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PTS Update 40 - Feedback Thread for New Class Item Sets

  • Lalothen
    General feedback:

    a) The sets should be designed with a specific role in mind - i.e. tank, dps or heals - instead of this random mish-mosh, because it makes it almost impossible to properly test their power relative to one another. Since there will eventually be sets for all class skill lines - and thus effectively all 3 roles in most cases - it would make so much more sense to align each release of sets to a role so players can compare, contrast, and offer more insightful feedback overall.

    b) I'm not seeing the merit of yet more 5-piece sets being added to the game when 70%+ of current 5-piece sets don't get used as it is. This would be a great opportunity to instead flesh out the suite of 3-piece sets available (covering all equipment slots like trainee) so players can actually theorycraft more instead of almost always defaulting to "2 x 5-piece + one bar arena + mythic or full monster set".

    c) These sets ought to be built purely with PvE in mind, since that is the content they're sourced from. If they're useful in PvP too then that should be a happy coincidence rather than the main intent. The reasoning for this is two-fold: PvP players don't necessarily want to spend yet more hours grinding PvE in order to obtain a good PvP set, and PvE players don't want to spend hours grinding PvE for a set that's not worth wearing in PvE.

    The endless dungeon is a great concept; don't let mediocre set design dampen its long term appeal.
  • grzes848909
    ZhuJiuyin wrote: »

    True, perhaps a compromise where 2 lines are magicka and 1 spell damage or vice versa where they replace the crit chance with max magicka instead. And im aware the 5 piece bonus is more important but Im also certain we shouldn't forget the other stats the sets provide.

    From a PVE perspective, currently 2 lines of spell damage and 1 spell crit are very good.
    And I don't think Monolith of Storms is suitable for PVP, any ground "DOT+AOE", your opponent just needs to...walk away. Unless other debuffs are given like Wall of Elements(ice), the effectiveness of "DOT+AOE" on the ground is not high.

    The monoliths have 28 meter range which alone would make it ok in all content; including pvp, and it can damage multiple enemies at once. All of that would make at least somewhat useful in pvp as well in pve.

    And I'm certain that replacing one line of stats with max mag wouldn't make the set irrelevant for pve. All I ask is that we should consider making the stats diverse to make the set more inclusive towards all content.

    Also as I mentioned previously extra mag would work great too because the proc condition requires using multiple storm calling abilities which tend to be expensive magicka wise.
    Edited by grzes848909 on September 19, 2023 1:31PM
  • ZhuJiuyin
    The monoliths have 28 meter range which alone would make it ok in all content; including pvp, and it can damage multiple enemies at once. All of that would make at least somewhat useful in pvp as well in pve.

    And I'm certain that replacing one line of stats with max mag wouldn't make the set irrelevant for pve. All I ask is that we should consider making the stats diverse to make the set more inclusive towards all content.

    Also as I mentioned previously extra mag would work great too because the proc condition requires using multiple storm calling abilities which tend to be expensive magicka wise.

    Monolith of Storms :
    Dealing damage with a Storm Calling abilities' initial hit or every 5th tick, creates a Monolith near the enemy for 10 seconds, up to one every 1 second. You may have up to 3 Monoliths at a time. Monoliths link to your other Monoliths within 28 meters of each other," each link dealing 3064 Shock Damage every 2 seconds to enemies between and near them. An enemy can only take damage from this set once every 2 seconds."

    Only link will cause AOE damage, and it only ticks once every two seconds. So your opponent still only needs to leave the link's range to dodge.
    So this set is not suitable for PVP, and no PVE player will want to trade Crit Chance for Max Magicka.

    Edited by ZhuJiuyin on September 19, 2023 1:44PM
    "是燭九陰,是燭龍。"──by "The Classic of Mountains and Seas "English is not my first language,If something is ambiguous, rude due to context and translation issues, etc., please remind me, thanks.
  • RaptorRodeoGod
    ZhuJiuyin wrote: »

    True, perhaps a compromise where 2 lines are magicka and 1 spell damage or vice versa where they replace the crit chance with max magicka instead. And im aware the 5 piece bonus is more important but Im also certain we shouldn't forget the other stats the sets provide.

    From a PVE perspective, currently 2 lines of spell damage and 1 spell crit are very good.
    And I don't think Monolith of Storms is suitable for PVP, any ground "DOT+AOE", your opponent just needs to...walk away. Unless other debuffs are given like Wall of Elements(ice), the effectiveness of "DOT+AOE" on the ground is not high.

    The monoliths have 28 meter range which alone would make it ok in all content; including pvp, and it can damage multiple enemies at once. All of that would make at least somewhat useful in pvp as well in pve.

    And I'm certain that replacing one line of stats with max mag wouldn't make the set irrelevant for pve. All I ask is that we should consider making the stats diverse to make the set more inclusive towards all content.

    Also as I mentioned previously extra mag would work great too because the proc condition requires using multiple storm calling abilities which tend to be expensive magicka wise.

