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Official Feedback Thread for Templars

  • TheM0rganism
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Crescent Sweep broken. Back to Empowering Sweep seems. :/

    I have been trying to get others to test it before I make a standalone thread for it. It is really wonky. You do 66% Less than tooltip damage if you hit 2 or more mobs behind you. Against a single mob you do full tooltip damage regardsless of orientation. You never actually do 66% more than tooltip damage. It's like they coded it assbackward.

    The Templar, ladies & gentlemen...
    PS4 DC Stamina Templar Tank/DPS...because I ALWAYS play on hard mode
    #2233 - Never Forget
  • Zheg
    For the crescent sweep vs. dawnbreaker debate, don't forget that crescent/empowering damage is a PULSE, it's really not an applied dot. This means you need to remain in melee range for the subsequent 2 pulses to go off and hit for it to actually do it's full damage, which is usually fine in pve, not so much in pvp. Dawnbreaker's damage is far more reliable imo because with the super high cost of purge in the current patch, dots will stay on your targets far more than the last patch.
  • danno8
    Zheg wrote: »
    For the crescent sweep vs. dawnbreaker debate, don't forget that crescent/empowering damage is a PULSE, it's really not an applied dot. This means you need to remain in melee range for the subsequent 2 pulses to go off and hit for it to actually do it's full damage, which is usually fine in pve, not so much in pvp. Dawnbreaker's damage is far more reliable imo because with the super high cost of purge in the current patch, dots will stay on your targets far more than the last patch.

    Not even considering the 60% bonus to undead.
  • maxjapank
    I gave vet CoH a go yesterday with a pug group, and as I expected, it was still easy to heal and help dps. The BoL nerf (healing one less person) was hardly noticeable. If anything, my heals were hitting much harder thanks to the easier time to keep Major Mending up.

    Playing around in pvp, I felt so much more powerful. Again, the BoL nerf (healing one less person) was hardly noticeable. And as I use both Purifying Ritual and Channeled Focus, it was also easy to keep Major Mending up. Purifying Ritual's size gives you a lot of room to move around, and it's nice to be able to hit people outside of the circle with bonus heals.

    The most noticeable changes in pvp were how hard Magicka Templars hit now. I saw lots of Javelins being used with the increase ranged. Dark Flares. Radiant. Even Pucturing Sweep was a bit stronger for me, and the snare wasn't that hard to land. I think I have my bars arranged for now, but I still can't fit Javelin, Vamp Bane and Blazing Spear on them. So I found having too many spells to choose from a first for me.

    I still would love for Toppling to work everytime I press it. But hearing that every gap closer is now experiencing the same dilemna, maybe more time will be invested into re-working / re-coding it.

    I also think there will be more complaints about Templars hitting harder, but until now, other classes really haven't had to fear Templars very much. Now we will be more of a concern. And that is very interesting, considering that so many in here think Templars are doomed. Makes me wonder if we are playing the same class.
  • david.haypreub18_ESO
    We're already getting the first calls for nerfs to Templars (in this case, RD). Soon I'm sure, as we all expected, Dark Flare will be nerfed again and again:
    Templars are 'just slower... by design'
    Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
    VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
    VR 16 Sorcerer
    38 Nightblade
    24 DK
  • f047ys3v3n
    f047ys3v3n wrote: »
    So, of the Templars I have talked to, most think that the preponderance of the skill changes are a nerf. I am not sure if I agree with them. On pts, I definitely got a dps boost over live but, my dungeon mates obviously died more with the bizarre breath nerf. I am also not sure how much of that dps boost was due to the champ point system improvements as my Templar is heavily split majica vs elemental and if any was due to skill changes. It is also clear to me that NB's will get the same or more split damage champ point effect and that DK's got the mother of all buffs. One of my DK buddies did 23k on the planar inhibitor on pts. Seriously, 23k on the planar inhibitor, that is crazy talk. Truth is it is relative dps that most matters and if you gain 5% and others gain 15% your still screwed.

