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Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle

  • MrCaptainPants
    I think the card game introduction may have been slightly mismanaged. The way it was presented in the stream - with very little information about its game play, and only a quick peek at a couple of cards - it almost seemed like even *ZOS* was embarrassed to announce it.

    If the card game is the ONLY new system we will be getting, I think it would have been better to go into a little more detail, just to try to get people excited about it. I can't imagine that the Devs didn't already know this was going to be a tough sell.

    I'll wait to see what it's like, but I can't say I'm particularly enthusiastic about it. I have never enjoyed CCGs, so I can't imagine this will be any different.

    I *do* appreciate the new story being more political posturing and less "End-of-the-World", though.

    I also will likely enjoy the new companions, although I do wish that leveling up their rapport wasn't such a huge time-sucking grind.

    So...not very excited about this upcoming chapter, no, but I may still purchase it if I can catch it on sale sometime after launch.

    In future chapters, I would really, really, REALLY like to see some new weapon options for magicka users. Having a staff be their only choice while stamina users have quite a few options to choose from seems a bit dull.
  • Crash427
    This may sound salty but it's a sincere question: why bother giving feedback? By the time anything is revealed its as good as locked and historically the feedback for the PTS has been ignored.

    And if anyone's to blame for the disappointment its ZOS. Beautiful cinematic trailers and a global reveal event for...Betnikh 2.0 and a recycled card game that couldn't make it on it's own.
  • Arthtur
    Things i like:
    - New motifs but those are always added
    - New blueprints but those are always added
    - Good looking DLC dungeons

    Things i dont mind:
    - Card game. For me this is better than companions soo.... A note that i wont like it if getting cards will be just a grind or there will be "cards" in crown store.

    Things i dont like:
    - New zone with no challenge like always. "Challenging quest" when the biggest challenge is not to fall asleep during invincible phases.
    - Reskined group event in overland. I dont like those as rewards are balanced around being in group so getting anything solo is just a pain. And if there is a big group then it just farming after turning brain off.
    - No rewards for DLC Dungeons again. Sorry but body markings and mementos are rather a bad reward for me. I wouldnt complain if those were just extra rewards in addition to good rewards like personality or skin for trifecta or challenger achievement. And sorry but im not using titles. (Colors and motifs are basic rewards while im talking about doing HM etc.)
    - Account-wide achievements. I dont understand why a new character should have a trifecta achievements. Also it will feel wierd not getting achievements on new characters after doing HM or trifecta...

    Overall im rather dissapointed.
    PC/EU @Arthtur

    Toxic Tank for the win :x
  • Ratzkifal
    Okay, first off I am very glad you are giving Bretons more attention. So far I haven't seen anything of the things I would want to see from the Breton lore being fleshed out more, but the chapter also isn't out yet, so that remains to be seen. In my opinion a Breton chapter should make it clear how Bretons are different from other humans, especially those from real-world medival Europe, because you would expect magic humans with elven ancestory to be different.
    I am also pleased to see that you are willing to expand into lesser-known or outright unknown areas of the Elder Scrolls that aren't limited to Daedric planes (like Fargrave) but on Tamriel as well. That gives me hope that the Bosmer could also get their chapter yet still.

    As for the features that were announced, I'll start with the positives and work my way towards the negatives.

    I think the deconstruction assistant is a good addition, in-line with previous assistants, and a pure luxury quality of life feature, even if the supposed 5000 crown price tag is still too much for my taste. It is still a natural step to take and monetization here seems appropriate, which is an improvement compared to the Armory Assistant which should never have been a paid service to begin with in order for it to serve its intended function.

    I also like that the new outfit style coming to Imperial City can't be traded, which was a huge missed opportunity with the Nibenese Court Wizard style and completely failed to revitalize Imperial City because of that. Now I am not a huge fan of the style itself, but I recognize that not everything has to appeal to me personally. It is a step in the right direction though.

