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Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle

  • TumlinTheJolly
    IMO we need to stop asking for anything that adds new combat skills (new classes, new weapon skill lines etc)......... More combat skills = more bugs, which they'd prioritise fixing over existing bugs, due to the fact that people had recently spent $ to attain those skills. I'd much rather they stopped adding extra things to combat, and significantly slowed balance patches, until a great number of existing bugs had been addressed.

    In saying that, some new NON-COMBAT skill lines would be nice. e.g. Overhaul the fishing system and make it a skill line, as people have suggested. A fishing overhaul would have timed very nicely with an island xpac. While a card game isn't great, at least it doesn't introduce 100000 more combat bugs.

    Their Jan PVP update states their current plan, which I am very much behind (if they actually manage to do as they say they will): 'In the meantime, we’ll consider additional ways to keep Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds interesting and exciting (for example, potentially special rulesets or weekend events) and will continue to work on bug fixes affecting combat, but we won’t be adding any new features to PvP until the work mentioned above is complete. Doing so would not only prolong the fixes we want to implement but would also exacerbate the issue of poor performance.'
    Edited by TumlinTheJolly on January 28, 2022 12:37AM
  • Blacknight841
    Jaavaa wrote: »
    It‘s a MmO first. Not an Elder Scrolls first 😉

    … it is a mini game extravaganza first, followed by an mmo.
  • Sylvermynx
    Oh.... I forgot to say I'm unthrilled in the extreme with Jakarn. *SIGH*
  • heaven13
    Noerra wrote: »
    I wish the new reveal was:

    Bretons are hella cool cause they have bloodlines that go back to man and mer.... and with Legacy of Bretons we are introducing the new One Hand and Magic Skill Line!

    Also - Did you see all the Arenas and Games in the trailer? Well.. We are excited to tell you we are introducing a 2v2 pvp mode in which you fight to impress the nobles, earn fame in our new ranking system to become a "local favorite" among the people of High Isle. You will hear them whisper to each other about you as you walk by... and... you may even have an "adoring fan" that will follow you around the main city.

    There is also a Mysterious dungeon on the High Isles... It scales in difficulty the more people you have in your party... The dungeon is a rogue-like game mode that gets harder and harder with each level.... Can you Uncover the mysteries behind ___(insert cool dungeon name here)____

    Along with all of that, we have listened to our players and have created a Furnishings Bag so you no longer have houses operating as warehouses when you really wish you could decorate them.

    And... Last but not Least.... Have you ever wanted to customize the look of your spell abilities? Now you can "dye" your abilities at the outfit station! Become a Shadow Templar and Jab your opponent with a dark spear or dye your Dragon Knight flames Purple and call yourself the "Azure Dragon of Tamriel".

    This is ESO, Play the way you want and Adventure Today!

    Now this is a chapter I'd be hyped for.
    Mountain God | Leave No Bone Unbroken | Apex Predator | Pure Lunacy | Depths Defier | No Rest for the Wicked | In Defiance of Death
    Defanged the Devourer | Nature's Wrath | Relentless Raider | True Genius | Bane of Thorns | Subterranean Smasher | Ardent Bibliophile

    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vDSA | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+2 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA | vRG
    Meet my characters :
  • AzuraFan
    Mixed feelings.

    Excited for more story content and the new companions. Will definitely try out the card game.

    Very disappointed that story content is once again being released within dungeons, UNLESS those dungeons can be completed solo with a companion, or there's a story mode. In a "play how you want" game, story content should not be in group areas. The reveal presentation stated that you don't have to interact with other players, but then it's announced that the year long story starts in a dungeon. Oh well.

    Upgrade editions are too expensive compared to the "new account" versions.

  • Jaavaa
    I go play uno. The better card game. 5 Bugs in the Store
  • AlexanderDeLarge
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Players should stop taking their existing problems about the game as a gripe about a new expansion(difficulty, etc). This expansion is exactly what one would expect from a new ESO expansion! And seems like a solid ESO expansion to me. Will pre-order!

    Two new companions!! This is one of the things I am mostly excited about, as I was not even expecting one new companion. I do hope ZOS will improve companions somewhat, so they do not have terrible downsides for rapport decreases anymore. Which would make them even better to play. (maybe even a function to autosummon them/not take the merchant/banker slot)

    This was their showcase for the next 12 months of content. The majority of that content is 6-12 months away. If they were to showcase something really cool next year, that content would be 18 months away. Systemically, the trading card game is the largest major addition to the game for the next 18 months.

