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PTS Update 22 - Feedback Thread for Class Balance

  • techprince
    Daus wrote: »
    techprince wrote: »
    Surprise Attack should not debuff the target at all. Move that debuff to Grim Focus.

    It's already pretty useless and you want to make it more so? Yeah something tells me you don't care about class balance.

    Surprise Attack already useless? something tells me you dont even play a nightblade.
    Instant highest damaging spammable, Major Fracture on Live, Stun + Off balance from sneak, Major Resolve and Major Ward, 3% max health on slotting. Like how high a person can be to not see this?
    Edited by techprince on April 21, 2019 6:01PM
  • Strider__Roshin
    If you're going to remove Major Fracture from Surprise Attack then it needs to have an significant damage buff. At the moment it's not worth slotting over Power Extraction which barely does less damage, hits 360° and is undodgeable with a larger range.

    Incap needs major defile otherwise it's a dead ultimate. It's that simple. Wanna nerf it? Get rid of the CC. Want to put something special on it? How about a root? I really don't care what it is, but I'm not using Incap if you're going to remove Major Defile. I'll use Soul Harvest in non-CP, and DBoS in CP while back barring Soul Harvest for any class with with strong healing.

    Grim Focus needs a buff otherwise spending resources on it is beyond ridiculous.
  • techprince
    Daus wrote: »
    If you're going to remove Major Fracture from Surprise Attack then it needs to have an significant damage buff. At the moment it's not worth slotting over Power Extraction which barely does less damage, hits 360° and is undodgeable with a larger range.

    Incap needs major defile otherwise it's a dead ultimate. It's that simple. Wanna nerf it? Get rid of the CC. Want to put something special on it? How about a root? I really don't care what it is, but I'm not using Incap if you're going to remove Major Defile. I'll use Soul Harvest in non-CP, and DBoS in CP while back barring Soul Harvest for any class with with strong healing.

    Grim Focus needs a buff otherwise spending resources on it is beyond ridiculous.

    YOU have zero sense of balance. This tells me you dont play this game. You have zero idea how this spammable works. You are comparing this instant SINGLE TARGET skill with an mediocre AOE.
    Incap is overloaded bs, everyone knows this. It seems you dont want your cheese taken away. Also, did you even read the patch notes? your fear is now an AOE STUN. Stun is better than root and all roots are getting a cooldown.

    Soul Harvest retains Major Defile, this forces you to choose between damage + stun VS utility. This ultimate is still cheap as ***, should have 100 ultimate cost.
    Edited by techprince on April 21, 2019 6:14PM
  • Strider__Roshin
    techprince wrote: »
    Daus wrote: »
    If you're going to remove Major Fracture from Surprise Attack then it needs to have an significant damage buff. At the moment it's not worth slotting over Power Extraction which barely does less damage, hits 360° and is undodgeable with a larger range.

    Incap needs major defile otherwise it's a dead ultimate. It's that simple. Wanna nerf it? Get rid of the CC. Want to put something special on it? How about a root? I really don't care what it is, but I'm not using Incap if you're going to remove Major Defile. I'll use Soul Harvest in non-CP, and DBoS in CP while back barring Soul Harvest for any class with with strong healing.

    Grim Focus needs a buff otherwise spending resources on it is beyond ridiculous.

    YOU have zero sense of balance. This tells me you dont play this game. You have zero idea how this spammable works. You are comparing this instant SINGLE TARGET skill with an mediocre AOE.
    Incap is overloaded bs, everyone knows this. It seems you dont want your cheese taken away. Also, did you even read the patch notes? your fear is now an AOE STUN. Stun is better than root and all roots are getting a cooldown.

    Soul Harvest retains Major Defile, this forces you to choose between damage + stun VS utility. This ultimate is still cheap as ***, should have 100 ultimate cost.

