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PTS Update 40 - Feedback Thread for New Class Item Sets

  • Remiem
    Nobility in Decay:

    Tethers work now and that's it.
    The set still has that long cooldown, that awkward 4 items health bonus, still grants the same 2 easily accessible named buffs and the Beautiful Corpse buff still counts as one corpse. Some people believe that being able to self tether makes the set good for some reason, personally I don't think turning Siphon into Blood Mist's weak AoE aura or Coil into a "free" pseudo Regen cast every 16-14s is worth a 5 piece set at all.
    With the cooldown you'll have only one of them active on you and it's not like they're these incredibly powerful skills or that the class even has the bar space to slot both. The devs should have made the use they had in mind when they conceived it clear because even for PvE tanking (since Bone Tyrant is the defensive skill tree and based on 2-4 items bonuses) it doesn't look good at all, nowhere near impactful enough and it's a selfish set.

    Set is still terrible and dead on arrival imo, I fully expect it to be shipped in this weak state.
    At least the DK one got toned down and Corrosive finally received a nerf, time to get my 100Gb of disk space back now.
    Balanced by people with no prior gamedev experience, couldn't fix performance issues in a decade, can't code a real matchmaking algorithm to save their lives, more maintenance downtime than all the other MMOs put together, more bugs introduced than bugs fixed every big patch, same stagnant combat for years.
    Done with Elder Joke Online: 2 seconds of input delay on "70" ping edition.
  • YandereGirlfriend
    So the NB set not buffing the Tether ultimate was listed as a BUG on the original PTS but now it's been changed to its official functionality?! What on Earth is that about!?

    That set is absolute dogwater now.

  • chessalavakia_ESO
    The nerf to the DK set looks like an overreaction when just the nerf to Corrosive would of gone a long way.

    The DK set buff now only lasts 10 seconds, lost minor heroism, and only works while you stay on your front bar? Sounds like an overdone nerf.

    When you are on the back bar, you get the other buff if you have the set on the back bar.

    With that said, DK set buff is still likely bugged.

    If you've got Jorvuld's Guidance laying around you can trigger the buff in combat, swap from front bar to back bar over and over and watch the duration go up. Once you've got it up to a hour + you can just take off both Jorvuld's Guidance and the DK set and use whatever set you want and keep the buff till you log

  • acastanza_ESO
    The nerf to the DK set looks like an overreaction when just the nerf to Corrosive would of gone a long way.

    The DK set buff now only lasts 10 seconds, lost minor heroism, and only works while you stay on your front bar? Sounds like an overdone nerf.

    They removed the cooldown on the set proc, its still a very strong set and will undoubtedly be the go-to set for DKs still. You can't just ignore half the patch note for the set. Corrosive nerf needed to be done for reasons completely unrelated to this set.
  • Galeriano
    The nerf to the DK set looks like an overreaction when just the nerf to Corrosive would of gone a long way.

    The DK set buff now only lasts 10 seconds, lost minor heroism, and only works while you stay on your front bar? Sounds like an overdone nerf.

    They removed the cooldown on the set proc, its still a very strong set and will undoubtedly be the go-to set for DKs still. You can't just ignore half the patch note for the set. Corrosive nerf needed to be done for reasons completely unrelated to this set.

    It really isn't that strong. Just an ok set at that point. Trickery is just way better for PvP especially after corrosive nerf.
  • grzes848909

    Frankly, the Sorcerer set is so bad that it actually needs both buffs.
    Remember the baseline comparison for these sets should be "is this set as strong as 100% uptime on Major heroism". The answer in this case is "not even on the same planet".
    The monoliths need to be spawnable much, much, faster - Getting the monoliths up is so clunky, and the damage so bad that it is just not worth to run.
    The 5th tick of DOTs when they only tick every two seconds when monoliths only last 10 seconds and single monoliths do nothing is just really, really bad
    Removing the last sentence of the set to allow multiple monoliths to hit would also be a good option for a buff.

    Allowing the monoliths to crit is necessary but not sufficient to fix this set, it really, really, really needs something else.

    Giving Sorcerers a defensive buff (major protection?!!) when fighting near the monoliths to account for the fact that the set encourages a relatively stationary style of play that is very inconsistent with the enforced Sorcerer playstyle would be also be welcome. Especially considering that most of the sets give both Offensive and Defensive buffs.

    There are many issues with this set (besides not doing crit dmg):

    * it does pitiful dmg and only every 2 seconds
    * only spawns 3 monoliths and they disappear after 10 seconds (you have to constantly spawn them)
    * its easy for both ai and enemy players to get out of lines and avoid being damaged
    * The distance between monoliths and their effectiveness is heavily dependent on both the environment(slopes, stairs, trees etc obstruct links) as well positioning of the enemies and how their position determines lenght of the links (if enemies are either too close or too spread out the links become near useless).

    Instead of granting major protection how about:

    * letting the monoliths and links do damage separately so a target near a monolith as well inside the line would receive 2 separate instances of dmg, one from the line and one from the monolith itself.
    * Increase the amount of total monoliths and/or duration of them
    * increase the range from where the monoliths can zap you if you are not inside a line to one that matches the storm atronach ultimate for sorc (around 6-8 meter radius)
    * (optional) give the lines some sort of snare so enemies have harder time avoiding the lines
    * (optional) increase the dmg or reduce the cooldown on how often the set can dmg from 2 seconds to 1.
    Edited by grzes848909 on September 25, 2023 9:03PM
  • Dragonredux
    So the NB set not buffing the Tether ultimate was listed as a BUG on the original PTS but now it's been changed to its official functionality?! What on Earth is that about!?

    Good, I'm not crazy. Guess bugs = features now.
  • MashmalloMan
    Monolith of Storms currently cannot Critically Strike, despite scaling with your Offensive stats and not having an ingrained bonus modifier. There are ongoing discussions on which route the set will go – either enabling Critical Strikes or adding a self-bonus modifier on the set.
    I know this is only week 1, most changes come week 2 so I applaud you for the changes you've already made based on our feedback. They're all exactly what was suggested. DKs ult gen/corrosive/10s timer no CD, Necro's self corpse, hybridizing Arcanist's set and the above quote for what's to come for Sorc.

