ztyhurstub17_ESO wrote: »
Personally I don't see what is wrong with escape mechanics. If a player cloaks or bolt-escapes away its probably because they are not very good at fighting anyway. If I can catch them, then great I get some TV stones, but if I don't then so what?
Master_Kas wrote: »
I know how to have better success in getting away. I also have tons of magicka pots, cost reduction and magicka regen even as a stamina nightblade thanks to gear and championpoints. Thing is alot of newer players don't use regen drinks nor have tons of champ points nor the experience on how to use it properly. They will get wrecked even easier and will probably leave the game thanks to no means to defend themselves. But then again this applies to most new players facing properly geared V16's with alot of champ points. And with the way things are going, do we really need less players?
This will affect stamina nightblades way more than magicka ones. You cannot disagree on that.
Thing is everything keeps getting nerfed, it's the way ZOS wants to handle things. So be it. Just can't justify nerfing a skill which is a class main defense, which already have tons of counters which can render it useless. (Not saying it's useless, but it can be made useless by multiple skills + pots)
Oh i´m so glad we can point anyone having problems with shields to the wonderful shieldbreaker set zenimax just introduced with their latest major patch for this occasion
If cloak gets ANY penalty (increase in cost/reduce magicka regen) It is only fair they remove ALL counters to cloak.
Okay, but only if they stop gap closers working against streak.
Anyway, it's just a matter of time until the QQ goes over to shields and breath of life and I'll wait for this very moment.
Joy_Division wrote: »
All right, someone has got to put a stop to this.
Not to single you out, but really, think of the new players? How about those new players who rolled a DK? Where were all you NB forum warriors claiming nerfs were bad for the game and L2P issues when their class has been absolutely eviscerated over the past year?
"Just can't justify nerfing a skill which is a class main defense" this is total BS. DK reflective scales rings a bell? Hey, it ain't a NB skill, bring on the nerfbat. Where where these sentiments when Templars pointed out their signature defensive skill got hit with the nerfbat? How would NBs like it if ZoS came out and said cloak only works against single targets and you can only have one active? Think that was a bit excessive, right? Want a counter to Eclipse, just fricking CC break...there, no more eclipses thrown against you for 8 seconds. None of you have to look like an idiot spamming AoEs into empty air and waste a slot using the awful revealing flare skill.
At least be honest. Say that since you have to put up with sorcerers and their stupid OP shields you don't want to lose cloak and you don't give a rat's a** about how other classes get nerfed.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
Wait? Wait for what XD.
The QQ for shields has been going on since 2014. Feck it, the QQ for Sorcs in general has been going on since DKs got demolished. It's nothing new to us.
Again I agree with some of the posts here, especially the ones that point that out that the issue is the ridiculous sustain introduced with 1.6 due to soft-cap removal and CP system.
But overall, I see this as an overreaction. Bolt has had easily 6-7 nerfs and it's still usable. I'm sure Cloak will be very usable afterwards too. You could all use Cloak effectively back in 1.5 when you couldn't spam it, it's not the freaking death of the class like you guys make it sound.
I'd rather slot a skill to counter shields than being forced to drop a set bonus and run Stamina based just to counter shields.
Also Shield breaker isn't removing your shields, only the one attacking you is bypassing them with a little amount of damage.
I mean cloak is awesome sometimes, but if it's all you got you will notice how frustrating this skill actually is.
Mark, burning embers, Shadow image, Caltrops, flare, potion which is not even visible, Shadow, talons, cinderstorm and I could continue with that list. Now imagine you get also a penalty for using something without knowing if it actually works.
Just cause someone is using Shield breaker doesn't make your shields useless, but someone using a simple potion can negate my defense against a whole group.
I actually don't care if cloak gets a penalty as long as they fix it completely and apply penalties to all other defense abilities.
You all speak of balancing, so I hope you see that issue as well.
Stamina Build defense:
Heal - heal over time and spamming it won't bring you back to full health or any close of it
Block - no stamina Reg
Dodge - cost increase
Cloak - most certainly gets a penalty to avoid multiple usage in a row
Compared to Templar heals (which makes him tanky while healing the whole group) and Magicka shields like hardened ward or healing ward this defense is limited - you won't be able to spam them infinite.
If you hold pressure on me I will run out of ressources.
If I hold pressure on you, but you're specced for huge heals or shields, nothing will happen to you - you won't run out of ressources.
Of course this game isn't balanced around 1v1, but by using this argument I could upload a video of every single group fight showing the ground covered in Caltrops, making cloak the most useless skill in eso.
Anyway, it's just a matter of time until the QQ goes over to shields and breath of life and I'll wait for this very moment.
Okay, but only if they stop gap closers working against streak.
I agree with all of that. Still there is nothing they can do about shields now that they´ve introduced shieldbreaker (which should have been a magica set all along bc you know - harness/dampen). If they happen to revisit shieldbreaker i´m the first one to ask them to make shields not stackable anymore.
As long as that set is in play i´ll point anyone complaining about shields into that general direction because that´s how zos decided to balance shields.
The problem with cloak is not that it´s a defensive skill but rather it´s defense + mobility/initiative combined. The problem lies with the mobility/initiative part of the skill because every aoe counter to it is not really a counter if you can´t use it bc the nightblade is hiding between enemy NPCs in IC. Cloak is far less of a problem in open world pvp. But for IC it´s hell.
Thanks to shield breaker you're able to hit the enemies health directly with a flat amount of damage, but you give up a set bonus and have to run a stamina build.
Also it's totally fine for Stamina builds being able to counter shields and I'll explain why.
