Maintenance for the week of June 3:
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Would you like Perfect Asylum weapons to drop from Veteran difficulty, rather than only Veteran HM?

  • paulsimonps
    Sounds perfectly fine.
    DeHei wrote: »
    DeHei wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.
    Are you claiming that Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj HM is not challenging? Are you claiming that Veteran Halls of Fabrication is not challenging?

    Also have not you just claimed this entire time that one of the biggest problems you had with this reward system was that it was "Too hard for most guilds". I see PvP Guilds with multiple 24 man raid groups all the time, but yet you claim that they can't find 12 people do to a Trial that would grant them BiS Gear for PvP. Cause I mean what would be so hard, after all "There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it." So you should be able to do vet Asylum HM WITH EASE NOW RIGHT?! Cause its not "challenging", and its just hard getting people for it. But as said there are multiple PvP Guild with large raid groups and I bet they would love a chance to get this weapons.

    Derra is right in that part, that trials just need training. When 12 guys could play like robots and could do exacly the same ever and ever again, so they would allways get nearly the same score ever and ever again. There are just few gamemechanics, which are lucky.
    But that is the challange. Its not possible, that 12 guys play like robots. When you now compare it with PvP, there you cant win again and again allways with same tactic and you need to play much more tactically. Every situation need from you to react right, but you cant train situations. You will allways have a fight just 1 time. I like to do both, but in PvE its nothing more then training in my eyes.

    IF IT NEEDS TRAINING THEN IT MEANS IT REQUIRES A SKILL, WHY ELSE WOULD YOU NEED TO TRAIN?! If it was not "challenging" then why would you need to practice. Just cause it doesn't require the same skill as in PvP doesn't mean that PvE is still less. Reacting to mechanics, adjusting to situation as the same time you try to keep a rotation, or keep people healed through tons of AoEs, Keeping the boss positioned correctly while taking huge hits and trying to buff and debuff. Its not easy. If it was then get your raid guilds and go into vHoF and one shot HM. There is a skill to it or you wouldn't have to practice.

    What i mean, PvE contents are much easier to learn! Nobody said, that its skillless... for sure not, but with enough practise you can nearly do every trial like you drive your car -> brain-afk. Just special moments need your attention after doing a trial 100th times or more...

    Still seems like you are very much so devaluing the effort and skill of those that do end game PvE content.
  • DeHei
    DeHei wrote: »
    DeHei wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.
    Are you claiming that Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj HM is not challenging? Are you claiming that Veteran Halls of Fabrication is not challenging?

    Also have not you just claimed this entire time that one of the biggest problems you had with this reward system was that it was "Too hard for most guilds". I see PvP Guilds with multiple 24 man raid groups all the time, but yet you claim that they can't find 12 people do to a Trial that would grant them BiS Gear for PvP. Cause I mean what would be so hard, after all "There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it." So you should be able to do vet Asylum HM WITH EASE NOW RIGHT?! Cause its not "challenging", and its just hard getting people for it. But as said there are multiple PvP Guild with large raid groups and I bet they would love a chance to get this weapons.

    Derra is right in that part, that trials just need training. When 12 guys could play like robots and could do exacly the same ever and ever again, so they would allways get nearly the same score ever and ever again. There are just few gamemechanics, which are lucky.
    But that is the challange. Its not possible, that 12 guys play like robots. When you now compare it with PvP, there you cant win again and again allways with same tactic and you need to play much more tactically. Every situation need from you to react right, but you cant train situations. You will allways have a fight just 1 time. I like to do both, but in PvE its nothing more then training in my eyes.

    IF IT NEEDS TRAINING THEN IT MEANS IT REQUIRES A SKILL, WHY ELSE WOULD YOU NEED TO TRAIN?! If it was not "challenging" then why would you need to practice. Just cause it doesn't require the same skill as in PvP doesn't mean that PvE is still less. Reacting to mechanics, adjusting to situation as the same time you try to keep a rotation, or keep people healed through tons of AoEs, Keeping the boss positioned correctly while taking huge hits and trying to buff and debuff. Its not easy. If it was then get your raid guilds and go into vHoF and one shot HM. There is a skill to it or you wouldn't have to practice.

    What i mean, PvE contents are much easier to learn! Nobody said, that its skillless... for sure not, but with enough practise you can nearly do every trial like you drive your car -> brain-afk. Just special moments need your attention after doing a trial 100th times or more...

    Still seems like you are very much so devaluing the effort and skill of those that do end game PvE content.

    No, i dont. I have really respect for that guys, who wipe again and again until there training have success and they can go for a good score. Why else i should run again and again vMSA every week. I understand that kind of motivation. But its just training for perfection. You do same again and again until you can go brain-afk, because your memory can do that job without thinking about.

    In PvP you dont have this training. Good player react allways with other strategies to bring you down. You just can learn some was to bring special classes down, after knowing, what this classes could do. In reason of that i like PvP more.
    DeHei - EP Magicka Templar Allrounder
    De Hei(Youtube)
  • Derra
    Perfect Asylum weapons should drop from Veteran non-HM
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.

    Oh really?
    So you are telling me that just getting whatever 12 people together and play for a few weeks you will get Tick-Tock Tormentor done?

    If that's the case, are you saying only ~12 people in the world have time to play together since only one group has done it?

    Haven´t touched pve since morrowind.

    I have raided my fair share of vet mol HM before it got easier with one tamriel. Did it take time (a lot actually) to finally complete it? Yes.
    Was it mechanically challenging that it made me think: I deserve a special reward for this! - Not at all. It was ages of learning mechanics (with changing roles/positions for multiple people) and then finally getting a run where nobody effed up.
    The only one who actually had to work and whos accomplishments i hold the deepest respec for was the raid organisation of the raid lead.
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.
    Are you claiming that Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj HM is not challenging? Are you claiming that Veteran Halls of Fabrication is not challenging?

    Also have not you just claimed this entire time that one of the biggest problems you had with this reward system was that it was "Too hard for most guilds". I see PvP Guilds with multiple 24 man raid groups all the time, but yet you claim that they can't find 12 people do to a Trial that would grant them BiS Gear for PvP. Cause I mean what would be so hard, after all "There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it." So you should be able to do vet Asylum HM WITH EASE NOW RIGHT?! Cause its not "challenging", and its just hard getting people for it. But as said there are multiple PvP Guild with large raid groups and I bet they would love a chance to get this weapons.

    Yes. I don´t think vet hm mol is mechanically challenging for the individual player.

    For me it will be hard to run because i have a maximum online time of ~30 to 60 minutes without breaks due to reallife obligations.
    It´s hard finding a group if you have to constantly afk and can´t play in the evenings on a regular schedule.
    Also i find it so freaking unenjoyable to the point where i rather just log out than doing any pve since morrowind.

    I find the organisation for constant raiding hard. It also takes a lot of time (ideally in one session).
    I don´t find the actual raiding -once this is done - hard at all.
    HM raiding is in that regard the same as getting high pvp ranks. It requires an immense amount of time and dedication - with the additional requirement of having 11 people enjoying the same thing as you do. That´s what´s hard about it - imo.

    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    It's fine as it is.

    I don't even like the fact that the normal mode actually drops the weapons.

    Why do you feel 12man vet HM content should drop bis gear for pvp?

    Why do you want pvp players to be forced in playing said content?

    What could you / the game or just about anyone gain from forcing players to play content they don´t want because it´s geargating them?

    Why is the title + disguise/skin no longer good enough as a vet HM reward?

    Yeah, I'm certain that 1 second downtime on the applied buffs with an imperfect staff is going to make or break your play.

    a 25% difference in uptime is a 25% difference and stays a 25% difference.
    Saying this is insignificant is just the same as stating running full impen and a defending weapon for raiding is insignificant. We both know it isn´t - you just don´t want to admit it.
    Which kinda proves my point.

    You don´t answer any question but instead resort to a strawman argument. Well done.
    Edited by Derra on September 24, 2017 6:21PM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • montiferus
    DeHei wrote: »
    I'm a bad player who doesn't deserve any rewards then because I've never completed a vet trial beside vMSA :|

    Maybe we should lock PvE best in slot gear behind dueling tournaments :blush:

    Yeah, this would finally be same option for PvEler like for PvPler now! Only very few could get it... Its a nice feeling? :p

    Well ust disable the PVE Arena weapons in PVP and give them their own wepaons which can only be required doin PVP Arenas (PVP arena weapons disabeld in PVE) and we're fine ;P

    This. As someone who used to PVE a lot and now almost exclusively PVPs I think the best thing that could happen would be to separate the game. The vast majority of PVP players PVE out of necessitity not desire. Would be better for all if we had sets that were obtainable only through doing what we enjoy. Vice versa for the PVE crowd. I know it will never happen but it would solve a lot of problems.
  • Dymence
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.

    Oh really?
    So you are telling me that just getting whatever 12 people together and play for a few weeks you will get Tick-Tock Tormentor done?

    If that's the case, are you saying only ~12 people in the world have time to play together since only one group has done it?

    Haven´t touched pve since morrowind.

    I have raided my fair share of vet mol HM before it got easier with one tamriel. Did it take time (a lot actually) to finally complete it? Yes.
    Was it mechanically challenging that it made me think: I deserve a special reward for this! - Not at all. It was ages of learning mechanics (with changing roles/positions for multiple people) and then finally getting a run where nobody effed up.
    The only one who actually had to work and whos accomplishments i hold the deepest respec for was the raid organisation of the raid lead.
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.
    Are you claiming that Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj HM is not challenging? Are you claiming that Veteran Halls of Fabrication is not challenging?

    Also have not you just claimed this entire time that one of the biggest problems you had with this reward system was that it was "Too hard for most guilds". I see PvP Guilds with multiple 24 man raid groups all the time, but yet you claim that they can't find 12 people do to a Trial that would grant them BiS Gear for PvP. Cause I mean what would be so hard, after all "There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it." So you should be able to do vet Asylum HM WITH EASE NOW RIGHT?! Cause its not "challenging", and its just hard getting people for it. But as said there are multiple PvP Guild with large raid groups and I bet they would love a chance to get this weapons.

    Yes. I don´t think vet hm mol is mechanically challenging for the individual player.

    For me it will be hard to run because i have a maximum online time of ~30 to 60 minutes without breaks due to reallife obligations.
    It´s hard finding a group if you have to constantly afk and can´t play in the evenings on a regular schedule.
    Also i find it so freaking unenjoyable to the point where i rather just log out than doing any pve since morrowind.