    Gives me hope. Trust me, every Sorc knows this needs to crit, please make the right choice.

    It's always been implied Sorc identity is rooted in high crit chance and speed. Our primary survival skill is called "Crit Surge". Those 2 things are our bread and butter, the set should highlight that, but in its current design it actively hurts them.

    At the very least, if you don't agree the whole class has those 2 focuses, no one can debate the Stormcalling skill line that this is for, follows those 2 basic structures. Crit Surge/Power Surge, Streak/BOL, Hurricane/Boundless Storm, and even the ultimate given the fact that you toggle it on and off at will to become a sprinting lightning god. These 2 factors are what makes Sorc's unique and fun to play, zip around like lightning, elude like the wind...

    Furthermore, ground dots should not tick on 2s, it feels really bad, it's unreliable with the way location detection works in this game and also goes against the classes speed focus. The counter to ground dots is to just walk away from them, so it's unnecessary to double nerf it by ticking on 2s. You are aware of this because you went against the change on skills in update 35 due to the backlash.

    Due to the way Hurricane was nerfed from ticking on 2s instead of 1s and how pets passive DMG doesn't proc Crit Surge, I find it more important than ever to find a front bar damage set that can crit and ticks on 1s. This is especially important on a damage set because the class doesn't have any sticky dots and Lightning Flood/Liquid Lightning is just not worth the bar space right now.

    If you're going to make a Sorc set... a storm set, it needs those 2 things minimum to be called a "Class set". You should adjust everything else it does to compliment that.
    Edited by MashmalloMan on September 25, 2023 9:33PM
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • OtarTheMad
    The necro set is interesting now that it works but the cooldown is long and it would only, seemingly, benefit melee Necro because the radius is small so the enemy has to be in close range. So melee stamina necro got a very slight nudge but overall the cooldown and small radius will still put this set in the decon bin.

    Range dps don't benefit from it besides the secondary buffs it gives, healers don't benefit because small radius and shorter duration on the healing tether.
  • propertyOfUndefined
    Nobility in Decay -

    Please consider removing the need to be in combat for this set to work. Most players will use Bone Armor to trigger the effect, which is usually cast before an engagement. The in-combat requirement will add another layer of complexity to the playstyle, which is already more complex than other classes.
  • YandereGirlfriend
    So the NB set not buffing the Tether ultimate was listed as a BUG on the original PTS but now it's been changed to its official functionality?! What on Earth is that about!?

    Good, I'm not crazy. Guess bugs = features now.

    Yeah, the set is like big decononstruction fodder now. The Siphoning skill line is already quite bad so excluding the ultimate, the best skill in the entire line, is just a huge waste. Why even bother to make this set - or any of the sets - if they don't work with the ultimate of the class line that they're intended for?
  • Finedaible
    So the NB set not buffing the Tether ultimate was listed as a BUG on the original PTS but now it's been changed to its official functionality?! What on Earth is that about!?

    That set is absolute dogwater now.

    I just came here to mention this. Sounds like the same "fix" that Ambush got with its cast time...
  • Nebs
    I really, really want the Sorcerer's Monolith of Storms set to crit. I feel like the set not being able to trigger Critical Surge is a huge missed opportunity to having additional ties to the Storm Calling skill line.

    I like the removal of the cooldown and the decreased timer on the Dragon Knight's Basalt-Blooded Warrior. I think encouraging more frequent use of Earthen Heart skills helps improve its identity as a set tied to that skill line, while also being generous enough timer that you don't need to double-bar Earthen Heart skills. I don't know how I feel about it losing its Minor Heroism buff, but keeping Major Heroism is nice. I don't know that this set is exciting enough to get me to not just use Drake's Rush now if I'm after Major Heroism though (since then I could also give it Major Heroism to my pals) - especially after Corrosive Armor was hit (which, side note, I think was a good move).

    I'm absolutely thrilled Nobility in Decay will now work with tethers skills. I think this gives huge utility to the set which I love to see from the class-locked sets. I'm really exited to try it out.
  • ZhuJiuyin
    Frankly, I don't understand why the Monolith of Storms set buff needs to be discussed. There is no doubt that Critical and bonus both need to be added.
    Magica sorcer is almost unable to participate in the HM mode of various trials, because the single target DPS is poor (lost to stam sorcer), and the AOE damage is the lowest among all classes (same as NB).
    In PVP, Magica sorcer is also struggling and needs more love.

    Monolith of Storms does give Magica sorcer some hope, but only if the set gives more buffs. In addition to allowing Monolith to cause Critical, it is also necessary to remove the restriction of only taking damage from this set once every 2 seconds, and to allow each Monolith to cause damage, instead of the extra link, which costs 2 gcd to start causing damage. Too impractical.

    If really worried about the damage being too high, then I suggest:

    1. A maximum of 2 Monoliths can be summoned at a time, but each Monolith can cause AOE damage in a radius of 7m (the same as the current melee damage distance)
    2. Each Monolith lasts up to 15 seconds, ticks once per second, and cools down for 10 seconds. When triggered at the same time, it will give Major Prophecy/Savagery, or increase the damage of all Storm Calling skills by 20%.
    3. Every Monolith can hit the target (if not, there will only be one sorcer in the entire team who can wear Monolith of Storms, which I believe is not what the official wants to see).
    4. The proc condition is changed to Every time you receive every Storm Calling abilities hit
    5. In exchange and balance, Monolith's damage can be slightly reduced, maybe 80% or 70%

