Compilation of TG bugs in PvP [Current Bug Counter: 89] OP reformatted 4/10/16

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Sypher
    HoloYoitsu wrote: »
    Thanks, but they won't look into it without video. Did you happen to catch it on your stream? They probably also won't look into this without a video, could you or someone just upload a quick clip of like just casting dark flare?

    I'll try to record it the next time it happens.
    DC Dragonknight 'Sypher - AD Nightblade Sypher Ali - AD Sorcerer Sypher Sensei - EP Sorcerer Sypharian - DC Templar Ali Sypher

  • Ishammael
    Corrosive armour seems to not cap all skills at 3% max hp. While it was active I got hit by multiple surprise attacks for ~2.5k damage each at 32k max hp. On other skills it worked correctly (mages wrath did ~900 damage while I was in execute range).

    It has never worked correctly. I think some damage bonuses are added after the 3% calculation.

  • HoloYoitsu
    Corrosive armour seems to not cap all skills at 3% max hp. While it was active I got hit by multiple surprise attacks for ~2.5k damage each at 32k max hp. On other skills it worked correctly (mages wrath did ~900 damage while I was in execute range).
    Is it just Surprise Attack that you've experienced it w/?
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    HoloYoitsu wrote: »
    Is it just Surprise Attack that you've experienced it w/?
    So far yes, but I didn't test it properly. I'll probably do some testing later.
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    rune focus/channel focus removes rapids even though its a self buff.

    focused charged and morphs still have lots of issues, like partial firing and then do nothing. sometime if you get hard cc while charging you get locked in animation and nothing is responsive aside from moving around for 15-30 seconds.

    other gap closers are now having issues.

    ambush has always worked the best, please just make all gap closers have pathing like ambush(keeping the min distance)
    templars deserve a reliable class gap closer after 2 years.
  • krathos
    Thanks for your patience, everyone. We went through and checked the reports that were given a couple days ago so the list isn't up to date to what's there now, but let's begin:
    1. Camera stops following your character randomly when using Bolt Escape, then jumps to character a few seconds later. We weren’t able to see any issue with this internally. If you have any videos showing this issue, or have more information, please post it in this thread.
    2. Bear mounts have a speed bug that randomly slows them. We did not see any noticeable difference, and need some additional information/video if you’re still running into this issue.

    hey @ZOS_GinaBruno here are both of these bugs on video. The mount one is on the senche mount but is the same issue as described on the bear. The camera bug is with nightblade shade skill but is the same as the one with sorc streak. @HoloYoitsu if you want to update the front page list.

    Mount Bug

    Camera Bug
    Flapjack Palmdale

    Grand Overlord - Magicka Dragonknight
  • HoloYoitsu
    OMG thank you for posting those! Updating 1st post.
  • Tyvarra
    1. Client crashes every 20-30 min. We implemented a hotfix earlier this week that addressed a commonly occurring crash. This likely didn’t fix every crash issue, but are you guys still seeing very frequent crashing since then?

    Well every time I use 64 bit client my game crashes. Can be after logging in or after 1 hour, it depends on the situation (very bad in pvp). For example: running to a flag with 20 enemies trying to use detonation and bat swarm --> crash.

    Idk if this was mentioned already, but it drives me nuts. Every time I ressurect another player I cant move for about 2-4 seconds. Pretty bad when you were spottet by the enemy >.< Please have a look at this!!!

    Please fix the game!
  • r.jan_emailb16_ESO
    Thanks for the work everyone, and for keeping this post updated @HoloYoitsu.

    Another thing I noticed: similar to the bug with Rapid Maneuver (where the "yellow" part of the buff shows up under active effects when someone in your group uses it, that is out of range), the same thing happens with Efficient Purge. I was riding towards a fight and was still a minute or so away, but someone in the group purged and I got the secondary effect, the one that reduces the duration of negative effects. I can't say if it had any effect (probably not, same as with rapid) but it showed up in the default UI.

