PTS Patch Notes v1.6

  • Enodoc
    AngryNord wrote: »
    AngryNord wrote: »
    [*] You will now start with a two handed sword.
      Why? Why do you insist on doing this, Zenimax?? There is no fighting just outside your cell anway, what was so bad with picking THE WEAPON OF YOUR CHOICE from a forge rather than being forced to use a weapon style you might never intend to use?? PLEASE, reconsider this! You should rather bring back the forge that was in the open betas, where you had racks where you could chose one of each type of weapon! And maybe have armour racks in addition.
      15 agrees. That says it all.
      I agree as well :) but I missed it when you posted to start with. Not many people were supportive when they trialled adding armour from the start, so I would suggest that not many people will be supportive of adding a weapon from the start either.

      I completely agree that the "forge" area should have all weapon types available; then you can choose which style you want to use.
      runagate wrote: »
      It is senseless that there's nowhere to observe the major and minor buffs as a list of active effects like those at the bottom of the "C" character sheet view, nor can on see a list of what one has selected from the Champion points/skills.
      Do they really not show on the Character screen? (Haven't downloaded yet.) That's nonsense. They definitely should. Every buff should show on that screen, that's why it's there. Along with the description of what it actually does, as those lore-friendly names don't mean a thing without a glossary (I like the names though, so don't change them - just add a tooltip of what they are doing when active).
      UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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    • Navaya
      When will the Crown store be up on PTS?
    • Anazasi
      *Templar Ability Radiant Oppression. There is a hesitation when you activate the ability and the animation. Its like you stand there doing nothing than it starts casting. You may want to synch the ability with the animation.
    • Enodoc
      Navaya wrote: »
      When will the Crown store be up on PTS?
      We'll be unlocking the Crown Store for testing on Monday. :)
      UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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    • Anazasi
      *Templar ability Eclipse / Unstable Core. This ability can not be placed on targets using unstoppable. It is not a CC, hard or soft. Can you please look at the mechanic of this.
    • Gogo
      Soul Shriven
      Gogo wrote: »
      Please tell us more about our horses...I have 150 slots on my 8 characters ...50 slots are from the horses...most of my characters are with nearly full inventory 148/150....What will happened to my resources if you remove this 50 slots from each of my character....or perhaps you will give us this 50 slots on all our characters we already pay for?...and what about our second and third horse which we max level for speed ....or stamina...? we get that training automatically added to stable-trainer...?...using 1 horse but the stats will be different depending on character progression it training?

      after 10 hours of patching I get NA ..TPS...I delete NA game and and tps....another 10 hours of patching ..nothing new happened same NA I log my L10 character which is my highest there..I put 1 point in capacity and nothing happened..I had 70 before and after putting gold for training.... so it is bugged or I have to pay again for all new training....I need to know if I have to empty my inventory to not loose the most valuable items like happened in past and it took me 2 months to get them back...I will have to make prove that I have all that maths ,and I really do not feel good about this to happened.
    • Anazasi
      *Templar Ultimate Crescent Sweep. The radius of this ultimate seems to bee to small to hit. The radius should be increased to 10 meters instead of the 5. It also seems to be weaker than it should be.
    • Anazasi
      *Templar Ability Honor the Dead/ Breath of Life Animation. Why don't you just put a red arrow over my head and a kill me sign on my back so every time I heal my group everyone can find me and kill me faster. This is the worst animation you could possible put in game. Please remove it.
    • Anazasi
      Templar Class Balance Request. Now that I have previewed the Templar class and commented above the issues I see lets talk about our AOE CC ability. Oh yeah you removed it. How can you call this a balancing update when you have removed our AOE CC. Yes I know you can take the opposite morph of Vampires Bane and technically get a AOE CC snare because it does effect 3 targets but that is still not 6 like the DK's Talons, nor is it 4 like the Sorcerers encase. I think someone needs to think this through a little bit more and find a way to give up a better AOE CC class ability. Since we are so late in the works maybe making spear shards the AOE CC. Its simply not balanced if one class does not have the same as the others.
    • killedbyping
      While there is quite alot of changes, im sorry to say that im pretty much disapointed.

