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We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.1.0 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

PTS Update 22 - Feedback Thread for Class Balance

  • Tasear
    Pyatra wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    Do you feel we addressed abilities that in the past year have been over or under performing?

    Twlight Maritach is still compared to breath of life and this still is often used by dps with greater effectiveness then on a healer.

    That's probably why they nerfed the DPS portion for pets.

    Good point, but Twlight Maritach doesn't really provide utility that sets them apart when on a healer. If that zap had a better chance to proc concussion it might be something, but at last it isn't.
  • Tasear
    Do you feel we addressed abilities that in the past year have been over or under performing?

    I never use this pet... but the dyno aka clanfear is useless except in solo gameplay.
    Edited by Tasear on April 17, 2019 3:37PM
  • gcb38
    Soul Shriven
    I normally play NB tank and StamDPS:
    Are there any changes you feel are against the spirit of the class?
    I feel like the sustained single target damage of stamina NB has been greatly reduced with the removal of both minor berserk and minor endurance from the class and the burst heal being taken away sort of hinders the high sustainability and independence that NB tanks previously had.

    Are you able to weave abilities better or worse in this Update?
    Can't say there's any noticeable difference

    Do you feel your class is stronger, weaker, or relatively the same with the standardization pass on class abilities?
    I feel like stamina NB got really gimped with the loss in sustain from relentless focus being nerfed. I don't think the berserk really mattered all that much given that healers commonly run combat prayer anyway, but I suppose that's just another thing that they'll be further forced into using and I'll have to rely on them to receive and it's a little odd that wardens still have it, making the only class that has it embedded into their abilities afaik. I think taking away minor endurance was a little much given that NBs lost a lot of sustain in murkmire with their abilities costing more and all stam specs losing sustain with the 1h enchant nerfs as well. Replacing it with a heal if within 7m really just doesn't feel right either. I never looked at that ability and said "Man, I wish this would heal me". The damage from the 5 stack proc is always too good to hold onto or pass up at the risk of losing tons of damage, so I don't see myself or anyone making any good use of that aspect of it. It seems like in order to stay competitive with other DPS classes or even magblade, I'm going to be forced to either get vampirism or run Stormfist all the time. This isn't what I call diversity. It's bad enough ranged specs are typically preferred over all else due to trial mechanics generally favoring them, but now we're losing sustain and damage too, so at this point, why wouldn't I just run magblade instead?

    I also feel like tank NB got quite a bit weaker with the loss of HPS from the dark cloak nerf. It seems like the intent of this change was to put it in line with other burst heals, but the thing about NB is that it doesn't really have a lot in the way of mitigation with shields, but rather uses high HPS as the defining feature of the class to make tanking with it viable. I didn't really think dark cloak was over performing mostly due to the high cost of using this ability.

    On the flipside, I do like the changes to Steel tornado and mass hysteria. Steel tornado feels a lot more consistent in its damage for culling trash mobs, but I can see it being less potent perhaps in trials against trash with higher health pools. Mass hysteria fearing more enemies and enemies no longer fleeing offers more utility to NB tanks looking to control large numbers of trash before they get to their team, whereas before, wall of elements was their only good option for crowd control. The changes to surprise attack are kind of good and bad. I like the idea of having a unique debuff applied using it, but this does considerably lower the class's effectiveness in solo engagements like vMA and PvP. I also am not a huge fan of having it only apply on 'flanks' as I can easily foresee this being clunky in application and some bosses don't give you a lot of options in positioning, however the vast majority of them are faced away by tanks anyway. I would still prefer that the debuff be applied regardless of the target's orientation.

    Do you feel we addressed abilities that in the past year have been over or under performing?
    I think mark target and drain power and their morphs were addressed, but I still dont really see them as in great spots. Mark target is only now a considerable option in PvP for major fracture alone. The heal is a gamble like assassin's scourge now, yes, but I don't think it's very common for people to bank on these types of risky tactics to sustain them in a fight. Major sorcery and major berserk are typically offered by potions in PvE, so these can be useful in more risk/reward scenarios in PvP, but having removed a considerable portion of NB's ability to duel others by its assassin-y nature, this still would put mark target outside of what I think the new meta will be, but I'm not all that much for PvP anyway, so I'm willing to admit that I may be wrong here. Drain power just flat out does less damage than impulse and can be morphed to be placed onto targets at range. Major sorcery does nothing in PvE as everyone who needs it has it and magblades dont typically get within range to use it in PvP in my experience and with what a few other commentors are saying in this thread about scourge's/resolve's heal.