    Now I do think a card game is a good addition. I just don't think it works as a selling point for a chapter, especially because that just limits who you can play that game with if not every other player can participate - we've had the same issue with Battlegrounds in Morrowind.
    I feel as a feature for the Bretons, Jousting would have been a chapter-appropriate feature to add - we even saw a jousting list in the footage. It wouldn't have to mean mounted combat in general, although that would indeed be great, but getting to play a jousting minigame against NPCs or other players would have been great, especially if you could introduce a jousting leaderboard or allow guilds to hold jousting tournaments.

    Lastly I feel like a lot of issues went unaddressed, and for a change I am not talking about performance or PvP. It is high time this game gets another proper gold sink, because I have millions and millions of gold and nothing to spend them on and I know I am not the only player with that problem either. There is too much gold in the economy and that's bad. Housing originally served that purpose, but since Hakkvild's High Hall there hasn't been another manor-sized house that could be bought with gold. Now most people don't care about that as they can buy the crown-exclusive houses through crown-exchange, but crown-gifting for gold does not drain gold from the economy! If you won't use housing as a gold sink, then give us another gold sink!
    I also think Endeavors as a feature still need some polish. Right now these still feel like a chore rather than something that just happens in the background that rewards you for playing the game however you like, not to mention that the pricing is just very strange and not in line with the crown gem pricing at all.
    Companions still need to be given a proper function/purpose in the game because you have to invest a lot into them just to start getting returns, which just completely goes against the point of helping players who are struggling to begin with. I am hoping that as new companions are released it will be less jarring to see half the population in the game have one of the same two faces, but I personally very much dislike the current state of that feature.
    There are many areas of this game that need polish and updates but instead a new feature gets churned out every year and then is swiftly forgotten and thrown onto the pile of other features.
    Antiquities and mythics seem to be the only feature that got a consistent amount of development love since their release, and I expect that trend to continue in High Isle, so the prospect of getting new antiquities and mythics with High Isle excites me more than seeing another manor I can't justify spending 100€ on, two new useless companions I won't care about or a card game nobody will end up playing with me no matter how fun it is.

    Also, please start testing/taking feedback on balancing sooner than the start of a regular PTS cycle, because that can save us all three months of headache and frustration until the next patch arrives to fix whatever the last one broke.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • Drdeath20
    What a day!

    At first I was completely in shock, from the horror, that next patche’s feature was gonna be a card game.

    Thankfully I later saw that they will be addressing combat skills (you know the actual meat and potatoes of the game).

    Build variety and having options is in the top 3 things a game like this should be focusing on.

    I am bored to tears of lore and overland. I try to skip through the overland as fast as possible so I can get back to enjoying the more challenging parts of the game.

    Companions slightly help with overland but I would not buy another patch bcz of them and a card game is neat but it’s just fluff not a feature.

    When I finish questing the only thing I have is playing around with my characters builds. A well deserved attaboy to the developers for actually addressing combat, even if it’s only slightly. I will be preordering highisle solely for the combat changes.
  • SantieClaws
    This one has had time to consider her thoughts, also to nap a bit.

    A card game was really not on the hoped for list of additional systems or system changes at all. Khajiit would much rather have seen, for example, a means of expanding the trading system by purchaseable small traders to place in a home.

    Guilds, housing, the trading system. All of these things could benefit from new system time.

    Saying that this one is fair and will give it a go and see.

    Bretons. Well this one would have preffered a bit more sand but there has never been a new area yet that has not grown on this one so she is sure it will be fine.

    Khajiit companion. Oh yes please. This one still also hopes though for more customisation, especially of the hair and the head.

    Deconstruction scrap lady. Very welcome indeed.

    Double mounts. Useful perhaps when helping guildie kittens that cannot yet run as fast.

    Dungeons - rarely get to do them as the signature facetanking style of this one does not work so well against most bosses.

    Looking forward to Test Tamriel next week.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Wolf_Eye

    Dungeons - rarely get to do them as the signature facetanking style of this one does not work so well against most bosses.

    I had no idea you were a master of the Whispering FaceTank Claw! Very impressive!
  • NeeScrolls
    LonePirate wrote: »
    I'm sorry but there is absolutely no proof that this actually happens,.
    eh-hem, i'd say this is proof enough:

    Either way, as a prior developer on another MMO myself, i stand by my previous post you attempted to quote.