    That "mediocre" AoE you speak of has a tool tip that's only 7% lower than Surprise attack. If you think that a dodge-able single target ability shouldn't do significantly more damage than an ability that hits 360°, undodgeable, generates ultimate, and generates ultimate while providing Major Brutality then it's not be that struggles with comprehending balance.
  • techprince
    Daus wrote: »
    techprince wrote: »
    Daus wrote: »
    If you're going to remove Major Fracture from Surprise Attack then it needs to have an significant damage buff. At the moment it's not worth slotting over Power Extraction which barely does less damage, hits 360° and is undodgeable with a larger range.

    Incap needs major defile otherwise it's a dead ultimate. It's that simple. Wanna nerf it? Get rid of the CC. Want to put something special on it? How about a root? I really don't care what it is, but I'm not using Incap if you're going to remove Major Defile. I'll use Soul Harvest in non-CP, and DBoS in CP while back barring Soul Harvest for any class with with strong healing.

    Grim Focus needs a buff otherwise spending resources on it is beyond ridiculous.

    YOU have zero sense of balance. This tells me you dont play this game. You have zero idea how this spammable works. You are comparing this instant SINGLE TARGET skill with an mediocre AOE.
    Incap is overloaded bs, everyone knows this. It seems you dont want your cheese taken away. Also, did you even read the patch notes? your fear is now an AOE STUN. Stun is better than root and all roots are getting a cooldown.

    Soul Harvest retains Major Defile, this forces you to choose between damage + stun VS utility. This ultimate is still cheap as ***, should have 100 ultimate cost.

    That "mediocre" AoE you speak of has a tool tip that's only 7% lower than Surprise attack. If you think that a dodge-able single target ability shouldn't do significantly more damage than an ability that hits 360°, undodgeable, generates ultimate, and generates ultimate while providing Major Brutality then it's not be that struggles with comprehending balance.

    That mediocre skill does not have stun + off-balance from sneak/invisiblity, does not have Major Fracture, does not have Major Resolve and Major Ward, you dont get 3% max health for slotting it and has significantly lower cost.

    In PvP, people either use Rally or Shrouded Daggers. They already give you Major Brutality. 99% nightblades dont use Power Extraction in PvP. [removed baiting comment]
    Edited by ZOS_JesC on April 22, 2019 12:14PM
  • Scorpionwind
    This is the official feedback thread for current class balance and the class ability audit in this update. After you have a chance to try out different combat scenarios, let us know what you think of the current balance. Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
    • Are there any changes you feel are against the spirit of the class?
    • Are you able to weave abilities better or worse in this Update?
    • Do you feel your class is stronger, weaker, or relatively the same with the standardization pass on class abilities?
    • Do you feel we addressed abilities that in the past year have been over or under performing?
    • Do you have any other general feedback?

    I want to start off by saying that the only time I was previously excited for eso news, was hearing it will be released.
    The pts current patch version is super fun and exciting and I am loving the direction you are going.

    In my below response, I had to keep in mind that you are still auditing class skills.

    Dragon Knight

    Molten whip makes me feel like a class...not just a set of abilities outside of my class. This change does assist stamina and magicka builds.... Viable hybrid builds are looming.

    The only issue I found is that on a stam dk, you have 2 non-stammable skills (nox breath and poison claw) which allows me only 2 "buff" for the benefit.
    This does make it a difficult to utilise its full potential. (this includes molten weapons and FoB) - benefit is per bar.

    FoB change is really awesome and makes it even more fun to use.

    Otherwise, Dk is pretty much the same for me.


    This is what I expect (sorry for sounding pompous) from a class. I find myself picking more class skills as they are all viable in either stam or mag..
    If you can get the other classes to feel like this, you would have a very happy community.
    The skills might need to be tuned down a bit, as achieving 62k dps (I never get higher than 23k on live) on one bar... Feels a little over tuned.


    A sore point for most, but definitely far from broken.
    The change to teleport strike is quite awesome as a opening attack and drain essence(?) feels quite nice as well.