    On the PVP end, as many note, Templars have no expedition, no cloak, and a charge that is not also an escape. They are the epitome of a sitting duck and the truth is these changes appear to, if anything, make them a little less good at standing their ground (sweep change.) They are already the class I most like to encounter 1v1 and that will be much more so with the DK buff. Templars are worthless in 1V1. I should note that making the reflect bubble effective (unbreakable and able to be cast on multiple targets) as well as bring back blazing shield (to prevent melee face beating) would fix the PVP problem and that these skills were obviously intended for this purpose but are just don't actually work now because the shield has a laughable magnitude and the bubble is counter-able without a skill (you don't need to purge it you can just break it.)

    As for 4 man content, Templar's shine in the healer / dps split role using breaths to keep allies up while also doing dps. The breath change is a major nerf to this especially as much content was literally designed and scaled for breaths to hit 2 allies. The end fights of Darkshade caverns and Fungal Grotto for instance include all member unavoidable damage scaled to require constant breaths. With the change people will simply die if that, originally intended, strategy is used. It will have to be staff healed plain and simple, class heals will not get the job done. This removes the split role aspect that the templar had in 4 man content wich was clearly where it shined. You simply cannot change the base heal in the game this way without causing major problems as all the mechanics were designed with it in mind. I'm sure there is some stupid PVP reason you have in mind for the change that it will not fix at all similar to the reasons for eliminating stam regen while blocking and it's effect on tanking (we all sheild tank now and rarely even block by the way.) Quit breaking basic game mechanics in failed attempts to fix pvp problems.

    In raids, whether pvp or pve, Templars now will have major mending. Is this what we are, healers only? I thought the whole set of changes around 1.6 in general were to try to make classes be able to do more than one thing. Is this the Templar's are now the healers, only healers, and the only healers change? Make up your freaking mind because that is what I see. You raid heal in trials, raid heal in PVP, and now also raid heal in 4 man content because your breath won't get through mechanics designed for your old breath any more. Very ham handed way of doing it as well. +30% for your class to all those healing springs you'll be doing till you get board.

    As for single player content, which, because the weapons in VMA are really the only gear that matters. I hope Templars to a little better with the +30% to the healing of sweeps. The greater champ point weapon damage mitigation and unified dps star should help as well. I hope we see some more competitive complete rates. This is especially because DK's should have little trouble as their heals issue should be solved and their chains now will do something predictable. As for the stam Templar. I have never figured how any of you do VMA anyway. I suspect the 30% better Vigor will help but seriously, how you stay alive when there is no trash to vampire baffles me.

    In summary, I'm not real impressed. The dps will be a little better, as most classes will be, but breath blows up 4 man content and wrecks a lot of intended methods on mechanics. Also, despite breath now being much less effective, and therefore needing to be used much more if still used, it is still beastly expensive. The problems of the class in PVP are unaddressed with the weakness in standing your ground / countering and the inability to escape. All I see is a message to templars to drop ritual and spam springs. I just hope that the response to this brokenness will be similar to the response DK's just recieved.... Buff everything. Because, in addition to the fixes, double cast for heal and predictable chains, DK's also got a buff to everything that already worked. So, can I expect the next content to fix the new breath, blazing sheild, and bubble, as well as buff vamp bane and radiant oppression? I would like to do 23k on the planar inhibitor (or at least 20 as Briza is admittedly much better than me.)

    So, have been doing some testing today with the new stuff and here are my thoughts:

    None of the skills really got a meaningful dps boost and some arguably are not quite as spiffy but the magelight change takes that off the front bar with vamp bane and the awesomely powerful DK group major spell power takes entropy off as well. The end result of this is that two more DOT's can be added. This, when coupled with the Champ point spell user fix adds up to a lot more dps in places were you can afford to slot a lot of different DOT's, Group PVE, but not in places were you must have utility, PVP and Maelstrom. I am not sure if, relatively speaking, this will help templars in the long run or not as other classes also got more bar space and their spell users champ point fixed as well so it may be a case of treading water more than gaining ground. We will see as DPS numbers start to solidify if all is well in DPS or not but for now I am not pissed about it and actually rather happy.

