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Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle

  • wazbaumukerb14_ESO
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    I think the actual playerbase is people who want to dress up NPCS and frolic through safe landscapes with colorful pets.
    Everyone else is the minority. That's the only way this makes sense.

    This seems like the most likely explanation.
  • Xorxe
    In some interview we were teased that there will be fundamental change in way that we will be playing the game. Well, they were right, I'll be playing no more, thats change in style of play I guess. But I was thinking more like free-up skill trees and get rid of classes, just pick 3 skill lines for your custom class, or maormer will be main focus so maybe underwater combat with water based new class, or maybe year long expedition to find new lands and continents? Nope, mobile card game (probably heavily monetized), 2 new companions (with no changes to stupid amount of grind to level them up) and thats it. I'm confused, why should I continue to play? I'll sit this one out, maybe next year they will be actualy working on the game, but I doubt that :-/
  • PurpleScroll
    The biggest thing I am looking forward to in this chapter? Ember. I am a deep Khajiit fan, always play one, so having a Khajiit mage following me around is going to be -incredibly- fun for me.

    I enjoyed Blackwood, far more than Greymoor, so I look forward to the new quests in the chapter as well.

    How I must be honest and I agree with the majority of posts here where I am not interested in a card game. I was, like most others, expecting some other big QoL improvement or a new class or skill line.

    Still, I am pre-ordering this chapter for the single reason that I want a Khajiit companion. I have Mirri maxed out because she's 'okay', but Bastian I just never bother with because he annoys me to no end.
  • insignismemoria
    Something to consider for those worried about the monetization of the cards!

    Crown/Crate items have all been base-game-accessible assets to this point (or items you are disallowed from purchasing without the relevant expansion).

    People would have paid big money for one-off Crown store companions. I would have paid huge for something like a race/appearance change token for companions but there is no companion content in the Crown store at all.

    This is likely because anyone who hasn't bought the expansion would be able to purchase something they would then have no access to without an additional purchase, and no way to give it to someone else who *could* use it (since Crown and crate items are bound).

    You can get leads without purchasing Greymoor, sure, but you don't get leads with Crowns. Additionally, the companion and jewelry crafting items you can get without owning the expansions aren't bound, can't be purchased with real money, and can be sold or given to other players.

    If they stuff the Crown store or crates with cards, there will be many, many players being given items that they lack the purchase to use, there are no Crown/Gem store items like this. Possibly, they're not *able* to sell us items that are bound and useless on the wrong side of a paywall, or put them in gambling boxes.

    (If they can/do put them in crates, we'll almost certainly be able to trade them for gems like consumables and furnishings.)

    Hopefully this is an encouraging thought for those who are disappointed, at least in some small way.
  • fizl101
    As always I'm looking forward to the new storyline and exploring the zone, what we saw looks beautiful. Cant wait for the new trial

    I havent played CCG so I am interested in giving it a try and see how it goes

    The new assistant is probably the first one I wont rush to buy,, jewellery is generally the only thing I save to decon, the rest gets sold

    Soupy twist
  • ceiron
    Is the card game not the mobile game (blades was it called?) That was discontinued and now being transferred into eso?

    So in essence its not new or anything. Just a rehashed add on

    Although have been asking for ingame minigames

    So i guess we are to blame
  • nihoumab14_ESO
    I'm pretty disappointed with the announcement. I was hoping for something in regards to combat (not companions). In no particular order, I was hoping for some kind of difficulty adjustment/option, some kind of new additional combat weapon, some kind of addition to the existing classes unique to those classes, the addition of a new magicka weapon/skill line, the addition of an entirely new combat system, the addition of new skills or adding third morphs to existing classes, a rework of the base classes to bring their design philosophies up to date with the new classes. Also, anything for PVP

    Hopefully High Rock can bring new things, and not just the card system and 2 companions (also disappointed that there is not a new male companion)
  • olsborg
    I was hoping for something more impactful. Not a cardgame i prob wont even touch. Skill-line or race or something like that. Im still hoping for big pvp class balance tho , but if that doesnt happen this patch imma take another long break again.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • kanczuzn_ESO

    This is likely because anyone who hasn't bought the expansion would be able to purchase something they would then have no access to without an additional purchase, and no way to give it to someone else who *could* use it (since Crown and crate items are bound).