    I do think that grim focus needs somethimg to make it worthwhile for me to ensure and time 5light attacks....may always crit(?) or damage increase after the bow proc fires(?).
    It is a massive condition for a heal of 7m on mag builds... Who sometimes want to be at distance.


    Can shards please get a stamina morph or be based of max stats?
    As a stam build, I only have it for the group... It does not do much for my overall damage output.
    MAYBE highest resource regeneration and/or some protection/shield as synergy.

    I have not spent much time on other classes.

    Gear sets

    More a friendly request, but can we re-work sets to make hybrid builds a bit more viable(?)
    Having one set as a must (only 1 for a spec... Which requires 9traits learned - I do understand it to a degree), does limit class builds -, "Play as you like".

    Thank you for all the hard work and I cannot wait to see what changes are implemented as your skills audit progresses.
    Edited by Scorpionwind on April 21, 2019 6:50PM
  • Scorpionwind
    BRODY wrote: »
    Stamsorc get stamstreak and use mana, are you serius?? All, what stamsorcs need: +1 stam skill, but not stamstreak wtf!!!! What are you doing from petmagsorc. You seen BG now, how you think, how many percent magsorcs in BG in 22 patch, will be 80% or 90%???

    NB will die in BG, no berserk, not have major fracture, incap death, oh my god... Not constructive, but truth.

    We do have major fracture... Mark Target.

    You know have minor vulnerability from teleport strike.
  • Lord_Eomer
    highnds wrote: »
    I think if Relentless Focus is being stripped of "bonuses" than the cost should be decreased. It should only cost a tad more than Leeching Strikes.

    Bow hit a lot harder, there shall be no need for cost reduction
  • cpuScientist
    StamPlar a very sore point. Now the damage skill the stamina damage morph power of the light, is a healer skill ans the damage was reduced to make it more healer viable. It's still bugged in terms of damage dealt with high enough parses. And it is further nerfed in favor of healers. This is the stamina damage morph. Let that be the key aspect of it. Further minor fracture is the only reason to even bring a stamPlar, and it's been made easier for the healer to apply. Put fracture on jabs :smile: and add a dot until pop for PotL to keep it as a DAMAGE morph for STAMINA Templar
  • FangOfTheTwoMoons
    highnds wrote: »
    I think if Relentless Focus is being stripped of "bonuses" than the cost should be decreased. It should only cost a tad more than Leeching Strikes.

    Bow hit a lot harder, there shall be no need for cost reduction

    So it's okay that a skill should cost Stam to activate, require five LAs, cost more Stam to proc while being slow and heavily telegraphed while giving no tye of buff at all? The heal is a joke a nothing more. The devs couldn't think of anything so they threw it on. It'll just be blocked/dodged like it is on live and no one will benefit from the heal.

    The redundancies excuse is bad too. Mark Target isn't more attractive now. In PvP it'll be useless as well as solo PvE (group PvE I think NB will be fine). Nothing like telling the person I'm going to attack them like a nice big black pillar above their head. The whole flank mechanic in PvP will be useless too. It's only going to be used upon the initial hit and will still be less than the burst we have now, which experienced will usually survive and heal off, unless you hit them with incap.

    Incap should have just had it's cost increased. Leave it at 125, get rid of the stun hell even tone down the damaged done debuff but keep defile. Healing in PvP is already crazy and with all the defile nerfs it's going to be be worse. Let's not even talk about Mangle and how bad it is in both PvP and PvE.

    Teleport Strike only benefits gankers and even then you'll probably be bursted down because of how wide open you'll be.
    Edited by FangOfTheTwoMoons on April 21, 2019 8:02PM
  • KenaPKK
    @Cinbri updating you that the team is investigating the bugs you reported in your comment.

    Do keep in mind that we get more value out of explanations of the problems and issues you experience with the class, not necessarily suggestions for changes. "This ability should do this" only goes so far without a strong argument for why. You provided arguments for most of your suggestions, but not all, and digging for your rationale amidst the suggestions is time consuming.

