Im at over 900 on PTS, it takes 3 million for me. A friend is 750 and requires 2.4 million.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »I feel that it should never require more than 400,000 XP to earn a CP. Making it require millions of XP to earn a CP that other players got for only 400,000 XP? That feels like a reward to the grinders and exploiters who got us in this position in the first place! When the CP cap jumps to 600 or 750 or whatever, they will already be there. They will have access to CP totals that are borderline impossible for anyone else to reach now. So they will have an advantage almost grandfathered in, especially every time the cap is increased, for a long time to come.
As I've said in multiple times, cp's won't change that. I can faceroll 6 people at once, with 100 cp, I can still gank people and insta gib them with my nightblade, even against people with several hundred cp, hell look at sypher, 300 cp and there's a video of him beat 20! Yes 20 players by himself...
Cps are not the issue.
ZOS_RyanRuzich wrote: »
@Ezareth - Misspoke..Enlightenment hasn't been touched and works as it currently does on Live. At a high level, while a player is logged off Enlightenment, if valid to be earned, accrues X enlightenment at a frequency. Neither the amount nor the frequency has been changed from what is currently on Live. Currently, and subject to change without notice to balance the System, there is no plan to touch Enlightenment. If we do change it, we'll update this thread. Sorry for the confusion.
@ZOS_RyanRuzich So does that mean it's still 400,000 XP of enlightenment for 100,000 XP earned for each day?
nimander99 wrote: »I don't understand why they didn't just remove CP effect from PVP and leave the PVE system intact... a whole bunch of math and programming, messing with a system for no reason IMHO.
And what happens when we are all close to or at 501 then the cap is raised? Do we go back to 400k per point or is everyone sped up until they get close to new cap then its rtard town all over again?
nimander99 wrote: »I don't understand why they didn't just remove CP effect from PVP and leave the PVE system intact... a whole bunch of math and programming, messing with a system for no reason IMHO.
I am very disappointed in this solution.
The ceiling is too low. The catchup mechanic should indeed be very drastic so new players can go from 0-150CP very quickly (5x), and start cutting it down to 4x, 3x, 2x until they hit the rough area youd like. I didnt expect the cap to be below 700-800 honestly.
Keep in mind 500 is until 'next season', so we could be sitting there for 3 months or more, whatever that is.
From a financial standpoint - you will likely lose subs from your dedicated base, not because they are mad at you, but because you have simply taken away one of the reasons for them to sub. I am a sub, I have stored up a lot of crowns I havent spent on anything. I can cancel my sub, buy a bear, buy Orsinium and IC patch and be a happy camper. Why wouldnt I? Again, this isnt to spite you, but you are literally taking out the long term mechanic of CP for me and Ive never gone and farmed, I just login - pvp and make roughly 2 CP a day. This is a bad solution and Im not going to fight in this thread very much because I feel the decision has already been made.
ColtPython wrote: »
Final thought:
It is really too bad we have to do all of this because in my experience the champion system has been the best part of playing the game. A little more progression for doing things. I always thought there should be a catch up and maybe a little slow down but never a cap. In my guild, we like to celebrate a CP earned! Its one of the more fun things to get as a bonus to running dungeons, earning achievements, and an incentive to level another character. My wife even sings a CP song when she earns one!
... once we raise the cap, the values will return to normal.
I understand what you are saying, but you have to consider a few things:
1. The power difference between the "soft cap" of 338 and the "hard cap" of 501 is not that great. It's far more important to have newer players accumulate CP at a faster rate until they get to the soft cap.
2. People are considering rushing now because there will be a penalty, not because there will be a cap.
3. If someone is at the new cap already when new content is released, what does that matter?
4. Penalizing people for being above the soft cap and in particular penalizing them with a x3 multiplier is a huge disincentive to playing. I mean, would they rather have people who are between the soft cap and the hard cap to play a bit more because they have a (relatively) short-term goal of getting to the cap, or just stop playing between now and when the cap is raised so they don't have to deal with penalties anymore?
Because for those of us that play the game organically and are happy when we get a champion point in as we go about our day (CP earned while unlocking chests are the best!), it feels like we will be penalized, particularly in instances where XP gain is unique, like questing and exploration).
And that is a huge disincentive to playing. Seriously, I've played since launch. I've never run out of things to do, because I take my time and I have varied interests, but when I first read about this, I felt completely discouraged from playing.
pmn100b16_ESO wrote: »The x3 multiplier is there to prevent people being at or near cap everytime they raise it. Coupled with the catchup system, they're attempting to bunch their playerbase into a narrower band of CPs, which I guess helps balance their newly designed content, along with balancing pvp.
There are of course going to be people at the 501 cap already and they are complaining about being penalised because of the x3 multiplier. But when the second cap arrives, the x3 penalty will be lifted and if all goes to plan, you will barely hit this cap before its raised again. Repeat for each cap raise and for most people you should find a continued progression of CP earning similar to how its working on live, with maybe a brief pause at cap for some of the more regular players. Its only the current cap of 501 some people are going to find themselves stuck at for a while and 'penalised' with the x3 multiplier.
i havent been playing since release i put real hard work into the game im at 436 its takes over 500k exp to get ea cp and the cap is 501? hows this make since its harder for me to get to the current cap now if its supposed to be catch up mechanic? if it was a catch up mechanic their would be no increase on exp you need for ea cp until you get to 501 instead they made my grind hard to get to the cap at 501.... im upset why make it harder for the people that were actually catching up? i used no exploit or anything just hard work... and now their making me work even harder to get to 501... why?
You actually will catch up to them because while you're paying up to a 41% penalty until you hit 501 CPs they're paying at least a 341% penalty for every one they earn. It's hard to grasp for many people but your actually in the best position possible.
There is still a hard cap in pvp, correct? Everyone over 501 will only be able to use 501 in pvp?
i havent been playing since release i put real hard work into the game im at 436 its takes over 500k exp to get ea cp and the cap is 501? hows this make since its harder for me to get to the current cap now if its supposed to be catch up mechanic? if it was a catch up mechanic their would be no increase on exp you need for ea cp until you get to 501 instead they made my grind hard to get to the cap at 501.... im upset why make it harder for the people that were actually catching up? i used no exploit or anything just hard work... and now their making me work even harder to get to 501... why?