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Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle

  • VaranisArano
    Demo_22 wrote: »
    A rather disappointing year.

    Can't have new classes or skill lines because of last gen RAM limits.

    One thing I don't really understand is how is it a problem to add new skills for players, yet adding two new companions with new spells is fine.

    It would be great if we could get some sort of Dev clarification on this. I can hazard a guess why, but a Dev could explain the actual technical limitations behind their choices.

    The closest I can find is an interview with Matt Firor where he talks about how last-gen consoles limit what they can do.

    This part is completely secondhand, repeated from someone who watches Rich's stream - apparently new weapon animations have to always be loaded so that characters don't T-pose.

    An official Dev answer would be nice.
  • ADarklore
    While I am super hyped, even ordered the Knight statue, I'm disappointed with the Companions. Excited that we're getting new ones, disappointed that it's two FEMALES and not a mix male and female! Every new set of companions should offer something for people that prefer to travel with a female and those who prefer to travel with a male. I prefer male companion, but I was completely disappointed with Bastian and his lame "white knight" syndrome. Yet, we're getting another 'knight' which is added disappointment.

    Which means, I hope the next set of companions are two MALES... and something different than anything 'knight' related.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Phanex
    Don't get me wrong, any new content is most welcomed, however, the card game shouldn't be a buying point for the game.

    New locations, yes, new storyline, yes, even the companions are awesome, but a system that won't advance the story or offers a new PVP perspective is a bit meh...

    If anything, I'd rather have private ships we can use to transport materials for favor with the islands or use for PVP out in the ocean, or PVE vs the sea elves or something fun like that. Then we can customize our times.

    Again, the card game is an okay addition, but it should not be a major part of a release, more of a quality of life or something.
  • joseayalac
    Account wide achievements was the better feature imo.

    Card game is lame.
  • Anhedonie
    No class, no skill line, no new combat mechanic...not interested at all.
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • Mizael
    I got dissapointed by the new system of card game, since we got for two consecutive years stuff that was not gameplay. And for the third year getting another thing that is not gameplay is very sad. The new system might be cool and funny but It won't be anything that make the combact and gameplay system more interesting.
  • clacker
    Not interested in a card game, really disappointed they have added this as there are some many other things that could have been done. If I wanted to play a Card Game "which I don't", I would down load one, Card games have no place in Eso as far as I am concerned.
    GM - Hallowed Dust Trading (Trade Guild - PC/EU)
  • U_D_D_I_N_R
    Couldve of released a new race, new class, [snip] those companions, even a world skill wouldve been cool but no lets release a [snip] tcg game in game, when another one exists in the real world, [snip]

    [edited for bashing & profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on January 28, 2022 6:30PM
  • Starlight_Knight
    I feel so much focus and resources have gone into the new zone and story etc.
    As a player since beta i still haven't done a zone story since summerset, i played some elsewhere .. that's about it.

    It's the systems surrounding the quests that drag me down i would quite like to play them but there's just no point in me doing so.
    my character is op already and quest content is so easy it's depressing.

    There are no unique unlockables, mount costumes etc for doing them. Everything is still so focused on the crown store.

    Sure the story and zone looks nice but i'm still not going to bother playing it, i will buy it for the other things that come with it, and for this reason i feel extremely underwhelmed.

    A card game.. *sigh*

    You know I could write a whole page on things the community has asked for in the past that we haven't received, and yet zos still say that “ we the community make eso what it is and i feel as though that is a lie.
    I've never seen anyone ask for a card game outside of a small suggestion for tavern games on a forum post that didn't get much traction, and I doubt that person would have expected them to be a main selling feature.

    pet skins
    new bg maps,
    unlockable mounts and costumes,
    dile back on the aggressive monetization, pop ups etc.
    Class change
    System to visit other homes and leave notes etc without being in a guild
    more character customisations, hair skin color, etc
    Class balance, bring back sun shield templar and other class diversity.
    What on earth did you do to vampire, please fix it,
    Account wide acheivments WINNER
    Oh and can we please have a card game… what ?
    Make overland content feel good

    just to name a few.

    I love you ZOS but scrying was soooo bad, a card game is not going to go down well... i hope im wrong..