    The team is currently deciding on long term plans for many things right now, and while I can't speak to any specifics regarding templar, I will say that we are reading this thread and passing along your thoughts and others'.
    Legion XIII
    Excellence without elitism
    Premier small scale PvP

    NA/PC original dueling and general PvP community guild
    Now the hub of competitive dueling and the joined PvP communities of NA and EU/PC

    Apex Predator.

    Here's a great thread collecting community ideas for PvP updates.

    [MEGATHREAD] Feedback Threads for Class Reps

    Class Representative Feedback Discords:
    Nightblade Discussion:

    Dragonknight Discussion:

    Sorcerer Discussion:

    Templar Discussion:

    Warden Discussion:

    General Healing Discussion:


    Werewolf Discussion:

    Vampire Discussion:
  • jbjondeaueb17_ESO
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    @Cinbri updating you that the team is investigating the bugs you reported in your comment.

    Do keep in mind that we get more value out of explanations of the problems and issues you experience with the class, not necessarily suggestions for changes. "This ability should do this" only goes so far without a strong argument for why. You provided arguments for most of your suggestions, but not all, and digging for your rationale amidst the suggestions is time consuming.

    The team is currently deciding on long term plans for many things right now, and while I can't speak to any specifics regarding templar, I will say that we are reading this thread and passing along your thoughts and others'.

    To be honest, I think a lot of Templars are tired of hearing about "long term plans", especially when those ones are in contradiction with older "long term plans", like Cinbri put it in his post.
    Pain-Healer - Argonian Templar Healer (EP) - Immortal Redeemer - Gryphon's Heart
    Guild : Ghosts and Goblins Target Dummies
    Players know me as Jeban
  • HowlKimchi
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    @Cinbri updating you that the team is investigating the bugs you reported in your comment.

    Do keep in mind that we get more value out of explanations of the problems and issues you experience with the class, not necessarily suggestions for changes. "This ability should do this" only goes so far without a strong argument for why. You provided arguments for most of your suggestions, but not all, and digging for your rationale amidst the suggestions is time consuming.

    The team is currently deciding on long term plans for many things right now, and while I can't speak to any specifics regarding templar, I will say that we are reading this thread and passing along your thoughts and others'.

    Main issue: Merciless resolve costs magicka to do absolutely nothing on first cast.
    previously @HaruKamui but I outgrew my weeb phase (probably)

    PC/NA - EP - Howl Bragi/Howl Kimchi
  • Drdeath20
    Its been 5 years and we've had a hell of a run but at this point our long term plan is to invest as little as possible back into the game.

    Thats all im hearing.
  • Minno
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    @Cinbri updating you that the team is investigating the bugs you reported in your comment.

    Do keep in mind that we get more value out of explanations of the problems and issues you experience with the class, not necessarily suggestions for changes. "This ability should do this" only goes so far without a strong argument for why. You provided arguments for most of your suggestions, but not all, and digging for your rationale amidst the suggestions is time consuming.

    The team is currently deciding on long term plans for many things right now, and while I can't speak to any specifics regarding templar, I will say that we are reading this thread and passing along your thoughts and others'.

    Kena, the problem was stated. Templar stuffers from bugs and inconsistent skill audits this patch, some of which have been Templar pain points since before the rep program started. Hard to let the team know exactly these issues without it sounding like suggestions on changes.

    For example, the team stated skills made a pass to remove redundant functionality across class kits, but made empowering sweeps into a carbon copy of solar barrage while subtracting from stamplar survivability in PvP. Another example, how jabs CP mitigation was reducing the DMG far more than intended, but was missed for 4 patches in arow before changes to jabs/major evasion was drastically changed that made it near impossible to track.

    If the devs want more general nofeedback, here's what I came up with:

    Aedric Spear

    Burning Light: great change, needs extensive cyro testing on live however for efficiency tests. Jabs snare is still dodge able though.