    I find the organisation for constant raiding hard. It also takes a lot of time (ideally in one session).
    I don´t find the actual raiding -once this is done - hard at all.
    HM raiding is in that regard the same as getting high pvp ranks. It requires an immense amount of time and dedication - with the additional requirement of having 11 people enjoying the same thing as you do. That´s what´s hard about it - imo.

    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    It's fine as it is.

    I don't even like the fact that the normal mode actually drops the weapons.

    Why do you feel 12man vet HM content should drop bis gear for pvp?

    Why do you want pvp players to be forced in playing said content?

    What could you / the game or just about anyone gain from forcing players to play content they don´t want because it´s geargating them?

    Why is the title + disguise/skin no longer good enough as a vet HM reward?

    Yeah, I'm certain that 1 second downtime on the applied buffs with an imperfect staff is going to make or break your play.

    a 25% difference in uptime is a 25% difference and stays a 25% difference.
    Saying this is insignificant is just the same as stating running full impen and a defending weapon for raiding is insignificant. We both know it isn´t - you just don´t want to admit it.
    Which kinda proves my point.

    You don´t answer any question but instead resort to a strawman argument. Well done.

    It's insignificant. You're pulling the 25% difference to make it seem significant.

    PVP is about burst. You have 4 seconds to set up your burst, a 1 second downtime and then you have it up 4 seconds again.

    Pulling *** like '25% difference' would be significant in a PVE environment only. And we both know it, but you don't want to admit it.

    Which kinda proves my point. ;)
  • MLGProPlayer
    Perfect Asylum weapons should drop from Veteran non-HM
    DeHei wrote: »
    DeHei wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.
    Are you claiming that Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj HM is not challenging? Are you claiming that Veteran Halls of Fabrication is not challenging?

    Also have not you just claimed this entire time that one of the biggest problems you had with this reward system was that it was "Too hard for most guilds". I see PvP Guilds with multiple 24 man raid groups all the time, but yet you claim that they can't find 12 people do to a Trial that would grant them BiS Gear for PvP. Cause I mean what would be so hard, after all "There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it." So you should be able to do vet Asylum HM WITH EASE NOW RIGHT?! Cause its not "challenging", and its just hard getting people for it. But as said there are multiple PvP Guild with large raid groups and I bet they would love a chance to get this weapons.

    Derra is right in that part, that trials just need training. When 12 guys could play like robots and could do exacly the same ever and ever again, so they would allways get nearly the same score ever and ever again. There are just few gamemechanics, which are lucky.
    But that is the challange. Its not possible, that 12 guys play like robots. When you now compare it with PvP, there you cant win again and again allways with same tactic and you need to play much more tactically. Every situation need from you to react right, but you cant train situations. You will allways have a fight just 1 time. I like to do both, but in PvE its nothing more then training in my eyes.

    IF IT NEEDS TRAINING THEN IT MEANS IT REQUIRES A SKILL, WHY ELSE WOULD YOU NEED TO TRAIN?! If it was not "challenging" then why would you need to practice. Just cause it doesn't require the same skill as in PvP doesn't mean that PvE is still less. Reacting to mechanics, adjusting to situation as the same time you try to keep a rotation, or keep people healed through tons of AoEs, Keeping the boss positioned correctly while taking huge hits and trying to buff and debuff. Its not easy. If it was then get your raid guilds and go into vHoF and one shot HM. There is a skill to it or you wouldn't have to practice.

    What i mean, PvE contents are much easier to learn! Nobody said, that its skillless... for sure not, but with enough practise you can nearly do every trial like you drive your car -> brain-afk. Just special moments need your attention after doing a trial 100th times or more...

    PvE requires a lot more commitment than PvP.

    To beat a HM trial, you typically need to practice with a group of 11 other players regularly for a few weeks. Just organzing something like that takes a ton of effort. It also requires that you find 11 other players with minimal IRL commitments (a young family, demanding work like consulting, graduate school, etc. are all impediments to being able to do this).

    Getting good at PvP is a lot simpler as you can do it on your own time.

    I'm saying this as someone who has thousands of hours played in PvP games (FPS and MOBAs). It's a lot harder to become good at PvE endgame than it is PvP simply due to the time commitment required. You can get good at PvP games on your own schedule. You can play a few hours a week, whenever you get a chance, and still reach a very high skill level. You can't do that in PvE.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on September 24, 2017 6:40PM
  • Derra
    Perfect Asylum weapons should drop from Veteran non-HM
    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.

    Oh really?
    So you are telling me that just getting whatever 12 people together and play for a few weeks you will get Tick-Tock Tormentor done?

    If that's the case, are you saying only ~12 people in the world have time to play together since only one group has done it?

    Haven´t touched pve since morrowind.

    I have raided my fair share of vet mol HM before it got easier with one tamriel. Did it take time (a lot actually) to finally complete it? Yes.
    Was it mechanically challenging that it made me think: I deserve a special reward for this! - Not at all. It was ages of learning mechanics (with changing roles/positions for multiple people) and then finally getting a run where nobody effed up.
    The only one who actually had to work and whos accomplishments i hold the deepest respec for was the raid organisation of the raid lead.
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.
    Are you claiming that Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj HM is not challenging? Are you claiming that Veteran Halls of Fabrication is not challenging?

    Also have not you just claimed this entire time that one of the biggest problems you had with this reward system was that it was "Too hard for most guilds". I see PvP Guilds with multiple 24 man raid groups all the time, but yet you claim that they can't find 12 people do to a Trial that would grant them BiS Gear for PvP. Cause I mean what would be so hard, after all "There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it." So you should be able to do vet Asylum HM WITH EASE NOW RIGHT?! Cause its not "challenging", and its just hard getting people for it. But as said there are multiple PvP Guild with large raid groups and I bet they would love a chance to get this weapons.

    Yes. I don´t think vet hm mol is mechanically challenging for the individual player.

    For me it will be hard to run because i have a maximum online time of ~30 to 60 minutes without breaks due to reallife obligations.
    It´s hard finding a group if you have to constantly afk and can´t play in the evenings on a regular schedule.
    Also i find it so freaking unenjoyable to the point where i rather just log out than doing any pve since morrowind.

    I find the organisation for constant raiding hard. It also takes a lot of time (ideally in one session).
    I don´t find the actual raiding -once this is done - hard at all.
    HM raiding is in that regard the same as getting high pvp ranks. It requires an immense amount of time and dedication - with the additional requirement of having 11 people enjoying the same thing as you do. That´s what´s hard about it - imo.

    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    It's fine as it is.

    I don't even like the fact that the normal mode actually drops the weapons.

    Why do you feel 12man vet HM content should drop bis gear for pvp?

    Why do you want pvp players to be forced in playing said content?

    What could you / the game or just about anyone gain from forcing players to play content they don´t want because it´s geargating them?

    Why is the title + disguise/skin no longer good enough as a vet HM reward?

    Yeah, I'm certain that 1 second downtime on the applied buffs with an imperfect staff is going to make or break your play.

    a 25% difference in uptime is a 25% difference and stays a 25% difference.
    Saying this is insignificant is just the same as stating running full impen and a defending weapon for raiding is insignificant. We both know it isn´t - you just don´t want to admit it.
    Which kinda proves my point.

    You don´t answer any question but instead resort to a strawman argument. Well done.

    It's insignificant. You're pulling the 25% difference to make it seem significant.

    PVP is about burst. You have 4 seconds to set up your burst, a 1 second downtime and then you have it up 4 seconds again.

    Pulling *** like '25% difference' would be significant in a PVE environment only. And we both know it, but you don't want to admit it.

    Which kinda proves my point. ;)

    Still no question answered.

    I´ll just say - 75% instead of 100% uptime on minor maim is pretty significant if you´re playing in a "burst environment" isnt it?

    Also i´d rather not take advice about pvp from a player that i´ve literally only encountered when he tried to Xv1 me in sorc vs sorc and still has a 17:3 record of kills in my favor.
    Edited by Derra on September 24, 2017 6:39PM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Derra
    Perfect Asylum weapons should drop from Veteran non-HM
    DeHei wrote: »
    DeHei wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.
    Are you claiming that Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj HM is not challenging? Are you claiming that Veteran Halls of Fabrication is not challenging?

    Also have not you just claimed this entire time that one of the biggest problems you had with this reward system was that it was "Too hard for most guilds". I see PvP Guilds with multiple 24 man raid groups all the time, but yet you claim that they can't find 12 people do to a Trial that would grant them BiS Gear for PvP. Cause I mean what would be so hard, after all "There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it." So you should be able to do vet Asylum HM WITH EASE NOW RIGHT?! Cause its not "challenging", and its just hard getting people for it. But as said there are multiple PvP Guild with large raid groups and I bet they would love a chance to get this weapons.

    Derra is right in that part, that trials just need training. When 12 guys could play like robots and could do exacly the same ever and ever again, so they would allways get nearly the same score ever and ever again. There are just few gamemechanics, which are lucky.
    But that is the challange. Its not possible, that 12 guys play like robots. When you now compare it with PvP, there you cant win again and again allways with same tactic and you need to play much more tactically. Every situation need from you to react right, but you cant train situations. You will allways have a fight just 1 time. I like to do both, but in PvE its nothing more then training in my eyes.

    IF IT NEEDS TRAINING THEN IT MEANS IT REQUIRES A SKILL, WHY ELSE WOULD YOU NEED TO TRAIN?! If it was not "challenging" then why would you need to practice. Just cause it doesn't require the same skill as in PvP doesn't mean that PvE is still less. Reacting to mechanics, adjusting to situation as the same time you try to keep a rotation, or keep people healed through tons of AoEs, Keeping the boss positioned correctly while taking huge hits and trying to buff and debuff. Its not easy. If it was then get your raid guilds and go into vHoF and one shot HM. There is a skill to it or you wouldn't have to practice.

    What i mean, PvE contents are much easier to learn! Nobody said, that its skillless... for sure not, but with enough practise you can nearly do every trial like you drive your car -> brain-afk. Just special moments need your attention after doing a trial 100th times or more...

    PvE requires a lot more commitment than PvP.

    To beat a HM trial, you typically need to practice with a group of 11 other players regularly for a few weeks. Just organzing something like that takes a ton of effort. It also requires that you find 11 other players with minimal IRL commitments (a young family, demanding work like consulting, graduate school, etc. are all impediments to being able to do this).

    Getting good at PvP is a lot simpler as you can do it on your own time.

    I'm saying this as someone who has thousands of hours played in PvP games (FPS and MOBAs). It's a lot harder to become good at PvE endgame than it is PvP simply due to the time commitment required. You can get good at PvP games on your own schedule. You can play a few hours a week, whenever you get a chance, and still reach a very high skill level. You can't do that in PvE.