  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Now firstly this is entirely speculation and I want to make it clear that I'm not insinuating anything against the devs and only mean this as constructive criticism.

    But it feels like the release schedule of these yearlong adventures has hindered the actual meat of the content. I'm not sure if that's the case, but besides Elsweyr, it feels like all of the expansions post Summerset have fallen a little flat when it comes to actual content offered. Greymoor had antiquities and wonderfully gorgeous zones yes, but with how easy the overland content is the actual expansion felt relatively "thin".

    Blackwood was even worse imo. Again, it was a gorgeous zone and the lore added was nice, but in terms of actual content the Companions system didnt offer much to veteran players once the novelty wore off.

    Compare this to the expansions before Greymoor, and all of them expanded much more upon systems. To me, it feels like this is because of the time crunch and demand to fit the "yearlong adventure" schedule. This is obviously just my opinion based on an observation because I have no way of knowing the actual workflow of the dev cycle.

    I would have been happier with even an extensive rework of some outdated systems. Extensive, intricate new content doesn't have to be the selling point if something big is changed or shaken up. But with High Isle, this doesn't seem to be happening. I'm sure the card game will be fun for many players but at the end of the day it's just kind of a mini game and is not the kind of thing that draws many of the players into an MMO like ESO.

    TL;DR: it feels like (to me) that the yearly release schedule rushes content that has been slimming down each year to meet the cycle. The lack of new/updated gameplay and combat systems is somewhat disappointing
    Edited by CameraBeardThePirate on January 28, 2022 4:57PM
  • Dylanlucas
    If there was a cross save option or transfer from ps4 to PC I would consider buying this.

    Bought an amazing PC to play games on so no more console, but throughout the years I spent alot of money on your game.

    So if I cant get my characters from my PS4 account I wont play your game anymore. So no point buying High Isles.
    PSN: malos1979
    VR16 - Magicka DPS Templar - RETIRED

    VR16 - DK Firemage - RETIRED

    World First PS4 - VDSA, Hel Ra
    EU First PS4 - Sanctum Ophidia
  • huskandhunger
    I really wanted a new PVP area, innovations on PVE content to lend greater play style expression like new skill lines, perhaps magic for a Battlemage skill line for the Bretons, or spears and halberds to fit the medieval / feudalistic themes.

    Instead, we are getting a card game.

    a, card game.

  • ispyKURT
    Soul Shriven
    I have made a forum account just so I can voice how disappointing this is. It seems whatever request the community makes falls on deaf ears.

    I can't understand what meetings were had internally to think this is what the community have been asking for? I don't think players come to ESO for a card game do they?

    Last year was also disappointing for me. Personally I feel companions are for single player RPG's not MMORPG's. Because of the lack of content last year I barely touched it compared to previous years. I was excited for this release to get me back into the game with the possibility of a new class, new skills, additional skills added to existing skill lines or new weapons? but no, we get a card game. You want to charge for a mini game that can be found for free? Even though having a new area to explore is great visually its always dull because everything is so easy, there is no challenge to any quests.

    Reading through this forum you can find so many more exciting ideas that what you released yesterday but I guess they can't be monetised as well as a card game right?

  • jlmurra2
    After having more time to think about it, and reading though this, and other threads about the new "chapter", it seems my feelings are shared, and well stated by many.

    It's not all negative in my opinion, but I won't be buying this at full or discounted price. I will most likely play the content in the future when it is included with a subsequent more robust chapter.

    Edited by jlmurra2 on January 28, 2022 4:23PM
  • Malthorne
    I’m curious as to how ZOS is handling the overwhelming negative feedback. Are they taking the community’s disappointment to heart and creating action plans to deliver the systems we asked for in the future? Or do they just think that our feedback is more “wahh wahh” and they know what’s best?
  • Sandman929
    Malthorne wrote: »
    I’m curious as to how ZOS is handling the overwhelming negative feedback. Are they taking the community’s disappointment to heart and creating action plans to deliver the systems we asked for in the future? Or do they just think that our feedback is more “wahh wahh” and they know what’s best?

