Would you prefer account wide achievements?

  • PeacefulAnarchy
    They're coming!
  • Malthorne
    Yes, I'd prefer account wide achievements.
  • Wolfpaw
    Yes, and while we're at it, make motifs account wide too.
    Nice account wide achievements is coming!
    Edited by Wolfpaw on January 27, 2022 9:34PM
  • CyberOnEso
    Yes, and while we're at it, make motifs account wide too.
    Well, ask and ye shall recieve
    @CyberOnEso PC | EU - Jack of all Trades - Armory Style Manager Planesbreaker | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Immortal Redeemer | Tick Tock Tormentor | Gryphon Heart
  • Kikazaru
    Confirmed with update 33.

    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • Tornaad
    We are getting account wide achievements!
  • spartaxoxo
    Yes, I'd prefer account wide achievements.
  • karthrag_inak
    No, I like the current character achievement system.
    wait....what? Khajiit likes getting achievements on his many characters. -sigh-. oh well.
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions
  • Tandor
    No, I like the current character achievement system.
    Great shame, spoils the game for a lot of players who have multiple characters in order to play them fully through the game as individuals with different approaches and playstyles. Unfortunately there's no suggestion as yet that it will be optional.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Yes, and while we're at it, make motifs account wide too.
    Finally my Vampire wont be forced to cure himself and become a filthy werewolf just to get them achievements.
  • Crown_of_Antlers
    No, I like the current character achievement system.
    I would prefer if they gave us an option to opt out of this. Personally I LIKE earning achievements on each of my characters, and now that is being taken away. This isn't something that I'm happy about at all.

    Please give us a way to opt out of this. Let players have a choice.
    Edited by Crown_of_Antlers on January 27, 2022 9:44PM
  • Hlanu
    No, I like the current character achievement system.
    Great... time to delete all my characters but one, I guess. :/ But happy for those who wanted it.
    Hlanu - Redguard Arcanist
    Tahemet at-Hubalajad - Redguard Sorcerer

    PC EU
  • PeacefulAnarchy
    Some things are only going to be character level, so I guess we'll have to wait for Monday's PTS to see exactly how it's being implemented. It's possible character level tracking will still be there.
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    We're really hyped that we can get Account Wide Achievements to everyone!
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • RisenEclipse
    Well I picked a good time to make this poll I guess XD
  • IronWooshu
    Some achievements should be account wide, but the rest should remain as is.
    I think it's gonna be stupid when new characters are running around Cyrodiil with Grand Overlord.
  • NerfSeige
    No, I like the current character achievement system.
    Rip to the guy with 31 master anglers
    Avid reader of wes’-pts-diary[RIP]

    NerfAS and Shill ruins everything

    Skinny-meta-fake, graded D, and can’t explain the law of diminishing marginal returns.

    I won’t post that Wes, I’ll get [snipped] for the last time

    Revert this patch - Audens, 2022
  • phairdon
    Yes, I'd prefer account wide achievements.
    phairdon wrote: »
    Yes. ESO is closing in on 8 years since release. Chances of any change is slim to non existent.

    :D:D Pass the humble pie.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Lenox
    No, I like the current character achievement system.
    I stick to one character until I complete a zone. Then I switch to a new character and zone until completion there. Etc. The way I play ESO is that I keep rotating in that way. Because of this, I may not play a character for 6-9 months.

    Achievements are what allow me to know where I left off. Like a bookmark. Account-wide, if removing character-specific achievements, would destroy that. It's very useful for me, for example, to know that the last thing I did on my Sorc was complete Clockwork City on 10/5/2019.
    Nord TankCro
    Redguard StamCro
    Orc StamKnight
    Khajiit MagBlade
    Argonian HealPlar
  • spartaxoxo
    Yes, I'd prefer account wide achievements.
    Lenox wrote: »
    I stick to one character until I complete a zone. Then I switch to a new character and zone until completion there. Etc. The way I play ESO is that I keep rotating in that way. Because of this, I may not play a character for 6-9 months.