    Which is exactly my point.

    What´s hard about pve is the organisation required. Once you´re in an environment where you´re actually working on progress and not trying to create the situation where you can - pve is easy.

    Getting there is hard and can be impossible out of reasons in no way related to actual gameplay.

    Everything you describe about what is hard about pve has nothing to do with the actual content just with the requirements to run it ;)

    Edit: Don´t get me wrong the ideal solution for me personally on master, maelstrom and asylum weapons would be to make their setbonuses nonfunctional in cyrodiil - and it always was.
    Edited by Derra on September 24, 2017 6:52PM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Dymence
    Derra wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.

    Oh really?
    So you are telling me that just getting whatever 12 people together and play for a few weeks you will get Tick-Tock Tormentor done?

    If that's the case, are you saying only ~12 people in the world have time to play together since only one group has done it?

    Haven´t touched pve since morrowind.

    I have raided my fair share of vet mol HM before it got easier with one tamriel. Did it take time (a lot actually) to finally complete it? Yes.
    Was it mechanically challenging that it made me think: I deserve a special reward for this! - Not at all. It was ages of learning mechanics (with changing roles/positions for multiple people) and then finally getting a run where nobody effed up.
    The only one who actually had to work and whos accomplishments i hold the deepest respec for was the raid organisation of the raid lead.
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.
    Are you claiming that Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj HM is not challenging? Are you claiming that Veteran Halls of Fabrication is not challenging?

    Also have not you just claimed this entire time that one of the biggest problems you had with this reward system was that it was "Too hard for most guilds". I see PvP Guilds with multiple 24 man raid groups all the time, but yet you claim that they can't find 12 people do to a Trial that would grant them BiS Gear for PvP. Cause I mean what would be so hard, after all "There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it." So you should be able to do vet Asylum HM WITH EASE NOW RIGHT?! Cause its not "challenging", and its just hard getting people for it. But as said there are multiple PvP Guild with large raid groups and I bet they would love a chance to get this weapons.

    Yes. I don´t think vet hm mol is mechanically challenging for the individual player.

    For me it will be hard to run because i have a maximum online time of ~30 to 60 minutes without breaks due to reallife obligations.
    It´s hard finding a group if you have to constantly afk and can´t play in the evenings on a regular schedule.
    Also i find it so freaking unenjoyable to the point where i rather just log out than doing any pve since morrowind.

    I find the organisation for constant raiding hard. It also takes a lot of time (ideally in one session).
    I don´t find the actual raiding -once this is done - hard at all.
    HM raiding is in that regard the same as getting high pvp ranks. It requires an immense amount of time and dedication - with the additional requirement of having 11 people enjoying the same thing as you do. That´s what´s hard about it - imo.

    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    It's fine as it is.

    I don't even like the fact that the normal mode actually drops the weapons.

    Why do you feel 12man vet HM content should drop bis gear for pvp?

    Why do you want pvp players to be forced in playing said content?

    What could you / the game or just about anyone gain from forcing players to play content they don´t want because it´s geargating them?

    Why is the title + disguise/skin no longer good enough as a vet HM reward?

    Yeah, I'm certain that 1 second downtime on the applied buffs with an imperfect staff is going to make or break your play.

    a 25% difference in uptime is a 25% difference and stays a 25% difference.
    Saying this is insignificant is just the same as stating running full impen and a defending weapon for raiding is insignificant. We both know it isn´t - you just don´t want to admit it.
    Which kinda proves my point.

    You don´t answer any question but instead resort to a strawman argument. Well done.

    It's insignificant. You're pulling the 25% difference to make it seem significant.

    PVP is about burst. You have 4 seconds to set up your burst, a 1 second downtime and then you have it up 4 seconds again.

    Pulling *** like '25% difference' would be significant in a PVE environment only. And we both know it, but you don't want to admit it.

    Which kinda proves my point. ;)

    Still no question answered.

    I´ll just say - 75% instead of 100% uptime on minor maim is pretty significant if you´re playing in a "burst environment" isnt it?

    Also i´d rather not take advice about pvp from a player that i´ve literally only encountered when he tried to Xv1 me in sorc vs sorc and still has a 17:3 record of kills in my favor.

    1 second of downtime on minor maim is not going to kill you. I'm sure you think higher of yourself after that salty comment.

    The only thing the asylum staff does is GUARANTEE all 3 procs every 4 or 5 seconds. It does not mean your natural procs on force shock can't occur anymore. Considering the amount of times you're going to refresh the procs through RNG, 75% is not even close to realistic.

    I've only ever encountered you in PVP whilst casually playing with friends without having anyone healing. While you're running around in an organized smallscale group with a dedicated healer. But you be proud of that 17:3 if it helps you downplay my arguments.
  • Derra
    Perfect Asylum weapons should drop from Veteran non-HM
    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.

    Oh really?
    So you are telling me that just getting whatever 12 people together and play for a few weeks you will get Tick-Tock Tormentor done?

    If that's the case, are you saying only ~12 people in the world have time to play together since only one group has done it?

    Haven´t touched pve since morrowind.

    I have raided my fair share of vet mol HM before it got easier with one tamriel. Did it take time (a lot actually) to finally complete it? Yes.
    Was it mechanically challenging that it made me think: I deserve a special reward for this! - Not at all. It was ages of learning mechanics (with changing roles/positions for multiple people) and then finally getting a run where nobody effed up.
    The only one who actually had to work and whos accomplishments i hold the deepest respec for was the raid organisation of the raid lead.
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.
    Are you claiming that Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj HM is not challenging? Are you claiming that Veteran Halls of Fabrication is not challenging?

    Also have not you just claimed this entire time that one of the biggest problems you had with this reward system was that it was "Too hard for most guilds". I see PvP Guilds with multiple 24 man raid groups all the time, but yet you claim that they can't find 12 people do to a Trial that would grant them BiS Gear for PvP. Cause I mean what would be so hard, after all "There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it." So you should be able to do vet Asylum HM WITH EASE NOW RIGHT?! Cause its not "challenging", and its just hard getting people for it. But as said there are multiple PvP Guild with large raid groups and I bet they would love a chance to get this weapons.

    Yes. I don´t think vet hm mol is mechanically challenging for the individual player.

    For me it will be hard to run because i have a maximum online time of ~30 to 60 minutes without breaks due to reallife obligations.
    It´s hard finding a group if you have to constantly afk and can´t play in the evenings on a regular schedule.
    Also i find it so freaking unenjoyable to the point where i rather just log out than doing any pve since morrowind.

    I find the organisation for constant raiding hard. It also takes a lot of time (ideally in one session).
    I don´t find the actual raiding -once this is done - hard at all.
    HM raiding is in that regard the same as getting high pvp ranks. It requires an immense amount of time and dedication - with the additional requirement of having 11 people enjoying the same thing as you do. That´s what´s hard about it - imo.

    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    It's fine as it is.

    I don't even like the fact that the normal mode actually drops the weapons.

    Why do you feel 12man vet HM content should drop bis gear for pvp?

    Why do you want pvp players to be forced in playing said content?

    What could you / the game or just about anyone gain from forcing players to play content they don´t want because it´s geargating them?

    Why is the title + disguise/skin no longer good enough as a vet HM reward?

    Yeah, I'm certain that 1 second downtime on the applied buffs with an imperfect staff is going to make or break your play.

    a 25% difference in uptime is a 25% difference and stays a 25% difference.
    Saying this is insignificant is just the same as stating running full impen and a defending weapon for raiding is insignificant. We both know it isn´t - you just don´t want to admit it.
    Which kinda proves my point.

    You don´t answer any question but instead resort to a strawman argument. Well done.

    It's insignificant. You're pulling the 25% difference to make it seem significant.

    PVP is about burst. You have 4 seconds to set up your burst, a 1 second downtime and then you have it up 4 seconds again.

    Pulling *** like '25% difference' would be significant in a PVE environment only. And we both know it, but you don't want to admit it.

    Which kinda proves my point. ;)

    Still no question answered.

    I´ll just say - 75% instead of 100% uptime on minor maim is pretty significant if you´re playing in a "burst environment" isnt it?

    Also i´d rather not take advice about pvp from a player that i´ve literally only encountered when he tried to Xv1 me in sorc vs sorc and still has a 17:3 record of kills in my favor.

    1 second of downtime on minor maim is not going to kill you. I'm sure you think higher of yourself after that salty comment.

    The only thing the asylum staff does is GUARANTEE all 3 procs every 4 or 5 seconds. It does not mean your natural procs on force shock can't occur anymore. Considering the amount of times you're going to refresh the procs through RNG, 75% is not even close to realistic.

    I've only ever encountered you in PVP whilst casually playing with friends without having anyone healing. While you're running around in an organized smallscale group with a dedicated healer. But you be proud of that 17:3 if it helps you downplay my arguments.

    If i run in an organized group - i am the healer...
    Most of the time i solo though. We havent played in regular groups since dec 2016 apart from both doubleXP events.

    I do pvp quite a bit.
    I do also say that the difference is significant for pvp (after having tested both staffs in duels on the pts). I got 60 to 70% uptime of elemental effects with imperfect and 80 to 90% with perfect (against a target not using shields or dodging a lot).

    It´s not a gut feeling why i make those statements. I tested it on pts. I´m somewhat experienced in pvp and out of these two factors a draw my conclusions.
    The most significant reason being that the 4s timer falls close to perfect with 3.5s curse timing while 5s does not. The subjective difference is even worse on sorc than it imay seem on paper - because the procc no longer falls exactly in your burst window every time.

    If you were to tell me that the difference of imperfect to perfect was insignificant for pve - i´d be hard pressed to believe you because you´re probably more experienced there than i am.
    I do think i´m experienced enough on the matter of pvp to make the statement that the difference is significant there.
    Edited by Derra on September 24, 2017 7:39PM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Dymence
    Derra wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.

    Oh really?
    So you are telling me that just getting whatever 12 people together and play for a few weeks you will get Tick-Tock Tormentor done?

    If that's the case, are you saying only ~12 people in the world have time to play together since only one group has done it?

    Haven´t touched pve since morrowind.

    I have raided my fair share of vet mol HM before it got easier with one tamriel. Did it take time (a lot actually) to finally complete it? Yes.
    Was it mechanically challenging that it made me think: I deserve a special reward for this! - Not at all. It was ages of learning mechanics (with changing roles/positions for multiple people) and then finally getting a run where nobody effed up.
    The only one who actually had to work and whos accomplishments i hold the deepest respec for was the raid organisation of the raid lead.
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.
    Are you claiming that Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj HM is not challenging? Are you claiming that Veteran Halls of Fabrication is not challenging?

