Knootewoot wrote: »
Ah, what are we worrying about. A future update? That will be somewhere in 2020.
You exaggerating a bit, nothing will change until Orsinium. For 3-6 months nightblades can cloak without worries.
Seth_Black wrote: »
You're aware that during QuakeCon they said Orsinium will be up somewhere at the end of THIS year?
Just cause you don't got a build able to counter to cloak, doesn't mean it's working fine and should receive a nerf.
Cloak is next to dodge the most unreliable skill I know.
Imagine your Shield suddenly disappearing - just poof and gone - that's how it likes to play with cloak.
You either get it through and you're happy that you were able to avoid an attack or it just breaks cause it hates you.
It's already impossible to cloak against DKs using burning embers and even enemy NBs using shadow image hitting you at least once out of it.
Nerf cloak, fix the counters, let me see who's using a potion and most importantly nerf shields and heals as well.
Cloak got counters, many counters working great for people I play against and is still bugged. On top of that you want a penalty.
I mean your lovely streak got a counter, but does it make the skill useless? You still move away and stun enemies on the way.
As a stamina build using cloak I can't simply move millions of miles away using cloak, that's not how it works.
Tell me, what's your problem with Shield breaker and a penalty against shields?
Shield breaker isn't removing your shields or anything like that, so where's your problem?
If you're so against it, how can you expect a nightblade to accept a penalty for using a still buggy ability with countless of counters.
I mean if I have to be a stamina build to get through your shields, why can't I expect from you to slot Stamina based AoEs to break cloak?
Caltrops is surely expensive, but so is my cloak as Stamina Build.
On my solo build I'm not running any AoE, no detect Pots and no mark. NBs are able to escape, but none of them were actually able to kill me.
These NBs get away sure, but what do they achieve with it? Right, nothing.
Of course I'm defending cloak since it's my main class ability and I'm not against any penalty or whatever, but I'm against the fact that my class should've limited access to defense while all Sorcs jump around and use their shields like it costs nothing.
If you don't see that all defense abilities should've a penalty regardless of their counters then this discussion is useless, but I don't see why shields or heals should be an exception.
Knootewoot wrote: »
They also said Veteran ranks would be removed (phase 4) after the champion point update (phase 3). but instead they added 2 more.
Seth_Black wrote: »
Vet ranks removal = NOT in near future officially confirmed in one of the ESO Live
We won't get vet ranks removed due to current itemization and I wouldn't expect it removed in next year or so.
After Orsinium we'll get Thieves Guild DLC and Dark Brotherhood DLC idea what's after but looks like another BIG content update ...maybe they work on removing vets at this point one knows.
Seth_Black wrote: »
You're aware that during QuakeCon they said Orsinium will be up somewhere at the end of THIS year?
Seth_Black wrote: »Without it every NB can shout: 'you want to take my cloak? give me sorc's shields, templar's heals and dk's flap flaps and I'll keep playing.
If ZOS will destroy cloak you'll see how many players will just simply quit the game since there will be no challenge to play this class any more.
sabresandiego_ESO wrote: »This is one of the skills that is pushing nightblades in to the overpowered territory. The skill needs to stay spammable for its after effects like 100% crit or DOT removal, but the duration of invisibility should be treated like bolt escape and last 33%-50% less time each time its cast. You should not be able to stay invisible continuously for longer than 7-10 seconds, which is already a long time.
First cloak: duration is 100% 3.5 seconds
Second Cloak: is 2.3 seconds
Third Cloak: is 1.5 seconds
Fourth Cloak: is 1 second
Fifth Cloak: is .6 seconds
Sixth Cloak: is .4 seconds
Seventh Cloak: is .3 seconds
Eight Cloak: is .2 seconds
Ninth Cloak: is .1 seconds
Something like this would allow people to only be invisible for about 7-10 seconds max if they spam cloak. The timer should be similar to roll dodge and bolt escape.
Keep cloak as it is and people will (already are) keep leaving the game, because we are all sick of hearing this on TS "He's a NB, no pointing in chasing him" (even if there's 5 of us)
You don't hear this kind of talk when it comes to any other class.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
Knootewoot wrote: »
No, neither of you 5 had caltrops or a detection potion? Groups I am in always chase NB's because in IC sewers they are bound to have a stash of stones.
Also, every class can pop reteating manouvres and run away. Cloak is not the issue, but CC immunity, run speed and being smart (like hiding behind a crate in next room)
Sigh... again with these so many counters to cloak that exist everywhere and players simply refuse to use them.
Caltrops is a stamina only extremely expensive skills. Maybe there is no stamina build in the group, or maybe they simply don't have the stamina for it. Also caltrops is far from reliable against Cloak, stop spreading this blatant lie. Even if you manage to cast the caltrops right after the NB uses cloak, by the time the caltrops land, the NB will be out of their range. So you basically need to be lucky, and target the caltrops at the direction the NB decides to run. God forbit you are 1 second lae, by then the NB will be half way across Cyrodiil.
Pots - i'm not sure about other people but my potions are usually on cooldown, i don't always have the possibility to use them. Also, with the latests nerfs, the reveal time is really small.
And yes, NBs have stashes of stones because THEY NEVER DIE! Because they use cloak, ofcourse.
And no, retreating maneuvers is far from even being in the same league as cloak, when it comes to getting away - try using it and see for yourself.
Stoney_McGeee wrote: »Caltrops = stamina
Flare = magic
No excuses..
There's literally so many options .. That's just the basic skills to get the job done..
Whenever I'm looking for a NB , I think like a NB.. And just spam talons around myself.
Stoney_McGeee wrote: »Caltrops = stamina
Flare = magic
No excuses..
There's literally so many options .. That's just the basic skills to get the job done..
Whenever I'm looking for a NB , I think like a NB.. And just spam talons around myself.
For once try to understand that NBs are the only class that can CHOOSE not to die in PvP. We all agree that we should have class diversity but this is simply too much. Either allow all classes to have an escape mechanic, or remove this one from the NB.
Also @Araxleon you should not cry but adapt. I think you made a nice topic for sorcs to do so. Try to think outside the box. A good nb does not rely on cloak - that´s cheap anyway!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
I respectfully disagree.
Also to the people saying that cloak has counters, it's pretty obvious you haven't tried them. Everyone in this thread asking for a nerf to cloak have tried them and we know how inefficient all those counters are.