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    I feel like a lot of these changes are targeted specifically at PvP nightblades and complaints about them. Again, I'm not huge on PvP, but I have a pretty good grasp on how my class works and I never thought it to be overpowered, but rather just excels at 1v1 engagements, which can understandably be perceived as being too strong by those who only have these experiences to work from, but in my own, in BGs or cyrodiil, if I go into a fight I have to A ) pick a single target to try and take out B ) pay close attention to my teams positioning because if i don't have their support, I'm pretty much just as dead as anyone else that walks into a 1vX.
    Edited by gcb38 on April 17, 2019 7:25PM
  • Rhaegar75
    a stupid question but I can't help it...too curious!

    How would you rank PTS classes in PvP?
  • Zophix
    • Do you feel we addressed abilities that in the past year have been over or under performing?
      Yes, Coagulating Blood is actually good now.
    • Do you have any other general feedback?
      I agree that DK wings need to be changed and were over performing against projectile based builds.
      I do not agree that they completely shut down ranged attacks, only projectiles, because there are other ranged abilities that go through wings.
      The new applied mechanic of 50% damage reduction doesn't fix the over performance against projectile builds. If I fought a Magicka NB, Wings still shuts down their build.
      Protective Plate snare and immobilization immunity should be increased to at least be on par with Race Against Time.

    Edited by Zophix on April 17, 2019 6:44PM
  • Lord_Eomer
    Night Blade Tank

    Change to Dark Cloak healing is not good for NB tank, currently they may be weakest Tank and after this healign nerf. There is no good reason to roll NB tank.
  • Benemime
    I feel so disappointed when I see few changes to Sorcerer and Destruction Staff (and many other skills and trees).

    Sorcerer the way it is it's a solid class, yes, but it's tiring playing the same thing over and over again, I was expecting more but we are getting nothing new in years.

    Well, Destruction Staff skill tree is the same for 3 years now? lol

  • Americanfunguy
    I wanted to play with the idea of making it so the ONLY NB skill heal, could heal the caster again, at the cost of health over time. Originally it was able to be another HoT that NB's could cast, but since they didn't have much for burst heal, and already had access to heals like Mutgen/rapid regen, there wasn't much need for it. But since the change to making Offering a burst heal, I would really like to see this become a burst heal for nightblades INLUDCING the cast, at the expense of healing over time. Please consider this an option for NB's to have a burst heal for pvp.
    Flawless Conqueror 6 times over.
    All HM clears and PvE titles - Angler.
    PvP all factions.
  • EcclesiaFides
    Wall of text incoming...

    Are there any changes you feel are against the spirit of the class?

    I feel some of the changes for nightblade go against the spirit of the class, yes. Making Grim Focus give a conditional healing only if you're within seven meters of the target is totally inconsistent with the skill itself and is in fact super redundant within the class (something you've stated you want to avoid over and over, ZoS). First, it's a "spectral bow" for Pete's sake. Bows are specifically ranged weapons. So not only does this change shoehorn nightblades (specifically, and painfully magblades) into melee range, but makes no factual/logical sense. We're not Legolas (though some play like they are) so don't give us benefits for using a ranged skill in melee range.

    Further, nightblades have enough healing - way too much in fact. Why add more? We have: Funnel/Swallow Soul, Refreshing Path, Malevolent Offering, Soul Shred/Tether/Siphon, Leeching/Siphoning Strikes, Drain Power/Sap Essence, Dark Cloak, and Consuming Darkness (Hidden Refresh synergy). Beyond that, we have weapon/guild skills like Rally, Vigor, Entropy, Blood Altar, Blood Craze, Mend Wounds, etc. Conclusion: nightblades REALLY don't need more healing.

    My solution: give Grim Focus a combat benefit tied to the bow proc that is NOT healing. Make firing the bow apply a status effect or debuff to the enemy upon a hit. This solution offers: less damage across the board for NB's (something you want and perhaps the class can stomach), makes the benefit conditional, is focused on damage, allows the skill to be used at range, would be dodgeable if the projectile doesn't land, and makes you work to get the benefit. Wouldn't this comply with your goals, especially reducing redundancy?