    The breath change:
    Healed some dungeons, yep, more people die. I'll let them yell at you as I am sure they will. I'm not pulling out a staff and raid healing 4 man content period. It's boring, unnecessary, and removes my substantial dps from the equation. 3 dps > 2 dps by far more than buffs can make up. If you like to stand in crap you may want to slot a heal or sheild. As for those mechanics that require constant breath spams, slot a heal or sheild people. God knows they have given you folks enough of them to do Maelstrom so break them out. Oh, and you may have heard, Breath is too damn expensive. When it was good, you could block and out heal any dps and it healed two people, it made sense you increased the cost. Now it is just an overpriced heal that you can unsuccessfully spam while somebody beats your face in with much higher DPS than your HPS. I call it a breath spiral when Templars start that in PVP. It ends in their death before they are even out of resources.

    The Sweeps change:
    I had no idea the magnitude of the screwing that this amounts too. Going from a hard stun, which interrupted most things, to an insignificant slow, while also loosing some healing, is something I am definitely feeling in Maelstrom. It is just more incoming CC's as less is interrupted and more incoming damage as nothing is staggered. As for the the major mending to offset the 5% reduction in sweeps healing. I found that useful in the arenas that were already easy but in the hard ones your bar space gets limited with necessary utility and you movement becomes so circumscribed by enemy movement that such a method of acquiring major mending is impractical. I expect less rather than more Templar completes despite the champ point boosts to DPS and mitigation. I also expect that the situation in PVP, which was already not good for mano y mano combat will be similarly much worse. Buffing up and doing sweeps or jabs was the thing. It didn't work that well pre-patch and will be a joke now. Given the cast time of javelin and the double cast / targeting issues with shards Templars are not in a good way.

    Yea, on balance it is a nerf to what is probably the weakest current class. The DPS and raid healing does look better though so if you stay running with buddies you will be fine or maybe even happy. Pitty the only gear that really matters comes from solo content isn't it. More than twice the dps boost of the next most powerful gear set in ESO history and it's only one peice. Thought I might get me some. Guess not unless I want to practice a month or so on another class. Hard to transition toons as fast as ESO destroys one class and buffs another. Hope were next.
    I am currently worried for the future of ESO. Population seems like it is in free fall and the cancellation of the North America in-person gathering feels very much like pulling the plug. Kudos on fixing the in-game economy though. Clearly whatever gold shenanigans were happening the last couple years are fixed.
  • Joy_Division
    Few more observations.
    • I *really* dislike Rune Focus lasts for 8 seconds. When I see a video from someone on ESO's combat team stand in that thing for more than 8 seconds in Vet Maelstrom Arena and PvP, I'll stop complaining about this skill.
    • Playing as a non magicka based race is a nightmare due to the class's non-existent passive resource management. The breath of life nerf has made this much more apparent.
    • I've been hit by more javelins in the past two days than the previous six months. Nice to see people have positively responded to this change. How much happier would we be if ZoS similarly responded with similar simple tweaks to the other skills we have been saying need some love?
    • Can't comment on the state of healing affairs because the Vet dungeons are just too easy now. Seriously, ZoS balanced them in the beginning of 1.6 when 30,000 magicka and 1600 spell damage were considered a lot.
    • Half of me is really happy ZoS made it so channeled attacks are not dodgeable. Half of me is annoyed we had to play with busted mechanics for 6 months.
    • Class is in desperate need of some means to debuff attackers

    I'd like to hear some stamplars comment. Their jabs damage seems to hurt *a lot* and I'm wondering if the major mending change has been a noticeable big help.
  • Zheg
    The rapids nerf sucks just as much for templars as I thought it would. Over the past two days I've solo'd, done small man, ran in a 24 man raid in pvp and it is near impossible to not remove your rapids buff if someone is attacking you now. You HAVE to heal yourself as a templar, that's the class survival tool, but your heals (even Honor the Dead because of smart healing) always end up hitting at least one other person. Purify is the worst in that regard because someone always steps in it.

