If you think DoT's solve the problem of Cloak perhaps you should read the tooltip for cloak.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
nordickittyhawk wrote: »@ZOS_GinaBruno
If you actually do that you will 100% ruin this class for me! STOP LISTENING TO THESE PEOPLE ZENIMAX!!. the skill is buggy as it it... -.- how about nerfing shields then.... Sick of pvp babies crying cause they suck..
There are detect pots, binds and DoT's that all solve the problem. The actual problem is the people, like the OP, who want 1 build that counters everything in the game.
If you think DoT's solve the problem of Cloak perhaps you should read the tooltip for cloak.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
1) The OP is a NB
2) DoT's don't pop you out of cloak
3) Curse has been changed and it doesn't pop you out of cloak any more
No offence meant, but form 2 posts within 5 mins, it's obvious to me that you don't seem to know the game well enough to offer an opinion on Cloak atm.
I play a Sorc and I can safely say that shadow cloak does NOT need a nerf. There are detect pots, binds and DoT's that all solve the problem. The actual problem is the people, like the OP, who want 1 build that counters everything in the game. If you continually go around nerfing everything, you'll eventually ruin the game. As you said, there are already ways to counter shadow cloak, if people prefer to use health/Stamina/Magicka pots, that's their decision and they sacrifice a way to detect cloaked NB's, or stealthed enemies...
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
Curse does actually break cloak...Isn't that ironic?
Curse does actually break cloak...Isn't that ironic?
Just make sure to take into account the fact cloak is meant to be used repeatedly (even if not consecutively) during a fight. It is the nightblade's source of damage mitigation through the shadow barrier passive(which only lasts four seconds), and a damage buff in the case of shadowy disguise.
Yeah but it took me about 5 minutes on my NB to get the right timing so curse pops you out once and then you instantly recloak without the sorc having a chance to apply a new one. Saying a targeted 3.5s timer ability is a vaible counter to an ability that lets your enemy do guesswork where you actually are is nothing but laughable.
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »
I agree. This is the stupidest nerf yet. I play a sorc and I have no trouble seeing cloaked targets because I slot radiant magelight. Please do not make cloak completely useless again. This is simply a L2P issue, and I think most PvPers will agree this game has been dumbed down enough.
I'm not sure where you got the impression that I don't know how to deal with cloak, but I've been playing a magicka nightblade for over a year now so I know how powerful the ability is; how to best use it, and how to counter it. Don't let that stop you misinterpreting my posts because your replies just continue to highlight your foolishness.
i honestly believe it should be a toggle. It should suspend magicka regen while active and cost magicka if the caster moves. Wouldn't that be a fair compromise?
Just make sure to take into account the fact cloak is meant to be used repeatedly (even if not consecutively) during a fight. It is the nightblade's source of damage mitigation through the shadow barrier passive(which only lasts four seconds), and a damage buff in the case of shadowy disguise.
Radiant magelight has about ~7m detect range against bosmer/kajiit NBs. I´d like to see the competent player where it´s not a waste of two skillslots.
It's part of a viable encounter and there are many other abilities that solve the issue. Like I said, people want to run 1 setup and beat everyone.
What many other abilities are you talking about? Radiant magelight which every nb is thankful if you slot it because you´re wasting 2 slots for no detection range at all or that flare skill with a travel time the NB has to be in a wheelchair to be hit?
i like how now another abbility is beeing decided to be messed with while the core issues are still at play..
how about return soft caps ?
how about remove cp system so theres is atleast a fair fight instead of the numerous times where 1 beats the other for simply having more cp (happends alot)
there are specs in this game that can litterly max out their damage while at the same time maxing out their defence in the process.
if this game wasnt such a bloody spam fest with infinite resources and an endless grind than i would dare to bet that alot of people wouldnt be whining...including myself.
but seeing an overhyped dlc that is supposedly packed with intresting pvp just to log in and see that more *** has been broken than before and seeing that nothing has been done about the actual issues regarding pvp is so demonitaving to keep on playing..
i have no desire to log in again even though i was hyped about the dlc myself.. but having playing this game since the beginning and seeing no progress regarding the most stressfull aspects about pvp is just disgusting..
Simple, new patch, new rules. That's all. You can like or dislike them.
Most of the people complaining here dislikes the new rules because they go againts their playing style. There's people specially angry because they have to change their builds to set a NB buster in one of their bars at least. Nevertheless, doesn't it open a window for new builds?
Just a simple exercise, in a world full of Magicka NBs running cloak, who's gonna be the apex predator? Yup, the one who plays different.
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »
Do you even use radiant magelight? I mean seriously, have you actually used it? Please go away.
What many other abilities are you talking about? Radiant magelight which every nb is thankful if you slot it because you´re wasting 2 slots for no detection range at all or that flare skill with a travel time the NB has to be in a wheelchair to be hit?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.