    This isn't to necessarily debate your argument, but I just want to point out that this isn't entirely accurate. I have not tested if it's possible to purchase it without, but there is actually one thing I can think of this logic doesn't entirely work with.

    You can gift a Change Alliance token to someone, but if they lack the "Any Race, Any Alliance" bundle, then it won't allow the person to claim it. Just sits in the gift inventory. So... while you're not wrong that they might not try to monetize it, there is precedence to the idea. It might not be in Crown Crates, but that's not to stop them from creating "Card Packs" to do the same affect.
  • maddog1169
    From the little we have seen looks like setting and story seem interesting.

    That Card Game though completely unneccessary.

    Why do you invest in gettign better performance just to add such a useless hog again ?
  • bulcke10
    Give us at least a few new skilline's... 1hand and rune. Spellbook. Conjuring. Spear.... This community would be verry exited and play the game even more...

    And don't forget the new class for chapter 2023.
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    The change to account-wide achievements killed what little enthusiasm I was able to muster. A real kick in the feels.
    PC EU
  • colossalvoids
    bulcke10 wrote: »
    Give us at least a few new skilline's... 1hand and rune. Spellbook. Conjuring. Spear.... This community would be verry exited and play the game even more...

    And don't forget the new class for chapter 2023.

    Honestly speaking if they're gonna add at least half of those weapon lines there would be no need in new classes for a long time. Hope they'll realise what people who are playing their game really crave for one day.
  • Anne13
    I’m really not happy about account wide achievements and titles. Especially titles. I’ve worked hard at everything I’ve achieved and the challenge and fun of getting it again on different characters. On my main I have over 48k achievement points.
    People can run around on a level 24 crafter with godslayer… come on that’s ridiculous

    Please please don’t break the end game pve by implementing this :(
  • Lysette
    Why would someone buy card packs?- both players will choose 2 of their decks to bring to the table. Those 2x2 decks are then shuffled and that is then the card stack, where both are playing from. This follows the concept of new players can play together with those playing it since long - but at the same time, where is the advantage of having a "better" deck?- Whilst thinking about it, I came to the conclusion, that gathering no cards at all might actually be a valuable strategy in this game, because most playing it might go for better card decks whilst missing out on the experience to play with less good decks - and then suddenly they play with someone who deliberately brings 2 really crappy decks to the table - who will profit now?

    If both players will in average draw the same amount of cards from the deck, then this shuffling of decks from both sides and playing from the same stack is completely killing the need to look for better cards or any cards at all - we are getting 4 decks and basically just have to form 2 really crappy decks out of them and are good to go - if I bring 2 bad decks to the table, I will in average have half of the power of my opponent and he will have to deal with 50% of my crap - so who is profiting here?

    I mean it is "play as you want" - and supposed to be a strategy game - bringing 2 absolute crappy decks to the table is a strategy, it doesn't cost much effort to make it really crappy (I guess), no effort required and just profiting from the collection addiction of opponents - who bring those nice decks to the table, where I would be using 50% of their nice cards in average.

    I hope, ZOS has thought about the possibility, that some might just play the game upside down and not like they expect. I certainly would, to have the element of surprise on my side and to lower the advantage of being an experienced player on my opponent's side (assuming he is going for the normal path of bringing excellent decks to the table).
    Edited by Lysette on January 28, 2022 8:54AM
  • OtarTheMad
    I knew this year was going to be a thin year for content when I heard in a stream that ZOS found the fix to PvP but it'll take a while, plus ZOS saying that the "year of performance" is going to take longer because of the pandemic and backorders on parts. Then Matt's message about re-writing the foundational code to the game to fix PvP. When I heard all that I just knew this year was going to lack, which in my eyes was fine. I applaud ZOS for the effort they have taken in trying to fix and stabilize the game. Here are just some things I took out of the reveal.