    They read the positive comments and congratulate themselves on a job well done.
  • SerafinaWaterstar
    Shawn_PT wrote: »
    Frankly... I don't know what to think. I was content already for a couple of reasons. First, because as I've said many times over, new content means nothing to me because I have several years worth of DLCs and chapters yet to explore. But also because I've learned not to have expectations, because I always get disappointed.

    However, a Breton/intrigue themed chapter will be refreshing. Down to earth. No more repeated cataclysms. Nice change. That's good.

    But the rest has left me with a bitter taste.

    A card game. Okay. That *might* be fun.... But. It'll also definitely be a grind. If we are going to have to collect them like the sticker book, there is no way you won't place cards behind leads... And then we probably won't be able to collect the card unless we actually have the chapter, which for me who is on the fence about buying it feels quite annoying. I'd be fine with not being able to play, but actually being unable to loot/find them (unlike jewelry mats for those who didn't buy Summerset when it came out) feels wrong. Also, I personally do not like anything that pits player against player. I'm all for cooperation, not competition. Will we have a group finder/queue for card adversaries? Will we lose cards if we lose a game? Will there be elitism and toxicity? I'm very sure there will be. If the reason for this "minor" feature is because the team is busy working on the backend, then it would be nice just saying so.

    Account-wide achievements. This. Makes me so sad. The reason why I spend so much time in this game is because I actually do work on achievements on all (well not mules...) characters. Fishing. Trophies. Even those awfully stupid 150 Murkmire prologue dailies. I am one item away from filling all trophies on yet another character. I am two maps away from another Master Angler. But... What for? People with one Master Angler will now have 18 MAs instead. There will be no more personal satisfaction from knowing that I actually did things the way they "should be" instead of straight up copy-pasting everything on 18 characters. My mules who have neither gear nor skills will suddenly be standing around with trial trifecta titles (should I chose to put them on) when they have never even stepped foot in a trial at all. Titles will be even more meaningless than they are now, and yes many people don't care for those but I can assure you many do. If we are really going to have accout-wide achievements, I really hope it's a "master list", and not just something automatically copied across all alts. I take pleasure in going through the content with several alts. If all of them suddenly will have the quest completion achievements magically cleared, what is the point in replaying said quests again? I think unless this is done "right", it will be such a major, enormous, gargantuan disappointment...

    Re: your second point.

    The more I think about it, the more this is an absolute game changer for me.
    I have 18 characters. Do everything on my main predominantly, but am working through everything again on my alts.
    It absolutely horrifies me that come the update in March, all 18 will have all the same achievements as my main (although still not clear how this relates to pvp ranks, TG, DB, dungeons/trials etc).

    Usually would be in there buying the chapter right away, but this has given me serious pause for thought. Not sure now.
  • ThreeXB
    I'm excited for everything except card game. If card game was a dlc feature it would be OK, card game as the yearly chapter feature is disappointing.
  • wazbaumukerb14_ESO
    Malthorne wrote: »
    I’m curious as to how ZOS is handling the overwhelming negative feedback. Are they taking the community’s disappointment to heart and creating action plans to deliver the systems we asked for in the future? Or do they just think that our feedback is more “wahh wahh” and they know what’s best?

    It's a modern company so they probably just look at metrics not posts. If people are playing and buying stuff = things are good. The corporate model is to focus on what people do not what they say.

    Anyway I can't believe anyone would be opposed to account bound achievements lol. It's completely the norm at this stuff, and frankly almost everything in MMOs should be account-bound all the time. Busywork of redoing stuff on alts is terrible and doesn't respect your time.
  • NeeScrolls
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    They (ZOS) read the positive comments and congratulate themselves on a job well done.
    uhh, that's not how things work actually.

    ALL feedback (coherent feedback) is filtered & passed along by the Community Mods/Reps, on a priority basis.

    Typically, game Developers (especially Coders) barely even have time to read one forum POST, much less be swayed by some silly Poll. Instead, they go by internal metrics....combined with directives from above (Dept. Head + Corporate) .

    So, for example, if players are truly "unhappy" with this new Trading Card Game (which btw is probably run by an entirely separate Team) but yet continue spending countless $$$'s in the CROWN STORE , do you really think Zenimax has any motivation to change course? Really think they're gonna just scrap the entire TCG because of a "negative" forum Poll ?