    People have a right to be annoyed and upset by that.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 7 paid expansions. 22 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the vast majority of this game.

    "ESO doesn't need a harder overland" on YouTube for a video of a naked level 3 character AFKing in front of a bear for a minute and a half before dying
  • Ratharel
    After the teaser trailer I was excited that we might get sailing system, ship "houses", etc. But... card game?
    What's the point when I can just play Legends on my mobile? Blackwood was already the worst chapter for me in any aspect, but the new chapter shapes up as an rehashed Summerset with... card game... and fissures instead of geysers... Also, despite the earlier announcment, the chapter structure is pretty much the same, what's the change really?
    Total disappointment.
  • aedra
    Everything about this expansion's selling points feels like content that belongs in a big patch or DLC...A card game and 2 new companions...?

    I'm not going to sit here and pretend I know what makes a great expansion feature or features as everyone is different. I'm not against new and interesting gameplay addons. I know making refreshing and interesting content within an established universe like ESO within an MMORPG framework has its challenges undoubtedly but its hard to shake the feeling we can do better then this.

    We get no new skill lines, classes or races which are more standard and to be expected as *at least* one of the selling points on top of whatever else. I expect some existing gameplay features to be expanded on in some innovative ways. I don't know. Whatever it is this doesn't feel right at all and I'll be passing, maybe getting it on some sale.
    Edited by aedra on January 28, 2022 12:52AM
  • Jaavaa
    I bet, there are so many ppl who buys this nice card game addon day1 🙈
  • Kusto
    Each chapter has been worse than the previous one. Not buying this one.
  • Alinhbo_Tyaka
    I think I'll wait until this one hits the dollar bin. I get the impression that the game has hit a creative wall if the big selling point is a card game. But I'm sure marketing loves the idea because of the potential monetization and getting a P2W version into an ESO phone app.
  • Lilly_Elessa
    To get straight to the elephant: I am disappointed with the addition of a card game. I am not interested in a card game at all personally, but more importantly I do not see interest in it from anyone else.
    Like what seems to be most of this thread, I would rather have new weapons, a new class, QoL, or the like. I'm not going to be unhappy with anything that isn't those though, I enjoy side systems - And in the case of this game, I am absolutely still hanging onto ESO through the years of combat disappointment for the fantastic housing system. Boats could be cool. The antiquities a couple years ago were surprisingly nice (aside from mythics). These thing don't just make me happy though, they have fairly broad appeal! Which is good for ESO's health. But a card game? That does not have broad appeal (clearly). That is not attracting any new players, and that is NOT retaining existing players.

    High Isle itself, as a zone and concept, looks generally appealing. I do like the Bretons, a revisit to them is good. The newly created lore doesn't seem disruptive to the existing ES universe, which is important. I'm relieved that the new bad guy doesn't look like yet another world ending nonsense, back to back world threats is absurd.
    However as fundamentally important as all of this is, it is actually not a factor when I purchase the yearly chapter. These things keep me from becoming (more) disinterested and (permanently) leaving, but all of this content I can simply play next year through the subscription without an extra and expensive purchase.

    I do really like the look of the new companions (as much as I certainly feel like I'm in the minority for actually liking companions...), however there is insufficient information about them at this time. I like that one is implied to be okay with crime, however we don't know which crime she doesn't mind or if it is all crime, and that is VERY important to how usable she actually is for a focus on crime content (like, say, the Dark Brotherhood content). Not to mention, while I do enjoy the companions, they are not actually very effective, and have pitiful dungeon performance if you wanted to not have strangers in your instance or whatever. So do these new companions sell the chapter for me? Unknown. I feel just as on the fence now as I did when sitting down to the stream, and have to wait for more information at a future point.
    Plus, as the companions from last year seem to be tied to the map of Blackwood, rather than something that will be pulled out and sold separately... Won't I just get these two new companions for the same subscription cost in 2023?