    1. How big is this new landmass? I assume it's several islands from the sounds of it but the map that was shown by Rich when explaining where it is located makes this new area look so small. Is this chapter and Q4 zone going to be Gold Coast/Hew's Bane size? I can see this as good and bad because there are plenty of areas on the map I would love to see in this game, Solstheim, but it looked too small with how chapters and zone DLC areas were looking but maybe it'll work now.
    2. Like I said above I knew this year was going to be thin and I respect that even though it's frustrating. I wouldn't want anything big to be introduced and it just makes the code and performance changes worse. However, even though I am excited about the new landmass and lore, I find myself unable to justify spending the money to buy this.
    3. I like the decon assistant even though I don't plan on using it. It's a good idea for those who do not want to travel back to a town to empty inventory.
    4. For account-wide achievements: do PvP ranks count? How about a former emp? Is there a level limitation? (It would be kind of weird to have level 1 Grand Overlord's running around)
    5. Card game is interesting but nothing I am going to do. TES Legends was popular but just didn't make money so this makes sense.
    6. Nice that we get new companions but speaking as a player who has a busier life now I don't see myself using them as I still have not leveled Mirri or Bastion to max level. I am not looking forward to leveling two more. That doesn't mean I hate that they were added, I am actually interested in what classes these two will mimic, it just means that I won't get to them anytime soon.
    7. I love the changes to communication so far with putting things on multiple platforms. It makes getting news so much easier.
    spartaxoxo wrote: »

    I mean its this one and they used corporate speak to say exactly that before the update reveal hype train even got started to get people to temper their expectations.

    The pandemic delayed a lot of their hardware upgrade ability, as shipments just flat out got delayed. So they are working on getting that done. And they are also working on a re-architecture of the game. Between those two things taking up a ton of time and their employees continuing to be limited by the ongoing pandemic, they simply had to shift scope of the chapter.

    It must be so frustrating for them. I applaud the effort as this whole pandemic really messed up plans for them it seems. That doesn't mean I am not disappointed but I get it. Hopefully, when ZOS is able to shift back to normal we get a year-long story with a lot of new stuff.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on January 28, 2022 6:26PM
  • blktauna

    Wholly underwhelmed.

    Card Game, no
    Double mount, no
    house, gorgeous but don't care
    assistant, meh

    Location, yes
    Zaji and Jakarn, yes
    story, hopeful
    dolmen clone, yes... sorry I love the things :)
    companions, fun

    All of this would be fine but the price is the same as for a big, crammed full of new and exciting stuff like Summerset. Not fine with that. Maybe I'll just take this time to finish southern elsweyr and greymoor then get this one on sale. I guess when the PTS pops up Monday I'll see who finds what and how it looks.

  • Lysette
    They said there are 4 islands - 2 of which we will have access to - one is kind of the feudalistic "main" isle and the other is basically like Tasmania was in the past - a remote island, where the worst of criminals are exiled, just that in the ESO version those criminals are left to themselves with some guards to hinder them leaving the island - much like those places in the wetlands on the south-west coast of Tasmania have been - the worst place you could possibly end up as a criminal or guard, whilst still being alive - somewhat.

    Now thinking about this island - it would have been the perfect place to add a pvp zone and integrate it into the justice system - but then again, not at this time, due to the server redesign. I'm not fond of a new pvp zone, but the scenario there would go well with it - how did they say "there are no laws, if you go there, good luck" - or something like this - it would have been a good location for that outside of the 3 banners war.
    Edited by Lysette on January 28, 2022 9:37AM
  • Zealand
    Not interested in the card game at all. Really disappointed that development time was spent on a card game, when there is so much to be improved on. I was really hoping for something new in PVP to get me back into this game..
  • SkaraMinoc
    I'm excited for the new expansion. I love card games, medieval lore, and pirates.

    Things I wanted to see
    • Pirate skill tree
    • new battleground map in High Isle
    • companion duels
    PC NA
  • Moonsorrow
    So this years thing is a card game.. well, gonna skip this year (not gonna buy the chapter and ESO+ cancelled) then and see you all maybe next year, IF there is some actual content then in 2023 and hopefully some of the long promised performance fixes to the pvp actually doing something.
  • Lysette
    Zealand wrote: »
    Not interested in the card game at all. Really disappointed that development time was spent on a card game, when there is so much to be improved on. I was really hoping for something new in PVP to get me back into this game..