    Heck no, cuz that decision was already made MONTHS AGO. All players can hope for is to offer realistic & constructive suggestions , like the person earlier who requested a functional TCG 'card table' for us to place in our houses.

    And then just pray to 'the divines' that it gets prioritized. ;)
  • silvereyes
    This is likely because anyone who hasn't bought the expansion would be able to purchase something they would then have no access to without an additional purchase, and no way to give it to someone else who *could* use it (since Crown and crate items are bound).
    Don't underestimate ZOS' ability to monetize. It doesn't really matter what they've done in the past. If there's a financial incentive, they can easily justify adding new "features" to the Crown Store.

    They already sell things like Skyshards and skill line unlocks that have prerequisites for purchase. It doesn't take much imagination to see them adding DLC ownership as a prerequisite. They wouldn't even need to lock anything for gifting to someone else who owns the content.

    They already sell things directly within the housing UI. It doesn't take much imagination to see them adding a card-packs store to the Tales of Tribute UI.

    They already sprinkle Mythic item leads over several DLC to increase DLC sales. It doesn't take much imagination to see them adding Mythic leads as random Tales of Tribute rewards.

    I really hope I'm wrong and this isn't an attempt to try and get players to pay them to be marketed to, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
  • SerafinaWaterstar
    Anyway I can't believe anyone would be opposed to account bound achievements lol. It's completely the norm at this stuff, and frankly almost everything in MMOs should be account-bound all the time. Busywork of redoing stuff on alts is terrible and doesn't respect your time.

    It is my choice how I play this game. For me, it’s not ‘busywork’ and I enjoy the time I spend replaying content on my alts.

    If this game is going to be ‘once done, no more fun’ then not sure about carrying on playing. This should be optional.

    Edited by SerafinaWaterstar on January 28, 2022 5:24PM
  • Malthorne
    Malthorne wrote: »
    I’m curious as to how ZOS is handling the overwhelming negative feedback. Are they taking the community’s disappointment to heart and creating action plans to deliver the systems we asked for in the future? Or do they just think that our feedback is more “wahh wahh” and they know what’s best?

    It's a modern company so they probably just look at metrics not posts. If people are playing and buying stuff = things are good. The corporate model is to focus on what people do not what they say.

    Anyway I can't believe anyone would be opposed to account bound achievements lol. It's completely the norm at this stuff, and frankly almost everything in MMOs should be account-bound all the time. Busywork of redoing stuff on alts is terrible and doesn't respect your time.

    Why do you think FFXIV is the number 1 MMO right now? There are a few factors, one of which is their ability to communicate and listen to feedback from their community on various forums and social media.

    In 2019, after the Shadowbringers announcement, there was a massive backlash about two things absent from the Shadowbringers expansion. One was no new healer job and the other was no male Viera as a playable race. Instead of dismissing their player feedback they actually immediately reached out to the community and asked “why?” they wanted to know why is this important to the players. And shortly after that, way before shadowbringers even launched, they let the community know that what they wanted is going to be developed. Then thanked the fans for their passion and love for the game. Imagine ZOS doing that …

    And if all they are looking at is metrics and algorithms to determine what the players want content wise or will spend money on then this game will never reach its potential.

    I’m with you 100% on account wide achievements. That’s a great change and a prime example of them listening to feedback from the forums.
  • kind_hero
    I missed those posts where the community (which you praise so much) asked for a card game and two more companions (grind) which are almost a copy of the previous couple. I haven't even managed to max one of them so far.

    But hey, I love the new Breton theme, the location and the new story style (no more saving the world plots for a while, please).

    Account wide achievements are a good thing, and the new decon assistant is an amazing idea.

    Unfortunately, I don't see how you are listening to your community, and not giving at least some of the things people are asking for years:

    - new weapon line, new skill, more morphs, class change
    - more costume/motif variations without the same floating pieces
    - new pvp content, new mechanics
    - more uses for the housing system and much more furnishings
    - quality of life improvements (crafters are asking for merging crafting stations for years)
    - more types of quests for guilds

    The card game is a distraction from the how stale ESO has become. I still like it, but it became so predictable with these copy paste year long themes. The new zone does not offer much after a while, people go back to the usual grind.

