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Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle

  • Aluna
    Another chapter I will probably buy at the end of the year when it's on supersale.
    In my guild everyone was excited after the teaser and before the reveal and we discussed lots of possible new features we could get. PvP Update, sea combat, Maormer as playable race...
    Since the stream the thing I look most forward to this year is finally getting Accountwide Achievements. And within the chapter, after I bought it in supersale, the cat companion as thats the one thing on my wishlist we will get.
    I'm reporting up to 3 new bugs every single day (nearly no duplicates even) since I came back to the game 3 months ago. It feels like this game is returning further and further into an Alpha Version with every patch and the feeling of increasing neglection of the game is reflecting in the new chapter too. I get that youre all exhausted from the pandemy, everyone is. Actually I wouldnt mind a year without new chapter if you completely detangled your spaghetti code instead as the game is nearly unplayable atm for everyone who hasn't a deep love for it that can outweight the performance issue and bug frustration. I would definitely favour such a year over the chapter you came up with now.
    Edited by Aluna on January 28, 2022 11:09AM
    >6000h @ PC-EU
    Event Leader in the best Trading Union
    Streaming as Felunaris
  • Lysette
    Demo_22 wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    Demo_22 wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    Zealand wrote: »
    Not interested in the card game at all. Really disappointed that development time was spent on a card game, when there is so much to be improved on. I was really hoping for something new in PVP to get me back into this game..

    How could you hope for that?- Matt clearly stated in his announcement about the server code re-design, that there is no new content coming to pvp until this redesign work has been completed - and they just started working on it a while back. There might be some minor things and events, but nothing really new - he clearly said this.

    If they can add instanced dungeons with dozens of mobs they can for sure add instanced arena where players can fight 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3. And if they can add matchmaking and scoreboard for a card game then they can make it for the arena as well. All this talk about redesigning code is nothing but an excuse.

    But if he clearly says, we are not doing it - hoping for it happening is what then?

    Desperation. I was not hoping for it since I am not a big PvP player but seeing the complete disregard for a part of eso playerbase is disgusting

    I really cannot understand why you think that - they are making a major attempt to make gameplay for you better with a risky decision to re-design the server of a live game - that is a scary endeavor, messing with a live game and eventually destabilizing it, if the core systems wouldn't be back up quickly again. They are risking it to make your gameplay better - that is not disregarding this player base, but a major effort to serve them.
  • NicGroover

    I watched Bethesda's Twitch last night and the least we can say is that the announcement of new features is without any real novelty as far as the MMORPG world is concerned. It's already been seen elsewhere.

    You can feel the lack of inspiration.

    Two new companions that smell like old news and will serve no purpose except to replace the current ones when they retire.

    The card game will only interest a part of the players and will quickly bore the others.

    Finally, the price is much too expensive for what is sold without any real innovations.
  • colossalvoids
    Lysette wrote: »
    Demo_22 wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    Demo_22 wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    Zealand wrote: »
    Not interested in the card game at all. Really disappointed that development time was spent on a card game, when there is so much to be improved on. I was really hoping for something new in PVP to get me back into this game..

    How could you hope for that?- Matt clearly stated in his announcement about the server code re-design, that there is no new content coming to pvp until this redesign work has been completed - and they just started working on it a while back. There might be some minor things and events, but nothing really new - he clearly said this.

    If they can add instanced dungeons with dozens of mobs they can for sure add instanced arena where players can fight 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3. And if they can add matchmaking and scoreboard for a card game then they can make it for the arena as well. All this talk about redesigning code is nothing but an excuse.

    But if he clearly says, we are not doing it - hoping for it happening is what then?

    Desperation. I was not hoping for it since I am not a big PvP player but seeing the complete disregard for a part of eso playerbase is disgusting

    I really cannot understand why you think that - they are making a major attempt to make gameplay for you better with a risky decision to re-design the server of a live game - that is a scary endeavor, messing with a live game and eventually destabilizing it, if the core systems wouldn't be back up quickly again. They are risking it to make your gameplay better - that is not disregarding this player base, but a major effort to serve them.