    How could you hope for that?- Matt clearly stated in his announcement about the server code re-design, that there is no new content coming to pvp until this redesign work has been completed - and they just started working on it a while back. There might be some minor things and events, but nothing really new - he clearly said this.
  • Ezhh
    New overland - lack of difficulty scaling and underwhelming storyline boss fights have sapped much of my ability to want to buy new content for quests/new maps. The area/theme (Bretons) itself is a bit neutral for me. I don't really care about Bretons. Don't hate them either. Just not something that enthuses me. Something other than a deadric invasion story could be nice though, so I hold hope for that aspect of it a little.

    Card game - this as a main feature is massively disappointing. I'm not totally against card games in general and have even enjoyed a few before, but it's not what I am playing ESO for. I find myself worried important items (new mythics maybe?) will get locked behind this. Then it will be what? Play one potentially frustrating/tedious mini-game to unlock a lead I then dig up through another quite boring mini-game? This isn't engaging and feels like a potential massive time sink in the making. Please don't go this route with it.

    As for the game itself, finding ways to unlock new cards (so long as they are not in the crown store) might have been fun, but the mixed deck approach to make it fair sounds like it removes any real reason to care about getting better cards. Obviously don't know how it all works, so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised, but it currently sounds like the opposite of a card game I'd like to play.

    Decon assistant - Unless this can be earned in game it will be a hard no thanks from me. Even if it felt worth the crazy price it's likely to cost, there are not enough quick slots for me to add more things to the wheel!

    Two-person mounts - Feels gimmicky. Like something that will be all the rage and then kind of forgotten long term. I have nothing against it, but it's not something for me.

    Companions - Barely used the current ones. They are a pain to level and I hope adding more each chapter won't stay a big focus.

    Trial - At this point I wish you'd make a trial DLC priced like dungeon DLCs, because it's the only content in a chapter that I really care much about, and it would save me the "pay a high price for this chunk of content I mostly don't care about, or probably abandon the game" type decision.

    Account wide achievements - I don't know what to feel about this. Could be nice for some things, but I use achievements to track what each of my characters did, so losing this ability won't be fun. I know a few things will be excluded, but for example - I use the dungeon achievements to see if a character got a skill point there yet or not. It also could make trial groups for more difficult achievements harder to make, because people who already did things are less likely to care about getting them on other characters. It can already be a challenge to make groups for things like trifectas, so this could make that situation much worse.

    Overall - pretty disappointed.
  • SerafinaWaterstar
    IMO we need to stop asking for anything that adds new combat skills (new classes, new weapon skill lines etc)......... More combat skills = more bugs, which they'd prioritise fixing over existing bugs, due to the fact that people had recently spent $ to attain those skills. I'd much rather they stopped adding extra things to combat, and significantly slowed balance patches, until a great number of existing bugs had been addressed.

    In saying that, some new NON-COMBAT skill lines would be nice. e.g. Overhaul the fishing system and make it a skill line, as people have suggested. A fishing overhaul would have timed very nicely with an island xpac. While a card game isn't great, at least it doesn't introduce 100000 more combat bugs.

    Their Jan PVP update states their current plan, which I am very much behind (if they actually manage to do as they say they will): 'In the meantime, we’ll consider additional ways to keep Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds interesting and exciting (for example, potentially special rulesets or weekend events) and will continue to work on bug fixes affecting combat, but we won’t be adding any new features to PvP until the work mentioned above is complete. Doing so would not only prolong the fixes we want to implement but would also exacerbate the issue of poor performance.'

    This is roughly how I also feel.

    Would rather they actually tried to fix things, especially pvp, than add more problems.
  • Demo_22
    Lysette wrote: »
    Zealand wrote: »
    Not interested in the card game at all. Really disappointed that development time was spent on a card game, when there is so much to be improved on. I was really hoping for something new in PVP to get me back into this game..

