Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v1.6, our sixth and largest major content update thus far! We have many significant new features in store for you.
In this update, we’ve added the first phase of the Justice System. This will allow you to commit criminal actions throughout Tamriel such as theft, burglary, pickpocketing and murdering NPCs. We’ve also implemented the third phase of the Champion System, which introduces Champion Points and an entirely new UI where you can use these points to unlock passive abilities. We encourage you to check out the details below to learn how both these systems will work.
Accompanying the Champion System are gameplay improvements, fixes, and rebalancing. This will alter the way you’ve previously played as every ability has been amended in some fashion, differences in armor are more pronounced, critical attack and defense are handled differently, and the scale of numbers across the board has changed.
You will also notice that there is a new notification when you first log into the PTS asking which country you’re playing the game in. If you’re in a non-PEGI country, you will go straight to the game. If you’re in a PEGI country, there will be new legal text explaining that the rating for the game has changed, and you will need to either accept or decline this change to continue.
Additional new features include the highly-anticipated Provisioning revamp, plus the new Collections UI, improved combat animations, and changes to the Trials Leaderboards. In addition, we have tons of fixes and improvements to all other aspects of the game. We look forward to reading your feedback about everything!