    This reminds me of the "fixed" bug where that NB passive increased critical damage in a huge radius, by the way.
    Lairgren | DC Dragonknight - August Palatine
    playing for eXile

    I'm done, CU somewhere else.
  • HoloYoitsu
    Thanks for the work everyone, and for keeping this post updated @HoloYoitsu.

    Another thing I noticed: similar to the bug with Rapid Maneuver (where the "yellow" part of the buff shows up under active effects when someone in your group uses it, that is out of range), the same thing happens with Efficient Purge. I was riding towards a fight and was still a minute or so away, but someone in the group purged and I got the secondary effect, the one that reduces the duration of negative effects. I can't say if it had any effect (probably not, same as with rapid) but it showed up in the default UI.

    This reminds me of the "fixed" bug where that NB passive increased critical damage in a huge radius, by the way.
    Oh yeah, I totally forgot to add the Purge thing after I noticed it. I wonder if it's the same with other "group only" buffs now?
  • Soulac
    HoloYoitsu wrote: »
    Oh yeah, I totally forgot to add the Purge thing after I noticed it. I wonder if it's the same with other "group only" buffs now?

    Please also add Willowspath / Cp not affecting recovery gains from drinks.
    Maybe we get a response if you add it to the list..
    R.I.P Dawnbreaker / Auriel´s Bow
    Member of the Arena Guild and the overpowered Banana Squad.
    Nathaerizh aka Cat - Nightblade V16 - EU

    - Meow -
  • HoloYoitsu
    Soulac wrote: »

    Please also add Willowspath / Cp not affecting recovery gains from drinks.
    Maybe we get a response if you add it to the list..
    Old bug that's supposedly been "being looked at" since IC, but sure.

    Lol, now I'm sad.
  • Horker
    Soulac wrote: »
    Working as intended.

  • r.jan_emailb16_ESO
    Soulac wrote: »

    Please also add Willowspath / Cp not affecting recovery gains from drinks.
    Maybe we get a response if you add it to the list..

    Can you even sleep at night, knowing this will never be fixed?
    Lairgren | DC Dragonknight - August Palatine
    playing for eXile

    I'm done, CU somewhere else.
  • themdogesbite
    Corrosive armour seems to not cap all skills at 3% max hp. While it was active I got hit by multiple surprise attacks for ~2.5k damage each at 32k max hp. On other skills it worked correctly (mages wrath did ~900 damage while I was in execute range).

    Corrosive armour used to not work properly for a long long long time. Not suprised this found its way back.. :)
  • Kartalin
    Kartalin wrote: »
    The bug with Camouflage Hunter is back where you can constantly have the visual effect on your weapon even when it is no longer active.

    I also want to note, and I'm in the extreme minority here I know, the animation is especially frustrating in first person as it takes up a significant portion of my screen.

    Screenshot: notice camo hunter isn't active on my buff tracker at right (where it appears when cast).
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 37
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 37
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 36
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Kallenna, EP Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - Tertiary Meat - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • HoloYoitsu
    K, added. And also the one about Shuffle/dodge chance.
  • Lava_Croft
    I want to add that weapon swap doesn't just feel slower, it's become completely unreliable. What used to be just waiting for the laggy game to finally let you swap weapons has turned into a proper lottery like the days of yore.
  • HoloYoitsu
    Lava_Croft wrote: »
    I want to add that weapon swap doesn't just feel slower, it's become completely unreliable. What used to be just waiting for the laggy game to finally let you swap weapons has turned into a proper lottery like the days of yore.
    Mh, feels about just as unresponsive as ever to me. But it's hard to tell with the huge variability in different types of lag.

    Also, added another bug w/ Bolt Escape, video courtesy @Kirsi.
  • Paraflex
    Well this was a sad post to read looks like ZOS has lots of bugs to fix. I play on the PS4 and will not be renewing my subscription and suggest everyone cancel too. Paying to be a Beta tester should not be the standard in 2016 MMO market.
    Hollykills CP 630 Templar Healer - Ad PS4 Warlord Rank

    Max Stam/Mag Dk
    Max Stam Sorc
    Max Stam/Mag NB

    Don't care to dps much so I heal.