    First of all issues dating for almost entire game's existence and no one is here just sitting and waiting for that particular message that wasn't even spread out enough, not that there enough caring players left to pick it up. They've wasted everyone's time and money for years and driven away absolute majority of pvp players instead of growing, so remaining people obviously are sceptical and not buying into any words (if even read and noticed them) if there's no results to look at. It's well deserved by zenimax and they know it, no need for defensive stance.
  • Hurbster
    I'm generally positive but is a couple of companions and Gwent really the hook that this expansions is going to promote?

    Does anyone have any faith that the 3 Banners War will change at all (hey it's possible that this year is a set up for huge pvp changes next year once they have basically rewritten the game, as I said I'm positive) given the status quo of the game as a whole and the fact that they are actually proud of the fact the story is a disorganised mess that you can play in any order?

    Hey, a tautology.
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • Demo_22
    Lysette wrote: »
    Demo_22 wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    Demo_22 wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    Zealand wrote: »
    Not interested in the card game at all. Really disappointed that development time was spent on a card game, when there is so much to be improved on. I was really hoping for something new in PVP to get me back into this game..

    How could you hope for that?- Matt clearly stated in his announcement about the server code re-design, that there is no new content coming to pvp until this redesign work has been completed - and they just started working on it a while back. There might be some minor things and events, but nothing really new - he clearly said this.

    If they can add instanced dungeons with dozens of mobs they can for sure add instanced arena where players can fight 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3. And if they can add matchmaking and scoreboard for a card game then they can make it for the arena as well. All this talk about redesigning code is nothing but an excuse.

    But if he clearly says, we are not doing it - hoping for it happening is what then?

    Desperation. I was not hoping for it since I am not a big PvP player but seeing the complete disregard for a part of eso playerbase is disgusting

    I really cannot understand why you think that - they are making a major attempt to make gameplay for you better with a risky decision to re-design the server of a live game - that is a scary endeavor, messing with a live game and eventually destabilizing it, if the core systems wouldn't be back up quickly again. They are risking it to make your gameplay better - that is not disregarding this player base, but a major effort to serve them.

    Assuming I believe that they really know how to fix the issue. This is not a problem just for PvP. They said that they can not add new skills into the game because the code can't handle it anymore. But just because they are working on the fix does not mean they should just abandon PvP for the time being. Look at FFXIV when it was released and flopped the developer kept updating and improving the game while working on a completely separate build of the game.
  • Thoragaal
    I only wish you (ZOS) keeps fleshing out the CCG continuously (adding new cards and rules) and that there is a sense of progression to it.
    It's great that as a new player I don't feel like anything is gated; I can go anywhere, I can do anything (almost) instantly.
    But simultaneously it also means that after 50 hours there's no sense of "ah, this is new, this is cool, maybe I can try this", because it was already available from the very first moment I stepped inside the game; what I did yesterday I have to do again today and tomorrow and so on; it's a grind.

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
    "I've always wanted to kick a duck up the arse" -Karl Pilkington, on the question what he'd do if it was the last day on earth.
  • Sarousse42
    - no enhanced difficulty on overland content (it'll be once again boring to 1 shot anything)
    - no new character models / no new haircuts
    - 0 new class or skill line
    - nothing about PvP

    0 reason at all to get back into eso plus or buy this extension.
  • jad11mumbler
    A rather disappointing year.
    Though all I expected was two companions, as ZoS had said it'd be a smaller year.

    New overland content is the same old content I've been playing for 7 years. Sure, the story varies but the gameplay is the exact same. Boringly easy content that dies in a few shots.
    Many players will complete the zone in two weeks and move on.
    Same old formula too. 6 or so delves, 2 public dungeons and a new type of dolmens. Again.

    Minigames I've wanted for years.
    Just not as the main focus of a chapter, and not only one game.
    I think a card game is a cool, fun addition though. But it won't bring in new players, or bring old ones back.

    More companions were expected.
    But not a single improvement to that system?
    Companions are bad in combat, the boons they currently give are boring, useless, and just fill the inventory with trash to vendor.
    Gearing them is a pain.

    Account wide achievements has been a widely requested feature.
    Which personally I dislike. If I wanted a title on an alt, I did it again.
    I don't dislike it enough to ask for it to be removed though. But I do worry its a step in the wrong direction. Nothing else needs to be account wide IMO. Certainly not research, not mount training and not motifs. Many of us have put time into those and it'd suck to have that taken away.