    Achievements are what allow me to know where I left off. Like a bookmark. Account-wide, if removing character-specific achievements, would destroy that. It's very useful for me, for example, to know that the last thing I did on my Sorc was complete Clockwork City on 10/5/2019.

    I do hope the recent achievement thing remains character specific and the story quest achievements. All other should be account wide imo.
  • Casul
    Yes, and while we're at it, make motifs account wide too.
    Best change, gives me a little hope for the PvP stuff next.
    PvP needs more love.
  • Hapexamendios
    I don't have s preference either way, but I would say that some achievements, like Emperor, should be character only.
  • Fischblut
    Yes, I'd prefer account wide achievements.
    We're really hyped that we can get Account Wide Achievements to everyone!

    I was not prepared to be hyped about anything this year for sure, but this unexpected feature is just awesome! :) Thank you!
    Well I picked a good time to make this poll I guess XD

    Yes! Even as player who always wanted account-wide achievements, deep inside I knew that this would never happen in ESO... It is no small feat to surprise old grumpy player like this :D
  • TheImperfect
    No, I like the current character achievement system.
    I must admit I think I prefer it to be character based for most things but I'll see how I feel about it after it becomes a thing.
  • peacenote
    No, I like the current character achievement system.

    Your poll is missing a "No, I'd prefer to keep character specific achievements as-is with the addition of a global achievement tracker for my account."

    If I HAD to take individual over global, I'll take individual, but I'm fine with adding a global view. More options are always good.
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • tmbrinks
    No, I like the current character achievement system.
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    We're really hyped that we can get Account Wide Achievements to everyone!

    Many of are not. We've shared our concerns. Hopefully you give them the same credence that led to this point. This will severely damage the game for a sizable number of players and playstyles.
    Tenacious Dreamer - Hurricane Herald - Godslayer - Dawnbringer - Gryphon Heart - Tick Tock Tormenter - Immortal Redeemer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    The Unchained - Bedlam's Disciple - Temporal Tempest - Curator's Champion - Fist of Tava - Invader's Bane - Land, Air, and Sea Supremacy - Zero Regrets - Battlespire's Best - Bastion Breaker - Ardent Bibliophile - Subterranean Smasher - Bane of Thorns - True Genius - In Defiance of Death - No Rest for the Wicked - Nature's Wrath - Undying Endurance - Relentless Raider - Depths Defier - Apex Predator - Pure Lunacy - Mountain God - Leave No Bone Unbroken - CoS/RoM/BF/FH Challenger
    61,405 achievement points
  • AlnilamE
    No, I like the current character achievement system.
    I'm ok with having an account-wide overview that preserves the individual characters' achievements so you can repeat them on alts.

    I'm on my 8th character working on the "loot 1000 chests"

    If they make that account-wide, they better add 10,000, 20,000 and 50,000 to the list.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Thevampirenight
    I think part of the reason why they are doing this, is I feel like it would at least help with performance, and so its a good thing in the long run for the overall health of the game.
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • BahometZ
    Account wide titles are an awful idea as they not only cheapen the value of titles, but also remove incentive for a lot of the player base to replay content. This seems absolutely counter to what a company like Zenimax want, which is continued engagement.

    I can get behind a global achievement counter, and to go further would actually appreciate it if rng achievements like finding Maiq the Liar and monster trophies were cumulative across accounts, which it wouldn't be even under this new proposed change.

    But shared titles is completely unacceptable to me.
    Pact Magplar - Max CP (NA XB)
  • Casul
    Yes, and while we're at it, make motifs account wide too.
    BahometZ wrote: »
    Account wide titles are an awful idea as they not only cheapen the value of titles, but also remove incentive for a lot of the player base to replay content. This seems absolutely counter to what a company like Zenimax want, which is continued engagement.

    I can get behind a global achievement counter, and to go further would actually appreciate it if rng achievements like finding Maiq the Liar and monster trophies were cumulative across accounts, which it wouldn't be even under this new proposed change.

    But shared titles is completely unacceptable to me.

    I feel the exact opposite of you, and many others do too.
    PvP needs more love.
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