    A couple more things I feel don't work. The removal of major fracture from Surprise Attack is fine. Tanks apply it in PvE, and we have a source in class with Mark Target. Here's my problem: you didn't make Mark Target any better in response. If you want us to consistently use Mark Target as opposed to Surprise Attack for major fracture/breach, do a pass at that skill and get creative. No one uses Mark for PvP (or rarely use it) and definitely not for PvE, ever. Why not make one morph an AoE? You're already giving AoE major fracture/breach to the Necromancer - why can't nightblades have something similar? And for the other morph, maybe keep the Major Berserk, but instead of granting it upon death of the target (useless), make the debuff much shorter (like 10 seconds) and grant the Major Berserk upon expiration of the debuff. To keep it from being OP however, just make it increase in cost each time it's used on the same target. This again might work with your goals and would make the skill more flexible and more fun. You can do AoE breach/fracture for brawler fights or trash fights in dungeons, or you can pick the one with Major Berserk upon expiration of the ability but since it's shorter and has an increased cost upon use on same target, it's a tradeoff of damage for sustain.

    Are you able to weave abilities better or worse in this Update?

    Others have discussed and this isn't a pain point for me so I'll leave this here as is. Weaving can be learned and relearned as necessary.

    Do you feel your class is stronger, weaker, or relatively the same with the standardization pass on class abilities?

    It feels more dependent on others for important buffs and debuffs - which is not a bad thing! It encourages team play. However, I do feel the changes have made the class (and especially magblades, who were already weakened) both less powerful and more importantly LESS FUN to play.

    Do you feel we addressed abilities that in the past year have been over or under performing?

    You definitely addressed them alright. I think some change to Incap was not totally undeserving, and the minor mangle debuff remains to be seen as to its effectiveness. My thought there however is that Incap has already had several passes and nerfs in the past year, so I thought it was fine as it was. Teleport Strike has always been underperforming so I think the added buff is good, minus that fact that it ties it to melee range. My specific pain point is as things stand, if magblades want that minor vuln benefit, they are required to be in melee range. Not fun and inconsistent with the playstyle. I also feel (as detailed above) that Grim Focus has been gutted too hard, and just needs adjustments. I also feel (again see above) that nerfing Surprise Attack is fine, but make Mark Target wayyyyy better to compensate.

    Do you have any other general feedback?

    I think you can make adjustments before all of these changes go live that will make more people happy about them. I think the other class changes are fine. I don't like the recovery food nerfs, and I specifically don't like them because people were JUST now getting to using blue foods due to the recent racial changes. You had options if you were a sustain race (Breton, Argonian, Redguard, Wood Elf, maybe even Imperial) and that was awesome. By trimming down Clockwork Filet, Artaeum Broth, Witchmother's Potent, and Dubious Camoran you're just penalizing the races that don't have as much built in sustain for using food that compensates that weakness. That's not good game design. Make blue food more desirable - don't make sustain food less so. These are my thoughts, and my thoughts are just that.
  • Jamdarius
    casparian wrote: »
    Given that stam necromancer has enormous class identity with numerous stamina morphs, why do other classes (particularly stamplar and stamsorc) still have so few stamina morphs?

    You forgot StamDK, just 2 skills turning to physical/poison ones.
  • Edrein
    I feel like the change to Impaling Shards/Winter's Embrace detracts from Wardens.

    With the change from the ability no longer being Direct Damage, you've indirectly destroyed Warden class synergy with Winterborn. A set that seems hand tailored to work with Wardens and this skill in particular.

    If this change goes live there will be no reason to run winterborn at all and it will become another non-used set in the game.

    Although in general the changes to warden in this patch in conjunction with the past two years makes it feel like the ship has fully sailed on wardens ever being anything outside of a gimmicky class for PvP.
  • ccmedaddy
    Edrein wrote: »
    I feel like the change to Impaling Shards/Winter's Embrace detracts from Wardens.

    With the change from the ability no longer being Direct Damage, you've indirectly destroyed Warden class synergy with Winterborn. A set that seems hand tailored to work with Wardens and this skill in particular.

