mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
I don't really like kicking people when they are down, but this is top top trolling! Maybe start a thread: "Why do NBs refuse to think outside the box?"
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »
They nerfed Ball of Lightning without ever fixing the fact that it failed to absorb spells frequently.
Temps sup par, DK neutured, sorcs castrated, and NB having no regen during cloak is nothing more than punch to the junk. NB are herring off SO easy.
All of a sudden you are Gandhi..lol..
Francescolg wrote: »Hello,
Has the bugged synergy from the NB-ultimate, which could be reactivated by simply dodge rolling, been fixed?
It was possible to keep the synergy effect working much longer than intended.
Any news? Fix yes / now? There's more work to do ZOS!
(I do not remember it very well, or if it was a ultimare or just a skill but basically the complete raid could keepthe synergy up, simply by rolling)
Keep cloak as it is and people will (already are) keep leaving the game, because we are all sick of hearing this on TS "He's a NB, no pointing in chasing him" (even if there's 5 of us)
You don't hear this kind of talk when it comes to any other class.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
Master_Kas wrote: »
I never once asked for any nerfs to wings because I didn't use projectiles vs them . Nor for templars. Only thing I wanted nerf for is sorcerers shieldspamming.
We need more players not less.
" "Just can't justify nerfing a skill which is a class main defense" this is total BS"
This is not total BS. A nb without cloak is ***, he can try rolling around but without cloak to reset the timer he is dead in most cases.
The hatred you have for the NB class shines brightly all over your post btw. You trying to tell me that YOU care about the NB class? Doesn't seem like it
Edit: I got this forum account towards the later half of 1.6, so wasn't around before that in the forums. What other's say and do not say, I cant control nor does it mean that I agree with what other nightblades write just because I main a nightblade too.
Seems to me you seeing this as getting even, since DK's got nerfed NBs shall get nerfed too? With that mentality this game is just going to lead to more nerfs until everything is equally useless.
Find me a post where I say nerf dks/wings/templars/bolt escape. You wont. So go pick on someone else.
Nope. Just stupid.Einher trolling or a joke cant decide....
Joy_Division wrote: »
Umm, I play a NB. I don't hate them. I didn't say you asked for nerfs to the other classes. I said you didn't care when they got nerfed. This makes your whole nerfs-are-bad-for-the-game assertion hollow because you only feel that way when it applies to NBs. In the DK talons nerf thread, this was the only thing you had to say to a thoughtful post why the change should be reverted:
"Wrong about crippling grasp. The root is blockable and reflectable."
For that to be the only thing to say to a well thought out and thorough post demonstrates your apathy. And yet, you can post this with a straight face:
"With that mentality this game is just going to lead to more nerfs until everything is equally useless."
I see the time to stand up against nerfing is when the NB is under threat, but when DKs are under fire (at the same time) your only contribution is to make sure the ESO community was not misinformed about a NB skill.
Which is fine, what 90% of fourmites do. But don't dishonestly hide behind the veil of impartiality, claim to be saving new players, or try to justify your position for the good of the entire game. Just say you are tired of dealing with sorcerers and their OP shields who also use selfish logic to preserve their OP status or need a skill the reliable allows to avoid templar spamming their stupid OP biting jabs skill.
Unlike you, I actually do care for all classes. Check my post history. I play a sorc and am one of the few people who publicly admit the ability to stack everything into magicka for offense, defense, and maneuverability is too strong. NBs thought I was insightful and impartial then. I play a templar. While my fellow templars will have you believe the class sucks, I will tell instead say while many of their skills are impractical and frustrating, there is nothing scarier at this moment than a biting jabs templar: it heals, damages, aoe, and CCs. it is a very strong class right now since they meta has moved away from the main thing templars suck at, burst damage. I play a NB. I in this thread, I have NOT articulated a position or agreed with the poster. All I have done was spotlight hollow and self-serving commentary.
So, no, you are wrong about "getting even" and "hating NBs." You only think I am this way because your perspective and priority are not for the overall health of the game like you claim, rather the maintenance of the power for the class that you play. You are so passionate that you felt the need to use language the triggered the profanity filter just to make your point.
Sneaky-Snurr wrote: »Dear freaking OP @sabresandiego_ESO,
Firstly, you do realise that Cloak is still buggy. Apparently, certain and crucial DoT abilities you cast break cloak still.
Secondly, it was supposed to work that way plus the cost of casting cloak is already expensive especially to stam NBs. What @ZOS did to cloak in this patch is actually a FIX that should've been deployed in the first few months after launch. It's not a buff because again, it is supposed to work that way.
Thirdly, there are already lots of counters available against cloak (ie. AoE skills, detect pot, time-bombs like prox det for example) and I can only presume that you're not utilising any of them to your advantage.
Now that Gina has heard your whines, you must be extremely delighted. Bravo.
@ZOS_GinaBruno This game doesn't need any more nerfs. Please. Don't listen to whiners you hear.
@blur You get an awesome for that. I just hope the devs won't listen to the whines in this thread.
