So to get CP #501 it takes 576,733 XP. I'm ok with that because with the given formula it will be 634,219 XP to get CP #3600, which isn't much more TBH.
Nice work guys.
silky_soft wrote: »If the cap was 3600 it would be 1902657 from 3599 to 3600. Problem we are having is with this implementation it is penalizing those that have not ground out 1000+ cp.
So someone at 2000 would need to get 2210934xp for 2001 cp. But this is not the case because earlier we found out that for 698th champ point you'll need 2377344.
((3599/(3600^0.95))+0.08)*400000 = 634,219
It's only tripled if you exceed the cap.
You forgot to triple it...
Besides if you check the other thread people have been posting up numbers of which they require for next cp, and people over 500 are already needing over a million, and people at 700+ are into several million per cp.
So especially you're happy to have a rough number of 2-3 million per cp for anyone that remotely played the game since releaae?
You forgot to triple it...
Besides if you check the other thread people have been posting up numbers of which they require for next cp, and people over 500 are already needing over a million, and people at 700+ are into several million per cp.
So especially you're happy to have a rough number of 2-3 million per cp for anyone that remotely played the game since releaae?
((3599/(3600^0.95))+0.08)*400000 = 634,219
It's only tripled if you exceed the cap. It really is a fantastic formula.
Unless the math is wrong:silky_soft wrote: »So someone at 2000 would need to get 2210934xp for 2001 cp. But this is not the case because earlier we found out that for 698th champ point you'll need 2377344.
ZOS_RyanRuzich wrote: »Unless the math is wrong:
((698 / (501 ^ 0.95)) + 0.08) * 400000 * 3 = 2377344
((2000 / (501 ^ 0.95)) + 0.08) * 400000 * 3 = 6632803
Is this not what you're seeing on PTS?
silky_soft wrote: »I already edit it mate
ZOS_RyanRuzich wrote: »
There's a lag for when a post is submitted on our end and when it gets approved. Sorry :-(
silky_soft wrote: »@ZOS_RyanRuzich so this is true comparing new system to old system?
I'm 260 cp
It will cost me 7cp less to get to 338cp
It will then cost me 36cp more to get to from 338cp to 501cp
Which makes me 31cp worse off under the new system.
Assuming that I stop trying to perfect my rotation and counters actually pvp'ing to grind pve.
So especially you're happy to have a rough number of 2-3 million per cp for anyone that remotely played the game since releaae?
ZOS_RyanRuzich wrote: »
...Please note: This thread is not to discuss the pros/cons of the system, but rather to pass on some information about how the system currently works to help you with testing, and assist us in spotting any inconsistencies or errors...
ZOS_RyanRuzich wrote: »Greetings all!
There have been several requests on the forums for an explanation of exactly how the Champion System Catch-up mechanic we’re introducing with the Orsinium patch works. We’re here to offer some details about how the system works on the PTS, and hopefully answer some of your questions. Please note: This thread is not to discuss the pros/cons of the system, but rather to pass on some information about how the system currently works to help you with testing, and assist us in spotting any inconsistencies or errors.
With the new system, the formula used to calculate the amount of XP needed to gain a single Champion Point is as follows:
((TotalPoints / (Cap ^ 0.95)) + 0.08) * 400000, where Total Points is how many CP points you’ve earned.
If you exceed the cap, the XP required is calculated given the above formula, and then tripled. (So, the XP you would need to earn 512 Champion Points is 589,807, which is then tripled to 1,769,421.)
For the first Champion Point (going from 0 Champion Points to 1 Champion Point) 1XP is required.
We only triple the point values if you are over the current Champion Point cap—once we raise the cap, the values will return to normal.
The new catch-up mechanic, currently on PTS, is subject to change based on player feedback and data. We’ll be iterating on it as needed on the PTS—we’ll do our best to update this post if and when that happens.
Please let us know if you have any questions!
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
- Average CP on PC - 93
- Average CP on PS4 - 46
- Average CP on XB1 - 44
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »The averages I posted were calculated from active accounts that have at least 1 VR character. (i.e. - can start earning CP) An account is only considered active if it has been logged into in the past 30 days and played the game for a period of time.
With this system there is a soft cap around 35% lower then the actual cap.
That point of view doesn't paint the whole picture. You will be far better off under the new system competitively, and this is only the first iteration of the formula.
If your math is correct, esentially you're forfitting 31 xp for a fair fight vs someone with 2000 cp.
Did you see this?
You and I are the minority. I want a balanced game with good fights and I thought you did too. This is a good thing!
Question I have is, post season 1 will this formula actually allow people to catch-up?
Based on the average CP and this formula what do you expect the average person to earn?
Let me make some assumptions
Assume average CP earned per season is 258
Season 1 Cap 501
Average CP at End of Season 1 = 338
Gap = 163 CP
Season 2 Cap 1000
Average CP at End of Season 2 - 596 CP
Gap = 404
Season 3 Cap 1500
Average CP at End of Season 3 - 854 CP
Gap = 646
I would assume that catch-up would mean the "average" gap would be getting smaller not larger?
My numbers are all based on a few assumptions however I am trying to illustrate a point to ensure that it is considered.
Ty for your time.