Compilation of TG bugs in PvP [Current Bug Counter: 89] OP reformatted 4/10/16

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  • Dreyloch
    I can't believe this one isn't listed. How about mounted running with random drops in speed over relatively smooth ground in Cyrodiil? It's similar to #14 I suppose with the bear mount, but this effects everyone, no matter what mount they using.

    I know for a fact that this bug was something that happened well back in the day. It's like your horse was tripping over rocks or pebbles, when it's just a slight bump in your path from a mound on the ground. Same goes for moving up stairs in a keep while mounted. This stupid thing was fixed eons ago and is back again.

    Also have to mention the stamina used and regen'd while sprinting on a mount is very different from what is used to be.My mount runs out of stamina well before it used to before the patch.

    I have one more while we're at it. My Sorc seems to go slower on his mount than any of my other characters (riding skill maxxed). I think what happened was while I was still leveling his riding speed in the "old" way when we feed our mounts apples etc, that he didn't reach max before the change went over to player skill and got bugged. This is pretty old of course, but since I was mentioning the mount stuff, I figured I'd toss that in. He seems about 15-20% slower while sprinting with no rapids buff VS. my DK (which maxxed speed skill before that change way back when)

    "The fear of Death, is often worse than death itself"
  • rfennell_ESO
    Most of the annoyance over being hit by Wrecking blow (among other things) when the person isn't even facing you and sometimes totally not facing you at range is caused by los being a camera thing and not a character thing.

    This is achieved by turning your camera to "face" people (including people obviously out of los).

    I'd not really care, except for the fact that it's becoming more and more prevalent in it's abuse.

    If you need to test it, get someone to move through and behind you while you stand still and just rotate your camera around to them. Now you are hitting people with wrecking blow and not even facing them.

    The issue with this is you can spin your camera around very quickly and it don't matter if you are snared or rooted or just not very quick at turning around. It's also eliminates people ability to move behind you or around you as being effective.

    LOS obviously ought be from the characters eyes, not the camera.
  • PainfulFAFA
    I heard Heavy attacks were bypassing the Battle Spirit buff? Can anyone confirm?
    PC NA
    Aztec | AZTEC | Ahztec | Aztehk | Master of Mnem
    MagDK | Magplar | Magward | Mageblade | Stamsorc

  • Prabooo
    Lore_lai wrote: »

    Happened to me too, a couple of times.
    Using Ice Comet, fully ranked up.
    This is not the same issue as with the invisible comet, from what I've seen, because nothing happens (ie. invisible comet but still damages) - it just depletes your Ultimate.

    confirmed here
  • HoloYoitsu
    Ok, updated OP w/ Gina's replies from today.
    Xeven wrote: »
    Looks like health desync bug, added.
    Derra wrote: »
    I´ve been using meteor since IC hit - since TG release i find meteors going missing. Ultimate is gone and nothing happends. Anyone having the same problems (no i do not cast them on stealthing NBs).
    Dreyloch wrote: »
    I can't believe this one isn't listed. How about mounted running with random drops in speed over relatively smooth ground in Cyrodiil? It's similar to #14 I suppose with the bear mount, but this effects everyone, no matter what mount they using.

    I know for a fact that this bug was something that happened well back in the day. It's like your horse was tripping over rocks or pebbles, when it's just a slight bump in your path from a mound on the ground. Same goes for moving up stairs in a keep while mounted. This stupid thing was fixed eons ago and is back again.

    Also have to mention the stamina used and regen'd while sprinting on a mount is very different from what is used to be.My mount runs out of stamina well before it used to before the patch.

    I have one more while we're at it. My Sorc seems to go slower on his mount than any of my other characters (riding skill maxxed). I think what happened was while I was still leveling his riding speed in the "old" way when we feed our mounts apples etc, that he didn't reach max before the change went over to player skill and got bugged. This is pretty old of course, but since I was mentioning the mount stuff, I figured I'd toss that in. He seems about 15-20% slower while sprinting with no rapids buff VS. my DK (which maxxed speed skill before that change way back when)
    Addendum added. But for the differing speed on your toons, can you get me a quick vid?
    Most of the annoyance over being hit by Wrecking blow (among other things) when the person isn't even facing you and sometimes totally not facing you at range is caused by los being a camera thing and not a character thing.

    This is achieved by turning your camera to "face" people (including people obviously out of los).

    I'd not really care, except for the fact that it's becoming more and more prevalent in it's abuse.

    If you need to test it, get someone to move through and behind you while you stand still and just rotate your camera around to them. Now you are hitting people with wrecking blow and not even facing them.

    The issue with this is you can spin your camera around very quickly and it don't matter if you are snared or rooted or just not very quick at turning around. It's also eliminates people ability to move behind you or around you as being effective.