    And again: What players say on these forums is def. important. How they speak with their wallet$ is even more important.

    p.s. The TCG in SWG was pretty cool & fun imo , so while it's not something i necessarily wanted, i'm still curious to see ESO's version. Additionally, i'm very curious to see how @ZOS_ devs figure out this: well as this: ...both of which could potentially augment 'High Isle' this summer.
    Edited by NeeScrolls on January 28, 2022 10:59PM
  • Elsonso
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    I would just like to know if the card game is going to be optional (like antiquities is), or if one is "challenged" one has no choice but to play. My purchase of the chapter hinges entirely on the card game being optional.

    Interesting. I never considered that it wouldn't be optional.
    I think the card game introduction may have been slightly mismanaged. The way it was presented in the stream - with very little information about its game play, and only a quick peek at a couple of cards - it almost seemed like even *ZOS* was embarrassed to announce it.

    I did not get that impression. Instead, what I see is a system that is still 3 months (-ish) from being on PTS and that is still being actively developed... coupled with the desire to "not tell us everything" so they have something to say in late April when it shows up on PTS. There is a ton of art to do for those cards.
    In future chapters, I would really, really, REALLY like to see some new weapon options for magicka users.

    I would also like to see new combat related features... class... weapon... magical fighter jets... the usual stuff. Sadly, what I am starting to consider is that ZOS will decide to do features that are tossing a hand grenade into the room. So, that means that the next big feature will be a RACE, since that is pretty polarizing. Probably squirrels. :smile:
    Wolf_Eye wrote: »

    Dungeons - rarely get to do them as the signature facetanking style of this one does not work so well against most bosses.

    I had no idea you were a master of the Whispering FaceTank Claw! Very impressive!

    Same here. Would like to see that in action, some day. :smile:
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Csleia
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore
  • Drdeath20
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    Congratulations you are now free to play the game purely for enjoyment.
    Edited by Drdeath20 on January 28, 2022 10:59PM
  • Eormenric
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to address two things here since @LonePirate mentioned these.
    1. We are reading the comments across the spectrum in this forum thread and compiling reports to send to internal teams within ZOS. We started this thread for a reason and that was to get feedback and questions. So that we can get answers and get those to players between now and launch of High Isle. We want this as an avenue to have stronger communication. So please use it to provide constructive feedback and general questions about the chapter. We are reading.
    2. Thank you to everyone who has provided constructive feedback so far. We appreciate you taking the time to do so.
    3. No one is being reallocated from working on ESO. Any other suggestion is just a baseless rumor.

    From what one can gather from your original post and this post @ZOS_Kevin, it appears there's no real change possible for the High Isle chapter content, but rather providing answers on people's question about "Will there be more than what was revealed?" because currently 53-78% of users would have liked something different than what was showcased.

    Are we to understand that plans may change for content during the year-long adventure because of our feedback? Or that there was some sort of plan B scenario for the chapter in case the reveal was ill-received? Is there an analogous "ripcord" that can actually be pulled? Will marketing provide damage control by revealing plans for the entire year instead of each quarter as it arrives, letting us know that what we asked for is in the works albeit very far away?

    My questions ask not if our comments are being read, but if they will be acted upon.
  • Csleia
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    Congratulations you are now free to play the game purely for enjoyment.

    congratulations on agreeing that this kills endgame and all that will be left is roleplaying
  • maboleth
    Eormenric wrote: »
    From what one can gather from your original post and this post @ZOS_Kevin, it appears there's no real change possible for the High Isle chapter content, but rather providing answers on people's question about "Will there be more than what was revealed?" because currently 53-78% of users would have liked something different than what was showcased.

    You're wasting your time explaining them anything. Yes, exactly what you thought. It's already set in stone, just minor tweaks are possible at this stage. They are making this game based on their own agenda, statistics that is just loosely based on what players think. And even that is filtered.
  • SerafinaWaterstar
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    Congratulations you are now free to play the game purely for enjoyment.