    How could you hope for that?- Matt clearly stated in his announcement about the server code re-design, that there is no new content coming to pvp until this redesign work has been completed - and they just started working on it a while back. There might be some minor things and events, but nothing really new - he clearly said this.

    If they can add instanced dungeons with dozens of mobs they can for sure add instanced arena where players can fight 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3. And if they can add matchmaking and scoreboard for a card game then they can make it for the arena as well. All this talk about redesigning code is nothing but an excuse.
    Edited by Demo_22 on January 28, 2022 10:18AM
  • Lysette
    Demo_22 wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    Zealand wrote: »
    Not interested in the card game at all. Really disappointed that development time was spent on a card game, when there is so much to be improved on. I was really hoping for something new in PVP to get me back into this game..

    How could you hope for that?- Matt clearly stated in his announcement about the server code re-design, that there is no new content coming to pvp until this redesign work has been completed - and they just started working on it a while back. There might be some minor things and events, but nothing really new - he clearly said this.

    If they can add instanced dungeons with dozens of mobs they can for sure add instanced arena where players can fight 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3. And if they can add matchmaking and scoreboard for a card game then they can make it for the arena as well. All this talk about redesigning code is nothing but an excuse.

    But if he clearly says, we are not doing it - hoping for it happening is what then?
  • Demo_22
    Lysette wrote: »
    Demo_22 wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    Zealand wrote: »
    Not interested in the card game at all. Really disappointed that development time was spent on a card game, when there is so much to be improved on. I was really hoping for something new in PVP to get me back into this game..

    How could you hope for that?- Matt clearly stated in his announcement about the server code re-design, that there is no new content coming to pvp until this redesign work has been completed - and they just started working on it a while back. There might be some minor things and events, but nothing really new - he clearly said this.

    If they can add instanced dungeons with dozens of mobs they can for sure add instanced arena where players can fight 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3. And if they can add matchmaking and scoreboard for a card game then they can make it for the arena as well. All this talk about redesigning code is nothing but an excuse.

    But if he clearly says, we are not doing it - hoping for it happening is what then?

    Desperation. I was not hoping for it since I am not a big PvP player but seeing the complete disregard for a part of eso playerbase is disgusting
  • Iron_Warrior
    Remember whenever someone started a thread giving ideas for gameplay changes, some people would rush in to drop the "resources would be better spent elsewhere" card?

    Now atleast we know what that elsewhere is...
    Edited by Iron_Warrior on January 28, 2022 10:35AM
  • Hotdog_23
    and lord knows I waste time playing ESO that dollar to game playing time then this is a good value. Excited to explore and experience a new area and learn more about the Brenton’s.

    Looking forward to the new dungeons but really hope the secret bosses do not require 4 players to access them. Especially since there are story elements behind them. Really love to solo them to take my time enjoy the story the first time at my own pace. New trial will be nice too. Wish you would create a trial finder for normal trials. Generally, play off prime and not a lot of trials going own when I play.

    That said the new card game as the new thing seems lackluster at best for me. No opinion on it since we really know nothing about it. Kind of disappointed we have no new class or combat system. Holding out hope they are just holding something back to release later about the chapter.

    Two new companions could be great if one doesn’t hate harvesting anything in the game or mind killing and stealing. Because if they don’t then they will become the only companion that I use then. At least now I can have at least one healer, one dps and one tank each.

    Decon assistant seems odd to me. Unless she can mass fillet fish then I see no need for her at all. Plus, we need to be able to quick assigned things like assistants above the 8 we have now.

    2 people mount, ok not my cup of tea but glad for those that where looking forward to it.

    Happy for our Spanish speaking brothers and sister on localization in update 34.

    Account wide achievements is nice for everyone that wanted it, never really bother me. Same for the trophies on the PlayStation.

    New house looks nice but still at 700 slot limits. They mentioned housing several times in the promotion but nothing new except the new house itself. Nothing added to the base game that console can look forward to.

    Stay safe :)
  • asuitandtyb14_ESO
    You guys REALLY messed up. I'm beyond speechless.
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