    If this change goes live there will be no reason to run winterborn at all and it will become another non-used set in the game.

    Although in general the changes to warden in this patch in conjunction with the past two years makes it feel like the ship has fully sailed on wardens ever being anything outside of a gimmicky class for PvP.
    Incorrect. This was not a nerf--they simply fixed a bug that should've been fixed a long time ago. Also, Winterborn procs on all frost dmg, not just direct dmg, so this should not make any difference in terms of how it interacts with Winter's Revenge.
  • reja
    Soul Shriven
    likecats wrote: »
    With the removal of minor berserk, why is grim focus still an active skill?
    Make it a passive skill, that counts light attacks while you are in combat.

    The activation of this skill always made this skill super clunky compared to say, crystal frags, but the sweet 8% buff justified the clunkiness of this skill. But now the buff is gone, but the clunkiness stays. There is no real reason to retain it, removing it will not make nightblade OP, especially with all nerfs it got this patch, but it will improve the QOL for nightblades so so much.

    Additionally, since the bow proc now costs resources, meaning in order to fire a bow you are now double dipping in resources, once to activate the skill to count the procs, and another to actually fire the bow.

    In spirit of this patch, please remove this redundancy of this skill.

    I really didn't want to comment anything on this patch because I don't like the NB changes but what this guy wrote is totally on point and every single suggestion makes so much sense.

    If, if even there is a small chance for the changes from this guy go to the game I would totally give up the nerf to minor berserk and the stamina recovery
  • Benemime
    I feel like dark magic skill tree from sorcerer is really underwhelming and uninteresting, we could have a everything build from the ground up, pets from daedric summoning are a little bit meh as well. And some icons are really misplaced and out of context, crystal shards icon for example looks like a lightning spell. Scamp pulse attack also does lightning damage but the effect looks like magic dmg.

    To be honest, older classes are outdated imo. They should update sorcerer from scratch
    Edited by Benemime on April 18, 2019 1:24AM
  • Eareindur
    Please, don't nerf Dark Flare to the ground. It's the only ranged burst damage skill Templars have at this moment. Even Snipe gets a milder nerf... It's crazy. Besides, did anyone complain about DF?
  • StopDropAndBear
    I really like Seething Fury on Molten Whip, it can just be a little hard to see the aura you get for having 3 stacks in the heat of battle when combined with some of the other proc auras (I had a hard time distinguishing it from the Burning Spellweave proc aura, mix in Grothdarr and it's just everything on fire forever). Would it be possible to add something to the ability icon on the bar itself, like with Crystal Frags and Flame Lash procs?
  • Joy_Division
    Faulgor wrote: »
    May I ask, why was healing added to Grim Focus when just a few patches ago, damage and healing was deliberately separated for other Nightblade skills like Funnel Health/Swallow Soul and Twisting Path/Refreshing Path? What has changed since then that damage and healing no longer needs to be separated, and if so, why isn't that new rationale also applied to the aforementioned skills? I thought this patch was all about consistency.

    Legit question.
  • MartiniDaniels
    Eareindur wrote: »
    Please, don't nerf Dark Flare to the ground. It's the only ranged burst damage skill Templars have at this moment. Even Snipe gets a milder nerf... It's crazy. Besides, did anyone complain about DF?

    Just look at the videos of templar gankers. ZOS is doing everything right to make gank playstyle more risky and skill based, and not like you send several projectiles of different speed in one target so all they came together and one-shot or put in execute range player who had no chance to react in any way.
  • ApostateHobo
    The dark cloak nerf makes no sense, and makes the skill pretty much useless unless you have really high health to begin with. This skill really should be left alone or posdibly even buffed.

    The change to grim focus and it's morphs pretty much kills the skill altogether. You cast it and get nothing until you land 5 light attacks, then you waste more resources casting the bow proc. This skill needs to either be left alone, have the initial cost removed, or have it give the player some other buff on cast. The distance for the heal is also too short considering it is a BOW you know a long RANGED weapon not a melee one. And why is the stamina morph's duration getting buffed, but not the magicka one?

    Surprise attack losing major fracture and getting a tiny damage increase on flanking is a bit too big of a nerf, especially in pvp where players have pretty huge resistances. If you want to change the major fracture maybe just change it to minor fracture instead.