    I've finally stopped trying to purify meteors, frags, and DFs (I think...), and it took me 2 deaths yesterday to realize I can't heal like I used to while kiting/disengaging because of rapids. Even when I wasn't playing as a main healer and was solo or in a small man, the rapids nerf literally effs templars in pvp and all I can think of is why am I not playing my sorc so I can pop hardened ward and/or streak away?

    @Wrobel can go *insert something that would get me banned* himself with his response to how it's fine for templars to be affected by the rapids nerf more than other classes (though DK probably have just as hard a time since using GDB isn't really a thing any more).

    With that said, in general, the rapids nerf has made Cyrodiil a perma root and snare fiasco. The bombard spam was already real during the orsinium patch, now there are even more people doing it, plus all of the pyro DKs wanting to play magicka DK again because they got the buffs templars are still waiting for. /golfclap for you Wrobel.
    Edited by Zheg on March 9, 2016 3:20PM
  • timidobserver
    Zheg wrote: »
    The rapids nerf sucks just as much for templars as I thought it would. Over the past two days I've solo'd, done small man, ran in a 24 man raid in pvp and it is near impossible to not remove your rapids buff if someone is attacking you now. You HAVE to heal yourself as a templar, that's the class survival tool, but your heals (even Honor the Dead because of smart healing) always end up hitting at least one other person. Purify is the worst in that regard because someone always steps in it.

    I've finally stopped trying to purify meteors, frags, and DFs (I think...), and it took me 2 deaths yesterday to realize I can't heal like I used to while kiting/disengaging because of rapids. Even when I wasn't playing as a main healer and was solo or in a small man, the rapids nerf literally effs templars in pvp and I'll I can think of is why am I not playing my sorc so I can pop hardened ward and/or streak away?

    @Wrobel can go *insert something that would get me banned* himself with his response to how it's fine for templars to be affected by the rapids nerf more than other classes (though DK probably have just as hard a time since using GDB isn't really a thing any more).

    With that said, in general, the rapids nerf has made Cyrodiil a perma root and snare fiasco. The bombard spam was already real during the orsinium patch, now there are even more people doing it, plus all of the pyro DKs wanting to play magicka DK again because they got the buffs templars are still waiting for. /golfclap for you Wrobel.

    For some reason channeled focus drops rapid maneuvers as well.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Destruent
    Zheg wrote: »
    The rapids nerf sucks just as much for templars as I thought it would. Over the past two days I've solo'd, done small man, ran in a 24 man raid in pvp and it is near impossible to not remove your rapids buff if someone is attacking you now. You HAVE to heal yourself as a templar, that's the class survival tool, but your heals (even Honor the Dead because of smart healing) always end up hitting at least one other person. Purify is the worst in that regard because someone always steps in it.

    I've finally stopped trying to purify meteors, frags, and DFs (I think...), and it took me 2 deaths yesterday to realize I can't heal like I used to while kiting/disengaging because of rapids. Even when I wasn't playing as a main healer and was solo or in a small man, the rapids nerf literally effs templars in pvp and I'll I can think of is why am I not playing my sorc so I can pop hardened ward and/or streak away?

    @Wrobel can go *insert something that would get me banned* himself with his response to how it's fine for templars to be affected by the rapids nerf more than other classes (though DK probably have just as hard a time since using GDB isn't really a thing any more).

    With that said, in general, the rapids nerf has made Cyrodiil a perma root and snare fiasco. The bombard spam was already real during the orsinium patch, now there are even more people doing it, plus all of the pyro DKs wanting to play magicka DK again because they got the buffs templars are still waiting for. /golfclap for you Wrobel.

    For some reason channeled focus drops rapid maneuvers as well.