    Also have not you just claimed this entire time that one of the biggest problems you had with this reward system was that it was "Too hard for most guilds". I see PvP Guilds with multiple 24 man raid groups all the time, but yet you claim that they can't find 12 people do to a Trial that would grant them BiS Gear for PvP. Cause I mean what would be so hard, after all "There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it." So you should be able to do vet Asylum HM WITH EASE NOW RIGHT?! Cause its not "challenging", and its just hard getting people for it. But as said there are multiple PvP Guild with large raid groups and I bet they would love a chance to get this weapons.

    Yes. I don´t think vet hm mol is mechanically challenging for the individual player.

    For me it will be hard to run because i have a maximum online time of ~30 to 60 minutes without breaks due to reallife obligations.
    It´s hard finding a group if you have to constantly afk and can´t play in the evenings on a regular schedule.
    Also i find it so freaking unenjoyable to the point where i rather just log out than doing any pve since morrowind.

    I find the organisation for constant raiding hard. It also takes a lot of time (ideally in one session).
    I don´t find the actual raiding -once this is done - hard at all.
    HM raiding is in that regard the same as getting high pvp ranks. It requires an immense amount of time and dedication - with the additional requirement of having 11 people enjoying the same thing as you do. That´s what´s hard about it - imo.

    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    It's fine as it is.

    I don't even like the fact that the normal mode actually drops the weapons.

    Why do you feel 12man vet HM content should drop bis gear for pvp?

    Why do you want pvp players to be forced in playing said content?

    What could you / the game or just about anyone gain from forcing players to play content they don´t want because it´s geargating them?

    Why is the title + disguise/skin no longer good enough as a vet HM reward?

    Yeah, I'm certain that 1 second downtime on the applied buffs with an imperfect staff is going to make or break your play.

    a 25% difference in uptime is a 25% difference and stays a 25% difference.
    Saying this is insignificant is just the same as stating running full impen and a defending weapon for raiding is insignificant. We both know it isn´t - you just don´t want to admit it.
    Which kinda proves my point.

    You don´t answer any question but instead resort to a strawman argument. Well done.

    It's insignificant. You're pulling the 25% difference to make it seem significant.

    PVP is about burst. You have 4 seconds to set up your burst, a 1 second downtime and then you have it up 4 seconds again.

    Pulling *** like '25% difference' would be significant in a PVE environment only. And we both know it, but you don't want to admit it.

    Which kinda proves my point. ;)

    Still no question answered.

    I´ll just say - 75% instead of 100% uptime on minor maim is pretty significant if you´re playing in a "burst environment" isnt it?

    Also i´d rather not take advice about pvp from a player that i´ve literally only encountered when he tried to Xv1 me in sorc vs sorc and still has a 17:3 record of kills in my favor.

    1 second of downtime on minor maim is not going to kill you. I'm sure you think higher of yourself after that salty comment.

    The only thing the asylum staff does is GUARANTEE all 3 procs every 4 or 5 seconds. It does not mean your natural procs on force shock can't occur anymore. Considering the amount of times you're going to refresh the procs through RNG, 75% is not even close to realistic.

    I've only ever encountered you in PVP whilst casually playing with friends without having anyone healing. While you're running around in an organized smallscale group with a dedicated healer. But you be proud of that 17:3 if it helps you downplay my arguments.

    If i run in an organized group - i am the healer...
    Most of the time i solo though. We havent played in regular groups since dec 2016 apart from both doubleXP events.

    I do pvp quite a bit.
    I do also say that the difference is significant for pvp (after having tested both staffs in duels on the pts). I got 60 to 70% uptime of elemental effects with imperfect and 80 to 90% with perfect (against a target not using shields or dodging a lot).

    It´s not a gut feeling why i make those statements. I tested it on pts. I´m somewhat experienced in pvp and out of these two factors a draw my conclusions.
    The most significant reason being that the 4s timer falls close to perfect with 3.5s curse timing while 5s does not. The subjective difference is even worse on sorc than it imay seem on paper - because the procc no longer falls exactly in your burst window every time.

    If you were to tell me that the difference of imperfect to perfect was insignificant for pve - i´d be hard pressed to believe you because you´re probably more experienced there than i am.
    I do think i´m experienced enough on the matter of pvp to make the statement that the difference is significant there.

    Fair enough, if you say you've actually tested it on the PTS. I was under the impression that you were simply going off on a gut feeling and intimidating numbers.

    But at this point, what would you have ZOS do about it? It's obvious they made the imperfect weapons just to throw a bone to the playerbase which is less dedicated to PVE. In the past they wouldn't even have done that. Looking at the current state of things, what would be your suggestion for change? Most PVP players still aren't going to be able to complete just the Veteran mode. Where are you supposed to draw the line?
    Edited by Dymence on September 24, 2017 7:55PM
  • Derra
    Perfect Asylum weapons should drop from Veteran non-HM
    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.

    Oh really?
    So you are telling me that just getting whatever 12 people together and play for a few weeks you will get Tick-Tock Tormentor done?

    If that's the case, are you saying only ~12 people in the world have time to play together since only one group has done it?

    Haven´t touched pve since morrowind.

    I have raided my fair share of vet mol HM before it got easier with one tamriel. Did it take time (a lot actually) to finally complete it? Yes.
    Was it mechanically challenging that it made me think: I deserve a special reward for this! - Not at all. It was ages of learning mechanics (with changing roles/positions for multiple people) and then finally getting a run where nobody effed up.
    The only one who actually had to work and whos accomplishments i hold the deepest respec for was the raid organisation of the raid lead.
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.
    Are you claiming that Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj HM is not challenging? Are you claiming that Veteran Halls of Fabrication is not challenging?

    Also have not you just claimed this entire time that one of the biggest problems you had with this reward system was that it was "Too hard for most guilds". I see PvP Guilds with multiple 24 man raid groups all the time, but yet you claim that they can't find 12 people do to a Trial that would grant them BiS Gear for PvP. Cause I mean what would be so hard, after all "There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it." So you should be able to do vet Asylum HM WITH EASE NOW RIGHT?! Cause its not "challenging", and its just hard getting people for it. But as said there are multiple PvP Guild with large raid groups and I bet they would love a chance to get this weapons.

    Yes. I don´t think vet hm mol is mechanically challenging for the individual player.

    For me it will be hard to run because i have a maximum online time of ~30 to 60 minutes without breaks due to reallife obligations.
    It´s hard finding a group if you have to constantly afk and can´t play in the evenings on a regular schedule.
    Also i find it so freaking unenjoyable to the point where i rather just log out than doing any pve since morrowind.

    I find the organisation for constant raiding hard. It also takes a lot of time (ideally in one session).
    I don´t find the actual raiding -once this is done - hard at all.
    HM raiding is in that regard the same as getting high pvp ranks. It requires an immense amount of time and dedication - with the additional requirement of having 11 people enjoying the same thing as you do. That´s what´s hard about it - imo.

    Dymence wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    It's fine as it is.

    I don't even like the fact that the normal mode actually drops the weapons.

    Why do you feel 12man vet HM content should drop bis gear for pvp?

    Why do you want pvp players to be forced in playing said content?

    What could you / the game or just about anyone gain from forcing players to play content they don´t want because it´s geargating them?

    Why is the title + disguise/skin no longer good enough as a vet HM reward?

    Yeah, I'm certain that 1 second downtime on the applied buffs with an imperfect staff is going to make or break your play.

    a 25% difference in uptime is a 25% difference and stays a 25% difference.
    Saying this is insignificant is just the same as stating running full impen and a defending weapon for raiding is insignificant. We both know it isn´t - you just don´t want to admit it.
    Which kinda proves my point.

    You don´t answer any question but instead resort to a strawman argument. Well done.

    It's insignificant. You're pulling the 25% difference to make it seem significant.

    PVP is about burst. You have 4 seconds to set up your burst, a 1 second downtime and then you have it up 4 seconds again.

    Pulling *** like '25% difference' would be significant in a PVE environment only. And we both know it, but you don't want to admit it.

    Which kinda proves my point. ;)

    Still no question answered.

    I´ll just say - 75% instead of 100% uptime on minor maim is pretty significant if you´re playing in a "burst environment" isnt it?

    Also i´d rather not take advice about pvp from a player that i´ve literally only encountered when he tried to Xv1 me in sorc vs sorc and still has a 17:3 record of kills in my favor.

    1 second of downtime on minor maim is not going to kill you. I'm sure you think higher of yourself after that salty comment.

    The only thing the asylum staff does is GUARANTEE all 3 procs every 4 or 5 seconds. It does not mean your natural procs on force shock can't occur anymore. Considering the amount of times you're going to refresh the procs through RNG, 75% is not even close to realistic.

    I've only ever encountered you in PVP whilst casually playing with friends without having anyone healing. While you're running around in an organized smallscale group with a dedicated healer. But you be proud of that 17:3 if it helps you downplay my arguments.

    If i run in an organized group - i am the healer...
    Most of the time i solo though. We havent played in regular groups since dec 2016 apart from both doubleXP events.

    I do pvp quite a bit.
    I do also say that the difference is significant for pvp (after having tested both staffs in duels on the pts). I got 60 to 70% uptime of elemental effects with imperfect and 80 to 90% with perfect (against a target not using shields or dodging a lot).

    It´s not a gut feeling why i make those statements. I tested it on pts. I´m somewhat experienced in pvp and out of these two factors a draw my conclusions.
    The most significant reason being that the 4s timer falls close to perfect with 3.5s curse timing while 5s does not. The subjective difference is even worse on sorc than it imay seem on paper - because the procc no longer falls exactly in your burst window every time.

    If you were to tell me that the difference of imperfect to perfect was insignificant for pve - i´d be hard pressed to believe you because you´re probably more experienced there than i am.
    I do think i´m experienced enough on the matter of pvp to make the statement that the difference is significant there.

    Fair enough, if you say you've actually tested it on the PTS. I was under the impression that you were simply going off on a gut feeling and intimidating numbers.

    But at this point, what would you have ZOS do about it? It's obvious they made the imperfect weapons just to throw a bone to the playerbase which is less dedicated to PVE. In the past they wouldn't even have done that. Looking at the current state of things, what would be your suggestion for change? Most PVP players still aren't going to be able to complete just the Veteran mode. Where are you supposed to draw the line?