    Replacing a line with max mag would hurt the set for stam specs, and overall, max mag/stam is worse than weapon/spell damag and crit bonueses for dps, which is what this set seems it was designed for. And the max mag line wouldn't help the proc, since it scales with weapon/spell damage.
    Edited by RaptorRodeoGod on September 19, 2023 3:29PM
    Add a Scribing skill that works like Arcanist beam.
    Veteran players have been alienated and disengaged from Overland since One Tamriel, due to the lack of difficulty, and pushed into dungeons and trials; the minority of content in the Elder Scrolls Online. We can't take the repetition anymore, fix Overland engagement for Vet players. I don't even care if it's not combat related anymore, just make Overland engaging again.
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. Make a self debuff mythic. Literally anything at this point.
  • Wondernuts
    Soul Shriven
    The DK Basalt-Blooded set is pre-buffable out of combat, which means you can put on the set, cast igneous shields, and swap to another set before an encounter for free 5 piece set for 20s, which will make this set truly broken in PVP and PVE.

    Every DK is going to have to farm this set and prebuff it before every encounter if this is left untouched...
  • Froil
    I feel that Templar's Wrathsun requires too many stacks.

    As a stamplar I use Solar Barrage, PotL and Radiant Oppression for execute and I'm sure a magplar would have faster gains with Sunfire usage, I'd prefer to see the stacks reduced to 30-35 and, if the Nova from this set is a 100% copy, reduce the damage from 20-50%, I'd ideally say around 33% weaker, and test around it in terms of Nova damage and stack uptime.
    The magicka regen from the stacks is very nice, allowing me to potentially keep using RO in execute when I have around 30-45 stacks, but the 50% max magicka drain at the end is odd, and I feel it'd hurt magplar more than stamplar. If that drain needs to happen consider making it an overtime drain.

    Perhaps give the set's Nova a different effect, something like applying a weaker version of Backlash, Sunfire, Eclipse, maybe at the very end a weaker Radiant Destruction? I'd even suggest a free Sun Shield at the beginning and end or while in the AoE every few seconds.
    "Best" healer PC/NA
  • Galeriano
    Sorc set is feels pointless and useless. Bring literally nothing new to the table.
  • MashmalloMan
    Sorc set needs a complete rework or an update in functionality at the very least, I'm not even talking about the DMG, the DMG is in line with other sets, I'm just talking about the proc conditions and the way it works.

    As it stands, this set requires too much work for too little pay off when something like Pillar of Nirn (even post nerf) exists or any other proc set for that matter.

    1. Sorc's don't slot most of the storm line skills in PvE, the only skill that is on 90% of builds is Hurricane/Boundless Storm. There is no space with the 2 pets we're required to use to get competitive DPS, this set doesn't do higher DPS than anything else so it's not like it's directly buffing these skills to make them worth slotting.
    2. With that in mind, try proccing this set with Hurricane on a Stam Sorc. It's literally impossible because of how it's designed. The first, 5th and 10th tick are all 10s a part, the nodes only last 10s. Therefore 100% of Stam Sorcs can't even use this set.
    3. Devils advocate: let's say we slot Liquid Lightning and Fury. Fury should only be used in execute, when an enemy is dying, what good is a ground dot at that point, you want this effect active as soon as possible. Liquid Lightning is a terrible skill in the current state of the game and no one wants to use it. It's just easier to slot a pet for these 2 skill slots.

    Here's how you can fix it with minor changes:

    1. Make the monoliths deal the same shock damage as the links. This way when you have 1, you're still dealing DMG to at least the original target, maybe a 3m radius.
    2. Change the proc conditions. Instead of the first tick and every 5th tick, make it any tick. Keep the condition that it can only spawn once per second. Change it so it doesn't spawn a new monolith until the 3 limit reduces to 2,1, or 0 this way the game doesn't continuously spawn them to keep them up indefinitely.
    3. Change the tick frequency to 1s instead of 2s, then cut the DMG in half. As you learned with update 35, players do not want to use ground dots that tick every 2s. They're extremely easy to avoid as stationary DMG sources. Keep the condition that you can't stack multiple sources, so targets only take DMG once a second regardless of 3-1 monoliths(s) or links.

    TLDR: make the set behave more like tethers that are easier to spawn than the current design..

    Now. If I was to completely rework it, I would take a page out of NBs set design in buffing the whole skill line with a kiss/curse:

    1. Hurricane morphs give +5% movement speed.
    2. Surge morpgs gives major savagery.
    3. Fury morphs upfront damage increased by 2.4x (this is the exact multiplier needed for equal DMG to a ranged spammable like Silver Shards or Ice Reach).
    4. Streak morphs leave a 10s AOE dot (weak DPS).
    5. Liquid Lightning morphs have increased proc chance for Concussed.
    6. Overload light attacks deal 30% of DMG dealt as AOE to up to 2 nearby targets.

    Not sure what type of curse effect you could add or if one is warranted, but I think this manages to buff each skill in the line in a unique, but minor way. Maybe +15% cost to all skills in the line. Maybe attach it to ultimate use like you did with NBs. Anything to justify the skills being more useful.

    This gives us an actual reason to use everything in the line where as your idea for the set doesn't. Unless the proc set deals more DPS than sets like Pillar of Nirn, which it shouldn't for balance reasons. I see no reason why any Sorc would want to deal with the current proc conditions of the set.
    Edited by MashmalloMan on September 19, 2023 9:38PM
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • MashmalloMan
    May I add that the Monolith of Storms for Sorcerer also provides 2 lines of spell damage and 1 spell crit. Wouldn't be max magicka better ? As not only sorcs in general build into max mag but also the proc condition is using some magicka intense skills like Mages' Fury, liquid Lightning Splash (and possibly streak), and only stamina skill being able to proc is the one morph of lightning form; max magicka would help procking the set itself so it would synergize better with 5 piece bonus.