    Sure, you are not supposed to leave your house that fast ;-)
  • jbjondeaueb17_ESO
    And I just bugged Explosive Charge like before, only the beginning of the animation and the sound but nothing else, tried every tip I know, my skills were not locked but only a potion allowed me to use the charge again.
    To bug the skill 30s later on another mob.
    Just removed it from my skill bar, I don't even want to try to use it.
    Pain-Healer - Argonian Templar Healer (EP) - Immortal Redeemer - Gryphon's Heart
    Guild : Ghosts and Goblins Target Dummies
    Players know me as Jeban
  • staracino_ESO
    If you get CC'd during a Focused charge it still breaks to the point where you have to use a potion to fix it.
  • AfkNinja
    Any of you nice friendly gentlemen play on PS4 NA AD?
  • maxjapank
    Zheg wrote: »
    the rapids nerf has made Cyrodiil a perma root and snare fiasco. The bombard spam was already real during the orsinium patch, now there are even more people doing it

    I don't think this is a problem Rapids. It's a problem with "roots" not giving you cc immunity. I understand that you can still cast spells while being rooted, but no skill should be able to permanently root you in place even if it is just being reapplied. The decreased speed after being immobilzed is perfectly fine. But Zos needs to take another look at "root" cc.

    Anyways, I do feel your Rapids pain. It's not the best solution, but I have begun to use Immovablity/Speed/Stam Regen pots as a Magicka Templar in certain situations. You could also use Immov/Spell crit/ Magick regen. I'm sure you know this. But the Speed from the other pots is unbelievably nice :)
  • Solariken
    Few more observations.
    • I *really* dislike Rune Focus lasts for 8 seconds. When I see a video from someone on ESO's combat team stand in that thing for more than 8 seconds in Vet Maelstrom Arena and PvP, I'll stop complaining about this skill.

    I'd like to hear some stamplars comment. Their jabs damage seems to hurt *a lot* and I'm wondering if the major mending change has been a noticeable big help.

    I tried using the new Restoring Focus for a while on my Stamplar. Overall, it sucks, not worth casting. In PvP, Purifying Ritual is much more useful. In vMA, there just isn't time for extra utility/healing casts because of so many DPS checks and because casting RF and then Vigor usually requires two dodge rolls every time, which destroys my stamina pool.

    I have noticed a tiny boost to survivability in PvP due to Major Mending, but not enough. Stamplars still lack proper resource regen/return and have no way to escape incoming damage - both if which were/are the two biggest problems with Templars that ZOS didn't attempt to solve.

    The change to jabs in vMA is pretty brutal though - that mini CC was super helpful in dealing with PvE mobs. I like the change in PvP and I'm glad we got it, but FFS it should be obvious that we need an accompanying tweak to boost survivability somewhere else.
  • Joy_Division
    Solariken wrote: »

    The change to jabs in vMA is pretty brutal though - that mini CC was super helpful in dealing with PvE mobs. I like the change in PvP and I'm glad we got it, but FFS it should be obvious that we need an accompanying tweak to boost survivability somewhere else.

    True dat.
  • Swen_von_Walhallion
    Well oné funny thing, i was yesterday kicked from ny guild bc i was pointing an complaining on templars problémy :D GL say i am tonmuch negativist but well i thing anyone who rly like templars cannot be happy.

    What i was testing on my templars
    For ny stamplar PvE wise nothing change, i think New sets sux an HR + agility + 1pc kena is still best for me. For AoE dps i think good position with jabs is beter then steel tornado.

    On my tankplar have litle more survivability. I have stamina spec tank and using only sun shield and chaneling focus for magika, and vigorvas self heal.

    On both stamina managment is still pain. On group with decent dps its saved by repetence on boses where need lot of blocking or with low dps its sux.

    For na healer they totaly destroy my playstile. Was always covering tank position with putrifi to get heal boost for mele and tank bc they limited movement and evasion options. And was free tobmove everyvhere with bonus BoL for then. Ranged dps never need to much healing bc the have lots of space for move without dps lost and this same for me. Now i am forced stay in limited space my BoL stil destroy my manapoll with mediocre efekt.
    Adraria Argentum Draco - imperial Stamplar
    Bevdyen Tus Ntxhuav - Orc Stamplar
    Celestun Ira Dei- Imperial Tankplar
    Halldis Rautt Höfuð- Nord Tankplar
    Misawa Yoshike - Breton Healplar
    Lae'ozhael - Dunmer Magplar
  • Essiaga
    I pvped for about an hour.

