Nerfs ... Already a ability called radiant Mage light . No one uses it , I do on all my toons it's funny to see night blades try to sneak past a crowd and get ganked
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
This kind of stuff is ruining the game. I leveled a char to 14, you nerf it. I make a new char, buy 15 XP scrolls from the Crown store and get it to 14, now your talking about nerfing it.
These people have all the opportunity to re roll and play this class if its OP but they don't, they just want to make playing there own class easier. All that's happening if EVERYTHING IS BEING NERFED because of this kind of whiney crap, tthe point you ruin every single class and people don't want to play.
Weren't they going to stop nerfing things after this update?
You NB only have yourselves to blame since you all scream nerf on any class you can't sneak attack and kill, and if you can't win the fight you press your "I win" button. Where was all the L2P when the NB community screams nerf at everyone else... Hypocrites... Cloak is getting the hammer because you all abused your abilities, lied about how OP it is and cried about all the other classes. If it is simply a lack of regen during cloak, cloak will still be OP as NB can just stack cost reduction and increase the magicka pool. Please balance cloak and increase the penalty for use as they only need it a few times.
It's a good solution to nerf the magicka recovery like in mist form that way the magicka nightblades can not spam it, make the cost stack it's just gonna hurt the stamina nightblades that use it just sometimes the problem with cloack it's just the too many castings in a row.
Lol... Now stamina NB know how stamina sorcs felt when their nerf was announced.
Most_Awesome wrote: »Goodbye Magica Nightblades
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
Master_Kas wrote: »
@DeanTheCat Look at some comments after this was posted. I plan to abuse my shieldbreaker as much as possible, or my shieldspamming sorc. Probably both
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
DeanTheCat wrote: »
@Master_Kas: I read (almost) every thread on the forums so I saw the posts. I don't really care either way. This change only means that I substitute my Essences of Magicka with cheap Nirnroot + Blue Entoloma infusions. I'll still achieve the same end result. I don't have much Magicka regen to begin with anyway.
... Though I don't think Kris would be too happy about it. He spends more time in cloak then out.
Master_Kas wrote: »
Yes pots will help, but if you have low magicka regen it will be even lower with this change. Magicka nightblades will still be able to spam it alot more. This is worse for stamina nbs than magicka ones imo. :P
Ah yes Kris, wonder what he thinks about this.
That's a stupid reason for nerfing something and you should have your forum account deleted to take away your voice on such matters. And it's cloak, not clock you nitwit.
First of all, nerfing something that's not working seems a bit... ill-advised. Get it totally working, where it's 100% dependable that if you press the button, it's going to go off... and it's not going to get disrupted by things that shouldn't disrupt it. Then we can talk.
Second of all, what is this hate between classes on this particular game? I mean, there's class bias in any game. But in this one... it's downright NASTY. Why is that?
Knootewoot wrote: »Non- NB's always complain that "NB can pick the fight when they want" etc, but they forget every class can stealth and hide and pick the fight they want.
If magicka regeneration is a bit lower, you can still drink magicka potions to keep magicka up. I think in the end people will have found other builds to keep unlimited cloaking. I don't see what the issue is. As long as the cloak, they don't attack. And a detect potion or caltrops it's just like they never cloaked.
Yesterday in IC I was chased by a group of angry EP because I killed one dude and got 800 TV. I cloaked once. I just used charging manouvres for CC immunity and run of. Cloaked once near a splitting so they didn't know which way I was going. going, going gone.
It's not unlimited cloak they cry about. They say it is, but they just angry if any NB gets away. Whether you cloak once or 10 times.
Knootewoot wrote: »Non- NB's always complain that "NB can pick the fight when they want" etc, but they forget every class can stealth and hide and pick the fight they want.
If magicka regeneration is a bit lower, you can still drink magicka potions to keep magicka up. I think in the end people will have found other builds to keep unlimited cloaking. I don't see what the issue is. As long as the cloak, they don't attack. And a detect potion or caltrops it's just like they never cloaked.
Yesterday in IC I was chased by a group of angry EP because I killed one dude and got 800 TV. I cloaked once. I just used charging manouvres for CC immunity and run of. Cloaked once near a splitting so they didn't know which way I was going. going, going gone.
It's not unlimited cloak they cry about. They say it is, but they just angry if any NB gets away. Whether you cloak once or 10 times.
I'm curious why cost increase is not fair for stamina NB for cloak but cost increase is fair on Streak for stamina sorc?
I also could definitely get on board with AOE dmg preventing NB from immediately recloaking for a few seconds. That is definitely my biggest problem with using Thundering Presence as a counter to Cloak.
playing solo nb for the most time and i dont run mark target, just not needed. there are enough skills that break cloack, special in tight IC areas. Perhaps just change a skill on your bar instead of calling for a whole class to be nerfed.
killingspreeb16_ESO wrote: »
Next penality is for shield!