Healer’s Habit: This item set’s bonus has been changed to grant Minor Mending.
Footman’s Fortune: Reduced the amount of block mitigation provided by this item set to 8%, down from 12%.
Robust Constitution: This passive ability has been renamed to “Nimble.” Also, it no longer increases your Health Recovery by 6/13/20%. It now increases your Max Stamina by 2/4/6% and continues to increase your Stamina Recovery by 3/6/10%.
Not a fan of khajiit no longer having health regen as one of their passives, they are AD's more durable race but now they have 2 stamina dps races. Will see how this plays out, but overall, meh.
Khajiit Skills
Medium Armor Expertise: This passive ability has been renamed to “Cutpurse.” Also, in addition to the current benefit it now increases your chance to successfully pickpocket by 5%.
Robust Constitution: This passive ability has been renamed to “Nimble.” Also, it no longer increases your Health Recovery by 6/13/20%. It now increases your Max Stamina by 2/4/6% and continues to increase your Stamina Recovery by 3/6/10%.
Undaunted Chests Improvements
We've improved the rewards from the Undaunted chests! Now, the items you obtain from these chests will always scale all the way up to your current level and Champion Rank. We've also increased the availability of Monster Set Shoulder items in these chests: You will always find a Monster Set Shoulder piece in the Gold chest, often in the Silver chest, and occasionally in the Bronze chest.
cpuScientist wrote: »@ZOS_JessicaFolsom is this the full notes. Really no SORC changes. No DK changes. Just a visual change and call it George. LOL get ready for a second round of forums. I just know now not to waste my time contributing to them...
You don't see what I am up toNecropotence grants exactly 3711 Magicka.
Updating the set from V12 to V16 will increase the magicka from 2,3,4 trait and enchant by a total of 936
So actually, we would win 936 Magicka if they would not nerf it.
Now where this set has a flat value, that value must be at least 2775 Magicka to make it equal to what it used to be, considering the gain from V16 enchants etc
EDIT: Just for clarification, I am refering to the 5 piece set bonus when I speak about 3711 Magicka
Well, there goes my Argonian Tank.... FFS.
Honestly, WTF is that?
I hope everyone that cried about Argonian Racial passives is happy with this change, because it just gimped every Argonian Tank in the game.
Argonian Templar Healer or GTFO.
rhapsodious wrote: »
Wait, what? A 9% decrease in healing received means that your build is ruined?
Care to elaborate, because I'm not seeing how this is horrible... it's not great, but magicka!
- an Argonian nightblade who's pretty pleased with the changes
Because they are realizing its uselessnessarkansas_ESO wrote: »On racials:
- I get a feeling you guys are trying to cull health regen builds from the game.
I know this is rather nitpicky, but...
When you think "Opportunist", you think of things like wealth and gold. Not prestige and standing (AP).
When you think "Diplomat", you think prestige and standing (AP). Not wealth and gold.
Breton's Opportunist should provide a 1% gold gain, and Imperial's Diplomat should provide a 1% AP gain. It fits better with the words, with TES lore, and it makes sense that Imperials should have a (tiny) advantage in their own home province whereas the merchant-class Bretons should be the ones getting the (tiny) gold bonus.
Tonnopesceb16_ESO wrote: »Yeah well ty but how about the people who decide to do a "shadowscale" argonian/Nightblade toon?
I don't want a healer i want a killer...