    Nerf to BOL caused my heals to go else where. I want a reliable self heal. Wards, Cloak, Reflect, etc ... all on the caster. Our signature defensive skill (the reason I'm told to stop QQ any time I mention Sun Shield or lack of mitigation) will ignore you in favor of someone you didn't know was there or has their own abilities they should be using to survive.

    Toppling Charge is still junk. I was chasing a guy through flat ground with a fellow faction member. We both cap closed, him with Crit Charge, me with Toppling ... his went off and I twitched, over and over. This happened several times.

    Dropping ritual/rune is silly. I have to stop offense and drop one or both so that I can go offense with out having to worry about losing defense ... I didn't play long it just feels worse to play this class. I'd love to log in and just enjoy playing a class I've played for nearly 2 years and have it feel normal. I haven't felt normal on the templar in about a year.

    I did kill some with CS for probably the first time ever ... but then got rekt while casting BOL for random people instead of myself. My fault for not Zerging I'm told.

    Maybe DB DLC will bring a change to the play style I can actually enjoy.
  • BalticBlues
    Essiaga wrote: »
    PVP: Nerf to BOL caused my heals to go else where.
    [...] got rekt while casting BOL for random people instead of myself.
    [...] I want a reliable self heal.
    So Templars as the *former* healer class now cannot even heal themselves anymore.
    The incompetence and arrogance at which this patch breaks our class is breathtaking.
    80 pages of pleading in vain. Ruined moblity, ruined healing, buggy skills. Money back please.

    Edited by BalticBlues on March 10, 2016 2:07PM
  • Destruent
    Essiaga wrote: »
    PVP: Nerf to BOL caused my heals to go else where.
    [...] got rekt while casting BOL for random people instead of myself.
    [...] I want a reliable self heal.
    So Templars as the *former* healer class now cannot even heal themselves anymore.
    The incompetence and arrogance at which this patch breaks our class is breathtaking.
    80 pages of pleading in vain. Ruined moblity, ruined healing, buggy skills. Money back please.

    This is nothing new....BoL/HotD was crap for selfhealing since release (as long as you are not alone).
  • nagarjunna
    I've stopped PUG healing - not worth the hassle and complaints you get from people! I don't use the group finder anyway... the number of times I've been pulled into a vet dungeon when I am not ready is ridiculous!

    Toppling charge caused my guild group to wipe in Fungal Grotto, it bugged when a team member was chained, my pots where on cool down, I could not get out so everyone died - 'cause no heals.

    I'm screwed in PvP when zerging as I can't heal/purge during rapids, which means I get left behind and thus become an instant source of free AP. I'm a free source of AP for people anyway because of all the channels we are forced to use, Javelins is nice tho' so I suppose it's not all bad.

    So I suppose we have to wait another three months before they try to fix TC. This is rapidly turning into complete farce!
    @nagarjunna- PC / NA / AD / DC
    Zazarakel - Max CP Magicka Templar
    Tartys - Max CP Stamina Nightblade
    Temelechus - Max CP Magicka Sorcerer
    Assaku - Max CP Stamina DragonKnight
    Truthforge - Sub 50 Stamina Templar
    Yang Wudi Sub 50 Stamina Sorceror [DC]
    Shou Chung Sub 50 Magicka DragonKnight
    Chen Tuan Sun 50 Magicka Nightblade
  • Cinbri
    Well, thats how I feel playing magicka templar nowdays.
  • Essiaga
    One last "home" bit ...

    Time to move the conversation to General forums. PTS is over.
    Edited by Essiaga on March 11, 2016 8:07AM
  • TRoclodyte
    I love you, templar brothers and sisters. But as the superior beings keep ignoring our prayers, I find myself losing my faith.
    I used to heal every day: pledges, pvp and more, serving selflessly the other classes who are better dps than us, telling myself: "At least, none can heal like a templar does."

    But then the divines struck me down, struck -us- down. They made us the worst class. Worst tank class. Worst DPS class. And our first place as healer is now debatable. "Why did you do that to us?", I ask them. No answer. No sign.

    I have lost my faith.