    Incap strike having minor mangle for the duration of the stun is completely useless. Players can break free from it near instantly, so the conditions for that definitely need to be changed.

    Nightblade is supposed to have high single target damage, but every patch you seem to try and take that away. Especially from magblade who has been in a bad spot lately, and those that don't play as a ganker in pvp.
  • Silver_Strider
    Couple of things in relation to NB

    1) I'm totally 100% fine with Surprise Attack losing Major Fracture (I don't feel it was overperforming at all but I'll make due). However, Concealed Weapon is still white hot trash even in comparison to this new version of Surprise Attack. While the speed buff is alright-ish, it always seemed off that it was attached to only 1 form of Veiled Strike instead of being a natural part of the skill. Move the speed buff to the base form of the skill and give Concealed Weapon Major Prophecy so that it might actually see some use. I'm not forgetting Magelight or Pots are easy sources of Major Prophecy but still, I felt it was a decent option to include into Magblade's toolkit naturally since they benefit the most from having more crit that having it naturally in their toolkit felt more organic.

    2) Grim Focus without Minor buffs have destroyed the skill entirely. It's become a resource drain more than anything due to having no buff granted upon activation and a slow build up to an attack. I'd rather they give the skill Minor Endurance and Minor Intellect for each respective morph so that it has some tangible benefit of use outside of a resource heavy, slow moving projectile. Also, up the heal radius to the max; makes no sense that the ability that has a range of 28m has a 7m heal radius.

    3) DARK CLOAK DID NOT NEED A NERF!!!! NB Tanks do not need to be kicked in the nads every single patch; We lost Sap Tanking, Tava Tanking, and now our only actually useful self heal is being gutted into the ground. Why? You already nerfed NB DPS so why was Dark Cloak also hit, especially so severely? Why are you making NB Tanks needlessly more difficult than it already is? I'd prefer reverting the change entirely because its just so poorly thought out that I can't take that change as anything but a drug fueled mistake but I'll meet you halfway. Remove the Minor Protection from Dark Cloak and reduce the Heal from 11% down to 8-9% over 4 seconds. This way, it heals within the range of 32-36% in a slightly longer duration and with the removal of Minor Protection, the skill doesn't cause as many problems in PvP. Move the Minor Protection to Refreshing Path so that NB Tanks can still benefit from it in a more reliable way while also limiting its PvP application.

    4) Remove Major Berserk from Reaper's Mark and move the Minor Vulnerability from Teleport Strike to there instead. With the removal of Major Fracture from Surprise Attack, Mark Target is now the only method for NB to get it within class. However, because of how poorly Mark Target is in functionality, giving it something worthwhile is needed to actually make it a viable alternative to the old Surprise Attack. In the same vein of thought, having Teleport Strike provide Minor Vulnerability is a huge misstep as it creates a situation akin to the old Spambush meta, in which a Stamblade will be able to fully utilize the Minor Vulnerability of Teleport Strike, coupled with the Minor Berserk of Camo Hunter in order to inflict even stronger gank combos than previously possible. By giving Reaper's Mark the Minor Vulnerability debuff, not only do you increase NB's utility by having them provide Minor Vulnerability for a fairly reasonable duration, you also eliminate the potential PvP imbalance that will arise from having Minor Vulnerability on Teleport Strike as Marked Targets will have a chance to counter a ganking NB whereas Teleport Strike will now snare a Target for 60% on top of applying Minor Vulnerability while also granting Minor Berserk for the NB and leave the target almost completely without counter play in the time it'll take for a NB to kill you within that burst window. Lower the heal received from Mark Target if need be but if we need to nip this problem in the bud, now.

    5) Cripple change has done nothing to improve the skill. Debilitate is still worse than Crippling Blast and making it snare more doesn't change that, especially since Race against Time will now be rampant as hell in PvP. Why not make it into a utility skill that provides Minor Lifesteal to the target so that it can be utilized by NB Healers and Tanks instead of remaining a dead skill?

    Think that's about it for my criticism.
    Argonian forever
  • Transairion
    Daedric Summoning
    Daedric Prey (morph): Reduced the damage bonus for pets from this ability to 40% from 55%.