    And its not like it would be too outlandish as they did put 3 lines of max magicka for the arcanists set.

    Yeah so just abandon Stam Sorc right lol. Great logic. How about we leave the universally useful stats and focus on how terrible the 5 piece is.

    1. The Arcanist set is a healer set and ESO is predominantly based on mag healing right now, not Stam healing.
    2. The 3 lines of max magicka was a bad idea, completely cutting off Stam Arcanist. Why are we trying to cut out other builds from a set made for the CLASS.
    Edited by MashmalloMan on September 19, 2023 9:48PM
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • Tanis-Stormbinder
    The new class sets should buff class type damage, heals etc. by X percent then provide a buff to a skill in that line. So simple instead of all these overly complicated requirements. Make these sets something people want to farm.
  • Turtle_Bot
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Turtle_Bot wrote: »
    This is the official feedback thread for the new class item sets, acquired from Endless Archive. Please try out these new item set types and let us know what you think! Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
    • Which of the new item sets did you try out, and what did you think of them?
    • Did anything you received feel under or over-powered?
    • Do you have any feedback on the persistent visual effects?
    • Do you have any general feedback?

    Which set did I test out: Monolith of Storms.
    1. What are my thoughts on it:
    - It seems mediocre and not worth considering even for a fun build when a set like storm-cursed exists and even that is not considered for builds.
    - It's another proc set that does ok damage but requires far too many hoops to jump through to make it work effectively and keep it up reliably.
    - Running this on the back bar is not an option since if it is slotted there, you won't proc it while on the front bar where your spammable is slotted and you spend the majority of the time of the rotation, meanwhile the abilities you want to use to proc the set and keep it active during a fight are the Damage over Time abilities (hurricane and lightning flood) which are better suited to being on the back bar.
    - The other issue with it is that the set does nothing when there is only 1 monolith active, meaning it requires at minimum 2 seconds and 2 GCD for the set to do anything at all.

    2. The set just feels far too awkward to use effectively with the abilities it relies on to proc it and as such makes for very awkward rotations to get something that is even remotely close to what can be achieved much easier with a generic proc set such as relequen, pillar or whorl.

    3. The visual effects are fine, I'm glad they are toned down while still keeping the lightning theme and the monoliths themselves look pretty cool.

    4. For this set in particular, I think it needs a complete redesign or a bonus added to it which I will go over later in this post. In it's current form it is just a harder to use generic proc set that makes the rotations awkward. It also doesn't really do anything to help the sorcerer class break away from the pet builds that have been forced onto the class for years now.

    Ways to improve the set while keeping its current design:
    2. Allow any damage instance from a storm calling ability to summon a monolith. Once per cast or on the 5th tick is just far too slow for how unsynergistic the storm calling DoT abilities are to the sorcerer playstyle.
    3. Have the monoliths themselves deal a portion of the damage the beam deals to targets around them so that it does something while there is only 1 monolith active. This can be set to if only one monolith is active it deals its damage around it instead of dealing damage via the beam.
    4. Make the damage be per beam instead of once every 2 seconds globally from the set with damage values adjusted accordingly. As it currently stands it seems like its not going to be viable for multiple sorcs to run this set to stack the beams damage.
    5. Not as important as the previous 3 points, but increase the number of monoliths summoned or increase their duration to keep the beams active for a longer period.

    What I would look into to rework the set to make it help the class instead of just act as another generic proc set:
    Have the set also increase the base Damage of Mages Fury + morphs to the equivalent damage of a regular single target ranged spammable, similar to force pulse.
    This would help sorcerer in multiple ways:
    - It gives sorcerer a reliable front bar way to proc this set with its current proc conditions quickly and efficiently
    - It gives sorcerer an actual in class spammable that doesn't have a cast time that benefits from sorcs shock damage passives.
    - It frees up desperately needed bar space since sorc now has both an execute and spammable in 1 ability at the cost of running a specific 5 piece set.
    - It allows for some potential theory crafting of no-pet sorcs (that haven't been viable for many years now) since they can now stack multiple storm calling abilities together and get some decent damage while not losing out on damage from not running the pets.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno, @ZOS_Kevin, @ZOS_BrianWheeler I hope you can take this feedback into account. No pet Sorc is desperately looking for a way to catch up with the other classes (and its own pet build) and this set as it currently stands just does not do anything to help facilitate this once very fun and engaging playstyle on a fan favourite class that has been desperate for any kind of love for far too long now.

    I like the idea of the sorc set turning wrath into a spammable.

    I also think the set should shift to match the mobility of sorcs AND still fit within the skills in the skill line. Instead of static monoliths, the set should build up stacks of AOE around the character, similar to hurricane or boundless storm. With each stack increasing the damage of the effect and the range of the effect.

    This keeps the proc tied to the player for better control of it, and it keeps a lot of the flavor of the skill line anyways, which is mostly torrents of energy, and not really tethers. Tethers are awkward and unmanageable. Especially one that can proc on random damage from your AOE skills.