    There are several from my perspective reasonable options:

    1. Give perfect weapons in vet but not hardmode - give hardmode an additional title/mount/skin/polymorph as it used to be with other trials.
    2. Deactivate any maelstrom/master/asylum setbonus in cyrodiil and make those trial content weapons only relevant in pve and keep drops as is.
    3. Keep the drops as is but let imperfect weapons drop from top 10% leaderboard rewards and perfect weapons from top 2% leaderboard rewards (only of the 30 day campaigns to prevent farming in empty 7 days).

    Imo all 3 are more desireable than the current situation.

    I do get that raiding needs something special in eso as the rewards as of late seemed underwhelming. I don´t think having potentially bis pvp weapons drop there is a desireable solution.
    As observable here it will only lead to animosities between players prefering one or the other playstyle.

    Edit: Sorry about throwing big numbers at first. Usually in the pvp parts of the forums making the argument of having things tested and weighting test results on personal experience gets dismissed with L2P.
    Which is a reason for me adapting to primarily asking question or throwing "hard numbers" around.
    Edited by Derra on September 24, 2017 8:13PM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • EdTerra
    Derra wrote: »

    There are several from my perspective reasonable options:

    1. Give perfect weapons in vet but not hardmode - give hardmode an additional title/mount/skin/polymorph as it used to be with other trials.
    2. Deactivate any maelstrom/master/asylum setbonus in cyrodiil and make those trial content weapons only relevant in pve and keep drops as is.
    3. Keep the drops as is but let imperfect weapons drop from top 10% leaderboard rewards and perfect weapons from top 2% leaderboard rewards (only of the 30 day campaigns to prevent farming in empty 7 days).

    Imo all 3 are more desireable than the current situation.

    not the leaderboard plz, with this RNG, one chance every month will be even harder than vet trial...
    swords, greatswords, resto, different destro, shields, mace, axes 1 handed or 2 handed, etc...
    even if you stand into the 2% for an entire year you have only 12 chance to have what you want
    transmute will not change a sword into a staff :disappointed:
    [EU] AD - Erdril v16 N(oo)B | AR40
    [NA] EP - Erdril NB

    Still a solo player in this zergfest

    Youtube :
  • Derra
    Perfect Asylum weapons should drop from Veteran non-HM
    EdTerra wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »

    There are several from my perspective reasonable options:

    1. Give perfect weapons in vet but not hardmode - give hardmode an additional title/mount/skin/polymorph as it used to be with other trials.
    2. Deactivate any maelstrom/master/asylum setbonus in cyrodiil and make those trial content weapons only relevant in pve and keep drops as is.
    3. Keep the drops as is but let imperfect weapons drop from top 10% leaderboard rewards and perfect weapons from top 2% leaderboard rewards (only of the 30 day campaigns to prevent farming in empty 7 days).

    Imo all 3 are more desireable than the current situation.

    not the leaderboard plz, with this RNG, one chance every month will be even harder than vet trial...
    swords, greatswords, resto, different destro, shields, mace, axes 1 handed or 2 handed, etc...
    even if you stand into the 2% for an entire year you have only 12 chance to have what you want
    transmute will not change a sword into a staff :disappointed:

    leaderboards have 10 itemdrops - if you make 4 of those guaranteed weapons it would match weekly rewards from pve. I think that would be fine.

    It´s my personal least favorable option out of those three but would still be better than the current implementation.
    Edited by Derra on September 24, 2017 8:29PM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • pieratsos
    Sounds perfectly fine.
    DeHei wrote: »
    DeHei wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.
    Are you claiming that Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj HM is not challenging? Are you claiming that Veteran Halls of Fabrication is not challenging?

    Also have not you just claimed this entire time that one of the biggest problems you had with this reward system was that it was "Too hard for most guilds". I see PvP Guilds with multiple 24 man raid groups all the time, but yet you claim that they can't find 12 people do to a Trial that would grant them BiS Gear for PvP. Cause I mean what would be so hard, after all "There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it." So you should be able to do vet Asylum HM WITH EASE NOW RIGHT?! Cause its not "challenging", and its just hard getting people for it. But as said there are multiple PvP Guild with large raid groups and I bet they would love a chance to get this weapons.

    Derra is right in that part, that trials just need training. When 12 guys could play like robots and could do exacly the same ever and ever again, so they would allways get nearly the same score ever and ever again. There are just few gamemechanics, which are lucky.
    But that is the challange. Its not possible, that 12 guys play like robots. When you now compare it with PvP, there you cant win again and again allways with same tactic and you need to play much more tactically. Every situation need from you to react right, but you cant train situations. You will allways have a fight just 1 time. I like to do both, but in PvE its nothing more then training in my eyes.

    IF IT NEEDS TRAINING THEN IT MEANS IT REQUIRES A SKILL, WHY ELSE WOULD YOU NEED TO TRAIN?! If it was not "challenging" then why would you need to practice. Just cause it doesn't require the same skill as in PvP doesn't mean that PvE is still less. Reacting to mechanics, adjusting to situation as the same time you try to keep a rotation, or keep people healed through tons of AoEs, Keeping the boss positioned correctly while taking huge hits and trying to buff and debuff. Its not easy. If it was then get your raid guilds and go into vHoF and one shot HM. There is a skill to it or you wouldn't have to practice.

    What i mean, PvE contents are much easier to learn! Nobody said, that its skillless... for sure not, but with enough practise you can nearly do every trial like you drive your car -> brain-afk. Just special moments need your attention after doing a trial 100th times or more...

    PvE requires a lot more commitment than PvP.

    To beat a HM trial, you typically need to practice with a group of 11 other players regularly for a few weeks. Just organzing something like that takes a ton of effort. It also requires that you find 11 other players with minimal IRL commitments (a young family, demanding work like consulting, graduate school, etc. are all impediments to being able to do this).

    Getting good at PvP is a lot simpler as you can do it on your own time.

    I'm saying this as someone who has thousands of hours played in PvP games (FPS and MOBAs). It's a lot harder to become good at PvE endgame than it is PvP simply due to the time commitment required. You can get good at PvP games on your own schedule. You can play a few hours a week, whenever you get a chance, and still reach a very high skill level. You can't do that in PvE.

    Yeah please tell me more about how little commitment you need in PVP to get into 2% leaderboards. Lol.

    And no, player skill and convenience are not the same. Plenty of potatoes that play 24/7.
    Edited by pieratsos on September 24, 2017 8:49PM
  • Derra
    Perfect Asylum weapons should drop from Veteran non-HM
    pieratsos wrote: »
    DeHei wrote: »
    DeHei wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.
    Are you claiming that Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj HM is not challenging? Are you claiming that Veteran Halls of Fabrication is not challenging?

    Also have not you just claimed this entire time that one of the biggest problems you had with this reward system was that it was "Too hard for most guilds". I see PvP Guilds with multiple 24 man raid groups all the time, but yet you claim that they can't find 12 people do to a Trial that would grant them BiS Gear for PvP. Cause I mean what would be so hard, after all "There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it." So you should be able to do vet Asylum HM WITH EASE NOW RIGHT?! Cause its not "challenging", and its just hard getting people for it. But as said there are multiple PvP Guild with large raid groups and I bet they would love a chance to get this weapons.

    Derra is right in that part, that trials just need training. When 12 guys could play like robots and could do exacly the same ever and ever again, so they would allways get nearly the same score ever and ever again. There are just few gamemechanics, which are lucky.
    But that is the challange. Its not possible, that 12 guys play like robots. When you now compare it with PvP, there you cant win again and again allways with same tactic and you need to play much more tactically. Every situation need from you to react right, but you cant train situations. You will allways have a fight just 1 time. I like to do both, but in PvE its nothing more then training in my eyes.

    IF IT NEEDS TRAINING THEN IT MEANS IT REQUIRES A SKILL, WHY ELSE WOULD YOU NEED TO TRAIN?! If it was not "challenging" then why would you need to practice. Just cause it doesn't require the same skill as in PvP doesn't mean that PvE is still less. Reacting to mechanics, adjusting to situation as the same time you try to keep a rotation, or keep people healed through tons of AoEs, Keeping the boss positioned correctly while taking huge hits and trying to buff and debuff. Its not easy. If it was then get your raid guilds and go into vHoF and one shot HM. There is a skill to it or you wouldn't have to practice.

    What i mean, PvE contents are much easier to learn! Nobody said, that its skillless... for sure not, but with enough practise you can nearly do every trial like you drive your car -> brain-afk. Just special moments need your attention after doing a trial 100th times or more...

    PvE requires a lot more commitment than PvP.

    To beat a HM trial, you typically need to practice with a group of 11 other players regularly for a few weeks. Just organzing something like that takes a ton of effort. It also requires that you find 11 other players with minimal IRL commitments (a young family, demanding work like consulting, graduate school, etc. are all impediments to being able to do this).

    Getting good at PvP is a lot simpler as you can do it on your own time.

    I'm saying this as someone who has thousands of hours played in PvP games (FPS and MOBAs). It's a lot harder to become good at PvE endgame than it is PvP simply due to the time commitment required. You can get good at PvP games on your own schedule. You can play a few hours a week, whenever you get a chance, and still reach a very high skill level. You can't do that in PvE.

    Yeah please tell me more about how little commitment you need in PVP to get into 2% leaderboards. Lol.

    And no, player skill and convenience are not the same. Plenty of potatoes that play 24/7.

    Commitment is arguable.

    Schedule and time requirement is probably higher for pve - from my personal experience.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • paulsimonps
    Sounds perfectly fine.
    You really think that you could beat vMAW HM with any team as long as it was the same 12 ppl? How long would you estimate that that would take? Cause we were to talk the average player, then I would say years. I know of guilds, trial guilds, that have the same people and raid with each other every week that have trouble doing regular vet Craglorn Trials. But so you are saying that it will be easy for them to do vMAW HM?

    As well you are talking about time again, and how its not all that hard as long as you have the people. You say you have 30-60min game time at a time max, well grats, the mini trial, the asylum, has a speed run time of 15min. You say that PvE Content is not difficult. Preform before hand and jump in, its so easy you will get it done in 15min first time I'm sure, cause, you know, its not difficult.
  • Docmandu
    This is how this will probably play out on live... people find an exploit, get on leaderboards while exploiting... get perfect weapon.... and ZOS will just ignore it.

  • Derra
    Perfect Asylum weapons should drop from Veteran non-HM
    You really think that you could beat vMAW HM with any team as long as it was the same 12 ppl? How long would you estimate that that would take? Cause we were to talk the average player, then I would say years. I know of guilds, trial guilds, that have the same people and raid with each other every week that have trouble doing regular vet Craglorn Trials. But so you are saying that it will be easy for them to do vMAW HM?