Nope. Just stupid.
Joy_Division wrote: »there is nothing scarier at this moment than a biting jabs templar: it heals, damages, aoe, and CCs. it is a very strong class right now since they meta has moved away from the main thing templars suck at, burst damage.
I understand nightblades aren't used to nerfs toward their class, but look at how well stamina sorcs have done despite all of the nerfs to streak. If you seriously think cloak is the core skill of the class, and the only thing making the class worthwhile, you have found a very nice box.
Oh i´m so glad we can point anyone having problems with shields to the wonderful shieldbreaker set zenimax just introduced with their latest major patch for this occasion
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
Master_Kas wrote: »
I said you didn't care when they got nerfed.
How do you know if I cared or not? As I said when the big nerfhammers swung on DK's I wasn't around in the forums and I played DK back then too.
killingspreeb16_ESO wrote: »I need to point that you have MANY skill that work against cloak?some people here need to try some of them,and i need to waste my 5 set to counter your shield but you can't slot a skill that counter cloak?give me a skill like radiant magelight that make my skill bypass your shield instead of shieldbreaker,is so good that i alredy changed my set to willow path for extra regen since shieldbreaker work well only against bad sorc(with bad i mean the sitting duck sorc that keep reapply shield and do nothing else) and is very situational against a good one.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
Francescolg wrote: »
1. Burst dmg still exists... no need to argue on that! and wait until people finish their new equip
2. although Templars still won't do burst dmg
3. It's people like you, who are the problem for the class, as they oversee the great weaknesses and they keep focusing on temporal "shiny things", as was done with Jesus Beam. You get the crowd's attention on 1 shiny aspect, while ZOS keeps nurfing us
Sneaky-Snurr wrote: »
Well said @killingspreeb16_ESO. This whole thread actually points back to the main culprit to all nerfs and that's L2P issue.
Sneaky-Snurr wrote: »
The thing is, Cloak IS indeed a NB's core skill. A lot of passives and skills (ie. Shadow Barrier and Veiled strike and its morphs) revolve around it and it is a staple to all NBs without a doubt (if you think that's not the case then I don't know what is), if Cloak gets nerfed then stam NBs are done for. Add to the fact that NBs have no damage shields or reliable heals, NBs are incapable of surviving without Cloak. Thus, you'll see the re-emergence of StickBlades once more if the nerf comes into play.
That's what separates each and every class apart. Also, NBs didn't need any nerfs because they were weak at launch and Magicka NBs were the only way to go. Cloak hasn't even been fixed fully yet and I'll stress on this once more, what @ZOS did to Cloak in the IC patch is actually a FIX. When Cloak is actually close to being fixed, all the whiners stormed out of their caves and yelled 'Cloak needs nerf! OMG!'.
And also, Cloak does NOT deal damage nor offer CC upon cast at all compared to Sorcs's Streak. It is simply a utility with hard synergies available at disposal which all NBs can utilise. Most of the time, it is used for escaping and we all know very well that most of the time it ends badly for the cloaking NBs attempting to escape.
The stereotype goes like this and is indeed true: Templars (healers), NBs (stealth-specialist), DKs (tankers) and Sorcs (spellcasters).
Sneaky-Snurr wrote: »
The thing is, Cloak IS indeed a NB's core skill. A lot of passives and skills (ie. Shadow Barrier and Veiled strike and its morphs) revolve around it and it is a staple to all NBs without a doubt (if you think that's not the case then I don't know what is), if Cloak gets nerfed then stam NBs are done for. Add to the fact that NBs have no damage shields or reliable heals, NBs are incapable of surviving without Cloak. Thus, you'll see the re-emergence of StickBlades once more if the nerf comes into play.
That's what separates each and every class apart. Also, NBs didn't need any nerfs because they were weak at launch and Magicka NBs were the only way to go. Cloak hasn't even been fixed fully yet and I'll stress on this once more, what @ZOS did to Cloak in the IC patch is actually a FIX. When Cloak is actually close to being fixed, all the whiners stormed out of their caves and yelled 'Cloak needs nerf! OMG!'.
And also, Cloak does NOT deal damage nor offer CC upon cast at all compared to Sorcs's Streak. It is simply a utility with hard synergies available at disposal which all NBs can utilise. Most of the time, it is used for escaping and we all know very well that most of the time it ends badly for the cloaking NBs attempting to escape.
The stereotype goes like this and is indeed true: Templars (healers), NBs (stealth-specialist), DKs (tankers) and Sorcs (spellcasters).
Sorcs were double nerfed by limiting Bolt Escape PLUS the Shield Breaker set.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make
I rather have a nerf related to Magicka regeneration while Cloaked than buffing a potion which is so ridiculous that quaffing one nullifies your Cloak to everybody in the vicinity.As mainly a PvE player who has now been trying to PvP since IC came out.. I find those constant stealthing Nightblade's super annoying.
Although, I'm not sure about a nerf, but buffing detect potions would certainly help. I know they were nerfed at the end of PTS, but maybe bring them to the middle of what they were, and what they are now?