    I would love for the set to create a growing AoE around the sorc as its proc like you described, combined with the change to make fury/morphs into a true ranged spammable would be a super cool set that would do a lot to help no pet sorc and just sorc in general to not only be limited to the non-traditional builds.
    I just don't think that kind of change (basically a complete rework, even though it is really needed) will be done by ZOS, especially since they have now revealed the set, we basically know what its going to do (summon monoliths and create beams) and that won't change unfortunately.
  • Turtle_Bot
    ZhuJiuyin wrote: »

    True, perhaps a compromise where 2 lines are magicka and 1 spell damage or vice versa where they replace the crit chance with max magicka instead. And im aware the 5 piece bonus is more important but Im also certain we shouldn't forget the other stats the sets provide.

    From a PVE perspective, currently 2 lines of spell damage and 1 spell crit are very good.
    And I don't think Monolith of Storms is suitable for PVP, any ground "DOT+AOE", your opponent just needs to...walk away. Unless other debuffs are given like Wall of Elements(ice), the effectiveness of "DOT+AOE" on the ground is not high.

    The monoliths have 28 meter range which alone would make it ok in all content; including pvp, and it can damage multiple enemies at once. All of that would make at least somewhat useful in pvp as well in pve.

    And I'm certain that replacing one line of stats with max mag wouldn't make the set irrelevant for pve. All I ask is that we should consider making the stats diverse to make the set more inclusive towards all content.

    Also as I mentioned previously extra mag would work great too because the proc condition requires using multiple storm calling abilities which tend to be expensive magicka wise.

    No! Just No! No max mag. The set does not need it and it would only serve to weaken an already underwhelming set that needs a redesign that buffs it.

    There are multiple reasons for this.
    1. max attributes are just not good anymore as the primary way to buff damage. The rework to the damage formula killed that off long ago. After pen and crit damage caps are reached, raw damage and crit chance are the best ways to buff damage.
    - I did the math on max stats vs raw damage and 1 line of max stats is equal to roughly +89 (or +99) raw weapon/spell damage, hardly amazing when the 1 line of weapon/spell damage is +129...
    2. This set is easy enough to sustain as it is, lightning flood is a DoT, so is hurricane (bonus being stam cost). If you are spamming streak or fury to proc this set, you are losing out on an insane amount of damage that no set will ever make up for.
    - Fury is only good at below 20% health, until then its the equivalent of 1.5 dot ticks worth of single target damage per cast (no amount of damage or max magicka is going to fix this issue).
    - Streak has a ramping cost, its not meant to be spammed and its not a dps skill either, its a mobility/CC skill.
    3. The set is clunky to use because the abilities used to proc it are clunky and unwieldy to use (hidden cast times due to animation designs) and a line of max magicka will not fix this issue and only serve to nerf the damage of the set that is already behind the current dps proc sets by about 5-10%.

    As others have said, the set in its current iteration is not good for PvP. This is because
    - the procs are stationary
    - they tick once every 2 seconds
    - the set does nothing until there are multiple monoliths active to create that beam
    One line of max magicka (which if you replace a raw damage line is a 25-30% drop from that line and if you replace the crit chance line is a huge drop in not only damage but survivability from proccing crit surge) does nothing to fix those issues.
  • MashmalloMan
    @Turtle_Bot damn dude. I wrote my comment before I read yours and we're almost entirely on the same page. I imagine most Sorc's that have been around long enough understand how bad this set feels, if it's so obvious to us, why was it not for the designers?

    This is so disheartening to see Sorc's class set so generic and functionally unusable. The set looks like and should be used on front bar, but 2/3 skills are backbar dots so the first tick does nothing. The last skill of the 3, is only used in execute 🤣.

    To your point about the VFX, I'd up it a bit for counterplay. It's not really flashy enough to see whats going on in actual content. For pvp players, they won't see why they're taking damage (if they even buff it to be usable by launch). For pve, when ads are all over the screen and enemy AOE field are present, it's very difficult to tell if enemies are in your links or not. It's pretty necessary to understand where they are because the AOE is small and unforgiving.

    It is nice they didn't go over the top though.
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • Turtle_Bot
    @Turtle_Bot damn dude. I wrote my comment before I read yours and we're almost entirely on the same page. I imagine most Sorc's that have been around long enough understand how bad this set feels, if it's so obvious to us, why was it not for the designers?

    This is so disheartening to see Sorc's class set so generic and functionally unusable. The set looks like and should be used on front bar, but 2/3 skills are backbar dots so the first tick does nothing. The last skill of the 3, is only used in execute 🤣.

    To your point about the VFX, I'd up it a bit for counterplay. It's not really flashy enough to see whats going on in actual content. For pvp players, they won't see why they're taking damage (if they even buff it to be usable by launch). For pve, when ads are all over the screen and enemy AOE field are present, it's very difficult to tell if enemies are in your links or not. It's pretty necessary to understand where they are because the AOE is small and unforgiving.

    It is nice they didn't go over the top though.

    Yeah, it's crazy just how little it seems they know about the class, how it functions and its strengths and weaknesses.

    I can sort of understand why though, the pets have been buffed to the point where it's the ONLY way to play sorc (until heavy attack builds came along and even then pet builds absorbed that playstyle too) and the class has been left this way for far too long now that I don't think any of the original developers that played no pet sorc still work there.