    I am officialy a templar on strike.
    Edited by TRoclodyte on March 11, 2016 12:42PM
  • Destruent
    TRoclodyte wrote: »
    I love you, templar brothers and sisters. But as the superior beings keep ignoring our prayers, I find myself losing my faith.
    I used to heal every day: pledges, pvp and more, serving selflessly the other classes who are better dps than us, telling myself: "At least, none can heal like a templar does."

    But then the divines struck me down, struck -us- down. They made us the worst class. Worst tank class. Worst DPS class. And our first place as healer is now debatable. "Why did you do that to us?", I ask them. No answer. No sign.

    I have lost my faith.

    I am officialy a templar on strike.

    Rly? my FTC says something different when raiding :)
  • Ashamray
    Unstable Core is a a wastage of magicka
    I don't speak even about multi-targeting. Yesterday I was dueling. I refreshed UC every 7 sec and my manapool became dangerously low - this is with 2.8k recovery and 1 proc of magic EG, lol. Damage of UC is too insignificant to cost so much.
    Edited by Ashamray on March 11, 2016 12:52PM
    Boadrig, EU PC

    Very Balanced
    Battleground Beta Testers
    Cite's Legacy

    Imperial City frequenter
    Imperial City feedback and suggestions
  • TRoclodyte
    Destruent wrote: »
    TRoclodyte wrote: »
    I love you, templar brothers and sisters. But as the superior beings keep ignoring our prayers, I find myself losing my faith.
    I used to heal every day: pledges, pvp and more, serving selflessly the other classes who are better dps than us, telling myself: "At least, none can heal like a templar does."

    But then the divines struck me down, struck -us- down. They made us the worst class. Worst tank class. Worst DPS class. And our first place as healer is now debatable. "Why did you do that to us?", I ask them. No answer. No sign.

    I have lost my faith.

    I am officialy a templar on strike.

    Rly? my FTC says something different when raiding :)

    If you consider a bunch of broken skills, no versatility, a bunch of slow-casted skills and lack of ressource management good? Then yes, you're good. You can do good DPS in situations like a raid? I'm not surprised.

    I'm the kind of person who think that to be a good DPS you need more than what? One or two good DPS skills that occasionnaly break? Other classes have access to that to. But they also have versatility and ressource management.
  • Destruent
    TRoclodyte wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    TRoclodyte wrote: »
    I love you, templar brothers and sisters. But as the superior beings keep ignoring our prayers, I find myself losing my faith.
    I used to heal every day: pledges, pvp and more, serving selflessly the other classes who are better dps than us, telling myself: "At least, none can heal like a templar does."

    But then the divines struck me down, struck -us- down. They made us the worst class. Worst tank class. Worst DPS class. And our first place as healer is now debatable. "Why did you do that to us?", I ask them. No answer. No sign.

    I have lost my faith.

    I am officialy a templar on strike.

    Rly? my FTC says something different when raiding :)

    If you consider a bunch of broken skills, no versatility, a bunch of slow-casted skills and lack of ressource management good? Then yes, you're good. You can do good DPS in situations like a raid? I'm not surprised.

    I'm the kind of person who think that to be a good DPS you need more than what? One or two good DPS skills that occasionnaly break? Other classes have access to that to. But they also have versatility and ressource management.

    With the changes to ele-expert we can effectively use firebased skills in our DPS-rotation and get resources by elemental drain...
    regarding versatility...i grant my group 5% more spelldmg and offheal with my rotation...i don't think that's bad.

    what's your definition of DPS? Oneshotting people in PvP? Not loosing resources when pugging?
  • TRoclodyte
    Destruent wrote: »
    TRoclodyte wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    TRoclodyte wrote: »
    I love you, templar brothers and sisters. But as the superior beings keep ignoring our prayers, I find myself losing my faith.
    I used to heal every day: pledges, pvp and more, serving selflessly the other classes who are better dps than us, telling myself: "At least, none can heal like a templar does."

    But then the divines struck me down, struck -us- down. They made us the worst class. Worst tank class. Worst DPS class. And our first place as healer is now debatable. "Why did you do that to us?", I ask them. No answer. No sign.

    I have lost my faith.