    Overall this reveal has left me worried about the future of ESO. Cause right now it feels like it peaked years ago and its just downhill from here.
    There's apparently too many limitations, server hardware, last gen consoles, software restraints, for ZoS to add anything game changing.

    Imo its time to drop last gen console support from main features, or at least separate PC in areas.
    Can't have new classes or skill lines because of last gen RAM limits.
    Can't have a housing furniture cap increase because of last gen.
    Why should PC be held back so much by ten year old console hardware?

    I want to see ESO thrive. Not be chained down as it slowly dies.

    Its been a tough year though for many reasons, even server hardware has been much delayed, along with everything else.
    So take your break ZoS. I just hope that next year will be big.
    Edited by jad11mumbler on January 28, 2022 12:19PM
    174 characters and counting over 13 accounts.

    120 writ certified. 73 at CP rank.
  • Fischblut
    It's nice to see official feedback thread about upcoming chapter, thanks for creating it!

    Sadly, I "Wanted something different from High Isle" :/

    Underwater mounts (or simply mounts who can swim). Ships which could be used for navigating the water (and maybe even naval combat). Or something else as wild and unexpected :)
    Card game as main chapter feature was unexpected, but not wild.

    I am not looking forward to see Jakarn again, so if he will be one of main characters who accompany me in the main story, I am already annoyed :( Hopefully the story itself will be interesting. And there will be most likely some fun side quests in new zone.

    1) What I think about Card Game in ESO?

    I am not opposed to this addition. But in current implementation, when players have to share their cards during a match - I absolutely dislike this. I hope this will be changed so if a player could gather deck of good cards, he has the right to use them all during a match. Otherwise, I don't see any reason to even bother with this mini-game... It's as absurd as, for example:
    I have collected some nice gear. Other player collected more simple gear. Then we invite each other to duel, and our gear is mixed during the duel :o

    If this unfair mechanic stays when chapter will be released, I only hope that I will not like any cosmetics and furnishings locked behind such unfair card game :|

    I would love the card game from ES Legends imported into ESO, but without awful RNG card system during the match. If I gathered/bought nice cards, I should be able to use them all during a match. And I should not be forced to share cards with my opponents! I use what I have, they use what they have. It encourages everyone to collect more (better and powerful) cards, and this drive for collecting is very important. I certainly don't want to collect any cards just to see them "stolen" from me by RNG during the match :o

    Actually, there was a legit "steal" mechanic in Legends, but it was result of certain cards' abilities - not some RNG card shuffle. Player could take an opponent's card from their battlefield and use this card against it's owner.

    2) Are new companions exciting?

    For me and based on just a little info about them so far... Not exciting :/

    It's not clear if we will be able to fully customize new companions (at the very least, hide their heads behind helmets). I want a companion who can be fully-outfitted.

    Khajiit companion might someday become my new dummy for showcasing an additional mount while I adventure, but only if she doesn't gain negative rapport from pickpocketing and murdering innocents :D Otherwise I don't see any reason to replace one of already existing companions.
  • AlexanderDeLarge
    Remember whenever someone started a thread giving ideas for gameplay changes, some people would rush in to drop the "resources would be better spent elsewhere" card?

    Now atleast we know what that elsewhere is...

    I never want to hear that argument on these forums ever again.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 7 paid expansions. 22 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the vast majority of this game.

    "ESO doesn't need a harder overland" on YouTube for a video of a naked level 3 character AFKing in front of a bear for a minute and a half before dying
  • Lugaldu
    I like card games, but if I want to play card games, I play... well, card games, not ESO.
  • Demo_22
    A rather disappointing year.

    Can't have new classes or skill lines because of last gen RAM limits.