    It really is a shame, I still remember the old no pet sorc days, it was so much fun and why I fell in love with the class when I first started ESO. I think the issue is that sorc is tied to pets and oakensoul for too long that nobody remembers that sorc does have 2 bars (and used to have 3) so everything gets designed around being double barred on the sorc, just like the pets.

    If the set gets reworked to closer to what either of us have suggested, then for sure I can see the visuals needing a slight increase to their effects for counter play, if that doesn't happen though it needs to stay minimal, gotta give sorc something here, because the set isn't. :lol:
  • RaptorRodeoGod
    Monoloth of Storms needs to:

    Tick every 1s
    Deal damage in a small area (maybe 3m?) around individual monoliths
    Proc on initial hits and every <4th tick (hurricane can't proc multiple monotliths)(not necessarliy necessary if previous suggestion is taken)
    Remove the "this set can only damage targets once every 2s" effect
    Add a Scribing skill that works like Arcanist beam.
    Veteran players have been alienated and disengaged from Overland since One Tamriel, due to the lack of difficulty, and pushed into dungeons and trials; the minority of content in the Elder Scrolls Online. We can't take the repetition anymore, fix Overland engagement for Vet players. I don't even care if it's not combat related anymore, just make Overland engaging again.
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. Make a self debuff mythic. Literally anything at this point.
  • MashmalloMan
    Monoloth of Storms needs to:

    Tick every 1s
    Deal damage in a small area (maybe 3m?) around individual monoliths
    Proc on initial hits and every <4th tick (hurricane can't proc multiple monotliths)(not necessarliy necessary if previous suggestion is taken)
    Remove the "this set can only damage targets once every 2s" effect

    Basically this. How are they gonna make a Sorc set that doesn't crit. This set doesn't fit the class at all.

    I would remove the 4th/5th tick nonsense because it just cuts out Stam Sorc completely and this is suppose to be a class set. Not a mag Sorc set. This wouldn't be a problem if they kept Hurricane on 1s instead of 2s.. but here we are.

    This set was designed in a way as if the skill line has a spammable we can use every gcd, but we don't. Even if we did by buffing Fury, what would Stam Sorc do? It's just silly. I want the set redisgned completely, but I can't see it happening so at the very least make it work for everyone.

    There should still be a way to proc 3 concurrent pylons, whether that's by increasing the duration or reducing the frequency to any tick or at the very least every 2nd tick (4s intervals with hurricane allows at least 2 pylons to be active on average vs the current 1 which is useless).

    I don't think all 3 beams should deal damage, it would result in a 66% nerf. What would be cool is a multiplier.

    First, reduce the DMG to 75% of the current design if it can crit and add to itself. Then:

    1 beam/pylon = 100% damage.
    2 overlapping beams/pylons = 125% damage.
    3 overlapping beams/pylons = 150% damage.

    If we say the set dealt 100 DMG per tick as an example on PTS, this would mean the 1st tier = 75, 2nd tier = 93.75, 3rd tier = 112.5. This would allow stacking pylons/beams to mean something, grouping enemies into a condensed field, while not overpowering it. Makes it decent for bosses too where you can pile them on easily while not being overbearing to large fights by spawning pylons 28m a part.
    Edited by MashmalloMan on September 20, 2023 2:24AM
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • ZhuJiuyin
    Monoloth of Storms needs to:

    Tick every 1s
    Deal damage in a small area (maybe 3m?) around individual monoliths
    Proc on initial hits and every <4th tick (hurricane can't proc multiple monotliths)(not necessarliy necessary if previous suggestion is taken)
    Remove the "this set can only damage targets once every 2s" effect

    Remove the "this set can only damage targets once every 2s" effect and change it to Tick every 1s, add Crit, and Deal damage in a small area around individual monoliths. This is indeed the change that Sorc players hope for.This will make the set useful.

    But 3m is too small, maybe 6 or 7M (consistent with the latest melee attack range, or consistent with Lightning Flood).
    Proc on initial hits and every 4th tick is still not practical because Sorc usually only uses Hurricane in PVE, but Hurricane deals damage once every two seconds, so we still have to wait 6-8 seconds(even if Hurricane is used beforehand). So it's best to proc when taking damage from the Storm Calling skill line, and scale off the higher of Weapon or Spell Damage.

    Honestly, the effect of this set looks interesting on paper. But it is very clumsy and inefficient to use in practice. At the same time, it does not highlight the identity of the sorcer, but is just a mixture of Pillar of Nirn + Shocking Siphon.

    However, since the Pillar of Nirn nerf, I think most PVE Sorc players wouldn't mind switching to this new toy (Monolith of Storms). But the premise is that Monolith of Storms must have sufficient value. The current 5 items bonus is severely unattractive and haven't enough damage.
    "是燭九陰,是燭龍。"──by "The Classic of Mountains and Seas "English is not my first language,If something is ambiguous, rude due to context and translation issues, etc., please remind me, thanks.
  • FoJul
    Hoarcrux wrote: »
    This has already been said, but the 34% healing increase for Nightblades will make PvP unplayable to the average player. Veteran players will all be fine, but the other 90% of players will grow to detest PvP if this goes live.