    While not directly related to this reveal, but important to sales of the chapter - Previous chapters have had a fall "Sell more of the chapter" event. Whatever is given away in that event to people who purchased the chapter by the end of the event (whether they purchased during the event, or preordered before the chapter came out), that content is considerable in the value of actually buying the chapter at all. In the years of Summerset and Greymoor, the houses given away by that event added tremendous value to the purchase of the chapter. Elsweyr's event may not have had a house, but did have interesting and unique rewards. Blackwood on the other hand made a big deal of a "mystery prize", that turned out to only be the Q4 chapter unlock. This felt like a massive punch in the face, and poor value for buying the chapter, as anyone already subscribed will already effectively have that content. IE: Subscribed players got screwed. The fall event felt like a reliable, if surprise, addition to the value of buying in to the year's chapter, so if you were on the fence, it was some extra value you could count on. But after last year? The addition of value to buying the chapter is no longer reliable. I am on the fence about this year's chapter, as I have been for the past few years. Liking enough content, and knowing there's something else later could be enough to feel like the sell is worth enough (which is exactly the position I was in with Greymoor, and later in the year I was very happy with the house!). But after Blackwood's poor promotional content, I have absolutely no reason to weigh in any later added value for High Isle. This is a huge disadvantage for High Isle, as the usual main selling point (the yearly new feature) is unappealing. Not that waiting until fall to see what it is is an answer to this either - If you wait until the fall to buy it, you miss out on the pre-order bonuses, which do add some important bit of value. (Which, again, this chapter absolutely needs every scrap of, since the new feature brings none.)
  • From_Siberia
    [snip] And yes, my English is bad, so I apologize in advance to English speaking people.

    So, previously in official teaser we saw:
    • sea;
    • ships;
    • ships in a storm

    A lot of messages on official Twitter were in style of "where do you think this ship is heading?"

    My reaction: I see a small ship figurine of the map. I see a ship. I see the sea. I see three ships. I want to buy these ships and sail on them. *drooling*

    Yes, this automatically created an image of sea content like in some other popular MMOs like BDO - with ships, naval battles, piracy, diving, etc. We could explore islands by sailing on our own ship (I would love to buy a beautiful ship for 5-15k crowns), open sea as a location could be a really good place to relax. This picture formed in my head thanks to work of ZOS marketing department. However, I'm not first year in this game and I know how things are done here.

    No, I didn't expect you, ZOS, and your old engine can do that. But teaser and multiple hints in Twitter to sea content have created an inflated expectation. Moreover, today you announced very few things that I and other players could use. Your card game may have been a simple addition to standard game - but it has become main feature of this chapter.

    This is my little request — please be more careful next time when ordering a сinematic video from an outsourced studio. Don't let them create false hopes for new good content if you can't afford it. No, you didn't deceive me. But you showed me ships from different angles, in next step I wanted it and then you said "sorry, you'll get our version of TES:L and another location, wait for next year, lol". I knew that it would be so, but my mood was still spoiled. I think this is bad marketing.

    I would like to add some words. I'm more than just disappointed and expect nothing more from your team. I'm just a player with 10k hours on Steam and a regular buyer, my opinion is negligible. And yes, I'll buy Collector's Edition Upgrade version, but I love your game less and less - ESO doesn't make me happy. Even in PvP, where I learned to enjoy in this game, makes me and other players suffer in crazy lags in prime time. I just hope that everything will change in future for the better. I don't know if you can improve your game engine to afford really new interesting mechanics, but please do something about it. Thanks.

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by From_Siberia on February 1, 2022 3:01AM
  • omegatay_ESO
    amanes wrote: »
    I would buy it for 20$ but not for 40$ this "Chapter" is not worth full price and generally it seems every year the chapters are downgraded, what a weird marketing move you do.

    We get less of everything now days, we pay the same or more. Content wise, I am quite disappointed. This might be the first time since the game launched, where I don't buy the chapter, and just put the game on the shelf. Come back in a few years where I feel my 50 bucks is getting what I deserve.

    Plenty of other stuff to play. My steam library is overflowing. *shrugs*
  • luen79rwb17_ESO
    Really excited for Breton new lore and a brand new zone with zero nostalgia tags added to it.

    Card system was not on top of player demands but the obvious reading of all of this is that ESO is definately slowly moving towards maintainance mode. Any cash it's producing is definately going towards other game projects. It's si obvious now, look ar Q1 DLC, is 99% recycled NPC models

    V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
  • Lysette
    Krayl wrote: »
    For what it's worth I don't think people have a huge problem with the idea of having a card game in ESO.

