I couldn't even run a repair to start with, which was incredibly annoying. None of the "move/delete version files and then replace them" fixes worked for me, so I've been trying to figure out a way that actually forces a repair on the files to fix the problem.
What I did was:
- Delete the version files (x4) - if you don't know where these are you should try one of the dozens of other posts on the subject. This method is for those who have already tried the other ways and have had no luck.
- Run launcher and let it "update" the launcher (this seems to be a reinstall of the launcher).
- Click "Install" to reinstall the client and then hit "Pause" straight away (because you don't want to reinstall, screw that!).
- Click the "Game Options" dropdown menu and click "Cancel".
- Click the "Game Options" dropdown menu and click "Repair".
- Wait for it to verify all my files and redownload whatever was damaged (takes a couple minutes to verify and then however long to redownload damaged files - 540mb for me).
- After it's done a proper repair, all should be good to play.
Edited by Sil_Foundation on April 16, 2014 4:10AM