    In this way, in PVE, the AOE damage of the sorcer can be increased, and there may even be a chance to make the no-pet or one-pet sorcer feasible again. In PVP, Magica sorcer can make more use of Mages' Fury and Overload.
    Edited by ZhuJiuyin on September 26, 2023 11:27AM
    "是燭九陰,是燭龍。"──by "The Classic of Mountains and Seas "English is not my first language,If something is ambiguous, rude due to context and translation issues, etc., please remind me, thanks.
  • i11ionward
    Nobility in Decay
    1. Minor Protection and Minor Resolve are good buffs in themselves, but Minor Resolve is easy to get in PvE with Combat Prayer and Resolving Vigor in PvP, Minor Protection already has Bone Tyrant Skill Line, the usefulness of these buffs on the set is questionable, I hope they will be reworked.
    2. If reworking Minor Protection and Minor Resolve is not in the plans, then make at least some QoL changes: obviously, the most universal skill to trigger the set is Bone Armor, which you apply before entering combat, the requirement to be in combat to trigger the set is insane; Bone Armor lasts 20 seconds, and Minor Protection and Minor Resolve last 16 seconds, it would be consistent if the buffs lasted the same 20 seconds.
    3. The best skills to use Beautiful Corpse with are Restoring Tether and Shocking Siphon, the current recovery time is too long to provide any real utility to Beautiful Corpse.
  • Mayrael
    Finedaible wrote: »
    So the NB set not buffing the Tether ultimate was listed as a BUG on the original PTS but now it's been changed to its official functionality?! What on Earth is that about!?

    That set is absolute dogwater now.

    I just came here to mention this. Sounds like the same "fix" that Ambush got with its cast time...

    Yeah. I'll pass this cycle and my sub for the time because of this "bug becoming feature" attitude when it goes to NB.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • ZhuJiuyin
    i11ionward wrote: »
    Nobility in Decay
    1. Minor Protection and Minor Resolve are good buffs in themselves, but Minor Resolve is easy to get in PvE with Combat Prayer and Resolving Vigor in PvP, Minor Protection already has Bone Tyrant Skill Line, the usefulness of these buffs on the set is questionable, I hope they will be reworked.
    2. If reworking Minor Protection and Minor Resolve is not in the plans, then make at least some QoL changes: obviously, the most universal skill to trigger the set is Bone Armor, which you apply before entering combat, the requirement to be in combat to trigger the set is insane; Bone Armor lasts 20 seconds, and Minor Protection and Minor Resolve last 16 seconds, it would be consistent if the buffs lasted the same 20 seconds.
    3. The best skills to use Beautiful Corpse with are Restoring Tether and Shocking Siphon, the current recovery time is too long to provide any real utility to Beautiful Corpse.

    Maybe replace Minor Protection and Minor Resolve with Major Evasion and Minor Expedition?
    Let this set become the Necro version of Hurricane, and also allow Necro to obtain more additional and non-duplicate BUFFs.
    "是燭九陰,是燭龍。"──by "The Classic of Mountains and Seas "English is not my first language,If something is ambiguous, rude due to context and translation issues, etc., please remind me, thanks.
  • ESO_Nightingale
    Turtle_Bot wrote: »
    This is the official feedback thread for the new class item sets, acquired from Endless Archive. Please try out these new item set types and let us know what you think! Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
    • Which of the new item sets did you try out, and what did you think of them?
    • Did anything you received feel under or over-powered?
    • Do you have any feedback on the persistent visual effects?
    • Do you have any general feedback?

    Which set did I test out: Monolith of Storms.
    1. What are my thoughts on it:
    - It seems mediocre and not worth considering even for a fun build when a set like storm-cursed exists and even that is not considered for builds.
    - It's another proc set that does ok damage but requires far too many hoops to jump through to make it work effectively and keep it up reliably.
    - Running this on the back bar is not an option since if it is slotted there, you won't proc it while on the front bar where your spammable is slotted and you spend the majority of the time of the rotation, meanwhile the abilities you want to use to proc the set and keep it active during a fight are the Damage over Time abilities (hurricane and lightning flood) which are better suited to being on the back bar.
    - The other issue with it is that the set does nothing when there is only 1 monolith active, meaning it requires at minimum 2 seconds and 2 GCD for the set to do anything at all.

    2. The set just feels far too awkward to use effectively with the abilities it relies on to proc it and as such makes for very awkward rotations to get something that is even remotely close to what can be achieved much easier with a generic proc set such as relequen, pillar or whorl.

    3. The visual effects are fine, I'm glad they are toned down while still keeping the lightning theme and the monoliths themselves look pretty cool.

    4. For this set in particular, I think it needs a complete redesign or a bonus added to it which I will go over later in this post. In it's current form it is just a harder to use generic proc set that makes the rotations awkward. It also doesn't really do anything to help the sorcerer class break away from the pet builds that have been forced onto the class for years now.

    Ways to improve the set while keeping its current design:
    2. Allow any damage instance from a storm calling ability to summon a monolith. Once per cast or on the 5th tick is just far too slow for how unsynergistic the storm calling DoT abilities are to the sorcerer playstyle.
    3. Have the monoliths themselves deal a portion of the damage the beam deals to targets around them so that it does something while there is only 1 monolith active. This can be set to if only one monolith is active it deals its damage around it instead of dealing damage via the beam.
    4. Make the damage be per beam instead of once every 2 seconds globally from the set with damage values adjusted accordingly. As it currently stands it seems like its not going to be viable for multiple sorcs to run this set to stack the beams damage.
    5. Not as important as the previous 3 points, but increase the number of monoliths summoned or increase their duration to keep the beams active for a longer period.