    LOS obviously ought be from the characters eyes, not the camera.
    Same here, can you get me a quick vid showing the camera rotation LOS technique?
    Edited by HoloYoitsu on March 19, 2016 12:19AM
  • Dyride
    Nominating @HoloYoitsu as a Community Ambassador. Bravo.
    V Є H Є M Є И C Є

      Revenge of the Bear

      Revenge of the Hist
      Revenge of the Deer

      Remember the Great Burn of of the Blackwater War!

    1. HoloYoitsu
      Just a quick bump.

      I am told today's patch fixed the reflect bug?
    2. Lord-Stien
      HoloYoitsu wrote: »
      Interesting, just had a laggy fight earlier and saw 3 curses from the same person on my death recap right next to each other. Time to update the list again, though if this only happens in lag it'll never be fixed due to "couldn't replicate in our test environment." Ah didn't try that, I'll take a look when I get home.

      Update... with a full set of VD armor .... this bug is even funnier......

      For some reason... Dev's are still unable to recreate this bug ......

      meanwhile.... 500k easy ap later.....
      Sometimes the real enemy are the one who moderate it.


      PVP Officer

      Alliance Cord

      When in doubt, frag out

      Heart of Daggerfall-=Iron Legion=- Founding Member

      The one and only LordSteindeath
    3. Morozov
      HoloYoitsu wrote: »
      Just a quick bump.

      I am told today's patch fixed the reflect bug?

      confirmed on the patch notes, unconfirmed by me on live.
      PC - NA - AZ
      Vr 16: Morozov - DK
      Vr 1: Zephyr Grimm - Sorc
      Vr 5: Sad_Bunnie - Templar
      23: Repressed-Canadian-Rage - NB
      Voted "Most likely to squirrel off the crown" PC-NA
    4. HoloYoitsu
      Added the infinite CC break bug.
    5. Zheg
      HoloYoitsu wrote: »
      Added the infinite CC break bug.

      Eww. Chalamo was yellow, log that as a bug please.

      Infinite CC break has been in game at least a year.
    6. AhPook_Is_Here
      [*] Camera stops following your character randomly when using Bolt Escape, then jumps to character a few seconds later. We weren’t able to see any issue with this internally. If you have any videos showing this issue, or have more information, please post it in this thread.

      I don't know about others, but I can un-sync the camera when animation canceling BE. cast BE, block, start a new cast, or animation cancel into BE, cast ward, block BE. seems the camera is using the animation's cool-down regardless of the ability being properly animation canceled.
      -Unknown American
    7. Abob
      Add this one:

      Immovable brute (haven't tested the other morph, but I guess it's got the same problem), from the heavy armor skill tres, no longer grants CC immunity against petrify (DK ability), nor against the daedra Harvesters stun that summons their healing spheres.
    8. HoloYoitsu
      Abob wrote: »
      Add this one:

      Immovable brute (haven't tested the other morph, but I guess it's got the same problem), from the heavy armor skill tres, no longer grants CC immunity against petrify (DK ability), nor against the daedra Harvesters stun that summons their healing spheres.
      Got it.
    9. Lava_Croft
      Older bug: The graphical and sound effects from Mark Target (or more specifically, Piercing Mark) will still perma-stick to your character after one of the many highly skilled Nightblades in this game spams it on you repeatedly in a few seconds. The only way to get rid of it is to relog.
    10. HeroOfNone
      Good post, wonder if this would be easier to track in a Github bug database

      Additional bug: some folks are not loading poster doors and are able to pass right through. I have a video of one person doing this, though I didn't see them posting it up as they said they were going to. Opened a ticket as well thoigh and never got a reply back to share the video.

      Can't share the video due to naming shaming policies.
      Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
      Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
    11. Waylander
      Just confirming Dragon Leap is doing some additional los check and removing the ultimate cost without performing the leap (like charge bug). Can post a video. Seems like they can be in clear los, but if the ground is uneven it fails to launch.

      Interestingly it takes the ultimate cost, but not all your ultimate (eg if at 140% ultimate, you press it, nothing happens, now you are at 40% ultimate). I think this was already raised, but was curious if you/zos need a video?
      Nocturnal - AD Oceanic PvP Guild
    12. Lava_Croft
      HeroOfNone wrote: »
      Additional bug: some folks are not loading poster doors and are able to pass right through.
      An older bug that's been present for quite a while and seems to happen seldomly. I've once walked through an invisible door into Sejanus, ganked someone upstairs and walked out again.

      10/10 would do again.

    13. Jaybe_Mawfaka
      Waylander wrote: »
      Just confirming Dragon Leap is doing some additional los check and removing the ultimate cost without performing the leap (like charge bug). Can post a video. Seems like they can be in clear los, but if the ground is uneven it fails to launch.

      Interestingly it takes the ultimate cost, but not all your ultimate (eg if at 140% ultimate, you press it, nothing happens, now you are at 40% ultimate). I think this was already raised, but was curious if you/zos need a video?

      confirmed, thats lame af
      Edited by Jaybe_Mawfaka on March 28, 2016 8:27AM
    14. chaserstorm16909
      Can we add that some dot ticks now break cloak instead of being suppressed?
    15. RoamingRiverElk
      Joining a new group to pvp with it Cyrodiil. Upon reaching them, seeing one or more group members either not at all, or only their group markers. At times even relogging doesn't fix this. Group member's death may fix it.