    As well you are talking about time again, and how its not all that hard as long as you have the people. You say you have 30-60min game time at a time max, well grats, the mini trial, the asylum, has a speed run time of 15min. You say that PvE Content is not difficult. Preform before hand and jump in, its so easy you will get it done in 15min first time I'm sure, cause, you know, its not difficult.

    I play in a bubble. I fully admit that.
    I´ve only ever pvped with well above average players and i´ve only ever pved with well above average players.
    Given my peers in the game and in every other game i´ve played or the guild i´ve been in for 15 years now - given i get a group of those players they could beat the content.
    I´ve never said average players i mentioned above average button pressing abilities.

    I actually have no idea how good or bad the average player in pve is.

    I also said i have no specific schedule which does not allow me to preform anything. Can´t preform if you don´t know when you can play eh.
    But i´m sure you´re being intentionally misunderstanding my points because you´re actually afraid that someone is going to take away your new "shiny" that you can aquire through having massive amounts of time to invest in "challenging" pve content.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • pieratsos
    Sounds perfectly fine.
    Derra wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    DeHei wrote: »
    DeHei wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    DPShiro wrote: »
    I don't know what the equivalent to hard/challenge is in PVP, if there even is one.
    But just getting AP by zerging and repairing walls is not challenging and should not reward these.

    Not sure there is any real challenge in PVP like PVE has with Veteran HM Trials, maybe something like having a group of 12 people controlling all thingies in cyrodiil or something. But that will be boosted and exploited as well.

    You need to understand that the biggest challenge to overcome for vet HM trials is getting 12 people together at the same time on multiple days a week who enjoy doing that content and are a little above average in their button pressing abilities.

    There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it.
    Are you claiming that Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj HM is not challenging? Are you claiming that Veteran Halls of Fabrication is not challenging?

    Also have not you just claimed this entire time that one of the biggest problems you had with this reward system was that it was "Too hard for most guilds". I see PvP Guilds with multiple 24 man raid groups all the time, but yet you claim that they can't find 12 people do to a Trial that would grant them BiS Gear for PvP. Cause I mean what would be so hard, after all "There is nothing actually challenging in esos pve content apart from getting people who want to do it." So you should be able to do vet Asylum HM WITH EASE NOW RIGHT?! Cause its not "challenging", and its just hard getting people for it. But as said there are multiple PvP Guild with large raid groups and I bet they would love a chance to get this weapons.

    Derra is right in that part, that trials just need training. When 12 guys could play like robots and could do exacly the same ever and ever again, so they would allways get nearly the same score ever and ever again. There are just few gamemechanics, which are lucky.
    But that is the challange. Its not possible, that 12 guys play like robots. When you now compare it with PvP, there you cant win again and again allways with same tactic and you need to play much more tactically. Every situation need from you to react right, but you cant train situations. You will allways have a fight just 1 time. I like to do both, but in PvE its nothing more then training in my eyes.

    IF IT NEEDS TRAINING THEN IT MEANS IT REQUIRES A SKILL, WHY ELSE WOULD YOU NEED TO TRAIN?! If it was not "challenging" then why would you need to practice. Just cause it doesn't require the same skill as in PvP doesn't mean that PvE is still less. Reacting to mechanics, adjusting to situation as the same time you try to keep a rotation, or keep people healed through tons of AoEs, Keeping the boss positioned correctly while taking huge hits and trying to buff and debuff. Its not easy. If it was then get your raid guilds and go into vHoF and one shot HM. There is a skill to it or you wouldn't have to practice.

    What i mean, PvE contents are much easier to learn! Nobody said, that its skillless... for sure not, but with enough practise you can nearly do every trial like you drive your car -> brain-afk. Just special moments need your attention after doing a trial 100th times or more...

    PvE requires a lot more commitment than PvP.

    To beat a HM trial, you typically need to practice with a group of 11 other players regularly for a few weeks. Just organzing something like that takes a ton of effort. It also requires that you find 11 other players with minimal IRL commitments (a young family, demanding work like consulting, graduate school, etc. are all impediments to being able to do this).

    Getting good at PvP is a lot simpler as you can do it on your own time.

    I'm saying this as someone who has thousands of hours played in PvP games (FPS and MOBAs). It's a lot harder to become good at PvE endgame than it is PvP simply due to the time commitment required. You can get good at PvP games on your own schedule. You can play a few hours a week, whenever you get a chance, and still reach a very high skill level. You can't do that in PvE.

    Yeah please tell me more about how little commitment you need in PVP to get into 2% leaderboards. Lol.

    And no, player skill and convenience are not the same. Plenty of potatoes that play 24/7.

    Commitment is arguable.

    Schedule and time requirement is probably higher for pve - from my personal experience.

    Its "higher" in PVE cause its not depending on just you and for a PVP player that doesnt belong to a dedicated raiding guild it seems higher. So the word commitment is very subjective. In PVP tho you could be the "best" PVP player in the game and you still need to PVP prety much every single day if you aim for a 2% leaderboards. Cause failure will literally mean "well u can always try next month" not "you can try again tomorrow".

    And still, available time and player skill are not the same thing which is what he implied.
  • paulsimonps
    Sounds perfectly fine.
    Derra wrote: »
    You really think that you could beat vMAW HM with any team as long as it was the same 12 ppl? How long would you estimate that that would take? Cause we were to talk the average player, then I would say years. I know of guilds, trial guilds, that have the same people and raid with each other every week that have trouble doing regular vet Craglorn Trials. But so you are saying that it will be easy for them to do vMAW HM?

    As well you are talking about time again, and how its not all that hard as long as you have the people. You say you have 30-60min game time at a time max, well grats, the mini trial, the asylum, has a speed run time of 15min. You say that PvE Content is not difficult. Preform before hand and jump in, its so easy you will get it done in 15min first time I'm sure, cause, you know, its not difficult.

    I play in a bubble. I fully admit that.
    I´ve only ever pvped with well above average players and i´ve only ever pved with well above average players.
    Given my peers in the game and in every other game i´ve played or the guild i´ve been in for 15 years now - given i get a group of those players they could beat the content.
    I´ve never said average players i mentioned above average button pressing abilities.

    I actually have no idea how good or bad the average player in pve is.

    I also said i have no specific schedule which does not allow me to preform anything. Can´t preform if you don´t know when you can play eh.
    But i´m sure you´re being intentionally misunderstanding my points because you´re actually afraid that someone is going to take away your new "shiny" that you can aquire through having massive amounts of time to invest in "challenging" pve content.

    At this point in the thread I don't really care all that much on your views on the Asylum weapons, but you are however disrespecting the effort a lot of people put into PvE Content. You are claiming that there is no challenge in it, and the only difficulty is finding people. Which is not true, there are, as I've said, many guilds that spend countless hours together trying to be some of the harder content. They have same or almost the same group every week, yet still they can't beat it, cause, ITS CHALLENGING. And so you claim its easy, so doing vet Olms+2 should be no difficulty. But you also claim you don't have the time to put it, so make it easier for you to get the weapons you already claim was easy to obtain, cause you said PvE Content is not challenging. But since you can't put in the time, it needs to be easier still so that you can get it.
  • Derra
    Perfect Asylum weapons should drop from Veteran non-HM
    Derra wrote: »
    You really think that you could beat vMAW HM with any team as long as it was the same 12 ppl? How long would you estimate that that would take? Cause we were to talk the average player, then I would say years. I know of guilds, trial guilds, that have the same people and raid with each other every week that have trouble doing regular vet Craglorn Trials. But so you are saying that it will be easy for them to do vMAW HM?

    As well you are talking about time again, and how its not all that hard as long as you have the people. You say you have 30-60min game time at a time max, well grats, the mini trial, the asylum, has a speed run time of 15min. You say that PvE Content is not difficult. Preform before hand and jump in, its so easy you will get it done in 15min first time I'm sure, cause, you know, its not difficult.

    I play in a bubble. I fully admit that.
    I´ve only ever pvped with well above average players and i´ve only ever pved with well above average players.
    Given my peers in the game and in every other game i´ve played or the guild i´ve been in for 15 years now - given i get a group of those players they could beat the content.
    I´ve never said average players i mentioned above average button pressing abilities.

    I actually have no idea how good or bad the average player in pve is.

    I also said i have no specific schedule which does not allow me to preform anything. Can´t preform if you don´t know when you can play eh.
    But i´m sure you´re being intentionally misunderstanding my points because you´re actually afraid that someone is going to take away your new "shiny" that you can aquire through having massive amounts of time to invest in "challenging" pve content.

    At this point in the thread I don't really care all that much on your views on the Asylum weapons, but you are however disrespecting the effort a lot of people put into PvE Content. You are claiming that there is no challenge in it, and the only difficulty is finding people. Which is not true, there are, as I've said, many guilds that spend countless hours together trying to be some of the harder content. They have same or almost the same group every week, yet still they can't beat it, cause, ITS CHALLENGING. And so you claim its easy, so doing vet Olms+2 should be no difficulty. But you also claim you don't have the time to put it, so make it easier for you to get the weapons you already claim was easy to obtain, cause you said PvE Content is not challenging. But since you can't put in the time, it needs to be easier still so that you can get it.

    I´ve never claimed the weapon was easy to obtain. I´ve just said it´s not related to the contents difficulty (personal opinion) why it´s not easy to obtain. It´s perfectly outlined why it is NOT easy to obtain imo here:

    PvE requires a lot more commitment than PvP.

    To beat a HM trial, you typically need to practice with a group of 11 other players regularly for a few weeks. Just organzing something like that takes a ton of effort. It also requires that you find 11 other players with minimal IRL commitments (a young family, demanding work like consulting, graduate school, etc. are all impediments to being able to do this).

    Getting good at PvP is a lot simpler as you can do it on your own time.

    I'm saying this as someone who has thousands of hours played in PvP games (FPS and MOBAs). It's a lot harder to become good at PvE endgame than it is PvP simply due to the time commitment required. You can get good at PvP games on your own schedule. You can play a few hours a week, whenever you get a chance, and still reach a very high skill level. You can't do that in PvE.

    Notice how basically nothing stated is directly related to the contents difficulty.

    Actually i gave 3 options.
    I´d like the weapons to be easier to obtain
    Or make them completely irrelevant in pvp (what do you dislike about that proposal?)
    Or make them obtainable via pvp (content where they´re relevant for - but getting top 2% is not easier on 30 campaign)

    I personally prefer option 2. I don´t want raid gear to be relevant in pvp at all.

