(*100% FIXED tested)Zenimax's Solution to Patch fix. (GM posted) [ error 209 ]

THIS WAS ORIGINALLY HERE TILL I REMOVED IT FOR THE FIX ( posting this due to people ranting at me saying this is not Legit. roflstomp )

ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
We posted this in another thread, but want to make sure you see it, too.

If you are getting error 209, please try the following:

-First, please ensure you are accessing the game via the launcher, not the .exe file.

-Try closing out of the launcher and re-open it, then run a repair.

-If you try to repair and it does not work, please delete all .version files in the game's sub folders and try repair again.


--Delete the .version files. [there is 4x .version files one in each folder] (These 4 Need to be put back in their locations in the next steps)

--Run Launcher.

--Close Launcher.

--Open your recycle bin.

--Restore (Puts them back for you) the .version files.


Credit goes to
"postmarkjb14a_ESO ✭
Deleted version files, ran launcher which failed, then restored the version files. I'm in."

I have attached my versions for those who have lost theirs. ( you will need Winrar to open)

If you try to repair and it does not work, please delete all .version files in the game's sub folders and try repair again. Also make sure your recycle bin is empty before proceeding or rename the following version files listed based on your preference.

1) Make sure you're not running the client already when you delete the files. This will screw the process up.

2) Go to your Zenimax Online folder (default, I believe, is in Program Files (x86).

Inside the Zenimax Online folder, delete the following files:

Inside "Launcher" folder, delete "Bethesda.net_Launcher.version",
then back out of the "Launcher" folder into the Zenimax Online folder.

Inside "The Elder Scrolls Online" go to the "depot" folder, delete "depot.version" and go back to "TESO" folder.

Go to the "game" folder and delete "game_player.version", then back out to "TESO" folder.

Go to "vo_en" folder and delete "vo_en.version".

The above lists all four version files that need to be deleted or renamed, under the assumption that they are named the same as the ones in my folders. Basically, look for four ".version" files if you can't find those above.

3) Launch your client.

4) WAIT. Wait for the client start patching like it's downloading the full game again and ABORT

5) Go to your recycle bin, select all four files, right-click "restore".

6) Restart your client.

"ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
» show previous quotes

Ah, thanks! That is legit, and you can go ahead and follow the steps given here."

If all else fails, this has worked fora few people. Who knows really.
  • forexownsvuct
    Edited by forexownsvuct on April 15, 2014 11:53PM
  • Laura
    fixed for me this should be a sticky. thanks
    Edited by Laura on April 15, 2014 8:01PM
  • seanolan
    For many of us, this "fix" simply causes the launcher to reinstall the whole program
  • firefoxx0017b14_ESO
    Correct deleted ALL .version files in sub folders. Now being told to i have to wait for a over 22,000 mb download to play.........
  • Tykune
    So.. I encountered this issue as well. Except when I googled for a fix to this, I got the knowledge base portion of the fix that if repair should fail (which it did) to uninstall the game and reinstall it. Now I am stuck installing it again at 1mb a second instead of the work around above (for those of you who dont know math very well, its going to take well over 24 hours to download). ESO and ZeniMax, I love you both.. but I dont appreciate the last day of my vacation being ruined because you cant do a proper patch.
  • billyu5
    Ha I haven't been able to play since Saturday 2 weeks ago so good luck with them actually fixing this because they haven't done a thing.
  • Pelerin2014
    I'm having this issue, my install is repairing now so I'll see how that goes.
    Pelarius, Imperial Dragonknight of the Aldmeri Dominion.
  • rick.gilchristb14_ESO
    took me opening the launcher and reparing around 5 times before it actually accepted the update and could work out the current version, still easier than re-downloading the entire game
  • Kazarr
    I'm not deleting a damned thing - I pay to play on someone else's game because I'm not smart enough to program my own, so I am not going to tinker with their mistakes. They can sort it for me.
  • Tykune
    Tykune wrote: »
    So.. I encountered this issue as well. Except when I googled for a fix to this, I got the knowledge base portion of the fix that if repair should fail (which it did) to uninstall the game and reinstall it. Now I am stuck installing it again at 1mb a second instead of the work around above (for those of you who dont know math very well, its going to take well over 24 hours to download). ESO and ZeniMax, I love you both.. but I dont appreciate the last day of my vacation being ruined because you cant do a proper patch.
    Now I am down to 200kb a second. What the hell is going on -_-
  • forexownsvuct
    It is a joke.
    Soryr Zenimax, but honestly you all must be kicking yourselves.
  • forexownsvuct
    * Testing this now