    Can someone explain the reasoning behind nerfing Sorceror pets yet again? We only just had a buff to their atrocious base damage that made Twilight Tormentor actually do enough damage to slot (though it's still a terrible morph), now we're losing 15% damage?

    It's also not a nerf to TT only, but a class-wide nerf to Twilight Matriarch AND Volatile Familiar AND both Storm Antronach Ult morphs so what gives? Instead of reverting/scaling down the previous buff just a flat damage nerf to all Sorc Pets?

    This better not be related to PvP/Battlegrounds and Sorc Pets going from "*** damage, just ignore them and kill the caster" and/or people just LOSing inside their own pets (which they could always do, btw).
    Edited by Transairion on April 18, 2019 5:09AM
  • Davadin
    StamDK lost its spammable.

    It's the "ok" shoehorned class in live, but in PTS now it's just a class without any identity. easily replaceable by other class in terms of DPS.

    so, guess a decent tank is what we're good for?

    Necro got how many Stam morph again? and DK has...................
    StamDK should be a weapons class with passive and active skills that make it easy to play without a class spammable. It's role should be to truly stand it's ground along with templar.
    So far stamDK is only a SnB/2h Bloodspawn 7th Fury build and nothing else, unfit for Cyrodiil.

    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • Tonturri
    ZOS, I really like where you're taking new things you implement into the game. Of course, I have my beef with this and that change and so forth, but that's to be expected.

    However, it's extremely important to go back and redo old content (by which I mean classes - yes, they're content, content that is present in nearly every part of the game) with a fresh perspective, considering some things have been as they are for years with little to no change.

    I love necromancer. I don't really care that it may (or may not post adjustments and when it reaches live ^.~) be OP. It looks FUN. However, I worry that new players to the game will see necromancer, compare it to the classes that were there at the start of the game - and even warden to some extent - and wonder what in the heck happened.

    So many builds have been stuck with not-actually-a-choice morphs (surge, lotus flwr - those skills where one option is A+ and the other is garbage, or there's minimal difference, or no one uses the other one). Bolt Escape was still clunky as heck last I checked, and my sorc has been feeling like 'lightning staff - the class' lately.

    Ofc, credit where credit is due - I love what you've done with Molten Whip, for example - and I really, really hope you take the time to renovate other old skills like that. Feels like you've been chipping away at class identity for too long, and I'm a tad scared that it's intentional. On the other hand, cautiously optimistic - I want my class to feel like a class again. G'luck o7

    TLDR - fun can cover a multitude of sins, such as DPS for x being 5% lower than y. Stagnation is death!
  • juhislihis19
    Davadin wrote: »
    StamDK lost its spammable.

    It's the "ok" shoehorned class in live, but in PTS now it's just a class without any identity. easily replaceable by other class in terms of DPS.

    so, guess a decent tank is what we're good for?

    Necro got how many Stam morph again? and DK has...................
    StamDK should be a weapons class with passive and active skills that make it easy to play without a class spammable. It's role should be to truly stand it's ground along with templar.
    So far stamDK is only a SnB/2h Bloodspawn 7th Fury build and nothing else, unfit for Cyrodiil.


    I agree.

    I for one would like to wield something else than the perennial SnB Fury 7th Bloodspawn. What will sDK become when these sets get the nerf, as mentioned before?

    Just please, 1-2 stamina morphs (Spiked Armor, Dragon Blood, Inhale or Obsidian Shield) and 1-2 passives which would actually benefit us for slotting DK abilities.
  • _Ahala_
    Look at what bird of prey used to be... 10s speed 10s endurance and 10s berserk on cast... now its 6s speed on cast and berserk on the bar it’s slotted on passively... this new rule breaker skill is so bad compared to what it used to be for magden... if it were 8s speed with 2s snare immunity then I could see why people would want to actually cast this skill instead of just slotting it as another boring passive ability... as it stands now it would be better to just wear slimecraw and use race against time if you want to “invoke the spirit of agility” which is really just a shame considering how fun magden was to play pre murkmire when it actually had the mobility to make full use of the animal companions line
  • echo2omega
    There are quite a few skills that see very little to minimal use by sorcerers that could be potentially converted into a stam morph skill.