    Major heroism on the DK is scary territory and their are builds that allow 100% uptime on corrosive in PvP (Unless you're going to nerf corrosive, like not being able to earn ultimate during corrosive similar to sorcerer overload, this is a scary set)

    The necromancer needs love. Using your self as a "Beautiful Corpse" as an ultimate engine is very stale and lack luster. I would much prefer this to be a set that does damage or augments blastbones. (since you always have a corpse ready anyway)

    The sorcerer Pylon cannot crit and the damage doesn't scale well. At least make it critable.

    Warden actually is Okay IMO

    Uptime on Templar Wrath is too low for the set to really make sense. Maybe lower the stacks to 35

    Arcanist is fine but the BEAM needs worked on for PvP. It is impossible to land. Players have to "lead their shots" Approx 1.5 seconds ahead of their target and is just awful quality of life since the beam is the majority of damage from the kit

    With all that being said, the idea of Class Specific Sets was a huge W by the Devs. (That is saying allot coming from me)

    I don't think people are going to slot the NB set just to buff their healthy offerings. As the healthy offerings AS IS, is already strong enough.

    The NB set brings back the *Siphoning* idea of the nightblade toolkit. The healing part might be strong, but with the draining the ultimate, I'm not so sure if it's going to be OP.

    The only set that stands out is definately the DK one, and let them keep the major and minor heroism, just fix the duration/cooldown to where its not 100%. Or at least, make it to where you cant gain ult whilst in corrosive.

    Insta leaps are just as bad as corrosive tho. Especially with the crypt cannon in a group.

    I can agree to the necro part, necro definately needs love. The set is kind of a smack in the face compared to some of the other sets.

    I think it is safe to assume, that PvP opinions don't even matter. The fact that none of the sets above are going to make any class better than the other in PvE, but turn around and for PvP it's a totally different story.
  • Turtle_Bot
    ZhuJiuyin wrote: »
    Monoloth of Storms needs to:

    Tick every 1s
    Deal damage in a small area (maybe 3m?) around individual monoliths
    Proc on initial hits and every <4th tick (hurricane can't proc multiple monotliths)(not necessarliy necessary if previous suggestion is taken)
    Remove the "this set can only damage targets once every 2s" effect

    However, since the Pillar of Nirn nerf, I think most PVE Sorc players wouldn't mind switching to this new toy (Monolith of Storms). But the premise is that Monolith of Storms must have sufficient value. The current 5 items bonus is severely unattractive and haven't enough damage.

    I tested this on the pts, post nerf pillar still outperforms this set by somewhere between 5% and 10% overall dps. A lot of that is the stronger out of class DoTs that make lightning flood pale in comparison to them and the overall chunkiness of monolith of the storm set, but it is significant enough that even post nerf pillar is still stronger by a noticeable amount.
  • ZhuJiuyin
    Turtle_Bot wrote: »
    I tested this on the pts, post nerf pillar still outperforms this set by somewhere between 5% and 10% overall dps. A lot of that is the stronger out of class DoTs that make lightning flood pale in comparison to them and the overall chunkiness of monolith of the storm set, but it is significant enough that even post nerf pillar is still stronger by a noticeable amount.

    This is pretty much the same result I got.
    Ironically, Pillar of Nirn is still a good dps set even with the nerf, while Monolith of Storms needs more buffs or a rework.
    Imagine when ZOS introduces brand new toys to us (the theme of this update - classes sets) and attempts to make our old toys less attractive, but the end result is that everyone would still rather use the old toys....🤣🤣🤣

    "是燭九陰,是燭龍。"──by "The Classic of Mountains and Seas "English is not my first language,If something is ambiguous, rude due to context and translation issues, etc., please remind me, thanks.
  • Nebs
    I poked around with Basalt-Blooded Warrior. I didn't like that if I didn't back-bar the set, then when I weapon swapped I got to keep the Minor & Major Heroism buffs, even on my back bar. It gave me the option to never lose the heroism buffs, which many players would find to be a desirable feature of the set. I don't like the idea that committing less pieces to a set means getting the power of back barring something else while also never losing the heroism buffs. PVE DPS is basically never going to be interested in larger damage shields or healing, so this puts it even further ahead of the other sets.

    I also don't like how easy and how long the proc lasts. I know not all the sets require building charges or expending resources, but even the necromancer set is further improved by committing more to the associated skill line by reducing the cooldown. Basalt-Blooded Warrior doesn't encourage having anything else on your bar other than a single Molten Weapons or Eruption to gain the full power of the set. While playing around with it I thought of a potential commitment option: the buff lasts 5 - 8 seconds per Earthen Heart ability cast and the buff gets extended (like the way Carve's DoT gets extended rather than replaced) for each different Earthen Heart ability cast, which won't refresh until the 20 second cooldown.

    I don't like the idea of nerfing Basalt-Blooded Warrior over looking at improving the accessibility of proccing the other sets, but this set seems to lack any sort of commitment. This set may as well be the new easiest access to Minor and Major Heroism without having to make any sort of tradeoffs or playstyle changes.