    Focused Charge: minimum range doesn't match other gap closers, at least ones that grant a secondary effect like lotus fan.
    Explosive Charge (morph): no one is using this spell for the AOE dmg. It doesnt break targets out of stealth, requires a target, is too slow, and makes your vulnerable. Niche application as a bomber build but Templar has nothing that helps to escape those situations like a nightblade can.
    Toppling Charge (morph): has potential to be a great change. but has same downsides as explosive charge; most serious PVP players deslot this ability since it opens you up to being cc'd and burst. If DMG buff is to be a buff for Templar, then consistency of use must be created.

    Piercing Javelin:dmg boost buff was weird at range, because templars lack the absolute ranged strength of sorcs to fully use this DMG boost to it's full potential. Skill audit would have shown that one of the magplar pain points is too many cc options that have too many niche applications and all contradict each other. Why run javelin when I can heal+unreflected+unblocked dMG with total dark? But I can't use total dark on cc immune targets and toppling charge becomes generic gap closer when I cast total dark first.

    Puncturing Strikes: best change this patch but there's a bug as cinbri noted regarding it's efficiency on pts.

    Radial Sweep: great change for range. Still misses targets due to how the hitbox is looking for those targets.
    Empowering Sweep (morph): this is hard to swallow because it violates the core reasoning of this patch while increasing the main pain point of stamplar; low survivability after post-nerf of major mending under wrobel. its an AOE 2s pulse that has empower; solar barrage shares this same exact mechanic and thus is instantly redundant. It may be an ultimate, and some pve stamplars love it, but in PvP it takes away from survival for that class.

    Spear Shards:good buffs for pve templar but stamplar can't use it. So it's one sided change.

    Sun Shield:
    .great change for seeing skills and values they bring, because it was tricking both players and devs into thinking this is a great defensive skill. But if blazing was above other options, you'd see it on every templar build and in competitive PvP applications. It doesnt defend well and it doesnt damage well; because of that it will always be replaced by something more damaging or defensive. Radiant ward is perfect for PVE tanks however but the cost increase is a nerf to them sadly. Is 9% per hit good enough for competitive pve? This ability will still find extremely niche use in PvP and it doesn't solve pve tank pain points.

    Dawn’s Wrath
    Eclipse: great mechanic balance for DKs now. Tooltip Great for knowledge too in understanding how it works,but has core issue of its design rests on this cooldown. damage was originally by wrobel increased to account for this 0.75s cooldown. and to boot, healing was never increase to account for this as well. core ability still suffers in that you are giving targets cc immunity without stopping their actions and the niche applications. Other cc abilities are rendered useless if trying to make most of this spell. Hard to use with new toppling charge since you'll waste two slots for a cc immunity granting spell.

    Power of the Light: pve change, while decent, only buffs pve templar healers who did not need buffs on core DPS centered abilities. Dmg loss impacts PVE stamplar and PVP stamplar looking to stretch their dmg to counter the fact their have no defense.

    Solar Flare: great change on both speed and cast times. but is 37% dmg reduction worth 0.1 seconds and slightly faster shot? Snipe, receiving similar change, has only a 27% reduction on damage. In comparison, Jabs while received evasion nerfs but got buffs to compensate as well; dark flare should be buffed now that wings is 50% dmg reduction for similar reasons. With reflective light/vamp bane losing ability to be used as a spamable for both instant cast+dot for greater Dmg, dark flare feels more like a redundant ability that functions similarly to vamp bane but only useful on gank builds/zerglings and will never see application in pve. Solar barrage is great change however to help fix it mechanically.

    Sun Fire: great change for server calcs, but if dark flare isnt buffed, magplar loses partially efficiency in one aspect of it's core identity of "i can do AOE, Melee and range all in one package". Plus ability has issues granting crit buff due to requiring hits instead of cast so it's not functioning according to similar buff spells and thus missed it's chance by the team on their audits.