    I am officialy a templar on strike.

    Rly? my FTC says something different when raiding :)

    If you consider a bunch of broken skills, no versatility, a bunch of slow-casted skills and lack of ressource management good? Then yes, you're good. You can do good DPS in situations like a raid? I'm not surprised.

    I'm the kind of person who think that to be a good DPS you need more than what? One or two good DPS skills that occasionnaly break? Other classes have access to that to. But they also have versatility and ressource management.

    With the changes to ele-expert we can effectively use firebased skills in our DPS-rotation and get resources by elemental drain...
    regarding versatility...i grant my group 5% more spelldmg and offheal with my rotation...i don't think that's bad.

    what's your definition of DPS? Oneshotting people in PvP? Not loosing resources when pugging?

    My definition goes down to not having broken skills...

    Not having a charge I can't use (risking to get locked out of everything).
    Not being unable to aim with jabs when rooted.
    Not having a dark flare that takes longer to cast than the tooltip says.
    Not having abilities so slow to land (dark flare and shards) that it's too easy to dodge or reflect.
    Not having an ultimate that fails to connect with target half of the time even if I'm literraly hugging them (sweep)
    Not having an ultimate that sometimes dissapear as soon as it hits the ground without dealing any damage (nova)

    Having really bad passives doesn't help either.

    So... can you pull high DPS? Yeah. Highest DPS in a group? Yeah, maybe. Possible. Good DPS? Not in my opinion.
    Enjoyable DPS? Hell no.
    Edited by TRoclodyte on March 11, 2016 3:07PM
  • Destruent
    TRoclodyte wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    TRoclodyte wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    TRoclodyte wrote: »
    I love you, templar brothers and sisters. But as the superior beings keep ignoring our prayers, I find myself losing my faith.
    I used to heal every day: pledges, pvp and more, serving selflessly the other classes who are better dps than us, telling myself: "At least, none can heal like a templar does."

    But then the divines struck me down, struck -us- down. They made us the worst class. Worst tank class. Worst DPS class. And our first place as healer is now debatable. "Why did you do that to us?", I ask them. No answer. No sign.

    I have lost my faith.

    I am officialy a templar on strike.

    Rly? my FTC says something different when raiding :)

    If you consider a bunch of broken skills, no versatility, a bunch of slow-casted skills and lack of ressource management good? Then yes, you're good. You can do good DPS in situations like a raid? I'm not surprised.

    I'm the kind of person who think that to be a good DPS you need more than what? One or two good DPS skills that occasionnaly break? Other classes have access to that to. But they also have versatility and ressource management.

    With the changes to ele-expert we can effectively use firebased skills in our DPS-rotation and get resources by elemental drain...
    regarding versatility...i grant my group 5% more spelldmg and offheal with my rotation...i don't think that's bad.

    what's your definition of DPS? Oneshotting people in PvP? Not loosing resources when pugging?

    My definition goes down to not having broken skills...

    Not having a charge I can't use (risking to get locked out of everything).
    Not being unable to aim with jabs when rooted.
    Not having a dark flare that takes longer to cast than the tooltip says.
    Not having abilities so slow to land (dark flare and shards) that it's too easy to dodge or reflect.
    Not having an ultimate that fails to connect with target half of the time even if I'm literraly hugging them (sweep)
    Not having an ultimate that sometimes dissapear as soon as it hits the ground without dealing any damage (nova)

    Having really bad passives doesn't help either.

    So... can you pull high DPS? Yeah. Highest DPS in a group? Yeah, maybe. Possible. Good DPS? Not in my opinion.
    Enjoyable DPS? Hell no.

    lol....i know that templar skills are clunky and (some of them) broken...this does not change the fact that our DPS is great atm.

    i don't need a charge as apve-dps
    i don't get rooted while dpsing in pve
    darkflare does nice ranged dps
    noone dodges my attacks in pve
    i don't use nova or crescent sweep as ultimate for dpsing

    so as you akready said...templar-dps is good, the broken skills are another problem. If you enjoy it only depends on you...i enjoy it a lot to play my templar and pull rly nice dps :)
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