    You´re getting supertriggered because someone has a different feeling about what you consider an achievement in the game.
    If i´d get as pissed every time someone told me pvping was no challenge - oh boy :wink:
    But then we don´t have bis pve weapons locked behind pvp content so we´d never get into the situation of switching roles in this argument.

    So would you mind answering me this question:
    Why do you think should bis pvp gear be aquired in the games most incaccessible form of pve content?
    Is there a logical argument to support that?
    Edited by Derra on September 24, 2017 9:58PM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • MLGProPlayer
    Perfect Asylum weapons should drop from Veteran non-HM
    Derra wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    You really think that you could beat vMAW HM with any team as long as it was the same 12 ppl? How long would you estimate that that would take? Cause we were to talk the average player, then I would say years. I know of guilds, trial guilds, that have the same people and raid with each other every week that have trouble doing regular vet Craglorn Trials. But so you are saying that it will be easy for them to do vMAW HM?

    As well you are talking about time again, and how its not all that hard as long as you have the people. You say you have 30-60min game time at a time max, well grats, the mini trial, the asylum, has a speed run time of 15min. You say that PvE Content is not difficult. Preform before hand and jump in, its so easy you will get it done in 15min first time I'm sure, cause, you know, its not difficult.

    I play in a bubble. I fully admit that.
    I´ve only ever pvped with well above average players and i´ve only ever pved with well above average players.
    Given my peers in the game and in every other game i´ve played or the guild i´ve been in for 15 years now - given i get a group of those players they could beat the content.
    I´ve never said average players i mentioned above average button pressing abilities.

    I actually have no idea how good or bad the average player in pve is.

    I also said i have no specific schedule which does not allow me to preform anything. Can´t preform if you don´t know when you can play eh.
    But i´m sure you´re being intentionally misunderstanding my points because you´re actually afraid that someone is going to take away your new "shiny" that you can aquire through having massive amounts of time to invest in "challenging" pve content.

    At this point in the thread I don't really care all that much on your views on the Asylum weapons, but you are however disrespecting the effort a lot of people put into PvE Content. You are claiming that there is no challenge in it, and the only difficulty is finding people. Which is not true, there are, as I've said, many guilds that spend countless hours together trying to be some of the harder content. They have same or almost the same group every week, yet still they can't beat it, cause, ITS CHALLENGING. And so you claim its easy, so doing vet Olms+2 should be no difficulty. But you also claim you don't have the time to put it, so make it easier for you to get the weapons you already claim was easy to obtain, cause you said PvE Content is not challenging. But since you can't put in the time, it needs to be easier still so that you can get it.

    I´ve never claimed the weapon was easy to obtain. I´ve just said it´s not related to the contents difficulty (personal opinion) why it´s not easy to obtain. It´s perfectly outlined why it is NOT easy to obtain imo here:

    PvE requires a lot more commitment than PvP.

    To beat a HM trial, you typically need to practice with a group of 11 other players regularly for a few weeks. Just organzing something like that takes a ton of effort. It also requires that you find 11 other players with minimal IRL commitments (a young family, demanding work like consulting, graduate school, etc. are all impediments to being able to do this).

    Getting good at PvP is a lot simpler as you can do it on your own time.

    I'm saying this as someone who has thousands of hours played in PvP games (FPS and MOBAs). It's a lot harder to become good at PvE endgame than it is PvP simply due to the time commitment required. You can get good at PvP games on your own schedule. You can play a few hours a week, whenever you get a chance, and still reach a very high skill level. You can't do that in PvE.

    Notice how basically nothing stated is directly related to the contents difficulty.

    Actually i gave 3 options.
    I´d like the weapons to be easier to obtain
    Or make them completely irrelevant in pvp (what do you dislike about that proposal?)
    Or make them obtainable via pvp (content where they´re relevant for - but getting top 2% is not easier on 30 campaign)

    I personally prefer option 2. I don´t want raid gear to be relevant in pvp at all.

    You´re getting supertriggered because someone has a different feeling about what you consider an achievement in the game.
    If i´d get as pissed every time someone told me pvping was no challenge - oh boy :wink:
    But then we don´t have bis pve weapons locked behind pvp content so we´d never get into the situation of switching roles in this argument.

    So would you mind answering me this question:
    Why do you think should bis pvp gear be aquired in the games most incaccessible form of pve content?
    Is there a logical argument to support that?

    Content difficulty is irrelevant. Accessibility is the issue. PvE content is more difficult to complete due to time requirements.

    I'm not disagreeing with anything you said. You seem triggered for no reason.

  • Aedaryl
    Perfect Asylum weapons should drop from Veteran non-HM
    Alysium Weapons will be use in PvP, you can't ask to PvP player to play the most difficult PvE contant to have their weapon.

    For people only making PvE, would you like to see your weapon on the hardest PvP possible mechanic ?

  • pieratsos
    Sounds perfectly fine.
    Derra wrote: »
    You really think that you could beat vMAW HM with any team as long as it was the same 12 ppl? How long would you estimate that that would take? Cause we were to talk the average player, then I would say years. I know of guilds, trial guilds, that have the same people and raid with each other every week that have trouble doing regular vet Craglorn Trials. But so you are saying that it will be easy for them to do vMAW HM?

    As well you are talking about time again, and how its not all that hard as long as you have the people. You say you have 30-60min game time at a time max, well grats, the mini trial, the asylum, has a speed run time of 15min. You say that PvE Content is not difficult. Preform before hand and jump in, its so easy you will get it done in 15min first time I'm sure, cause, you know, its not difficult.

    I play in a bubble. I fully admit that.
    I´ve only ever pvped with well above average players and i´ve only ever pved with well above average players.
    Given my peers in the game and in every other game i´ve played or the guild i´ve been in for 15 years now - given i get a group of those players they could beat the content.
    I´ve never said average players i mentioned above average button pressing abilities.

    I actually have no idea how good or bad the average player in pve is.

    I also said i have no specific schedule which does not allow me to preform anything. Can´t preform if you don´t know when you can play eh.
    But i´m sure you´re being intentionally misunderstanding my points because you´re actually afraid that someone is going to take away your new "shiny" that you can aquire through having massive amounts of time to invest in "challenging" pve content.

    At this point in the thread I don't really care all that much on your views on the Asylum weapons, but you are however disrespecting the effort a lot of people put into PvE Content. .

    Get your facts right mate. The discussion about skill in PVE/PVP started with someone shooting on PVP. Not the other way around. And that was the second time he provoked PVP players in this thread. Comments which you ironically ignored. You want to talk about respect then at least have the courtesy to be fair.
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Perfect Asylum weapons should drop from Veteran non-HM
    I wish the skin would drop just from veteran mode also without requiring all 3 bosses hardest configuration. It already works this way for Maw of Lorkhaj and the Dro-M'athra Skin.

    Yes, it should be a reward for doing harder content to encourage grouping. Mainly because I doubt we'll get it any other way. But, it shouldn't be from "the most difficult" as that excludes a lot of players for something just cosmetic when those who do the hardest mode already should get a title.

    So the "e-peen-size-comparing" players can have their title. Give more people the cosmetic skin though.
    Edited by Mystrius_Archaion on September 24, 2017 11:30PM
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Perfect Asylum weapons should drop from Veteran non-HM
    So from what I have seen of Regular Veteran, I think a lot of groups will be able to do it without much problems, now there are expected buffs to some of the weaker parts of things and fixes for some broken stuff so we will see but I think its gonna be pretty ok to get vAS Olms+0 Down. So I think having Perfect Asylum weapons only dropping from Olms+2, aka vet HM is the way to do it, especially considering the difference between the two is not that large.

    That's false.
    The difference between 1 boss versus 3 bosses is huge simply because there are 3 times as many attacks and things to dodge out of red.
    They also have been adding mechanics to the AI to stagger those special mechanics when another similar boss shares the same skills giving us only half the time we can do what we do when we're fighting even 2 bosses. This is not a good trend already.
  • pieratsos
    Sounds perfectly fine.
    Derra wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    You really think that you could beat vMAW HM with any team as long as it was the same 12 ppl? How long would you estimate that that would take? Cause we were to talk the average player, then I would say years. I know of guilds, trial guilds, that have the same people and raid with each other every week that have trouble doing regular vet Craglorn Trials. But so you are saying that it will be easy for them to do vMAW HM?

    As well you are talking about time again, and how its not all that hard as long as you have the people. You say you have 30-60min game time at a time max, well grats, the mini trial, the asylum, has a speed run time of 15min. You say that PvE Content is not difficult. Preform before hand and jump in, its so easy you will get it done in 15min first time I'm sure, cause, you know, its not difficult.

    I play in a bubble. I fully admit that.
    I´ve only ever pvped with well above average players and i´ve only ever pved with well above average players.
    Given my peers in the game and in every other game i´ve played or the guild i´ve been in for 15 years now - given i get a group of those players they could beat the content.
    I´ve never said average players i mentioned above average button pressing abilities.

    I actually have no idea how good or bad the average player in pve is.

    I also said i have no specific schedule which does not allow me to preform anything. Can´t preform if you don´t know when you can play eh.
    But i´m sure you´re being intentionally misunderstanding my points because you´re actually afraid that someone is going to take away your new "shiny" that you can aquire through having massive amounts of time to invest in "challenging" pve content.

    At this point in the thread I don't really care all that much on your views on the Asylum weapons, but you are however disrespecting the effort a lot of people put into PvE Content. You are claiming that there is no challenge in it, and the only difficulty is finding people. Which is not true, there are, as I've said, many guilds that spend countless hours together trying to be some of the harder content. They have same or almost the same group every week, yet still they can't beat it, cause, ITS CHALLENGING. And so you claim its easy, so doing vet Olms+2 should be no difficulty. But you also claim you don't have the time to put it, so make it easier for you to get the weapons you already claim was easy to obtain, cause you said PvE Content is not challenging. But since you can't put in the time, it needs to be easier still so that you can get it.

    I´ve never claimed the weapon was easy to obtain. I´ve just said it´s not related to the contents difficulty (personal opinion) why it´s not easy to obtain. It´s perfectly outlined why it is NOT easy to obtain imo here:

    PvE requires a lot more commitment than PvP.

    To beat a HM trial, you typically need to practice with a group of 11 other players regularly for a few weeks. Just organzing something like that takes a ton of effort. It also requires that you find 11 other players with minimal IRL commitments (a young family, demanding work like consulting, graduate school, etc. are all impediments to being able to do this).

    Getting good at PvP is a lot simpler as you can do it on your own time.