    But what if I enjoy replaying the game on different characters AND getting each character their own achievements?!
  • aeowulf
    Looking forward to new zone
    Looking forward to new companions
    Don’t care about card game - if I wanted to play a card game I’d play a card game, maybe ES: legends… but I don’t.if I did, and collected cards,I also would not want my opponent using them against me!

    But I am wondering if ES: legends is getting an MMO mini game…

    Would have preferred something like pet exp, towards maybe mini-Mundas type effects. Wolfs pets might give +few hundred hp, horse movement speed, Dwemer extra gold, camels might give you the hump - that sort of thing.
  • Csleia
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    Congratulations you are now free to play the game purely for enjoyment.

    But what if I enjoy replaying the game on different characters AND getting each character their own achievements?!

    exactly, why should i make a new character that has everything completed just to walk around and look at stuff, i have other characters that i can walk around and look at stuff, and i have other games that i can do a lot more than walk around and look at stuff
  • Drdeath20
    Csleia wrote: »
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    Congratulations you are now free to play the game purely for enjoyment.

    congratulations on agreeing that this kills endgame and all that will be left is roleplaying

    If that’s what you consider enjoyment than more power to ya!
    Edited by Drdeath20 on January 29, 2022 12:03AM
  • Csleia
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    Congratulations you are now free to play the game purely for enjoyment.

    congratulations on agreeing that this kills endgame and all that will be left is roleplaying

    If that’s what you consider enjoyment than more power to ya!

    the point im making is youre clearly a new player so you see this as a quality of life improvement because you wont have to go back and "redo" challenges/achievements on other characters,

    and that is the same reason it will be very hard for you and other newer players to get into endgame, because nobody will go back and "redo" challenges/achievements on other characters, you will get no help, your raid leader wont have clears, you will struggle, or you will just roleplay and never do hard endgame content
  • Drdeath20
    Csleia wrote: »
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    Congratulations you are now free to play the game purely for enjoyment.

    congratulations on agreeing that this kills endgame and all that will be left is roleplaying

    If that’s what you consider enjoyment than more power to ya!

    the point im making is youre clearly a new player so you see this as a quality of life improvement because you wont have to go back and "redo" challenges/achievements on other characters,

    and that is the same reason it will be very hard for you and other newer players to get into endgame, because nobody will go back and "redo" challenges/achievements on other characters, you will get no help, your raid leader wont have clears, you will struggle, or you will just roleplay and never do hard endgame content

    A lot to unpack here.

    1. Been playing since launch.
    2. I have completions/titles on multiple toons which I play all the time
    3. It is not very hard to get into endgame guilds and if you think that me being former emperor or flawless conqueror make more of a difference vs a parse or heal/tank tryout, well I just couldn’t disagree with you anymore.
    4. There is no prestige in the titles bcz people have been paying for carry’s for years.

    For whatever reason you are trying to attribute my motive. I have flawless conquer on all my characters yet I still do VMA to this day. I do it for pure for the enjoyment of trying to beat my last score.

    One could say that the only reason people care about titles being character bound is because they spent a small fortune being carried on alternate toons only to have that decision blow up in their face.

    Not saying it’s you, just saying.
  • Elsonso
    aeowulf wrote: »
    Looking forward to new zone
    Looking forward to new companions
    But I am wondering if ES: legends is getting an MMO mini game…
    LOL. That would be funny.

    Sadly, the ESO card game will probably end up being the only Elder Scrolls card game that people can play. :smile:

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • gariondavey
    Now firstly this is entirely speculation and I want to make it clear that I'm not insinuating anything against the devs and only mean this as constructive criticism.

    But it feels like the release schedule of these yearlong adventures has hindered the actual meat of the content. I'm not sure if that's the case, but besides Elsweyr, it feels like all of the expansions post Summerset have fallen a little flat when it comes to actual content offered. Greymoor had antiquities and wonderfully gorgeous zones yes, but with how easy the overland content is the actual expansion felt relatively "thin".

    Blackwood was even worse imo. Again, it was a gorgeous zone and the lore added was nice, but in terms of actual content the Companions system didnt offer much to veteran players once the novelty wore off.