      This is not nearly "Complete Rabalance" of the game. Just few skill change and tweaks.

      Minor and very questionoble buff to NightBlade along with HUGE nerfs like removing potion effectiviness passive.

      And the most disapoint for me is yet again HUGE ammount of mistakes, missleads and "forgoten" changes in patch notes.

      Are you really was working on that for a few months or you was simply sitting on your butt calculating how much you will earn when B2P goes live ?

      I mean... there is atleast 1-3 mistakes or "forgoten" changes ON EVERY DAMN PAGE of patch notes !!!!
      Edited by killedbyping on January 28, 2015 2:11PM
    • Addednightb14_ESO
      Soul Shriven
      There should be a way for vampires to feed in town and not be seen or killed like a spell to let humans feed off them or let vampires sneak in to a home and feed off the sleeping in the house
    • Shade1982
      Am I reading this right?
      • Every point that you can spend in a constellation will rotate with each earned point.
      • For example, if the last point earned was in the Thief, then the next point will be in the Mage, and the next in the Warrior, then the circle will begin again.

      So, this basically forces me to spend point in systems I do not want? If I wanted to spend all my points in Warrior, since I am a Warrior, I have to spend points in Mage and Thief to rotate the system?

      Well, that sux...
      Turelus wrote: »
      If all horses are moved to collections, does this mean we can't stable and as such rename them any more?

      Also will there be any kind of compensation for those who spent hundreds of thousands of gold to buy stabling space?
      This is also a very good question. I bought all types of horse so I can have one focused on each trait. Do we get a refund for this?
      Edited by Shade1982 on January 28, 2015 4:34PM
    • Thejollygreenone
      Shade1982 wrote: »
      Am I reading this right?
      • Every point that you can spend in a constellation will rotate with each earned point.
      • For example, if the last point earned was in the Thief, then the next point will be in the Mage, and the next in the Warrior, then the circle will begin again.

      So, this basically forces me to spend point in systems I do not want? If I wanted to spend all my points in Warrior, since I am a Warrior, I have to spend points in Mage and Thief to rotate the system?

      Well, that sux...

      This has been discussed to death, the reason is that each of the three constellations sections will have desirable passives for each role and each resource usage, in the form of one of the three subsections of constellations.

      For example, there will be passives for stamina dps in the mage section, and stuff for tanking in the thief section, and so on.

      They balanced the system based on this rotation, it makes more sense than you think :) just go in and try it out for yourself, I think you'll feel differently after doing so.
    • ZOS_GinaBruno
      Community Manager
      Heads up that we're making another edit to the patch notes on the first page. We'll be adding two notes that were missed, and editing an existing note about VRAM:

      Crafting & Economy (new)
      • Tiered the rewards from equipment crafting writs to provide an increased chance to receive a gold booster as you complete higher tier writs.

      Exploration & Itemization (new)
      • You can now find non-armor wearable clothing in dressers, wardrobes, trunks, and more. These pieces of clothing are not effective for combat, but can be dyed.
        • Note: Stolen clothing will be confiscated if you have your contraband confiscated by guards. You may launder these items via a fence though, as with any other stolen item, to be free and clear of law enforcement taking them.

      Miscellaneous (edited)
      • Due to an increase of NPCs for the Justice System, we now recommend a video card with 2GB of VRAM to run the game on Ultra settings.
      Gina Bruno
      Senior Community Manager
      Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
      Staff Post
    • jcaceresw
      @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ can I enter the crown store? I can´t, even following the patch notes instructions. Or it can be done next week (monday)?
    • ZOS_GinaBruno
      Community Manager
      jcaceresw wrote: »
      @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ can I enter the crown store? I can´t, even following the patch notes instructions. Or it can be done next week (monday)?
      The Crown Store is temporarily off, but will be turned on Monday afternoon for some stress testing.
      Gina Bruno
      Senior Community Manager
      Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
      Staff Post
    • Arki
      xherics wrote: »
      Sorc needs to use STAFF for making DPS, STAFF is based on SPELL damage!