    Lastly, you keep releasing amazing new houses for $100, but the amount of furnishings we can use is low, the existing styles need more structural elements (see the housing forum requests). The Luxury Vendor still gives only one new item each week-end, which is ridiculous, really.

    I am a bit disappointed, really, lots of missed opportunities, like many others pointed out.
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • BlissfulDeluge
    I am disappointed.

    I was pretty hyped up for the Chapter reveal, so much so that I had written another write-up posted here, but after seeing the reveal, I cannot help but feel severely disappointed about the direction ZOS has decided to take, because Bretons are medieval the same way Nords are vikings. It is a gross oversimplification that completely stumps the finer points.

    That's not to say I do not like the medieval flair. It is part of what first piqued my interest in them, after all, but there is so much more to them than that. In TES3, Bretons were described as creative and intelligent thinkers, even begrudgingly, as well as powerful and talented spellcasters, yet from what was shown in the reveal it was a low-magic setting with your typical feudal flair. Were it not for the ALTMER casting a few spells, I could have easily mistaken it for a typical medieval game. There were no great displays of magic being shown in the gameplay, nor any indication that the Bretons were an enlightened and scholarly race.

    And this is a shame, because for all of its faults and flaws, even though base game ESO did a lot to muck up Bretons, it also did quite a lot to set them apart. ESO was the game to make it clear that serfs in High Rock are free to strike out on their own to earn fame and rise to the ranks of nobility, completely unlike serfdom IRL. The use of guillotines as in Wayrest implied the Bretons might favor humane executions. The Bretons' tavern songs and Emeric’s autobiography indicated that the Bretons value freedom, which lined up with how Darius Shano was free to mock commoners, nobility, the gods, clergymen and even royalty with impunity in previous TES games. There was even a mention of High Rock having a Rights Charter, which could possibly read like the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.

    Despite its flaws, base game ESO had given the Bretons far more inspiration from the Renaissance and Enlightenment Era than the race had ever had, before. And so it is a shame to see ZOS seemingly walk back on what they set up. Perhaps what I brought up is planned, or perhaps it can be snuck in, or perhaps they can host a Loremaster Q&A to give Breton fans a chance to ask about these things, but for now, I cannot help but feel immensely disappointed with the reveal. I hope I am proven wrong, that some of this is included, but for now, I cannot say I am all that hyped, anymore.
    Former completionist with all achievements unlocked up until Update 29 (Flames of Ambition). Avid RPer, writer, and former Breton lover. Then Legacy of the Bretons was released and I realized just how boring and uninspired the Bretons are according to the writers.
  • Blacknight841
    NeeScrolls wrote: »
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    They (ZOS) read the positive comments and congratulate themselves on a job well done.
    uhh, that's not how things work actually.

    ALL feedback (coherent feedback) is filtered & passed along by the Community Mods/Reps, on a priority basis.

    Typically, game Developers (especially Coders) barely even have time to read one forum POST, much less be swayed by some silly Poll. Instead, they go by internal metrics....combined with directives from above (Dept. Head + Corporate) .

    So, for example, if players are truly "unhappy" with this new Trading Card Game (which btw is probably run by an entirely separate Team) but yet continue spending countless $$$'s in the CROWN STORE , do you really think Zenimax has any motivation to change course? Really think they're gonna just scrap the entire TCG because of a "negative" forum Poll ?

    Heck no, cuz that decision was already made MONTHS AGO. All players can hope for is to offer realistic & constructive suggestions , like the person earlier who requested a functional TCG 'card table' for us to place in our houses.