    One thing I don't really understand is how is it a problem to add new skills for players, yet adding two new companions with new spells is fine.
  • washbern
    Dear ZOS,

    All the systems you have introduced for next year are pure cosmetics. From achievements to companions, nothing looks like it has any impact on actual gameplay. Classes are locked into META with unreplaceable skills such as crystal frags, jabs, so on. It would have been amazing if instead of a card game, your energy and passion would go into giving each class some meaningful choices for builds. You could have added another magic weapon or another skill line or a third morph to each class skill. You could have updated spell animations or graphics for severely dated pet models on a sorc. I do not doubt that the card game would be cool but combat is something everyone has to interact with from a newcomer to a veteran. You should work on THAT.

    Thank you for reading,

    Your loyal fan.
  • Lysette
    Fischblut wrote: »
    It's nice to see official feedback thread about upcoming chapter, thanks for creating it!

    Sadly, I "Wanted something different from High Isle" :/

    Underwater mounts (or simply mounts who can swim). Ships which could be used for navigating the water (and maybe even naval combat). Or something else as wild and unexpected :)
    Card game as main chapter feature was unexpected, but not wild.

    I am not looking forward to see Jakarn again, so if he will be one of main characters who accompany me in the main story, I am already annoyed :( Hopefully the story itself will be interesting. And there will be most likely some fun side quests in new zone.

    1) What I think about Card Game in ESO?

    I am not opposed to this addition. But in current implementation, when players have to share their cards during a match - I absolutely dislike this. I hope this will be changed so if a player could gather deck of good cards, he has the right to use them all during a match. Otherwise, I don't see any reason to even bother with this mini-game... It's as absurd as, for example:
    I have collected some nice gear. Other player collected more simple gear. Then we invite each other to duel, and our gear is mixed during the duel :o

    If this unfair mechanic stays when chapter will be released, I only hope that I will not like any cosmetics and furnishings locked behind such unfair card game :|

    I would love the card game from ES Legends imported into ESO, but without awful RNG card system during the match. If I gathered/bought nice cards, I should be able to use them all during a match. And I should not be forced to share cards with my opponents! I use what I have, they use what they have. It encourages everyone to collect more (better and powerful) cards, and this drive for collecting is very important. I certainly don't want to collect any cards just to see them "stolen" from me by RNG during the match :o

    Actually, there was a legit "steal" mechanic in Legends, but it was result of certain cards' abilities - not some RNG card shuffle. Player could take an opponent's card from their battlefield and use this card against it's owner.

    2) Are new companions exciting?

    For me and based on just a little info about them so far... Not exciting :/

    It's not clear if we will be able to fully customize new companions (at the very least, hide their heads behind helmets). I want a companion who can be fully-outfitted.

    Khajiit companion might someday become my new dummy for showcasing an additional mount while I adventure, but only if she doesn't gain negative rapport from pickpocketing and murdering innocents :D Otherwise I don't see any reason to replace one of already existing companions.

    Your critic in regards to the shuffling mechanics at the start of the game is something what worries me just the same - because I fear, that gathering no cards at all or deliberately bringing bad decks to the table is eventually a valuable strategy. And this would just kill the need to look for better cards - but then again, we don't really know yet, how this game will work and what the actual content of the game is - beside it being a "resource building" game, what does that even mean?

    I like some element of unpredictability, but this could eventually be too much of it, in case we would in average draw as many cards from the stack as our opponent. If there is a tactical element to it, which is changing the amount of cards we are drawing from the common stack, this could be a different thing - well, we just know too little yet, to really ponder on it.

    At this time, with that little info about the game, the pre-order option sounds to me like "you are welcome, to buy the cat in the sack" - it might be Schroedinger's cat though - and if she is alive or dead, you will find out at launch - we need more info about that card game or at least someone from ZOS, who could assure us, that they are aware of the shuffling problem and it has been taken into account and will not be a problem - but just ... what if they haven't taken that into account and are just figuring out now, that this could be a problem?
    Edited by Lysette on January 28, 2022 1:09PM
  • atherusmora

    This is tragic. I’ve never decided or entertained the thought of quitting a TES game. I still play Oblivion for Sithis sake. Breton lore is dope, but tbh I can just listen to Fudgemuppet and other streamers to get my lore fix from the game. Play through on new content is way too underwhelming these days.