    But based on track record of the antiquities and companion systems, and ZOS' desire to cater to casual players you know this card game is going to lack any sort of depth or strategy and just be a luck-based snooze.

    I would love to be proven wrong but basically everything they said about it amounts to as much.

    Well, chance is involved due to the shuffle of 2x2 decks and then playing from the same stack of cards. But on the other side, it means as well that the card game doesn't need balancing and that there is most likely no fool-proof method to just win the game by default by having the better decks. We would need to know more about how the game is actually played - like do player draw equally many cards from the deck or is this strategy dependent - to make an evaluation about the strategic moment which is in this element of chance.

    There might still be a way despite this unpredictability of which cards you might draw, to raise the probability to your advantage - at least you know half the cards in the stack and so you basically decide by choosing your decks to be part of it, if half of the cards are actually good ones or just trash or mediocre. It depends as well on if we get to know what cards are available or if this will just be discovered over time - I guess it is the latter with evolving card sets.

    I'm not so sure that it is actually an advantage to collect cards - there might be a way to just win by playing only bad decks and use the element of surprise, because a lot might not be used to this counter strategy.

    As far as leader boards go with the pvp version of this game - I see quite a lot of ways to cheat here, so this is not something I would be interested in - if it can be cheated, some people are going to cheat - so I'm likely just playing it with NPCs and friends only.
    Edited by Lysette on January 28, 2022 1:32AM
  • ldzlcs065
    Just hope Cyrodill will get enough attention.
  • Red_Feather
    I was hoping for something that would make the game feel less stale. The combat feels stale. The 'events' feel stale. Everything does. The reveal didn't change that.

    I got a feeling the game is a yearly formula while ZoS is working on something else?
  • K9002
    I think I'll wait until this one hits the dollar bin. I get the impression that the game has hit a creative wall if the big selling point is a card game. But I'm sure marketing loves the idea because of the potential monetization and getting a P2W version into an ESO phone app.

    An actual ESO app would be phenomenal if done right. If it could be used to claim the daily login rewards, manage crafting research, train mounts, post items on guild stores, send messages to other players and such. This is where the tavern games should be, if possible with crossplay so that we could play and chat with people who can't be at their computers or in front of TV at the moment.
  • KaosWarMonk
    A collectable card game?

  • StarOfElyon
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for tuning in for the global reveal. If you're still looking for more information, the post-reveal live stream is going on right now on The VOD of the main show is also up on YouTube.

    Now that The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle has been revealed, we want to hear from you! Let us know what you think of the upcoming chapter. The things you like, dislike, or have general questions about. This is your thread to communicate your initial thoughts about High Isle with the forum community and ZOS. We will use questions asked here as a reference point for communication between now and High Isle release.

    Your constructive feedback will let us know what information we can better clarify leading up to launch and beyond. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on High Isle!

    *Friendly reminder to keep the Community Rules in mind when replying. Thank you!

    On one hand, I look forward to playing it. On the other, I think the resources spent on adding a card game could have gone to improving zones and gameplay (weapons, skills and classes).
  • Fallconn
    Between the rip-off that is called Loot Crates and the announcement today, ESO has become one more MMO that is ending in disappointment for me. I'm actually considering leaving the MMO genre completely to play Co-Op Open World RPGs.

    New MMOs are exciting but once you learn the systems and master the content they become stale. GW2 and ESO have lasted the longest to me since level scaling makes more of the world exciting to explore. Someone needs to find a way to add more dynamic events to the game. Make the game mysterious and exciting again. Today's announcement adds nothing new to what we already see in the world and that is just boring. I would even venture to say that the team took the "easy" route instead of finding something worth accomplishing.
  • Jusey1
    I swear, I'm the only one who is actually happy with the card game thus far. I am excited to have another more relaxing activity to do in the game.
  • francesinhalover
    I can't lie, i always wanted cards on eso. I mean , i like them in any game.
    I love the 2 companions, i just hope they are ok with me using blade of woe please.
    My dream companions were a khajit and a female im insanely lucky!