    I like the persistent effects while its being worn, but I don't like the stoney cage that appears when procced. It was clipping in weird ways on my character that was wearing essentially a skin-tight outfit and I feel like there won't ever be a situation where it isn't clipping really badly. I really like the textures though - and the way the textures change when you bar swap (when you have it equipped on both bars). I know floaty bits can cause some players motion sickness (as we found with the Arcanists floating Crux) so maybe making the rocks float around you is out - but maybe it would look better encasing your hands (and feet?) in the basalt?
  • Tannus15
    I agree with @Turtle_Bot and @MashmalloMan unsurprisingly since I usually do every PTS.
    The proc condition for this set makes it DOA. You have to gimp your build too much to get decent uptime and even then it’s less damage than easier options like nirn or depths.
    The answer is no, the sorc set sucks and needs a serious rethink
  • Erickson9610
    For some reason, Necromancer's set is purple rather than blue (the class color of Necromancer). Both the Sorcerer and Necromancer sets currently have purple visual effects. Please change Necromancer's set color to blue, their class color, because purple is Sorcerer's class color.
  • chessalavakia_ESO
    Initial Feedback for Soulcleaver :

    I felt the set was quite powerful (maybe a little too powerful)

    The sorc set I tossed on a template build I set up quickly and I didn't make it to the Ink boss.

    I did the same thing with the NB set and it made it nearly to the Ink boss the second time around.

    I found that in the PvE content such as Public Dungeons where the npcs die fast I could easily keep my ult up even with the abilities draining it on use. I ended up running the CP for Health Recovery for every point of ultimate since my ult was staying high enough it seemed like it was a good deal for PvE at least.

    Visually, the set looks quite cool but, the red is more distracting than the sorc's purple and that combined with the visuals of grim focus really clash with how I like to view my Nightblade.

    Initial Feedback for Wrathsun

    I found I could get the set to proc fairly fast in areas with decent mob density. The magicka loss is definitely painful. If you aren't displaying the stacks, it's hard to tell when it's actually about to go off.

    I think functionally, it might be more effective in groups/group Pvp due to the potential big synergies but I can't actually test that since I run solo.

    Visually, the set looks okay and the white light isn't as offensive as the nightblades red and goes with the general flashiness of the Templar.
  • FoJul
    Nightblade set Soulcleaver from a dueling PoV:

    I don't know how many people will have it a problem with this, but the nightblade set is a permanent glow? Even though the effect only happens while in combat? Don't know if that was intended.

    Secondly, as a nightblade main, and someone who enjoys the new NB set (testing on pts) The healing on this is nuts. The ult *Negative effect* literally isn't noticeable. I put on 5 heavy armor and was able to do damage suprisingly with swallow soul. Again the healing was almost too strong. Disclaimer: I was also using resto stave with healing CP for single target.

    Also my swallow soul tooltip was acting wierd on PTS as well. The number percentage on the heal kept changing to crazy numbers. (Without being in combat) I don't know if this is because of the new set or not.
    Edited by FoJul on September 20, 2023 5:47AM
  • tomofhyrule
    I'll preface this with saying that I'm not a theorycrafter. I'm a DK tank main, and I'm not super super sweaty, and while I've done PvP, I suck at it and I don't know how people can output ridiculous burst while still being incredibly tanky. I usually have to choose one or the other and I pick turtle mode.


    The DK class set seems especially overtuned compared to the others.
    • The 5-piece bonus seems to be at odds with the rest of the set in terms of target. While other ones (e.g. Arcanist) seem to target a specific role, the DK one seems... to be for supports? I think? I'd guess it's trying to be a healer set, but the Health line makes it seem like a tank set, but then you have the Damage line which seems like not tanks...

      Both tanks and healers could make use of the bonuses, so I'd think the Damage line should be something for both of them, maybe a "Healing done" line instead of damage.
    • Some of the other sets seem to have some downside (templar end up nuking your mag pool, etc.) or turn the set into a minigame (sorc dropping pillars correctly to maximize location, etc.), but DK's is essentially all power all the time. Considering that it seems to have the purpose of high ult gen and DK has a passive that restores resources on ult, it may be interesting to turn this set into more of a minigame as well - the 5-piece should also include something akin to New Moon's "ability costs are increased by 10-20%" to ensure that DKs wearing this set are not able to just passively do loads of damage nonstop, but need to carefully use that ult they're generating to play the resource game. Either that, or give a penalty for stockpiling ult, which could be interesting...

      In a way, this reminds me of then I played the Dragon Age: Inquisition Trespasser DLC. We got a buff in the last fight there that essentially gave us ridiculous ultimate generation which sounded good on paper, but it all of a sudden it got a problem where if you didn't use your ult, it would go off on its own and do damage to you and your team and also waste the attack. I still remember that fight since it was such a mindscrew that my best attack was essentially a grenade I was holding in my hand and I had to carefully use it or it would blow up in my face.

      I don't know if a line of "if you have more than 250 ult, you will take increasing damage from the fire in your veins" would be a good line, but it would definitely add an interesting minigame that would prevent players from stockpiling ult points for days.