    I am just not seeing the value in the coming expansion. CCG feels like a slap in the face for the greater player base. The performance in PvP and PvE are abysmal, and I heard nothing about how they intend to fix at least PvE side of things. Further insult to injury is the fact the the shared mount feature requires you to purchase specific mounts. Existing mounts in the game will not be adjusted to allow us to use the countless mounts we’ve bought, but aren’t using. I guess the new assistant is also nice, but I literally have not seen anyone else care to mention it, and that’s a shame. Literally nothing added to gameplay besides a potential gatekeeping CCG.

    They already said PvP won’t be fixed for another year or two years. Might as well be never. I won’t be buying the expansion, and will be putting ESO on the back burning for now. Thanks for ruining the game ZOS. I’ll come back in a couple years, if the game is even still alive by then.

    (Pet)Magsorc Main
    PS4 NA
    Long Live the Queen!!!
  • Jclogan1813
    Soul Shriven
    Reading all the comments I get that people are not happy about some things , but Im excited to play this chapter. Ive never been into playing PVE and content with how the game is. Sure I have a wish list of things I would like to see but If you want the game to improve then support it! not tear it down. Thanks
  • Ingenon
    Just curious, how many mini games does ESO have now?
    1. Fishing
    2. Scrying
    3. Excavation
    4. Card Game

    I'm not a fan of the mini games.
    Edited by Ingenon on January 28, 2022 1:52PM
  • TheNuminous1
    UrbanMonk wrote: »
    Bad Idea making this Poll :D

    I am not the least bit surprised that negativity would be dominant in the replies, because negativity is the main theme of a lot of threads on these forums.

    That speaks about the game so much. Not about it players.

    Players WANT to enjoy the game. What your seeing is the manifest of them failing to take the game into the future and keep it fun after almost a decade.
  • Shawn_PT
    Frankly... I don't know what to think. I was content already for a couple of reasons. First, because as I've said many times over, new content means nothing to me because I have several years worth of DLCs and chapters yet to explore. But also because I've learned not to have expectations, because I always get disappointed.

    However, a Breton/intrigue themed chapter will be refreshing. Down to earth. No more repeated cataclysms. Nice change. That's good.

    But the rest has left me with a bitter taste.

    A card game. Okay. That *might* be fun.... But. It'll also definitely be a grind. If we are going to have to collect them like the sticker book, there is no way you won't place cards behind leads... And then we probably won't be able to collect the card unless we actually have the chapter, which for me who is on the fence about buying it feels quite annoying. I'd be fine with not being able to play, but actually being unable to loot/find them (unlike jewelry mats for those who didn't buy Summerset when it came out) feels wrong. Also, I personally do not like anything that pits player against player. I'm all for cooperation, not competition. Will we have a group finder/queue for card adversaries? Will we lose cards if we lose a game? Will there be elitism and toxicity? I'm very sure there will be. If the reason for this "minor" feature is because the team is busy working on the backend, then it would be nice just saying so.

    Account-wide achievements. This. Makes me so sad. The reason why I spend so much time in this game is because I actually do work on achievements on all (well not mules...) characters. Fishing. Trophies. Even those awfully stupid 150 Murkmire prologue dailies. I am one item away from filling all trophies on yet another character. I am two maps away from another Master Angler. But... What for? People with one Master Angler will now have 18 MAs instead. There will be no more personal satisfaction from knowing that I actually did things the way they "should be" instead of straight up copy-pasting everything on 18 characters. My mules who have neither gear nor skills will suddenly be standing around with trial trifecta titles (should I chose to put them on) when they have never even stepped foot in a trial at all. Titles will be even more meaningless than they are now, and yes many people don't care for those but I can assure you many do. If we are really going to have accout-wide achievements, I really hope it's a "master list", and not just something automatically copied across all alts. I take pleasure in going through the content with several alts. If all of them suddenly will have the quest completion achievements magically cleared, what is the point in replaying said quests again? I think unless this is done "right", it will be such a major, enormous, gargantuan disappointment...
  • Ragnarok0130
    Overall the expansion looks nice and I'm looking forward to playing it, but I have to be honest I am not a fan of a card game being shoe horned into an MMO - especially with cosmetics attached to playing it.

