I was making a nightblade build with my friend and we were originally going to be making use of the legerdemain passive that reduces stealth cost (40%), the medium armor passive which reduces stealth cost (49%), and the CP passive in the shadow tree that reduces stealth cost (11%). This should all be 100% stealth cost reduction but this is not the case. It seems like the CP passive is bugged because when I had 89% without the CP my stealth cost was the exact same as it was with the CP passive. I even tried putting 16% into the CP passive but it still remained the same stealth cost.
I wanted to look deeper into the matter so I decided to try using the set Night mothers embrace (5 items Reduce the range you can be detected while hidden by 2 meters. Reduces crouch cost by 25%) and v7 nightshade (3 Items Decrease detection radius by 2 meters. Reduce Sneak cost by 23%). What my friend first noticed about this was one set says "reduces crouch cost" and one says "reduces sneak cost" i'm not sure if this matters but it is still interesting. I tested sneak cost with Nightshade with and without the CP passive and I was gaining 2 stamina every second and not losing any stamina. I then tested Night mothers embrace under the same conditions and gained 5 stamina every second while sneaking and without losing any stamina. I finally stacked the two sets together and I was gaining 35 stamina per a second. My friend and I both sent in tickets but I wanted to post this on the forums as well. I'm not sure how long the CP passive hasn't been working or how long you've been able to negate stealth cost and gain stamina but I think ZOS needs to look into this.
Edit: I just wanted to add in that both my friend and I tested this to verify the numbers.
Edited by SRIBES on March 23, 2016 9:30PM