    And then just pray to 'the divines' that it gets prioritized. ;)

    I disagree completely. If they were to pass along relevant posts and prioritize feedback… then there wouldn’t be a need for an “official feedback thread”. It would also be clear what the community was looking for in an expansion, which by the response, wasn’t uno for eso. Let’s not forget that Legends was abandoned after 2 years, so that doesn’t exactly instill confidence in another card game. At the end of the day it is all about monetization. Exactly how soon can we expect to have cards in the crown store, or crates? Will all the good cards be crown store exclusives? Don’t get me wrong, there is no issue with monetizing a game, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of a complete detachment from what the community is looking for as far as expansions. It would be like Jeep coming out with a new car and saying, “we have added a sewing machine to to the new grand Cherokee. We heard you wanted to get more outdoor features, and better gas mileage, but as the engineers we felt this was the most practical thing our customers wanted. Now we can sell thread on our store.” All I am saying is that the response from the community is valid and what should have been expected.
  • Leogon
    I like the new chapter but I wish there was a new solo arena or maybe a 2-player arena and an update to companions to make them more useful. I'm still not sure about the card game. I'm not really interested in pvp and the singleplayer is a storyline so does that mean you can't keep playing against NPCs once the storyline is over? Also, it would've been nice to have a co-op mode so you can team up with a friend against NPCs.

    Btw, I think you should stop releasing 2 dungeon DLCs per year and do something like Q1 Dungeon DLC and Q3 New Class, skill line or maybe even a new arena.
  • SerenityC84
    For me, Bretons aren't that interesting (but hopefully this new expansion makes them more interesting). I've already pre-order (like I do every expansion), but I was hoping for more of a magical aspect. There is always talk about Bretons and how they came to be, that would have been really interesting. Maybe highlight their magical capabilities more? Give them special abilities that only they can use?

    Political storylines are interesting but hopefully, you are adding new spells to make magic users more interesting. Hopefully, there is a secret magic order or something for just Bretons idk.

    Personally, I'll play it, but I want more magic!!! please!!!

    But you get a million thumbs up for bringing back Jakarn!

    Most of my characters are Breton but hopefully, the next expansion can be Bosmer related! Falinesti!!!!!!!!!!
    Edited by SerenityC84 on January 28, 2022 6:32PM
  • Ghasp
    Soul Shriven
    So very new player to ESO (though not new to MMO's) so take what I say with a grain of salt.

    The art/lore/storytelling is 10/10. The teams behind these things have my utmost praise. Voice acted stories that you get lost in cannot compare to any other MMO that I've experienced. Therefore, very excited about the story opportunities for "High Isle."

    However, the combat is very underwhelming to me. Abilities feel spammy, attacking/killing doesn't feel "impactful", and questing content feels way to easy. Very confused about needing to animation cancel (not even sure how this works). I would like to play a ranged DPS (not magical) and feel like there is no other options then bows.

    This was my first ESO chapter reveal, though not my first MMO reveal. I felt as a new player, there was nothing grabbing me to purchase this DLC. As, as far as I witnessed, none of my above concerns were addressed. As someone who has ESO+, it felt like there was a lot of promotion for more things that would be purchased, and not part of the chapter purchase. New house, new assistant, and quite possibly cards. I'm not really interested in a game that just wants to take more money out of you on top of the monthly sub.

    As a whole, I felt extremely underwhelmed. I was hoping for an improvement to the combat, more skills/weapon options, making the existing world content more appealing by tweaking the difficulty. As well as more end game content, or something in the vein of mythic plus, where existing dungeons are offered at more difficult options with higher rewards. I understand that some of these things may not be possible because of the limitations of older consoles. Can this be something that is articulated to the community? It certainly would be helpful to know the direction ZoS is going so I could decide whether this is the MMO I want to continue playing.
  • wazbaumukerb14_ESO
    Anyway I can't believe anyone would be opposed to account bound achievements lol. It's completely the norm at this stuff, and frankly almost everything in MMOs should be account-bound all the time. Busywork of redoing stuff on alts is terrible and doesn't respect your time.

    It is my choice how I play this game. For me, it’s not ‘busywork’ and I enjoy the time I spend replaying content on my alts.

    If this game is going to be ‘once done, no more fun’ then not sure about carrying on playing. This should be optional.

    You can still do everything you want, nothing is changing about it. I've read some posts on this and the perspective is interesting (things I never would have considered), but it's important to understand that your perspective is going to be a tiny minority. Modern games have moved to account bound stuff for a good reason.
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