    Restoring Light
    Breath of Life: great adjustment for pvp balance. Shame other similar heals in the game don't follow this requirement of positioning and LOS walls (Sorc pet heal for example).

    Cleansing Ritual: great change but weird issue with Ritual of retribution. dmg of this spell buffed with highest stat either weapon/stam but is still magic damage so CP scaling will be annoying. Extended ritual is fine as is, though stamplars aren't sitting around for this heal in highly mobile combat.

    Practiced Incantation: heal percentage fix didn't really make morph attractive versus rememberance. For a defensive ult, it hasn't been updated according for the highly mobile game design intent, and both morphs haven't really been touched since 2015-2016. Another missed chance to audit to update Templar proactive defense pain point.

    All in all, Templar will be bottom barrel compared to mag Sorc buffs, mag dk buffs, stamDK stealing stamplar identity of dot pressure/major mending identity, and necromancer. All other classes can accomplish what they need in less than it takes to setup Templar burst.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Haza_212
    On the Grim Focus (relentless morph) change.

    First and foremost i speak from the perspective of a solo stamblade player.

    I am of the opinion that the Nightblade class is on that operates as a solo class, one that is self reliant and selfish in its play style, like a rouge or assassin would be. And as such i feel that the ability for the Nightblade to provide its self with a wide array of self buffs but offer less in team play is part of the classes identity.

    The removal of the minor berserk buff is obviously a sore point for those of us that play Nightblade solo (which i assume most of us would) and removes what i feel is something unique to the Nightblade class. Only one other class has minor berserk easily on demand, and that is the Warden. The warden also has the bonus damage from slotting Animal Companions skills on bar.

    How about, rather than removing the buff altogether, have it give the buff while slotted, and drop the minor endurance to compensate. Then require the skill to be activated to build up the 5 light attacks.

    I feel removing both Minor Endurance and Minor Berserk is a bit much to do in one blow.

    In terms of the heal for the bow attack, this is easily negated by dodging the attack, which is now easier to do after the delay and increase in travel time of the attack.

    Other changes like the surprise attack change, and fear changes I can understand.

    As for Magblade, much more help is needed there in PvP from what iv'e read, however i don't really play the class in pvp.
  • Cinbri
    This is how "golden coat" of Rune Focus looks on Live in shadow where bloom effect and sun rays barely affect:

    That how it look on PTS, go figure where is buffed and where unbuffed:
    It very hard to see even per se and almost impossible when you stand out of shadow, so how do you suppose to determine in combat that duration of rune focus wasn't ended without addons? Revert it effect to how it looks on live as it no longer provide its role of being informative.
    Edited by Cinbri on April 22, 2019 7:41AM
  • vesselwiththepestle
    Stamina Dragonknight - Are there any changes you feel are against the spirit of the class?

    Regarding Stamina Dragonknight. I think you did a good job balancing the DOTs and making them less viable as spammable. Additionally you fixed some issues with Flurry, making it viable as spammable again (although there are still some unresolved issues), and buffed Flying Dagger. That said, you are giving a strange Weapon Damage buff to Molten Whip. This ability deals Flame Damage and costs Magicka, so it won't be actually used by Stamina Dragonknights. However, it seems they will slot it just for this passive Weapon Damage bonus - and use Noxious Breath as spammable! So we are doing the same thing again, using a DOT as spammable.

    I play a Stamina DK as main, I've got also a Mag DK (which I should play more often) and a Tank DK. I play Stamina and Magicka DK mostly in PVE, but in PVP, too.

    Adding a Weapon Damage buff to a Flame Damage spammable ability just feels wrong to me. Compared to skills like Bound Armaments or Bird of Prey I am missing some utility to the skill. It feels like slotting a "dead" skill. If a skill is used only for a passive integrated in this skill, I personally would prefer to have the buff as an actual passive skill (for example in the Warmth passive). This would allow us to actually make use of the partly fixed Flurry, to follow your other changes and NOT use a DOT as spammable AGAIN, and to enjoy this minor buff to Weapon Damage. Especially those Redguard Stamina DK's, who will want to use a Weapon skill spammable even more to make use of their race passives, be it Flurry or Flying Dagger.