      Also, a couple of times this bug even happened with an enemy. I couldn't see the enemy, but I was able to see their puncturing sweep graphics effect originating from them.
      Dalris Aalr - Magicka (Stamina) DK | Dalfish - Magicka Sorc | Dal Aalr - Magicka Warden | Dalrish - Mag/Stam NB | Irana Aalr - PvE Templar
    16. Myxril
      Not only does cloaking still break to DoTs, rather than supress/pause them for its duration, but in Hew's Bane I can't even use my cloaking if I'm actively 'targeting' an NPC. If an NPC is in my crosshairs when I try using it, nothing happens at all.
      'Okay, the question is...(laughter)...the question is, we have Vicious Death sets with Prox Det that are doing double damage from last patch -- they're doing double damage -- and the CP system scales them even more. Prox Dets are doing over 20k, okay? That's before Vicious Death does 15, m'kay? We're talking like 30k+. Okay.
      "So, what about the stamina?" Okay. Um "The 2-handed execute skill--" I'm s--I'm sorry. What? The 2-Handed execute? What?! What am I gonna f***ing do?! Am I gonna execute a f***ing zerg with a 2-Handed slice?!'
      --Fengrush, ESO Live Review 1:08:18

      'He's lucky Im not a part of the company because I would simply ban or delete his account or even make the RNG or his damage ridiculously to stress him out even more.'
      --mb10, regarding Fengrush
    17. HoloYoitsu
      SRIBES wrote: »
      Can we add that some dot ticks now break cloak instead of being suppressed?
      Is it like literally all dots, or just specific skills?
      Myxril wrote: »
      Not only does cloaking still break to DoTs, rather than supress/pause them for its duration, but in Hew's Bane I can't even use my cloaking if I'm actively 'targeting' an NPC. If an NPC is in my crosshairs when I try using it, nothing happens at all.
      Yeah, this is a bug with the "do not attack innocents" setting, if you have it on, you won't be able to perform any skills while looking at 'neutral' NPC's that are able to turn hostile (white outlines). Turn the setting off, and everything works fine.
    18. HoloYoitsu
      Lava_Croft wrote: »
      An older bug that's been present for quite a while and seems to happen seldomly. I've once walked through an invisible door into Sejanus, ganked someone upstairs and walked out again.

      10/10 would do again.
      I remember having that bug at Bleaks once, was particularly funny as it was during a fight when it flipped and we lost it. I just walked through the invisible postern and escaped.
      Waylander wrote: »
      Just confirming Dragon Leap is doing some additional los check and removing the ultimate cost without performing the leap (like charge bug). Can post a video. Seems like they can be in clear los, but if the ground is uneven it fails to launch.

      Interestingly it takes the ultimate cost, but not all your ultimate (eg if at 140% ultimate, you press it, nothing happens, now you are at 40% ultimate). I think this was already raised, but was curious if you/zos need a video?
      Is the cost thing only happening when your Leap is bugged out and not casting? And yeah, a quick vid would be great!
      Lava_Croft wrote: »
      Older bug: The graphical and sound effects from Mark Target (or more specifically, Piercing Mark) will still perma-stick to your character after one of the many highly skilled Nightblades in this game spams it on you repeatedly in a few seconds. The only way to get rid of it is to relog.
      Yeah, that's still here, guess I'll add it.
    19. mrmadpyrorwb17_ESO
      Crescent Sweep doesn't get the 66% damage bonus to targets in front.
    20. Waylander
      Waylander wrote: »
      Just confirming Dragon Leap is doing some additional los check and removing the ultimate cost without performing the leap (like charge bug). Can post a video. Seems like they can be in clear los, but if the ground is uneven it fails to launch.

      Interestingly it takes the ultimate cost, but not all your ultimate (eg if at 140% ultimate, you press it, nothing happens, now you are at 40% ultimate). I think this was already raised, but was curious if you/zos need a video?
      Is the cost thing only happening when your Leap is bugged out and not casting? And yeah, a quick vid would be great!

      Yeah when it casts it takes full ultimate.

      Here is an example I found where it bugged out where in previous patches it would work

      Nocturnal - AD Oceanic PvP Guild
    21. HoloYoitsu
      Waylander wrote: »
      Is the cost thing only happening when your Leap is bugged out and not casting? And yeah, a quick vid would be great!

      Yeah when it casts it takes full ultimate.

      Here is an example I found where it bugged out where in previous patches it would work

      Thanks, added.
    22. Sugaroverdose
      Meet yesterday 4 or 5 times on PS4 bug with meteor: if target drops line of sight in moment when you cast meteor - it just ate your ultimate without cast, seems like the same bug as dragon leap.
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