    I'm saying this as someone who has thousands of hours played in PvP games (FPS and MOBAs). It's a lot harder to become good at PvE endgame than it is PvP simply due to the time commitment required. You can get good at PvP games on your own schedule. You can play a few hours a week, whenever you get a chance, and still reach a very high skill level. You can't do that in PvE.

    Notice how basically nothing stated is directly related to the contents difficulty.

    Actually i gave 3 options.
    I´d like the weapons to be easier to obtain
    Or make them completely irrelevant in pvp (what do you dislike about that proposal?)
    Or make them obtainable via pvp (content where they´re relevant for - but getting top 2% is not easier on 30 campaign)

    I personally prefer option 2. I don´t want raid gear to be relevant in pvp at all.

    You´re getting supertriggered because someone has a different feeling about what you consider an achievement in the game.
    If i´d get as pissed every time someone told me pvping was no challenge - oh boy :wink:
    But then we don´t have bis pve weapons locked behind pvp content so we´d never get into the situation of switching roles in this argument.

    So would you mind answering me this question:
    Why do you think should bis pvp gear be aquired in the games most incaccessible form of pve content?
    Is there a logical argument to support that?

    Content difficulty is irrelevant. Accessibility is the issue. PvE content is more difficult to complete due to time requirements.

    I'm not disagreeing with anything you said. You seem triggered for no reason.

    Kinda ironic to talk about time requirments when end of campaign rewards are once a month. A month which you have to PVP almost every day otherwise you aint getting into top 2%.
    Edited by pieratsos on September 24, 2017 11:35PM
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Perfect Asylum weapons should drop from Veteran non-HM
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    You really think that you could beat vMAW HM with any team as long as it was the same 12 ppl? How long would you estimate that that would take? Cause we were to talk the average player, then I would say years. I know of guilds, trial guilds, that have the same people and raid with each other every week that have trouble doing regular vet Craglorn Trials. But so you are saying that it will be easy for them to do vMAW HM?

    As well you are talking about time again, and how its not all that hard as long as you have the people. You say you have 30-60min game time at a time max, well grats, the mini trial, the asylum, has a speed run time of 15min. You say that PvE Content is not difficult. Preform before hand and jump in, its so easy you will get it done in 15min first time I'm sure, cause, you know, its not difficult.

    I play in a bubble. I fully admit that.
    I´ve only ever pvped with well above average players and i´ve only ever pved with well above average players.
    Given my peers in the game and in every other game i´ve played or the guild i´ve been in for 15 years now - given i get a group of those players they could beat the content.
    I´ve never said average players i mentioned above average button pressing abilities.

    I actually have no idea how good or bad the average player in pve is.

    I also said i have no specific schedule which does not allow me to preform anything. Can´t preform if you don´t know when you can play eh.
    But i´m sure you´re being intentionally misunderstanding my points because you´re actually afraid that someone is going to take away your new "shiny" that you can aquire through having massive amounts of time to invest in "challenging" pve content.

    At this point in the thread I don't really care all that much on your views on the Asylum weapons, but you are however disrespecting the effort a lot of people put into PvE Content. You are claiming that there is no challenge in it, and the only difficulty is finding people. Which is not true, there are, as I've said, many guilds that spend countless hours together trying to be some of the harder content. They have same or almost the same group every week, yet still they can't beat it, cause, ITS CHALLENGING. And so you claim its easy, so doing vet Olms+2 should be no difficulty. But you also claim you don't have the time to put it, so make it easier for you to get the weapons you already claim was easy to obtain, cause you said PvE Content is not challenging. But since you can't put in the time, it needs to be easier still so that you can get it.

    I´ve never claimed the weapon was easy to obtain. I´ve just said it´s not related to the contents difficulty (personal opinion) why it´s not easy to obtain. It´s perfectly outlined why it is NOT easy to obtain imo here:

    PvE requires a lot more commitment than PvP.

    To beat a HM trial, you typically need to practice with a group of 11 other players regularly for a few weeks. Just organzing something like that takes a ton of effort. It also requires that you find 11 other players with minimal IRL commitments (a young family, demanding work like consulting, graduate school, etc. are all impediments to being able to do this).

    Getting good at PvP is a lot simpler as you can do it on your own time.

    I'm saying this as someone who has thousands of hours played in PvP games (FPS and MOBAs). It's a lot harder to become good at PvE endgame than it is PvP simply due to the time commitment required. You can get good at PvP games on your own schedule. You can play a few hours a week, whenever you get a chance, and still reach a very high skill level. You can't do that in PvE.

    Notice how basically nothing stated is directly related to the contents difficulty.

    Actually i gave 3 options.
    I´d like the weapons to be easier to obtain
    Or make them completely irrelevant in pvp (what do you dislike about that proposal?)
    Or make them obtainable via pvp (content where they´re relevant for - but getting top 2% is not easier on 30 campaign)

    I personally prefer option 2. I don´t want raid gear to be relevant in pvp at all.

    You´re getting supertriggered because someone has a different feeling about what you consider an achievement in the game.
    If i´d get as pissed every time someone told me pvping was no challenge - oh boy :wink:
    But then we don´t have bis pve weapons locked behind pvp content so we´d never get into the situation of switching roles in this argument.

    So would you mind answering me this question:
    Why do you think should bis pvp gear be aquired in the games most incaccessible form of pve content?
    Is there a logical argument to support that?

    Content difficulty is irrelevant. Accessibility is the issue. PvE content is more difficult to complete due to time requirements.

    I'm not disagreeing with anything you said. You seem triggered for no reason.

    Kinda ironic to talk about time requirments when end of campaign rewards are once a month. A month which you have to PVP almost every day otherwise you aint getting into top 2%.

    Kind of ironic to note how much work that is saying "that's a lot of work" and to vote against lowering the work for anything else....
    Edited by Mystrius_Archaion on September 24, 2017 11:43PM
  • pieratsos
    Sounds perfectly fine.
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    You really think that you could beat vMAW HM with any team as long as it was the same 12 ppl? How long would you estimate that that would take? Cause we were to talk the average player, then I would say years. I know of guilds, trial guilds, that have the same people and raid with each other every week that have trouble doing regular vet Craglorn Trials. But so you are saying that it will be easy for them to do vMAW HM?

    As well you are talking about time again, and how its not all that hard as long as you have the people. You say you have 30-60min game time at a time max, well grats, the mini trial, the asylum, has a speed run time of 15min. You say that PvE Content is not difficult. Preform before hand and jump in, its so easy you will get it done in 15min first time I'm sure, cause, you know, its not difficult.

    I play in a bubble. I fully admit that.
    I´ve only ever pvped with well above average players and i´ve only ever pved with well above average players.
    Given my peers in the game and in every other game i´ve played or the guild i´ve been in for 15 years now - given i get a group of those players they could beat the content.
    I´ve never said average players i mentioned above average button pressing abilities.

    I actually have no idea how good or bad the average player in pve is.

    I also said i have no specific schedule which does not allow me to preform anything. Can´t preform if you don´t know when you can play eh.
    But i´m sure you´re being intentionally misunderstanding my points because you´re actually afraid that someone is going to take away your new "shiny" that you can aquire through having massive amounts of time to invest in "challenging" pve content.

    At this point in the thread I don't really care all that much on your views on the Asylum weapons, but you are however disrespecting the effort a lot of people put into PvE Content. You are claiming that there is no challenge in it, and the only difficulty is finding people. Which is not true, there are, as I've said, many guilds that spend countless hours together trying to be some of the harder content. They have same or almost the same group every week, yet still they can't beat it, cause, ITS CHALLENGING. And so you claim its easy, so doing vet Olms+2 should be no difficulty. But you also claim you don't have the time to put it, so make it easier for you to get the weapons you already claim was easy to obtain, cause you said PvE Content is not challenging. But since you can't put in the time, it needs to be easier still so that you can get it.

    I´ve never claimed the weapon was easy to obtain. I´ve just said it´s not related to the contents difficulty (personal opinion) why it´s not easy to obtain. It´s perfectly outlined why it is NOT easy to obtain imo here:

    PvE requires a lot more commitment than PvP.

    To beat a HM trial, you typically need to practice with a group of 11 other players regularly for a few weeks. Just organzing something like that takes a ton of effort. It also requires that you find 11 other players with minimal IRL commitments (a young family, demanding work like consulting, graduate school, etc. are all impediments to being able to do this).

    Getting good at PvP is a lot simpler as you can do it on your own time.

    I'm saying this as someone who has thousands of hours played in PvP games (FPS and MOBAs). It's a lot harder to become good at PvE endgame than it is PvP simply due to the time commitment required. You can get good at PvP games on your own schedule. You can play a few hours a week, whenever you get a chance, and still reach a very high skill level. You can't do that in PvE.

    Notice how basically nothing stated is directly related to the contents difficulty.

    Actually i gave 3 options.
    I´d like the weapons to be easier to obtain
    Or make them completely irrelevant in pvp (what do you dislike about that proposal?)
    Or make them obtainable via pvp (content where they´re relevant for - but getting top 2% is not easier on 30 campaign)

    I personally prefer option 2. I don´t want raid gear to be relevant in pvp at all.

    You´re getting supertriggered because someone has a different feeling about what you consider an achievement in the game.
    If i´d get as pissed every time someone told me pvping was no challenge - oh boy :wink:
    But then we don´t have bis pve weapons locked behind pvp content so we´d never get into the situation of switching roles in this argument.

    So would you mind answering me this question:
    Why do you think should bis pvp gear be aquired in the games most incaccessible form of pve content?
    Is there a logical argument to support that?

    Content difficulty is irrelevant. Accessibility is the issue. PvE content is more difficult to complete due to time requirements.

    I'm not disagreeing with anything you said. You seem triggered for no reason.

    Kinda ironic to talk about time requirments when end of campaign rewards are once a month. A month which you have to PVP almost every day otherwise you aint getting into top 2%.

    Kind of ironic to note how much work that is saying "that's a lot of work" and to vote against lowering the work for anything else....

    I voted its perfectly fine because i said with the exception of destro ult the rest of the imperfect weapons are not much inferior to the perfect weapons. So i guess its ok. That doesnt mean i consider it fine to have to farm HM for the perfect weapons. I consider it fine because with the exception of destro ult u dont have to farm the perfect weapons.
    If their difference was significant like destro ult u can bet ur *** that my answer wouldnt be "its perfectly fine"

    What he said is basically that top 2% PVP leaderboards is less work than PVE due to time. Which is ironic considering that the end of campaign rewards are limited literally due to time and awarded only to those with the most free time.

    Edited by pieratsos on September 25, 2017 1:37AM
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