      Stop telling me what i need to do, staff is just one out of many choices, just as it should be. This is elder scrolls!
    • eventide03b14a_ESO
      I played on my nightblade for a little bit.

      It's still a faceroll.... can you guys seriously not get rid of block casting? You made gaining ultimate a little more difficult but for the love of the Divines please REMOVE BLOCK CASTING. It's a stupid mechanic.

      I'm confused why you chose to make certain abilities rely on stamina and others on magicka. Was this just an arbitrary decision? LMFAO. Why not just have a passive that let's us decide what resource pool they come from. It would make more sense than the way it's currently set up.

      I thought that food and drink were supposed to stack now, because they still don't.

      Why can't I use cloak to escape from guards?

      *Edit, you know, I'm just going to say it again for the 100th time. GET RID OF CLASSES. There is no reason to have them.
      Edited by eventide03b14a_ESO on January 28, 2015 5:48PM
    • timidobserver
      I've had some time to play around with this for a while. Templar got some okay changes, but we also took some pretty hardcore nerfs. I think we are the worst off on nerfs in terms of percentage change from before to after.

      Restoring Aura buffs group members but nothing for the caster now. That is basically an 80% nerf to the skill. All you get is the passive benefit of having it on your bar. Mending went from 30% max crit to 0%, so 30% nerf. Other classes got things reduced some, but Templar got stuff reduced all the way to 0.
      Edited by timidobserver on January 28, 2015 5:51PM
      V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
      V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
      V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
      V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
      V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

    • eventide03b14a_ESO
      To everyone posting about the Ability changes to from Stam to Magicka, or visa versa, here is my take on it:

      At some point (hopefully in the near future) we will be getting Spell Crafting. :)

      I am hoping that once this becomes available, we will be able to tweak our abilities to use either magicka or stamina, whichever we want.

      I know that doesn't help us now, but the Spellcrafting system could be why ZOS are going down this path.
      I'd rather have them say that's why. Speculating is pointless and they clearly need to adjust what spells get the stamina morph.
    • frozywozy
      Pierce Armor (morph): This ability now applies the buff Major Spell Shatter for 12 seconds.

      What is the definition of this buff ? Any precisions on this @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ ?

      Thank you.

      Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
      Frosted - Magplar - AR50
      Frodn - Magden - AR50
      Warmed - Magblade - AR50
      Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
      Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
      PvP Group Builds

      “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
      • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
      • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
      • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
      • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
      • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
      • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
      • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
      • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
      • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
      • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
      • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
      • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
      • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
      • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
      • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
      • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
      • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
      • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
      • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
      • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
      • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
      • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
      • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
      • Introduce dynamic population
      • Lower population cap by 20%
      • Add Snare Immunity potions
      • Bring resurrection sickness
      • Fix character desync
      • Fix cc breaking bug
      • Fix gap closer bug
      • Fix health desync
      • Fix combat bug
      • Fix streak bug
      • Fix server lag
    • Enodoc
      Shade1982 wrote: »
      Am I reading this right?
      • Every point that you can spend in a constellation will rotate with each earned point.
      • For example, if the last point earned was in the Thief, then the next point will be in the Mage, and the next in the Warrior, then the circle will begin again.

      So, this basically forces me to spend point in systems I do not want? If I wanted to spend all my points in Warrior, since I am a Warrior, I have to spend points in Mage and Thief to rotate the system?
      You don't have to actually spend them, you can just leave them sitting in the Mage and Thief sections unused.
      UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
      Join us on Discord -
    • Arki
      I'm confused why you chose to make certain abilities rely on stamina and others on magicka. Was this just an arbitrary decision? LMFAO. Why not just have a passive that let's us decide what resource pool they come from. It would make more sense than the way it's currently set up.