    I do think one of the biggest issues people have with DKs is in PvP, and it has to do with Corrosive Armor. I'll put something in the Class/Combat feedback thread, but I also feel that one of the biggest issues people have with this set is the fact that it allows high uptimes on that single ultimate in particular. If that ult were kneecapped so it wasn't essentially a "PvP win button," that might also make the set feel less oppressive. I'd suggest that the damage mitigation be removed from Corrosive, but I'll write up a feedback post in the other thread.
  • ItsNotLiving
    I think the popular move would have been a damage set for each of the classes because that’s the most popular role, I guess wardens are just meant to heal haha.
  • Jazraena
    Turtle_Bot wrote: »
    This is the official feedback thread for the new class item sets, acquired from Endless Archive. Please try out these new item set types and let us know what you think! Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
    • Which of the new item sets did you try out, and what did you think of them?
    • Did anything you received feel under or over-powered?
    • Do you have any feedback on the persistent visual effects?
    • Do you have any general feedback?

    Which set did I test out: Monolith of Storms.
    1. What are my thoughts on it:
    - It seems mediocre and not worth considering even for a fun build when a set like storm-cursed exists and even that is not considered for builds.
    - It's another proc set that does ok damage but requires far too many hoops to jump through to make it work effectively and keep it up reliably.
    - Running this on the back bar is not an option since if it is slotted there, you won't proc it while on the front bar where your spammable is slotted and you spend the majority of the time of the rotation, meanwhile the abilities you want to use to proc the set and keep it active during a fight are the Damage over Time abilities (hurricane and lightning flood) which are better suited to being on the back bar.
    - The other issue with it is that the set does nothing when there is only 1 monolith active, meaning it requires at minimum 2 seconds and 2 GCD for the set to do anything at all.

    2. The set just feels far too awkward to use effectively with the abilities it relies on to proc it and as such makes for very awkward rotations to get something that is even remotely close to what can be achieved much easier with a generic proc set such as relequen, pillar or whorl.

    3. The visual effects are fine, I'm glad they are toned down while still keeping the lightning theme and the monoliths themselves look pretty cool.

    4. For this set in particular, I think it needs a complete redesign or a bonus added to it which I will go over later in this post. In it's current form it is just a harder to use generic proc set that makes the rotations awkward. It also doesn't really do anything to help the sorcerer class break away from the pet builds that have been forced onto the class for years now.

    Ways to improve the set while keeping its current design:
    2. Allow any damage instance from a storm calling ability to summon a monolith. Once per cast or on the 5th tick is just far too slow for how unsynergistic the storm calling DoT abilities are to the sorcerer playstyle.
    3. Have the monoliths themselves deal a portion of the damage the beam deals to targets around them so that it does something while there is only 1 monolith active. This can be set to if only one monolith is active it deals its damage around it instead of dealing damage via the beam.
    4. Make the damage be per beam instead of once every 2 seconds globally from the set with damage values adjusted accordingly. As it currently stands it seems like its not going to be viable for multiple sorcs to run this set to stack the beams damage.
    5. Not as important as the previous 3 points, but increase the number of monoliths summoned or increase their duration to keep the beams active for a longer period.

    What I would look into to rework the set to make it help the class instead of just act as another generic proc set:
    Have the set also increase the base Damage of Mages Fury + morphs to the equivalent damage of a regular single target ranged spammable, similar to force pulse.
    This would help sorcerer in multiple ways:
    - It gives sorcerer a reliable front bar way to proc this set with its current proc conditions quickly and efficiently
    - It gives sorcerer an actual in class spammable that doesn't have a cast time that benefits from sorcs shock damage passives.
    - It frees up desperately needed bar space since sorc now has both an execute and spammable in 1 ability at the cost of running a specific 5 piece set.
    - It allows for some potential theory crafting of no-pet sorcs (that haven't been viable for many years now) since they can now stack multiple storm calling abilities together and get some decent damage while not losing out on damage from not running the pets.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno, @ZOS_Kevin, @ZOS_BrianWheeler I hope you can take this feedback into account. No pet Sorc is desperately looking for a way to catch up with the other classes (and its own pet build) and this set as it currently stands just does not do anything to help facilitate this once very fun and engaging playstyle on a fan favourite class that has been desperate for any kind of love for far too long now.

    Hm. While I don't dislike the idea I'd honestly prefer that without pigeonholing us into summoning Monoliths instead ...
  • Brederode
    Kind of disappointed in most of the class items sets to be honest. When I first heard about class items sets, I expected sets that would expand on class skills by adding something more unique to them. Kind of like having a 2nd morph on skills of a specific skill line. Instead, most of these sets just look like your average dungeon/trial "proc set".

    That said, the Necromancer and (especially) the Arcanist class sets do actually look interesting to me. I sincerely hope ZOS developers take a look at the all the class sets again, and try to make them more unique like the current Necromancer and Arcanist class sets.
  • OtarTheMad
    Brederode wrote: »
    Kind of disappointed in most of the class items sets to be honest. When I first heard about class items sets, I expected sets that would expand on class skills by adding something more unique to them. Kind of like having a 2nd morph on skills of a specific skill line. Instead, most of these sets just look like your average dungeon/trial "proc set".

    That said, the Necromancer and (especially) the Arcanist class sets do actually look interesting to me. I sincerely hope ZOS developers take a look at the all the class sets again, and try to make them more unique like the current Necromancer and Arcanist class sets.

    Necromancer and Arcanist sets aren’t really that unique. For Necro it already has minor protection and as for Arcanist all the benefits you get from the 1,2,3 crux part are already part of the class so unless you can stack buffs they aren’t useful. That’s just my opinion though.
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