    Even more I think it would be time to give us a Poison Whip. Flame Lash for Mag DK, Poison Whip for Stam DK, both with the new Seething Fury buff integrated in a passive skill instead of Molten Whip.

    Stamina Dragonknight is all about Poison. It just doesn't seem right to slot a Molten Whip which deals Flame Damage to get our Weapon Damage buffed so we can deal more Poison and Physical Damage while not actually even using the Molten Whip as active skill!
    1000+ CP
    PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant

    Give me my wings back!
  • ESO_Nightingale
    Minno wrote: »
    All in all, Templar will be bottom barrel compared to mag Sorc buffs, mag dk buffs, stamDK stealing stamplar identity of dot pressure/major mending identity, and necromancer. All other classes can accomplish what they need in less than it takes to setup Templar burst.

    what about Magden?

    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher for ESO-U. Frost Warden PvE Build Article: Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
  • Kalante
    techprince wrote: »
    Daus wrote: »
    techprince wrote: »
    Daus wrote: »
    If you're going to remove Major Fracture from Surprise Attack then it needs to have an significant damage buff. At the moment it's not worth slotting over Power Extraction which barely does less damage, hits 360° and is undodgeable with a larger range.

    Incap needs major defile otherwise it's a dead ultimate. It's that simple. Wanna nerf it? Get rid of the CC. Want to put something special on it? How about a root? I really don't care what it is, but I'm not using Incap if you're going to remove Major Defile. I'll use Soul Harvest in non-CP, and DBoS in CP while back barring Soul Harvest for any class with with strong healing.

    Grim Focus needs a buff otherwise spending resources on it is beyond ridiculous.

    YOU have zero sense of balance. This tells me you dont play this game. You have zero idea how this spammable works. You are comparing this instant SINGLE TARGET skill with an mediocre AOE.
    Incap is overloaded bs, everyone knows this. It seems you dont want your cheese taken away. Also, did you even read the patch notes? your fear is now an AOE STUN. Stun is better than root and all roots are getting a cooldown.

    Soul Harvest retains Major Defile, this forces you to choose between damage + stun VS utility. This ultimate is still cheap as ***, should have 100 ultimate cost.

    That "mediocre" AoE you speak of has a tool tip that's only 7% lower than Surprise attack. If you think that a dodge-able single target ability shouldn't do significantly more damage than an ability that hits 360°, undodgeable, generates ultimate, and generates ultimate while providing Major Brutality then it's not be that struggles with comprehending balance.

    That mediocre skill does not have stun + off-balance from sneak/invisiblity, does not have Major Fracture, does not have Major Resolve and Major Ward, you dont get 3% max health for slotting it and has significantly lower cost.

    In PvP, people either use Rally or Shrouded Daggers. They already give you Major Brutality. 99% nightblades dont use Power Extraction in PvP. If you feel you are a special snowflake, remember, game doesn't revolve around you.

    Why are you listing all the passive buffs as if surprise attack only gives them? There is no buff that im losing if I don't slot surprise attack because I can use any other shadow ability to activate those passives or use any other weapon to get a stun from cloak not just surprise attack. The only benefit that surprise attack comes with is giving you the major fracture, don't come in here and list a bunch of passives and talk about the stun mechanic as if they all are solely exclusive by surprise attack. Thats just deceitful.
    Edited by Kalante on April 22, 2019 12:34PM
  • Jabbs_Giggity
    MJallday wrote: »
    100k parses on necros? There goes any form of game balance

    I'm pretty sure it will eat some nerfs before going live. Necro at the moment is overperforming heavily and they are aware of it.