    What I would look into to rework the set to make it help the class instead of just act as another generic proc set:
    Have the set also increase the base Damage of Mages Fury + morphs to the equivalent damage of a regular single target ranged spammable, similar to force pulse.
    This would help sorcerer in multiple ways:
    - It gives sorcerer a reliable front bar way to proc this set with its current proc conditions quickly and efficiently
    - It gives sorcerer an actual in class spammable that doesn't have a cast time that benefits from sorcs shock damage passives.
    - It frees up desperately needed bar space since sorc now has both an execute and spammable in 1 ability at the cost of running a specific 5 piece set.
    - It allows for some potential theory crafting of no-pet sorcs (that haven't been viable for many years now) since they can now stack multiple storm calling abilities together and get some decent damage while not losing out on damage from not running the pets.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno, @ZOS_Kevin, @ZOS_BrianWheeler I hope you can take this feedback into account. No pet Sorc is desperately looking for a way to catch up with the other classes (and its own pet build) and this set as it currently stands just does not do anything to help facilitate this once very fun and engaging playstyle on a fan favourite class that has been desperate for any kind of love for far too long now.

    i think this is a cool idea.
    Monolith of Storms currently cannot Critically Strike, despite scaling with your Offensive stats and not having an ingrained bonus modifier. There are ongoing discussions on which route the set will go – either enabling Critical Strikes or adding a self-bonus modifier on the set.
    I know this is only week 1, most changes come week 2 so I applaud you for the changes you've already made based on our feedback. They're all exactly what was suggested. DKs ult gen/corrosive/10s timer no CD, Necro's self corpse, hybridizing Arcanist's set and the above quote for what's to come for Sorc.

    Gives me hope. Trust me, every Sorc knows this needs to crit, please make the right choice.

    It's always been implied Sorc identity is rooted in high crit chance and speed. Our primary survival skill is called "Crit Surge". Those 2 things are our bread and butter, the set should highlight that, but in its current design it actively hurts them.

    At the very least, if you don't agree the whole class has those 2 focuses, no one can debate the Stormcalling skill line that this is for, follows those 2 basic structures. Crit Surge/Power Surge, Streak/BOL, Hurricane/Boundless Storm, and even the ultimate given the fact that you toggle it on and off at will to become a sprinting lightning god. These 2 factors are what makes Sorc's unique and fun to play, zip around like lightning, elude like the wind...

    Furthermore, ground dots should not tick on 2s, it feels really bad, it's unreliable with the way location detection works in this game and also goes against the classes speed focus. The counter to ground dots is to just walk away from them, so it's unnecessary to double nerf it by ticking on 2s. You are aware of this because you went against the change on skills in update 35 due to the backlash.

    Due to the way Hurricane was nerfed from ticking on 2s instead of 1s and how pets passive DMG doesn't proc Crit Surge, I find it more important than ever to find a front bar damage set that can crit and ticks on 1s. This is especially important on a damage set because the class doesn't have any sticky dots and Lightning Flood/Liquid Lightning is just not worth the bar space right now.

    If you're going to make a Sorc set... a storm set, it needs those 2 things minimum to be called a "Class set". You should adjust everything else it does to compliment that.

    I find it really funny that almost no-one cares about the warden set. I've seen like maybe 3 pieces of feedback regarding it.
    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher for ESO-U. Frost Warden PvE Build Article: Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
  • ZhuJiuyin
    How much damage should the Monolith of Storms deal reasonably?

    I tried to figure it out using numbers, the following data is based on information provided by usepwiki

    Summon Volatile Familiar:
    attacks deal [953 / 962 / 973 / 984] Shock Damage. (approximately once every 2 seconds)
    special ability dealing [1153 / 1165 / 1178 / 1191] Shock Damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds.

    (984*10)+(1191*10)=21750 (in 1 GCD, the damage that Volatile Familiar can cause, not counting critical hits)

    Then Daedric Prey:
    While the curse is active, your pets deal an additional 45% damage

    21750*1.45=31537.5 (assuming Daedric Prey maintains 100%)

    Monolith of Storms set:
    Monoliths link to your other Monoliths within 28 meters of each other, each link dealing 3064 Shock Damage every 2 seconds

    3064*10=30640 (costs 2 GCD, damage caused in 20 seconds)

    31537.5 > 30640, not to mention Monolith of Storms requires 2 GCD to proc,
    The Monolith of Storms set needs more buffs to make no-pet or one-pet sorcer feasible.

    If changed to:
    1. Change Monolith's existence to 20 seconds, tick once per second, and allow critical hits
    2. Up to 2 Monoliths can be summoned at the same time, but each summon has a 10-second cooldown.
    3. When Monolith appears, give Minor Hindrance to all nearby targets within 7M.
    4.Monolith's damage reduced (100%→50%)
    5.The proc conditions remain unchanged, but it is still Dealing damage with a Storm Calling abilities' initial hit or every 5th tick,

    After applying the above changes to the current Monolith of Storms set:

    (3064*0.5)*20=30640 (1Monolith)
    30640*2=61280(2 Monolith)

    This is much higher than Volatile Familiar (+Daedric Prey buff)'s 31537.5, giving magica sorcers a reason to ditch a pet and carry Mages' Fury or Lightning Splash in PVE as a means of proc Monolith of Storms

    *If you want the sorcer to use Monolith of Storms instead of Pillar of Nirn, Monolith+Mages' Fury (when the target's HP is greater than 20%) needs to cause higher damage than Nirn + Familiar.

    In PVP, since Monolith gives Minor Hindrance to all nearby targets within 7M when it appears, your opponent can also be forced to swim within the Monolith's damage range.
    And speed is relative. When your opponent's speed slows down, the relative speed of the sorcer will naturally increase.
    Edited by ZhuJiuyin on September 26, 2023 12:20PM
    "是燭九陰,是燭龍。"──by "The Classic of Mountains and Seas "English is not my first language,If something is ambiguous, rude due to context and translation issues, etc., please remind me, thanks.
  • RoxyPhoenix
    why can't we have class sets that alter/buff our class skills, the same way arena weapons work for the weapons skill lane? Each class has 15 unique active skills [excluding ultimate] which would be 15 new sets for each class. Maybe not all at once, like 1 set per skill per patch. But hey, I guess it's easier to throw another garbage proc useless set, embarged with silly unreasonable conditions providing some generic buff that we can get more or less in an easier way somewhere else.