    If you're linking playing a card game with cosmetics make a way to earn those same cosmetics without having to play the card game since I want to play an MMO not play a card game.
  • Rogue_WolfESO
    Maybe it's just me, but if you read through the umpteen posts made from disgruntled players having a multitude of issues with their gameplay, the last thing anyone ever asked ZoS to give or fix is a damn card game.
  • ZOS_Volpe

    As we've removed a few comments that were non-constructive and bashing, this is a friendly reminder that comments need to adhere to our Community Rules to avoid thread derailment.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • xDeusEJRx
    I personally don't think a card game is an awful idea... but if that's the selling point of an expansion... I'm not going to pay full game price on that... I will honestly just wait until it eventually becomes free like battlegrounds or they add it to ESO plus package
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • etchedpixels
    ceiron wrote: »
    Is the card game not the mobile game (blades was it called?) That was discontinued and now being transferred into eso?

    Blades is the fairly meh cash shop mobile game. It's a wannabe dungeon crawler not a card game.

    Legends was the card game. No idea what it's like cos I don't generally like card games except for silly ones.

    Too many toons not enough time
  • Fallenguru
    Soul Shriven
    I really don’t understand how High Isle can be sold as a chapter. Surely this should be sold as a mini chapter with a reduced price tag or even included with ESO+ ? I hate to compare any MMO but content is content and for the same price tag with Endwalker you get 4 new zones, 8 new dungeons, 5 new trials and raids, 2 new classes and new race, new abilities for all classes, new progression for crafters and much more. For High isle we get a new zone, a new trial, 2 re-skinned companions and a card game.

    I’ve seen a few comments in this thread about how ZOS has said it’s not implementing new systems this year because of working on bugs and improvements, I believe the same was said in the year of the performance improvement’s which was when we started seeing a drop in additional content and new systems added with chapters, I’m fine with getting less content and additional systems but absolutely not fine with the same price tag.

    Somebody else already said it but high isle will include some BIS new piece of gear to appeal to anybody interested in arenas, dungeons, trials or PVP to make sure they buy it, sad really.

    The pattern of “your getting less content for the same price tag because we need to fix things” needs to stop, maybe change the way you release content until your on top of the server improvements and PVE/PVP performance improvements. Maybe people will be happy with smaller cheaper stand alone stories and zones until your ready to release big chapters full of content again.

    High isle looks beautiful but it’s sadly lacking. Both myself and partner won’t be buying it at that price.
  • moleculardrugs
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for tuning in for the global reveal. If you're still looking for more information, the post-reveal live stream is going on right now on The VOD of the main show is also up on YouTube.

    Now that The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle has been revealed, we want to hear from you! Let us know what you think of the upcoming chapter. The things you like, dislike, or have general questions about. This is your thread to communicate your initial thoughts about High Isle with the forum community and ZOS. We will use questions asked here as a reference point for communication between now and High Isle release.

    Your constructive feedback will let us know what information we can better clarify leading up to launch and beyond. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on High Isle!

    *Friendly reminder to keep the Community Rules in mind when replying. Thank you!

    High Isle and the new zone and Dolman thing sounds great and all but ZOS literally expects us to buy High Isle and not worry about the already so limited amount of storage space we have from the last few sets, collectibles, etc that have been added to the game. When will people be able to get more storage? Especially for furniture and the new dungeon sets and craft sets that have been created.

    Because I want to PLAY ESO and experiment with sets and builds. Farming gear is not playing ESO, it is just the busy work needed to actually play the game the way you want to play it (as the company slogan goes at Bethesda…) I do not want to waste time re-farming for gear and/or transmute crystals.

    Also, I think the global reveal does not service for the people who PvP in ESO. ZOS cannot ignore such a large population of their players but they do.

    Also, adding companions is fine but can there be more things to do with our companions? I don’t think they should exist as merely healers or buffers or tanks but that there should also be a Solo/Companion trial created where you use your companion’s unique abilities to compete with other players in setting records. Honestly, the companions are such a great idea but they lack a lot of uniqueness that could make them greater. Look at the passives for Bastian and Mirri, it’s like someone was in the middle of creating passives that reflect their personalities and play style but then they were told to stop working on it. I want the companion system to be meaningful and in-depth, not shallow as merely for them to exist as a “glorified servant” (what Bastian referred to himself as when he lived with the Servilles).