      Hope they never do this, that would just make the whole system less interesting. Now you actually have to consider what kind of skills that suit you best according to the way you have distributed your stats.

      If they do what you propose here then a big part of the fun in making a nice and versatile build is simply removed.

      Also that would prob result in most people going the magicka route and just using stam for roll dodge/block, as someone else allready pointed out.

      Booooring! Give interesting choices, interesting morphs, not just easy ways to maximize everything.
    • eventide03b14a_ESO
      Panda244 wrote: »
      So the new AoE thing.... If Sap Essence hits 60 people in PvP you'd be relatively unkillable... What with... 200x60 heals coming in every time you hit the ability. At least if you're a magicka based build.

      That's because this new system has done little except make gaining ultimate slightly more difficult. It's always going to be a problem as long as they keep block casting in the game.
    • eventide03b14a_ESO
      I'm confused why you chose to make certain abilities rely on stamina and others on magicka. Was this just an arbitrary decision? LMFAO. Why not just have a passive that let's us decide what resource pool they come from. It would make more sense than the way it's currently set up.

      Hope they never do this, that would just make the whole system less interesting. Now you actually have to consider what kind of skills that suit you best according to the way you have distributed your stats.

      If they do what you propose here then a big part of the fun in making a nice and versatile build is simply removed.

      Also that would prob result in most people going the magicka route and just using stam for roll dodge/block, as someone else allready pointed out.

      Booooring! Give interesting choices, interesting morphs, not just easy ways to maximize everything.

      I disagree 100%. It would be fine if the choices actually made sense or were at least balanced across the board.
    • Arki
      I'm confused why you chose to make certain abilities rely on stamina and others on magicka. Was this just an arbitrary decision? LMFAO. Why not just have a passive that let's us decide what resource pool they come from. It would make more sense than the way it's currently set up.

      Hope they never do this, that would just make the whole system less interesting. Now you actually have to consider what kind of skills that suit you best according to the way you have distributed your stats.

      If they do what you propose here then a big part of the fun in making a nice and versatile build is simply removed.

      Also that would prob result in most people going the magicka route and just using stam for roll dodge/block, as someone else allready pointed out.

      Booooring! Give interesting choices, interesting morphs, not just easy ways to maximize everything.

      I disagree 100%. It would be fine if the choices actually made sense or were at least balanced across the board.

      Then we agree to disagree i guess. I'd rather have small imbalances then a bland game.
    • david.haypreub18_ESO
      I've had some time to play around with this for a while. Templar got some okay changes, but we also took some pretty hardcore nerfs. I think we are the worst off on nerfs in terms of percentage change from before to after.

      Restoring Aura buffs group members but nothing for the caster now. That is basically an 80% nerf to the skill. All you get is the passive benefit of having it on your bar. Mending went from 30% max crit to 0%, so 30% nerf. Other classes got things reduced some, but Templar got stuff reduced all the way to 0.

      Please tell me that is a bug!

      Templars are 'just slower... by design'
      Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
      VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
      VR 16 Sorcerer
      38 Nightblade
      24 DK
    • Lipizzan
      Can we get a list of the newly introduced recipes please? Not ones that were in the game and translated into something else, but all the ones that are completely new to the game. Though a list of what changed into what might be helpful as well. Or an ingame recipe checklist, something to keep track of what we have and what we still need.
    • eventide03b14a_ESO
      So far I'm not impressed with the justice system. I never picked up that garbage when there was no penalty why would I start now? Maybe for new characters who would rather spend an hour collecting crappy gear instead of 20 minutes crafting better gear? I'm just confused what the point is. As it is now I think it's going to lose it's novelty within a week unless I'm missing something.

      Also is the gear always marked as stolen? I stole a sword and was caught by a guard and he took it. Am I to assume that there is no decay on the stolen status of an item?
      Edited by eventide03b14a_ESO on January 28, 2015 6:57PM
    • Khivas_Carrick
      So I did a day's worth of testing and reading and all that good ***. This is what I found!
      Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
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