    Highly doubt it...New Class that replaces both Templar and Warden + Paywall = No Nerf.
  • Jabbs_Giggity

    How about a new Weapon Skill line that focuses on MAGICK DAMAGE and is NOT a Staff? Or, at the very least add a Destruction Staff that is not Elemental...

    So many Magicka abilities on all classes that are base "Magic Damage" but nothing that works well as far as skill line weapon. Would like a LA/HA that scales in damage to say a set like War Maiden? Or a weapon skill line that benefits Melee range Magicka classes? **Ehm *Ehm mNB, Templar **Ehm **Ehm...
  • Rex-Umbra
    Does the new double take morph clear snares and imobilzations like other classes with similar abilities or just a couple seconds immunity?
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Rex-Umbra

    How about a new Weapon Skill line that focuses on MAGICK DAMAGE and is NOT a Staff? Or, at the very least add a Destruction Staff that is not Elemental...

    So many Magicka abilities on all classes that are base "Magic Damage" but nothing that works well as far as skill line weapon. Would like a LA/HA that scales in damage to say a set like War Maiden? Or a weapon skill line that benefits Melee range Magicka classes? **Ehm *Ehm mNB, Templar **Ehm **Ehm...

    Agree all they need to do is make la ha dmg based on highest stat.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Rex-Umbra wrote: »
    Does the new double take morph clear snares and imobilzations like other classes with similar abilities or just a couple seconds immunity?
    Yeah, good question. If it does not remove snares it will be useless... if it does however... then it is a.. a... buff ? ? ?
  • Leocaran
    Necromancer Stamina morphs can now be cast while silenced.
    Wait. A noob question: are stamina abilities unaffected by silence? Really?
    Or is it just a strange buff to necro?
    Edited by Leocaran on April 22, 2019 3:55PM
  • Minno
    Leocaran wrote: »
    Necromancer Stamina morphs can now be cast while silenced.
    Wait. A noob question: are stamina abilities unaffected by silence? Really?
    Or is it just a strange buff to necro?

    they only seriously audit the P2W class. Stamplar restoring focus cant be cast in silence and hasnt been adjusted yet for about 2 patches lol.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Leocaran
    Minno wrote: »
    Leocaran wrote: »
    Necromancer Stamina morphs can now be cast while silenced.
    Wait. A noob question: are stamina abilities unaffected by silence? Really?
    Or is it just a strange buff to necro?

    they only seriously audit the P2W class. Stamplar restoring focus cant be cast in silence and hasnt been adjusted yet for about 2 patches lol.
    So that's a yes? Stamina abilities shouldn't be affected by silence? Why the hell? Especially when there's almost no difference, it's the same magic, but green.
  • Savos_Saren
    I'm pretty sure it's pretty unbalanced to have this much damage with Major Defile attached to it:


    That's over 100k damage on a StamNecro with Major Defile. I'm wearing normal sets (Innate + Swamp Raider + Slimecraw) with normal abilities (no weird "stacking" damage just for the highest hit possible). And that's still with 2k stam regen on my character.

    The ability (without critting) reads for 20K on the tooltip:


    Which means that a normal class ability hits harder than my DK's ultimate, Ferocious Leap. :|
    Edited by Savos_Saren on April 22, 2019 4:48PM
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

    PC NA AD
    Savos Saren
  • Girl_Number8
    Reverse the dark cloak nerf for Magblades that play in the open in PvP. It is our only decent burst heal.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler Cx go 1 v X as a magblade and see how well it works with all your new changes while being 100% visible. Magblades shouldn't be punished for Stamblades. Take soul harvest or incap raise the cost but the changes to dark cloak and merciless resolve is a nail in the coffin for players that were out in the open on an already weak class. You are taking away our only good burst heal on our defensive bar while setting up a burst combo in PvP. Please take a look at it....if anything reverse the dark cloak changes keeping build diversity still alive.

    Thnx, I hope you will test it out and see for yourself that this is a skilled playstyle, nothing like the gankblades that are invisible.... :)
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