    Some of you already praised them for nerfing DK set and corrosive. [snip] Sets like that shouldn't see the light of day in the first place and corrosive should have been dealt with years ago. Same with countless broken things, useless sets, and underperforming or overperforming skills. Every player who plays ESO on a regular basis knows what is wrong and what should be changed, don't tell me the people who work on the game don't. It's outrageous and scandalous that after every major patch, we need to reach for forks and torches just to let them know something is bad.

    I am salty, I am angry but most of all I am tired. Patch after patch, cycle after cycle, same old thing. And for those who would happily point me at the door, I say, I'm not going anywhere, I love this game. I just wish DEVs loved it too.

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on September 29, 2023 2:52PM
  • Galeriano
    Sorcerer's set is just bad. It should go back to the drawing board and be redone completly with something else than wierd AoE added to it. Other sets even if just a bit atleast offer something to the classes, sorc's set is just useless. Even if the dmg proc would be buffed to make it reliable source of DPS, sorc deserved something more unique than just plain AoE Dot dmg set.
  • Nebs
    In the initial patch notes, the Soulweaver set for Night Blades not enhancing the damage and heal of the Siphon ultimate was previously listed as a known issue but the most recent patch notes make it look like it was intentional all along which really sucks. This set would have to be ridiculously powerful for me to consider draining ultimate for it to only benefit a single skill tree. It just looks like a Sword Dancer or Sword-Singer set, but with a drawback.

    I really don't like that the Harbinger of Fall effect on the Gardener of the Seasons set gives Major Maim. Almost (all?) bosses are immune to Major Maim. I'm getting a little side tracked here, but Major Maim is never impactful in the game against monsters except were it could be, but big targets are immune. Imagine what players would think if the impressive damage dealing debuffs like Vulnerability and Breach didn't work on boss and big monsters?

    I think another source of Minor Vitality is neat, but awarding it when you overheal and then it lasting so briefly, I cannot imagine it ever possibly being a useful buff. I think this would be much more interesting and useful as some sort of power buff or damage shield. This is also a set that is obviously directed at healers alone, which makes the #4 weapon/spell damage feel out of place. As it is, I would never want to intentionally trigger Harbinger of Fall even though the effect sounds rad as hell. While Rite Master's bond has a pretty sizable window of downtime, it at least provides some healing on its own and doesn't require the overheal to be sourced from a single skill line.

    I think these sets are a great place to experiment with powerful 3-piece sets. So many of these sets have 1 - 4 piece bonuses that further restrict their use when they're already tied to a skill line. The Arcanists set, Reawakened Hierophant, is a particular example where stamina-based healers are actually possible for the class, but this set virtually forces you into a magicka focus.
  • i11ionward
    ZhuJiuyin wrote: »
    i11ionward wrote: »
    Nobility in Decay
    1. Minor Protection and Minor Resolve are good buffs in themselves, but Minor Resolve is easy to get in PvE with Combat Prayer and Resolving Vigor in PvP, Minor Protection already has Bone Tyrant Skill Line, the usefulness of these buffs on the set is questionable, I hope they will be reworked.
    2. If reworking Minor Protection and Minor Resolve is not in the plans, then make at least some QoL changes: obviously, the most universal skill to trigger the set is Bone Armor, which you apply before entering combat, the requirement to be in combat to trigger the set is insane; Bone Armor lasts 20 seconds, and Minor Protection and Minor Resolve last 16 seconds, it would be consistent if the buffs lasted the same 20 seconds.
    3. The best skills to use Beautiful Corpse with are Restoring Tether and Shocking Siphon, the current recovery time is too long to provide any real utility to Beautiful Corpse.

    Maybe replace Minor Protection and Minor Resolve with Major Evasion and Minor Expedition?
    Let this set become the Necro version of Hurricane, and also allow Necro to obtain more additional and non-duplicate BUFFs.

    I definitely like your suggestion (in pvp this would automatically become a BiS set for necro), but I think ZOS want the set to have tank buffs, so don't get your hopes up for Minor Expedition. But Major Evasion and Minor Protection this looks better than the original option.
  • MashmalloMan

    Hypothetical Patch Notes:

    Monolith of Storms
    • Can now crit, Crit Surge addicts can now get their fix.
    • Monoliths can be spawned from any tick of a Storm Calling abilities damage instead of the 1st/5th tick, it is still capped to once every second, up to 3 at a time.
    • Monoliths function closer to tethers in that they deal the same damage as links in a radius around them, similar to how we changed the Necro Class Set to be able to tether on itself in patch 9.2.1.
    • Damage now ticks every 1 second instead of every 2 seconds and stacks up to 3 times per target, per player using the set. This results in each link/monolith doing 40% of the original damage for a total of 120% damage when stacked.
    • Mage's Fury and morphs while using this set behave like spammables to help control where you spawn Monoliths and make the skill line and set function as a complete package. The damage in execute is reduced by 30% because of the new upfront damage bonus, this keeps the overall power the same as not using the set while in execute.

    • Storm Calling
      • Mage's Fury
        • The cost of this ability and morphs now dynamically scale based on your highest max resource. Stam Sorc's rejoice!

    My Thought Process:

    These changes are to sum up what I think most of us want for the current design of the set, taken from this thread, Youtube, Twitch and my own personal thoughts. They're simple, but effective. I wish it was a completely different design, but I think this is a middle ground where we can make your original intent behind the set clearer.

    Changing Mage's Fury into a spammable (only when using this set) has multiple applications where you make the Storm Calling line viable as a dps line as well as providing a direct way to actively proc Monolith's instead of doing it completly passively. For too long, Sorc has been shoehorned into pets for DPS so why not use this set as a way to bring back Storm Calling no pet/1 pet sorc. Since the set crits and ticks on 1s, it now compliments Crit Surge for survivability as well, a skill which is found within the line.