  • Gilliamtherogue

    There's been a bug since one of the incremental patches with Orsinium where you cannot cast poison injection after snipe, and attempting to do so causes really wonky animations.
    Old member of The Order of Mundus, Mostly Harmless, Hostile, and Genesis Elite. Avid theorycrafter. Herald to competitive stamina DPS pre 1.5. How far we've come!

    Have questions? Send me a message on the forums or my other social media. Seeing people learn is my dream and passion.

    Guides and other fun videos at
  • zZzleepyhead
    Thanks for your patience, everyone. We went through and checked the reports that were given a couple days ago so the list isn't up to date to what's there now, but let's begin:

    [*] Leap is less reliable (lag?) We need some additional information for this. Again, more details or a video help a lot in this case.

    Where can I send the clips?
  • HoloYoitsu

    Where can I send the clips?
    Just post them here, I'll add them to the OP.
  • Zheg
    Going to add an oldie but a goodie - health bar desyncs. It seems to have gotten worse in the TG patch; it makes healing a group pretty damn frustrating when a majority of the group is at 30-50% hp the entire fight and you can't tell if it's legitimate or because of ZOS coding.
  • Chaquinho89
    This type of thing saddens me big time, I was saving money to get the PVE DLCs (a dollar costs 4 times it's price in my country's currency), but I guess I'll wait a bit more, been slowly getting back to PVP lately, had to get back to 32bit version because 64bit is almost unplayable because of the bugs and constant crashes.

    As a person who's been playing this game since early beta, I really hope ZOS manages to get competent people to work on this game to get it where it deserves.

    Paragon is coming soon, I guess I already know where I'll spend my free time at while I wait...
    PC / NA.

    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. but without the Hero, there is no Event." -- Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
  • Lava_Croft
    Zheg wrote: »
    Going to add an oldie but a goodie - health bar desyncs. It seems to have gotten worse in the TG patch; it makes healing a group pretty damn frustrating when a majority of the group is at 30-50% hp the entire fight and you can't tell if it's legitimate or because of ZOS coding.
    The health bars also seem to have be come 'laggy'. More often than not after the update, I die and afterwards my health bars will go empty. Kind of a tricky mechanic...
    Edited by Lava_Croft on March 16, 2016 8:30AM
  • Sugaroverdose
    And traditionally this horrific patch will be released on consoles unchanged and will not be updated at least for a month, hope i wrong but it seems like no ESO in march 23 - april 1st on x1, ps4 -_-
  • Lava_Croft
    Vicious Death set is definitely broken. It will proc without anyone dying. It seems that it procs at low enemy health instead of enemy dying.
  • HoloYoitsu
    Lava_Croft wrote: »
    Vicious Death set is definitely broken. It will proc without anyone dying. It seems that it procs at low enemy health instead of enemy dying.
    When you say without anyone dying, you mean that literally? Or do you mean how the VD dmg shows up on the person's death recap when you land a killing blow on them and their body explodes from VD?

    I did extensive testing on PTS, and no one I tested with experienced any kind of VD explosion other than on someone we landed a killing blow on. The aforementioned VD registering in death recaps was figured as either a UI issue, or that maybe the proc explodes at 1 HP left - though, then you would need to explain why it doesn't register as the killing blow for kill counter addons.
  • Lava_Croft
    HoloYoitsu wrote: »
    Or do you mean how the VD dmg shows up on the person's death recap when you land a killing blow on them and their body explodes from VD?
    This might be the case, but the amount of damage dealt before I die seems to counter this. Guess this needs proper testing.

    It does show up on the recap before the killing blow though.

    Edited by Lava_Croft on March 16, 2016 9:21AM
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