    After you delete the .VERSION files open the launcher and let it start the download, but do not wait for it to finish. Just close to launcher after it starts and re-open it. It should start a file check and only re-download missing or damaged files at that point.

  • Banumu
    oh no... not gonna download 30gigs again , takes all night to do that. There has to be another way of updating and having it work.
  • nimbli
    Repair did not work but running the game consultant did. Or maybe its a coincidence. Who knows. I did not go into any files and remove anything, but is now up and running.
  • forexownsvuct
    nimbli wrote: »
    Repair did not work but running the game consultant did. Or maybe its a coincidence. Who knows. I did not go into any files and remove anything, but is now up and running.

    your one of the lucky ones i guess.
  • Soliduparrow
    I cant even do the start install and then stop because I only have 40gb left on the drive and the install requires 60gb.
  • postmarkjb14a_ESO
    Deleted version files, ran launcher which failed, then restored the version files. I'm in.
  • Rook_Master
    Edited by Rook_Master on October 17, 2014 2:53PM
  • Soliduparrow
    Can someone post a download link for the version files? Can the GM who recommended the delete post a download link to them?
  • forexownsvuct

    Delete the .version files.

    Run client.

    Close client.

    Open your recycle bin.

    Restore the .version files.

  • Atrkl
    Deleting and restoring the version files works 100%
  • forexownsvuct
  • Tykune
    Dear ESO,

    Please allocate the bandwidth used for patching the client over to installing the client, so those of us who decided to uninstall and reinstall the client dont have to sit through 1-2mb/sec for over 20,000+mb
  • Kazarr
    Can't you just rename them rather than deleting? I think I'll set a restore point before I try this, I have a painfully slow internet connnection.
  • LadyChaos
    Kazarr wrote: »
    Can't you just rename them rather than deleting? I think I'll set a restore point before I try this, I have a painfully slow internet connnection.

    I always rename them personally.
    I restored, did not work, but I deleted only the launcher.version file and it worked like a charm in seconds.
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Radaknem
    These are the version files that might be worth trying for the most recent patch.
  • Dreez
    Kazarr wrote: »
    I'm not deleting a damned thing - I pay to play on someone else's game because I'm not smart enough to program my own, so I am not going to tinker with their mistakes. They can sort it for me.

    I agree 100%. They provided a faulty update and should provide a solution
    that doesn't involve you/us to search for files to delete.
  • seventh_pawnb16_ESO
    Only one word can possibly describe this, and that word is..., drum roll please..., WOW. Don't even know what to say. In decades of online gaming in one form or another, I have never run into anything this..., amazing..., uhm fun. Nope, still not the right word. Oh yea I was thinking of the word ridiculous. This is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen in all my gaming experiences. So let me see if I get this straight. Not only are quests still bugged to ever living BEEP, some of the classes are working about as well as a proverbial elephant in a china shop, but then a patch comes out that borks the game version, and the way to fix it is to reinstall the whole game? What in the name of everything good and holy is going on here? We are expected to pay for subscription to a game in the next 15 days that can't get its Beep together? I am stunned. Again..., WOW!
  • Vehadrah
    Lies and slander... this did not work for me... if people have to do this for an update then Zneimax should fix it. -slow clap to zenimax- You have just proved that you are not up to par with most MMOs that have such things fixed in a matter of minutes or get it right the first time.
    Edited by Vehadrah on April 15, 2014 8:37PM
  • forexownsvuct
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