    Since the links are 28m long, I think it's necessary to nerf the damage if we're allowing them to stack up to 3. With my design, they deal 40% of the original tooltip, but 120% if stacked to 3 on a single target, with Monoliths dealing aoe damage like tethers. These changes make it so it's not so difficult that it becomes too much of a hurdle to use, but adds this extra element of strategy with the Mage's Fury changes to choose where you proc the Monoliths for maximum dps on high priority targets or maximum coverage to hit more enemies.
    Edited by MashmalloMan on September 27, 2023 7:36AM
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • Finedaible
    Designs sets which affects a whole class skill tree. Admits set isn't working as intended on the ultimate. Alters description to exclude the tree's ultimate instead of finding a better solution. -ZoS logic

    This just gets more ridiculous the more I think about it. None of the other class sets exclude their ultimate from the set bonuses. I like the idea behind the Soul Cleaver set but it just keeps getting more and more worthless with each iteration. It's nearly the exact same 'solution' they came up with teleport strike and morphs. Feels like whoever worked on NB really must have wanted to call it a day.
  • jaws343

    Hypothetical Patch Notes:

    Monolith of Storms
    • Can now crit, Crit Surge addicts can now get their fix.
    • Monoliths can be spawned from any tick of a Storm Calling abilities damage instead of the 1st/5th tick, it is still capped to once every second, up to 3 at a time.
    • Monoliths function closer to tethers in that they deal the same damage as links in a radius around them, similar to how we changed the Necro Class Set to be able to tether on itself in patch 9.2.1.
    • Damage now ticks every 1 second instead of every 2 seconds and stacks up to 3 times per target, per player using the set. This results in each link/monolith doing 40% of the original damage for a total of 120% damage when stacked.
    • Mage's Fury and morphs while using this set behave like spammables to help control where you spawn Monoliths and make the skill line and set function as a complete package. The damage in execute is reduced by 30%, with the new upfront damage bonus, this keeps the overall power the same as not using the set in execute.

    • Storm Calling
      • Mage's Fury
        • This ability now scales based on your highest resource. Stam Sorc's rejoice!

    My Thought Process:

    These changes are to sum up what I think most of us want for the current design of the set, taken from this thread, Youtube, Twitch and my own personal thoughts. They're simple, but effective. I wish it was a completely different design, but I think this is a middle ground where we can make your original intent behind the set clearer.

    Changing Mage's Fury into a spammable (only when using this set) has multiple applications where you make the Storm Calling line viable as a dps line as well as providing a direct way to actively proc Monolith's instead of doing it completly passively. For too long, Sorc has been shoehorned into pets for DPS so why not use this set as a way to bring back Storm Calling no pet/1 pet sorc. Since the set crits and ticks on 1s, it now compliments Crit Surge for survivability as well, a skill which is found within the line.

    Since the links are 28m long, I think it's necessary to nerf the damage if we're allowing them to stack up to 3. With my design, they deal 40% of the original tooltip, but 120% if stacked to 3 on a single target, with Monoliths dealing aoe damage like tethers. These changes make it so it's not so difficult that it becomes too much of a hurdle to use, but adds this extra element of strategy with the Mage's Fury changes to choose where you proc the Monoliths for maximum dps on high priority targets or maximum coverage to hit more enemies.

    Crit Surge doesn't proc off procs. Not sure where this idea is coming from, but procs can't proc procs and crit surge is considered a proc. Crit Surge doesn't even work on sorc pet crits.
  • MashmalloMan
    Turtle_Bot wrote: »
    This is the official feedback thread for the new class item sets, acquired from Endless Archive. Please try out these new item set types and let us know what you think! Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
    • Which of the new item sets did you try out, and what did you think of them?
    • Did anything you received feel under or over-powered?
    • Do you have any feedback on the persistent visual effects?
    • Do you have any general feedback?

    Which set did I test out: Monolith of Storms.
    1. What are my thoughts on it:
    - It seems mediocre and not worth considering even for a fun build when a set like storm-cursed exists and even that is not considered for builds.
    - It's another proc set that does ok damage but requires far too many hoops to jump through to make it work effectively and keep it up reliably.
    - Running this on the back bar is not an option since if it is slotted there, you won't proc it while on the front bar where your spammable is slotted and you spend the majority of the time of the rotation, meanwhile the abilities you want to use to proc the set and keep it active during a fight are the Damage over Time abilities (hurricane and lightning flood) which are better suited to being on the back bar.
    - The other issue with it is that the set does nothing when there is only 1 monolith active, meaning it requires at minimum 2 seconds and 2 GCD for the set to do anything at all.

    2. The set just feels far too awkward to use effectively with the abilities it relies on to proc it and as such makes for very awkward rotations to get something that is even remotely close to what can be achieved much easier with a generic proc set such as relequen, pillar or whorl.

    3. The visual effects are fine, I'm glad they are toned down while still keeping the lightning theme and the monoliths themselves look pretty cool.

    4. For this set in particular, I think it needs a complete redesign or a bonus added to it which I will go over later in this post. In it's current form it is just a harder to use generic proc set that makes the rotations awkward. It also doesn't really do anything to help the sorcerer class break away from the pet builds that have been forced onto the class for years now.

    Ways to improve the set while keeping its current design:
    2. Allow any damage instance from a storm calling ability to summon a monolith. Once per cast or on the 5th tick is just far too slow for how unsynergistic the storm calling DoT abilities are to the sorcerer playstyle.
    3. Have the monoliths themselves deal a portion of the damage the beam deals to targets around them so that it does something while there is only 1 monolith active. This can be set to if only one monolith is active it deals its damage around it instead of dealing damage via the beam.
    4. Make the damage be per beam instead of once every 2 seconds globally from the set with damage values adjusted accordingly. As it currently stands it seems like its not going to be viable for multiple sorcs to run this set to stack the beams damage.
    5. Not as important as the previous 3 points, but increase the number of monoliths summoned or increase their duration to keep the beams active for a longer period.