    Compare this to the expansions before Greymoor, and all of them expanded much more upon systems. To me, it feels like this is because of the time crunch and demand to fit the "yearlong adventure" schedule. This is obviously just my opinion based on an observation because I have no way of knowing the actual workflow of the dev cycle.

    I would have been happier with even an extensive rework of some outdated systems. Extensive, intricate new content doesn't have to be the selling point if something big is changed or shaken up. But with High Isle, this doesn't seem to be happening. I'm sure the card game will be fun for many players but at the end of the day it's just kind of a mini game and is not the kind of thing that draws many of the players into an MMO like ESO.

    TL;DR: it feels like (to me) that the yearly release schedule rushes content that has been slimming down each year to meet the cycle. The lack of new/updated gameplay and combat systems is somewhat disappointing

    Well said
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • VaranisArano
    Question about Account Wide Achievements: Will the dates we received them on different characters still be accessible or will they all be amalgamated?

    Situation where I'd use this: Varanis Arano was my first character to try PVP, and occasionally I like to look back at my PVP progress. So I'll look at achievements and see the date I got the Recruit title, captured my first resource, or got Emperor Slayer (with a lucky light attack, no less). It's a nice trip down memory lane.

    Of course, I've since PVPed on other characters and gotten some of those achievements on multiple characters.

    So will it still be possible for me to remember Varanis Arano's journey with the dates she obtained her achievements now that they'll be account wide?

    Or do I need to take some screenshots before this goes live?
  • Toxic_Hemlock
    Well to chime in with the others I am disappointed that the selling point is a card game, but I am willing to see what the PTS shows. My only hope now is that you can get transmutes doing these games that does not involve "dueling" other players. If I have to play other NPC's for them them awesome, but if not I can see another area of the game that will be skipped by me.

    The motifs are good I guess, but I am not a fashion maven anyways. The deconstruct assistant won't be used by me (just like the armory) as I do my own with my master crafter daily anyways. Combining titles might be good if only to share executioner with my new alts without having to do that damn quest again. DLC dungeons, I don't do as they take far to long and usually have one hit mechanics that I cannot solo and connecting these to the lore makes me miss 90% of the zone story YET AGAIN. I am looking forward to seeing what the crafted overland sets are though.

    So a mixed bag for sure and without a PTS preview I am leaning 90% useless/10% fair as to what this chapter offers me as I only play solo.
  • U_D_D_I_N_R
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    I’m curious as to how ZOS is handling the overwhelming negative feedback. Are they taking the community’s disappointment to heart and creating action plans to deliver the systems we asked for in the future? Or do they just think that our feedback is more “wahh wahh” and they know what’s best?

    It's a modern company so they probably just look at metrics not posts. If people are playing and buying stuff = things are good. The corporate model is to focus on what people do not what they say.

    Anyway I can't believe anyone would be opposed to account bound achievements lol. It's completely the norm at this stuff, and frankly almost everything in MMOs should be account-bound all the time. Busywork of redoing stuff on alts is terrible and doesn't respect your time.

    Why do you think FFXIV is the number 1 MMO right now? There are a few factors, one of which is their ability to communicate and listen to feedback from their community on various forums and social media.

    In 2019, after the Shadowbringers announcement, there was a massive backlash about two things absent from the Shadowbringers expansion. One was no new healer job and the other was no male Viera as a playable race. Instead of dismissing their player feedback they actually immediately reached out to the community and asked “why?” they wanted to know why is this important to the players. And shortly after that, way before shadowbringers even launched, they let the community know that what they wanted is going to be developed. Then thanked the fans for their passion and love for the game. Imagine ZOS doing that …

    And if all they are looking at is metrics and algorithms to determine what the players want content wise or will spend money on then this game will never reach its potential.

    I’m with you 100% on account wide achievements. That’s a great change and a prime example of them listening to feedback from the forums.

    [snip] this mmo is the best right now, it just needs some fixing such as pvp laggin, some other ***, i was exactly like this, i said this mmo is *** like 3 years ago quit, played those mmo you mentioned and seen there just worse than this, theres no replacement atm, it will take time to fix.