    There is one last thing that bothered me a little and it was the fact that during the Global Reveal there wasn’t really any racial diversity at all. I know there are brilliant People of Color who work at ZOS and Betheada and who program and make our games great but literally for every global reveal these people’s voices aren’t allowed to speak. I understand that there’s people who head a sector of ZOS or Bethesda, but shouldn’t someone who isn’t famous or given a title be able to share the work they they worked so hard on? Aren’t these team projects after all? We play ESO and we invest ourselves into the different races, cultures, and organizations within Tamriel but there’s literally none from what I saw today at the Global Reveal. It bothers me because so many other companies in tech and gaming have done a lot of work towards creating more diversity in their workforce and on their teams and have even given POC some spotlight during things like E3 and ESports. I’m just worried because a lack of diversity prevents all opinions and discussions from being generated and this will just hurt ESO in the future because all voices on the project need to be heard.
    Edited by moleculardrugs on January 28, 2022 2:27PM
  • Tyrobag
    I like the look of the incoming content of High Isle. The quests and story look fun, but as far as I'm concerned I can't really consider this a chapter if the only "feature" being added is a card game. I'm not against the idea of an in-game card game existing, but its being added in leu of something that people actually wanted like a new magicka weapon (1h & rune has been asked for since the start of the game). The whole excuse for chapters not being part of eso plus was that they contained more than a dlc, like a class or skill line. From what I'm seeing, High Isle will most certainly not qualify as more than a DLC for most people. According to this pole, as of writing, 76% of people voting don't care about the card game. As you can see from the pole in this thread, that is pulling down the hype about the chapter in general. Hopefully you guys still have time to add something to High Isle to be a real selling point (other than sets built to be the forced meta, please). Or maybe I'm wrong and you guys actually do have something amazing ready, but just didn't talk about it in the reveal for some reason.
  • Kiyonami
    My impressions of the new chapter are mixed...

    Starting with Greymoor, the chapters became formulaic. Different visual design, but the activities are the same. Quests and the main story lose their identity, I feel like I've done this many times before: "stop bad guys", "save the queen/princess", etc., I'm tired of being the hero saving the world over and over again...

    Things that I liked from the announcement:
    - Bretons and their lore.
    - The main story with political intrigues, possibly investigations and mysteries (I hope).
    - Account wide achievements. It finally happened, I've been waiting for this for years. Now all characters will influence global progress, there is no need to choose or force yourself to play on any particular one. Awesome.

    Neutral Impression:
    - New companions. This is certainly good, but only 2 companions a year later? Instead of a card game, more time and resources could be spent on developing companions, expanding interactions, adding new personal quests, adding more new companions to old zones (Add unique companions like dremora, wild animals, undead, spirits... Add unique equipment), making them part of larger story line.

    Negative impression:
    - Card game. I don't want to offend anyone... The main feature of the new chapter? Awful. I play TESO because it's an RPG, if I was interested in card games, I would play them separately. I don't like card games. That part of the content that I will not use, or I will have to force myself (ex. adding as daily task for endeavors - play/win card game x times), without any pleasure.
    - Complete nothing of new PvP content, and still broken old content. Cyrodiil looks outdated, years without new mechanics and content, but with old flaws.
    - Forgotten/abandoned old content, old zones. No new guild content (fighters, mages, thieves, assassins...etc.)
    - No new classes.
    - No new weapon types and their skill lines.
    - No new non-DLC dungeons.
    - No new character customization options (hairstyles, etc).

    What's the point of adding another year-long story? Why you can't just improve what we have? Add new content, breathe life into old areas? Add new unique quests (or quests created by players), add new classes, new skills and their morphs (instead of a huge amount of armor sets 85% of which no one uses). Why try to come up with something completely new, if you can just develop deeper what is already there... I don't understand this and it's sad.
  • Marillea
    I own Uno cards, no need to buy a fully priced expansion to play a card game.

    Most likely won't be buying the Chapter, as much as the zone looks nice, that is where my interest begins and ends. There is so much the community wanted, and as many said, the card game should have been a free update. Having it as a main selling point is disappointing, especially if you compare it to previous chapters.
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