly, the Sorcerer set is so bad that it actually needs both buffs.
    Remember the baseline comparison for these sets should be "is this set as strong as 100% uptime on Major heroism". The answer in this case is "not even on the same planet".
    The monoliths need to be spawnable much, much, faster - Getting the monoliths up is so clunky, and the damage so bad that it is just not worth to run.
    The 5th tick of DOTs when they only tick every two seconds when monoliths only last 10 seconds and single monoliths do nothing is just really, really bad
    Removing the last sentence of the set to allow multiple monoliths to hit would also be a good option for a buff.

    Allowing the monoliths to crit is necessary but not sufficient to fix this set, it really, really, really needs something else.

    Giving Sorcerers a defensive buff (major protection?!!) when fighting near the monoliths to account for the fact that the set encourages a relatively stationary style of play that is very inconsistent with the enforced Sorcerer playstyle would be also be welcome. Especially considering that most of the sets give both Offensive and Defensive buffs.
    Edited by acastanza_ESO on September 25, 2023 7:22PM
  • Twohothardware
    The nerf to the DK set looks like an overreaction when just the nerf to Corrosive would of gone a long way.

    The DK set buff now only lasts 10 seconds, lost minor heroism, and only works while you stay on your front bar? Sounds like an overdone nerf.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    The necromancer set needs a hefty reduction to the cooldown.

    Mortal Coil/Braided Tether are 12 seconds. That means you'd need at least 4 bone tyrant abilities slotted (almost all of the abilities in that line) to be able to utilize the set for your healing tether effectively. A tall order when most of the abilities in that line are mediocre (looking at you, Grasp and Totem).

    The buffs that the set gives could also use work, since nearly every build will already have both buffs.
    Edited by CameraBeardThePirate on September 25, 2023 7:30PM
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