    [Edited for Baiting]
    Edited by Psiion on January 29, 2022 2:38AM
  • Sylvermynx
    Question about Account Wide Achievements: Will the dates we received them on different characters still be accessible or will they all be amalgamated?

    Situation where I'd use this: Varanis Arano was my first character to try PVP, and occasionally I like to look back at my PVP progress. So I'll look at achievements and see the date I got the Recruit title, captured my first resource, or got Emperor Slayer (with a lucky light attack, no less). It's a nice trip down memory lane.

    Of course, I've since PVPed on other characters and gotten some of those achievements on multiple characters.

    So will it still be possible for me to remember Varanis Arano's journey with the dates she obtained her achievements now that they'll be account wide?

    Or do I need to take some screenshots before this goes live?

    Screenshot it. Can't hurt, and.... well, you should just keep stuff until you know how things are going to land....
  • tomofhyrule
    I've always favored the character-based achievements over account-wide, but I completely see why people would want account-wide. I just also see why people want character specific ones.

    I'd really hope that the 'account wide achievements' ends up being a way that we can see an overall achievement score over all of our characters and see which achieves we got, but we can also look at which were obtained by a specific character - sort of like the Global Achievement addon. It would be fun if the score bar kept the score for a character in blue like it does, and then had a purple (or some other color) to show the score behind it adding in the achievements from all the other characters on your account that the current character doesn't.

    And I will say I'm happy that I can give my RP character a title that I earned with my main. It just feels wrong sometimes to rebuild a specific character into a specific role just to get a title because the title fits based on the lore.

    I guess we'll find out on Monday, but I am curious...
    • They confirmed not everything is account-wide. Do we know which ones are and which aren't?
    • Are partial achievements account-wide, or only collected. For example, can all of your alts work together to get the monster trophies, or does it only count for your account-wide score if one character gets all of them?
    • Again, is there any way we'll be able to see the progress of a specific character? I do like to look back at achieve dates every so often.
    • Can we get a 'search' or at least an easy way to find titles if we're all of a sudden going to get loads of them? Some are really hard to find.
  • Dojohoda
    Alliance War Achievements were not mentioned as being excluded. Maybe they will be, I hope to find out that they are.

    Anyway -- If Alliance war achievements are included does this mean that if I (grand overlord on a character) make a new toon, it will be loaded with 50 skill points from the alliance war achievements ?

    If yes, then what the heck, that is a grand overload of skill points to a baby toon.

    If no, then why not? Other than fun, what is the point of going into cyrodiil to earn those skill points if all of your characters have already been granted the alliance war achievements ?
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • Sylvermynx
    Dojohoda wrote: »
    Alliance War Achievements were not mentioned as being excluded. Maybe they will be, I hope to find out that they are.

    Anyway -- If Alliance war achievements are included does this mean that if I (grand overlord on a character) make a new toon, it will be loaded with 50 skill points from the alliance war achievements ?

    If yes, then what the heck, that is a grand overload of skill points to a baby toon.

    If no, then why not? Other than fun, what is the point of going into cyrodiil to earn those skill points if all of your characters have already been granted the alliance war achievements ?

    Yeah, that's one of the oddball dichotomies they don't seem to have addressed. Now, I'm not an achievement person at all, but even I can see the major disconnect with this.

    It's.... just weird. It's as if they actually look at all the crazy crap posted by a small proportion of the game's players on this forum, and somewhere in some dev brain a lightbulb all of a sudden sends a zap of light and that person is like - whoa, THAT is what we need to do NAOW.

  • SirAxen
    Csleia wrote: »
    Account wide achievements -

    this removes all incentive for people that already cleared trifectas to ever go back in again on any of their characters

    you almost never see a trifecta clear where all 12 people had never done it before, the backbone of eso endgame is players with experience helping others who dont,

    and they take in new characters to get the achievement again, they dont bring the same godslayer character back into a godslayer prog

    why should i ever make a new character again? it will have everything completed at level 3, i wont even have to buy skill lines from the crown store anymore

    How many times do you need to earn something before you feel like you've earned it?
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