The only counter against dodge roll are timed attacks and Magicka based skills, meaning Stamina builds won't counter each other.
Why should a Magicka build be able to counter other Magicka builds and stamina one, but Stamina neither of them?
Anyway, Shield breaker is like Teleport strike, heavy attacks or Magicka AoEs to dodge and it still got a penalty.
You basically say shields got a counter, so it shouldn't get nerfed, but why should cloak get a nerf then?
I'm running shield breaker since willows will take ages until it get fixed and have yet to see anyone dying to my light attacks, while I killed many nightblades by simply marking them. Of course I'm not running bow, but you expect me to slot a set and equip a Bow to counter your shields while you can break my cloaks and wait until I run out of Magicka?
Shield breaker is not enough, shields and heals needs a penalty as do all other defense abilities - at least that's what you want otherwise the community wouldn't complain about every single one.
One skill is a problem only in IC, but nerf it overall, right?
Mobs breaking my cloak isn't enough, right?
If you can't spam cloak you will notice how annoying it actually is, but balancing a skill around dlc content?
In that case I want mines nerfed since they're not a problem outside of IC, but are incredible strong inside.
Nerf cloak, alright - but fix all abilities breaking it without being AoEs or actual counters first.
Also add penalties to shields and heals to make all defense abilities for all possible builds equal,meaning that someone who spams them will run out of ressources.
That's what you all want, isn't it? Offense being the best defense. Stacking one stat, get highest dmg and apply pressure until the enemy will run out of ressources which is exactly what will happen.
Since I play with a extremely limited dodge anyway I'm already used to stuff like that, but it's gonna be funny that see Sorcs and Templars dying one by another.
Shieldbreaker is a vaible counter to shields. However stamina never had the giant issue against shields magica users have. Resources for shields are finite if you don´t run 2500+ magica reneration.
Shields are still a much bigger problem for magica build than they´ve ever been for stamina in the first place because resources for magica v magica are really infinite thanks to harness magica.
Also with the counters to cloak is: They are not vaible apart from detect potions. I´d love to have something like caltrops on a magica build. But wait i´d kill myself because of the million npc´s the nightblade could just drag into my aoe in ic. I would gladly give up a 5p a setbonus to get a cloakbreaker. Apart from that there is no functional counter for cloak on a range build.
Try to look at it this way: You´re arguing from a point where there are builds in existance that can circumvent cloak because of abilities not working as intended. I´m arguing from a point where i´ve been playing a build since 1.5 against which cloak happens to work 100% reliable - ranged magica build that is. While it may have issues i can assure you it´s a million times worse than any shieldstack or teleporting sorc when it´s actually working.
Seth_Black wrote: »
Complaining is simple, but for once try to PLAY or understand other classes (in best case learn to play them all)
so you can see all strong/weak points and work out your own way to fight specific abilities.
For once try to understand that NBs are the only class that can CHOOSE not to die in PvP. We all agree that we should have class diversity but this is simply too much. Either allow all classes to have an escape mechanic, or remove this one from the NB.
F*** it, let's all play magicka Templars and just stand there spamming Breath of Life, as any other defensive skills seems to be forbid
Sorcs are the only class with a proper shield. Either allow all classes to have a proper shield, or remove this one from the Sorc.
Templars are the only class with a proper self heal, Either allow all classes to have a proper selfheal, or remove this one from the Templar.
DKs are the only class with a reflect ability. Either allow all classes to have a proper reflect, or remove this one from the DK.
Should I continue? Or do you see how stupid such an argument is?
For once try to understand that NBs are the only class that can CHOOSE not to die in PvP. We all agree that we should have class diversity but this is simply too much. Either allow all classes to have an escape mechanic, or remove this one from the NB.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
Just cause you don't got a build able to counter to cloak, doesn't mean it's working fine and should receive a nerf.
Cloak is next to dodge the most unreliable skill I know.
Imagine your Shield suddenly disappearing - just poof and gone - that's how it likes to play with cloak.
You either get it through and you're happy that you were able to avoid an attack or it just breaks cause it hates you.
It's already impossible to cloak against DKs using burning embers and even enemy NBs using shadow image hitting you at least once out of it.
Nerf cloak, fix the counters, let me see who's using a potion and most importantly nerf shields and heals as well.
Cloak got counters, many counters working great for people I play against and is still bugged. On top of that you want a penalty.
I mean your lovely streak got a counter, but does it make the skill useless? You still move away and stun enemies on the way.
As a stamina build using cloak I can't simply move millions of miles away using cloak, that's not how it works.
Tell me, what's your problem with Shield breaker and a penalty against shields?
Shield breaker isn't removing your shields or anything like that, so where's your problem?
If you're so against it, how can you expect a nightblade to accept a penalty for using a still buggy ability with countless of counters.
I mean if I have to be a stamina build to get through your shields, why can't I expect from you to slot Stamina based AoEs to break cloak?
Caltrops is surely expensive, but so is my cloak as Stamina Build.
On my solo build I'm not running any AoE, no detect Pots and no mark. NBs are able to escape, but none of them were actually able to kill me.
These NBs get away sure, but what do they achieve with it? Right, nothing.
Of course I'm defending cloak since it's my main class ability and I'm not against any penalty or whatever, but I'm against the fact that my class should've limited access to defense while all Sorcs jump around and use their shields like it costs nothing.
If you don't see that all defense abilities should've a penalty regardless of their counters then this discussion is useless, but I don't see why shields or heals should be an exception.
Do you really think these are the same? you are comparing skills in game with the ability to NOT DIE. Sorry, but i don't agree that these are equivalent.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.