    Some people wanted classes and skill lines... Tbh zenimax all i want is for some skills to have reworks... like sorc conjured pets... Clanfear looks awful.

    Rapid strikes would be amazing if it worked like jabs and at least had a dmg buff.

    Anyways... I never thought id be this excited for a expansion... But i just love the sea, the pirates... Stros mkay was awesome and i wanted more like it back... So i am really happy and hope i can buy it soon, huge hug
    I am @fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
    Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!
  • auz
    Trying to find a reason for a predominantly pvp player to buy the new chapter. Could not find one, yet. Not really interested in a card game. Especially not one I will need to do quests to expand on, unless those quests can be done in Cyrodiil or bgs and are achieved by fighting players. I am not really into the overland content and questing, though,the new zone looks cool. I like the theme. I almost got excited when tournament grounds were mentioned. Jousting or instance based melees would have been awesome. Guess I will just have to wait and see what grossly overpowered mythics and proc sets are added to the game to ensure I am sufficiently behind other pvp players with the dlc.

    We are all aware pvpers are a minority. How that could ever be expected to be changed or even just grow slightly with no new content or challenges for 2+ years is beyond me.

    Looking forward to the patch notes to see what new game breaking sets are to be added.

    Keep up the good work
  • xaraan
    I'm glad we are getting a Breton area (they are one of the three races of character I play).
    The setting looks beautiful.
    And happy I'm not going back into a hellish landscape of a deadric realm - they get old fast for me.

    I don't like card games, so another 'feature' added (like companions) that holds no value for me.
    (And I'll probably be forced into it for some rewards).

    How big is this? Are we talking a couple little islands? Is there more land somewhere else? etc.
    If this is smaller b/c of a work from home schedule, then the price should be smaller as well.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Wolf_Eye
    Jusey1 wrote: »
    I swear, I'm the only one who is actually happy with the card game thus far. I am excited to have another more relaxing activity to do in the game.

    You are not. I am looking forward to the card game as well! <3 I like that we have another thing that is not about combat combat combat. Combat already makes up for the vast majority of the game as it is.
    Soul Shriven
    honestly i feel like i took a deck of playing cards to the face in that reveal. agree with Noerra that we should have a leaderboard for BGs way before a scoreboard for a card game. it's insulting.

    to be fair i've been hoping for minigames in eso for a while now, but not like this! i think if the minigame route is gonna be the meat of the chapter it needed to be really comprehensive to not be as disappointing as it is.. for example: this card game + a new innovative PvP arena, maybe 2 team + jousting minigame + an optional fishing minigame that makes catching fish more interactive than just clicking E, let us reel them in and get fishing themed furnishings at the same time + the promise of a fishing event or two throughout the year + making every single board game furnishing into fully realized, interactable games that we could play in our homes, or throughout tamriel's inns. even then i really would've appreciated something as straightforward for a chapter update as a spear weapon line, any new weapon line, any new class, or race.
  • Lysette
    In my mind today's reveal show was mainly targeted at new players or those who consider playing ESO - less for those playing it for a long time. The summary at the beginning was all about the freedom to engage with the content pretty much in any of the available zones right from the very start - I personally felt this to be a reassurance for those of us, who like overland as it is, that we will be able to continue to play it like we are used to and that content will be added, which is more than just combat. We had quite an influx of new players lately and it is good that they are reminded of all the good things, ESO has to offer right away - they do not have to grind and play through years of content before getting to the new stuff. This is a selling point and today's show was a commitment to further continue on the path of freedom to play as and where you want.

    But we should as well not forget, that this year has a focus on performance intensive group content (not just pvp, as well pve) by re-writing core systems of the mega server - this is something a lot can benefit from, if done right. But this has still to be done and to add major new systems to group-oriented and pvp content, while these changes are in progress, doesn't make much sense - those can be designed and optimized better, once the rework of the mega server will be completed. Meanwhile we are getting a trial for 12 and some non combat elements - this CCG - which will bring more life into taverns and inns and enable interaction between players outside of combat - Matt called it a virtual world as much as being a game - good point.

    What would be a good idea to add though, is a card table for our homes - that we can invite friends and play with them at home as well or even play it with one of our companions - they could have different strategies matching their characters - Ember, the new one, even cheating a little or so.
    Edited by Lysette on January 28, 2022 2:23AM
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