    What I would look into to rework the set to make it help the class instead of just act as another generic proc set:
    Have the set also increase the base Damage of Mages Fury + morphs to the equivalent damage of a regular single target ranged spammable, similar to force pulse.
    This would help sorcerer in multiple ways:
    - It gives sorcerer a reliable front bar way to proc this set with its current proc conditions quickly and efficiently
    - It gives sorcerer an actual in class spammable that doesn't have a cast time that benefits from sorcs shock damage passives.
    - It frees up desperately needed bar space since sorc now has both an execute and spammable in 1 ability at the cost of running a specific 5 piece set.
    - It allows for some potential theory crafting of no-pet sorcs (that haven't been viable for many years now) since they can now stack multiple storm calling abilities together and get some decent damage while not losing out on damage from not running the pets.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno, @ZOS_Kevin, @ZOS_BrianWheeler I hope you can take this feedback into account. No pet Sorc is desperately looking for a way to catch up with the other classes (and its own pet build) and this set as it currently stands just does not do anything to help facilitate this once very fun and engaging playstyle on a fan favourite class that has been desperate for any kind of love for far too long now.

    i think this is a cool idea.
    Monolith of Storms currently cannot Critically Strike, despite scaling with your Offensive stats and not having an ingrained bonus modifier. There are ongoing discussions on which route the set will go – either enabling Critical Strikes or adding a self-bonus modifier on the set.
    I know this is only week 1, most changes come week 2 so I applaud you for the changes you've already made based on our feedback. They're all exactly what was suggested. DKs ult gen/corrosive/10s timer no CD, Necro's self corpse, hybridizing Arcanist's set and the above quote for what's to come for Sorc.

    Gives me hope. Trust me, every Sorc knows this needs to crit, please make the right choice.

    It's always been implied Sorc identity is rooted in high crit chance and speed. Our primary survival skill is called "Crit Surge". Those 2 things are our bread and butter, the set should highlight that, but in its current design it actively hurts them.

    At the very least, if you don't agree the whole class has those 2 focuses, no one can debate the Stormcalling skill line that this is for, follows those 2 basic structures. Crit Surge/Power Surge, Streak/BOL, Hurricane/Boundless Storm, and even the ultimate given the fact that you toggle it on and off at will to become a sprinting lightning god. These 2 factors are what makes Sorc's unique and fun to play, zip around like lightning, elude like the wind...

    Furthermore, ground dots should not tick on 2s, it feels really bad, it's unreliable with the way location detection works in this game and also goes against the classes speed focus. The counter to ground dots is to just walk away from them, so it's unnecessary to double nerf it by ticking on 2s. You are aware of this because you went against the change on skills in update 35 due to the backlash.

    Due to the way Hurricane was nerfed from ticking on 2s instead of 1s and how pets passive DMG doesn't proc Crit Surge, I find it more important than ever to find a front bar damage set that can crit and ticks on 1s. This is especially important on a damage set because the class doesn't have any sticky dots and Lightning Flood/Liquid Lightning is just not worth the bar space right now.

    If you're going to make a Sorc set... a storm set, it needs those 2 things minimum to be called a "Class set". You should adjust everything else it does to compliment that.

    I find it really funny that almost no-one cares about the warden set. I've seen like maybe 3 pieces of feedback regarding it.

    I don't play Warden enough or healing to have a strong opinion about it. To me it doesn't look good or bad, just "okay". Looking at it again, I would say they need at least 2 changes:

    1. Adjust the proc condition for "Casting 2 non-Green Balance class abilities within 2 seconds". This sounds terribly annoying to do. Why is it so complicated?
    2. The 8m AOE's you spawn should deal a small amount of heal over time in addition to the minor vitality/major maim.

    Beyond that, I'd take a complete rework.
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    jaws343 wrote: »

    Hypothetical Patch Notes:

    Monolith of Storms
    • Can now crit, Crit Surge addicts can now get their fix.
    • Monoliths can be spawned from any tick of a Storm Calling abilities damage instead of the 1st/5th tick, it is still capped to once every second, up to 3 at a time.
    • Monoliths function closer to tethers in that they deal the same damage as links in a radius around them, similar to how we changed the Necro Class Set to be able to tether on itself in patch 9.2.1.
    • Damage now ticks every 1 second instead of every 2 seconds and stacks up to 3 times per target, per player using the set. This results in each link/monolith doing 40% of the original damage for a total of 120% damage when stacked.
    • Mage's Fury and morphs while using this set behave like spammables to help control where you spawn Monoliths and make the skill line and set function as a complete package. The damage in execute is reduced by 30%, with the new upfront damage bonus, this keeps the overall power the same as not using the set in execute.

    • Storm Calling
      • Mage's Fury
        • This ability now scales based on your highest resource. Stam Sorc's rejoice!

    My Thought Process:

    These changes are to sum up what I think most of us want for the current design of the set, taken from this thread, Youtube, Twitch and my own personal thoughts. They're simple, but effective. I wish it was a completely different design, but I think this is a middle ground where we can make your original intent behind the set clearer.

    Changing Mage's Fury into a spammable (only when using this set) has multiple applications where you make the Storm Calling line viable as a dps line as well as providing a direct way to actively proc Monolith's instead of doing it completly passively. For too long, Sorc has been shoehorned into pets for DPS so why not use this set as a way to bring back Storm Calling no pet/1 pet sorc. Since the set crits and ticks on 1s, it now compliments Crit Surge for survivability as well, a skill which is found within the line.

    Since the links are 28m long, I think it's necessary to nerf the damage if we're allowing them to stack up to 3. With my design, they deal 40% of the original tooltip, but 120% if stacked to 3 on a single target, with Monoliths dealing aoe damage like tethers. These changes make it so it's not so difficult that it becomes too much of a hurdle to use, but adds this extra element of strategy with the Mage's Fury changes to choose where you proc the Monoliths for maximum dps on high priority targets or maximum coverage to hit more enemies.