    Like 99.9% of Mag Sorcs are going to use Crystal Fragment for the instant cast proc.
    Crystal Blast could be converted into Crystal Weapon. You encase your weapon in crystal. There is a XX% chance when dealing direct damage causing the crystal to shatter dealing XXXX damage and causing the target bleed and take an additional XXXX damage over 10 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 10 seconds.

    Daedric Tomb.
    Daedric Hand Mines. You smash your weapon into the ground defiling the daedra. They reach forth with their hands and attempt to drag anyone caught by them into the ground. Forward "cone" attack. Stuns any target caught for 2 seconds.

    99.9% of Mag Sorcs use Liquid Lightning for the extended duration for better resource management.
    The Lightning Flood could be converted into Static Discharge a PBAOE stam ability that deals XXXX lightning damage in a 4m radius around the caster. Deals damage XXXX to any target within 2m of an initially damaged target. (chain lightning effect with 1 bounce)

    Not perfect by any means but just some ideas.
  • Weps
    Not a specific comment just yet, but more of a generic one.
    I will provide my humble feedback on other classes specifically from week 2.

    The only thing I could say is that the level of satisfaction and uniqueness you get from playing the Necromancer is gonna put all other classes to shame.
    PS4 EU - CP 1000+ - EP Loyal

    My EU Preciouses
    Aemon Dk | Imperial Dragonknight Tank
    Guari Gaburiefu | PvP Stamplar - Soon PvE tank
    Nadija Zenobia | 45k+ PvE Dk - PvP Leaper
    Naga del Serpente | High Elf Magicka Sorc PVE DPS - Soon tb 2nd crafter
    Azor Ahai V | Dunmer Magicka DK for PVP and Pve
    Jabba D'Cat | Khajiit Stamplar
    Gennarino Auditore | 7k Weapon damage Bosmer Stamblade / Ganking experimental build
    Rina Inbasu | Dunmer Magblade, my bomblade
    Zelgadis Greywords | High Elf Magplar
    Nachael Jordan | Redguard Stamsorc DPS
    Orghuz Diul | StamWar DPS
    This-Will-Buff-If | Argonian Warden Trial Off tank
    Amelia Tesla Sallilune | Breton Magden PvP DD / PvE healer
    Sap-My-Shield | PvP Nooblade, now dead PvE Tank
  • tamrielwinner
    Snipe is uncommon? Are we playing the same game?

    that's exactly what i'm saying. i've pvped nearly daily for a few years in my campaign. the majority of stam run something like dw/shield, dw/bow, and dw/2h. snipe is almost always relegated to a single particular class, nightblades, with particular bow builds, which are uncommon in comparison.

    i agree with others that the 37% damage nerf to dark flare, another uncommon ability, and whatever else they're equally nerfing are ridiculous and disappointing. no one is chain-casting this in cyrodiil like on a stationary dummy in housing with a dps meter running. you get this thing off once when you've got space from your target. and doing it .1s faster at the cost of 37% damage is laughable. keep the high investment abilities with their high returns. the only ability like this with equal damage delves that they're ignoring is crystal shards.

    the whole idea of putting everything "in line" is a turn-off, creates way too much homogeneity, and reduces the ability to benefit from creative and unorthodox ideas.
    Edited by tamrielwinner on April 18, 2019 8:59AM
  • Eareindur
    Eareindur wrote: »
    Please, don't nerf Dark Flare to the ground. It's the only ranged burst damage skill Templars have at this moment. Even Snipe gets a milder nerf... It's crazy. Besides, did anyone complain about DF?

    Just look at the videos of templar gankers. ZOS is doing everything right to make gank playstyle more risky and skill based, and not like you send several projectiles of different speed in one target so all they came together and one-shot or put in execute range player who had no chance to react in any way.

    lol templar gankers is a new concept for me. I guess we aren't talking about the same gankers... Anyway, I'm not defending to leave untouched Dark Flare. I'm just asking not to turn it into an almost useless skill taking away the only bursty projectile left to Templars (we are saying goodbye to Vampire's Bane/Reflective Light burst damage, you know).
  • MettvonWurst
    To many nerfs for Nightblade, unable to play, stop the changes!!!!!
    Founder and Guildleader R E D S
    Deviant hated Nightblade of AD and DC´

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