    Crit Surge doesn't proc off procs. Not sure where this idea is coming from, but procs can't proc procs and crit surge is considered a proc. Crit Surge doesn't even work on sorc pet crits.

    Nothing procs on Pet Damage/Healing. Another long-outdated rule that should be changed.
  • MashmalloMan
    jaws343 wrote: »

    Hypothetical Patch Notes:

    Monolith of Storms
    • Can now crit, Crit Surge addicts can now get their fix.
    • Monoliths can be spawned from any tick of a Storm Calling abilities damage instead of the 1st/5th tick, it is still capped to once every second, up to 3 at a time.
    • Monoliths function closer to tethers in that they deal the same damage as links in a radius around them, similar to how we changed the Necro Class Set to be able to tether on itself in patch 9.2.1.
    • Damage now ticks every 1 second instead of every 2 seconds and stacks up to 3 times per target, per player using the set. This results in each link/monolith doing 40% of the original damage for a total of 120% damage when stacked.
    • Mage's Fury and morphs while using this set behave like spammables to help control where you spawn Monoliths and make the skill line and set function as a complete package. The damage in execute is reduced by 30%, with the new upfront damage bonus, this keeps the overall power the same as not using the set in execute.

    • Storm Calling
      • Mage's Fury
        • This ability now scales based on your highest resource. Stam Sorc's rejoice!

    My Thought Process:

    These changes are to sum up what I think most of us want for the current design of the set, taken from this thread, Youtube, Twitch and my own personal thoughts. They're simple, but effective. I wish it was a completely different design, but I think this is a middle ground where we can make your original intent behind the set clearer.

    Changing Mage's Fury into a spammable (only when using this set) has multiple applications where you make the Storm Calling line viable as a dps line as well as providing a direct way to actively proc Monolith's instead of doing it completly passively. For too long, Sorc has been shoehorned into pets for DPS so why not use this set as a way to bring back Storm Calling no pet/1 pet sorc. Since the set crits and ticks on 1s, it now compliments Crit Surge for survivability as well, a skill which is found within the line.

    Since the links are 28m long, I think it's necessary to nerf the damage if we're allowing them to stack up to 3. With my design, they deal 40% of the original tooltip, but 120% if stacked to 3 on a single target, with Monoliths dealing aoe damage like tethers. These changes make it so it's not so difficult that it becomes too much of a hurdle to use, but adds this extra element of strategy with the Mage's Fury changes to choose where you proc the Monoliths for maximum dps on high priority targets or maximum coverage to hit more enemies.

    Crit Surge doesn't proc off procs. Not sure where this idea is coming from, but procs can't proc procs and crit surge is considered a proc. Crit Surge doesn't even work on sorc pet crits.

    Well that simply isn't true.. You're sleeping on it if you think dot sets that crit don't proc crit surge, they 100% do because I've been doing it since the update they added them in via MA 2H and other similar sets.

    You're either thinking of pets proccing crit surge via passive damage, they don't as far as I remember, only the active abilities like Volatile Familiar's aoe does.

    Or you're thinking of proc sets proccing other proc sets, which is an entirely different rule. Crit Surge is a skill, not a proc set. Even that rule is sometimes broken, Azureblight Reaper was proccing off dot proc sets for years. Haven't played recently so I'm not sure if it's finally been changed, but there are a ton of sets that work like that.

    Edited by MashmalloMan on September 26, 2023 3:14PM
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • MashmalloMan
    jaws343 wrote: »

    Hypothetical Patch Notes:

    Monolith of Storms
    • Can now crit, Crit Surge addicts can now get their fix.
    • Monoliths can be spawned from any tick of a Storm Calling abilities damage instead of the 1st/5th tick, it is still capped to once every second, up to 3 at a time.
    • Monoliths function closer to tethers in that they deal the same damage as links in a radius around them, similar to how we changed the Necro Class Set to be able to tether on itself in patch 9.2.1.
    • Damage now ticks every 1 second instead of every 2 seconds and stacks up to 3 times per target, per player using the set. This results in each link/monolith doing 40% of the original damage for a total of 120% damage when stacked.
    • Mage's Fury and morphs while using this set behave like spammables to help control where you spawn Monoliths and make the skill line and set function as a complete package. The damage in execute is reduced by 30%, with the new upfront damage bonus, this keeps the overall power the same as not using the set in execute.

    • Storm Calling
      • Mage's Fury
        • This ability now scales based on your highest resource. Stam Sorc's rejoice!

    My Thought Process:

    These changes are to sum up what I think most of us want for the current design of the set, taken from this thread, Youtube, Twitch and my own personal thoughts. They're simple, but effective. I wish it was a completely different design, but I think this is a middle ground where we can make your original intent behind the set clearer.

    Changing Mage's Fury into a spammable (only when using this set) has multiple applications where you make the Storm Calling line viable as a dps line as well as providing a direct way to actively proc Monolith's instead of doing it completly passively. For too long, Sorc has been shoehorned into pets for DPS so why not use this set as a way to bring back Storm Calling no pet/1 pet sorc. Since the set crits and ticks on 1s, it now compliments Crit Surge for survivability as well, a skill which is found within the line.

    Since the links are 28m long, I think it's necessary to nerf the damage if we're allowing them to stack up to 3. With my design, they deal 40% of the original tooltip, but 120% if stacked to 3 on a single target, with Monoliths dealing aoe damage like tethers. These changes make it so it's not so difficult that it becomes too much of a hurdle to use, but adds this extra element of strategy with the Mage's Fury changes to choose where you proc the Monoliths for maximum dps on high priority targets or maximum coverage to hit more enemies.

    Crit Surge doesn't proc off procs. Not sure where this idea is coming from, but procs can't proc procs and crit surge is considered a proc. Crit Surge doesn't even work on sorc pet crits.

    Nothing procs on Pet Damage/Healing. Another long-outdated rule that should be changed.

    Edited by MashmalloMan on September 26, 2023 3:14PM
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
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