I tried this, too, and yes- it worked.logo2011eb17_ESO wrote: »(remove all .version files, run launcher, then shut it down without reinstall, put .versions back)
forexownsvuct wrote: »THIS WAS ORIGINALLY HERE TILL I REMOVED IT FOR THE FIX ( posting this due to people ranting at me saying this is not Legit. roflstomp )
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
We posted this in another thread, but want to make sure you see it, too.
If you are getting error 209, please try the following:
-First, please ensure you are accessing the game via the launcher, not the .exe file.
-Try closing out of the launcher and re-open it, then run a repair.
-If you try to repair and it does not work, please delete all .version files in the game's sub folders and try repair again.
--Delete the .version files. [there is 4x .version files one in each folder] (These 4 Need to be put back in their locations in the next steps)
--Run Launcher.
--Close Launcher.
--Open your recycle bin.
--Restore (Puts them back for you) the .version files.
Credit goes to
"postmarkjb14a_ESO ✭
Deleted version files, ran launcher which failed, then restored the version files. I'm in."
I have attached my versions for those who have lost theirs. ( you will need Winrar to open)
If you try to repair and it does not work, please delete all .version files in the game's sub folders and try repair again. Also make sure your recycle bin is empty before proceeding or rename the following version files listed based on your preference.
1) Make sure you're not running the client already when you delete the files. This will screw the process up.
2) Go to your Zenimax Online folder (default, I believe, is in Program Files (x86).
Inside the Zenimax Online folder, delete the following files:
Inside "Launcher" folder, delete "Bethesda.net_Launcher.version",
then back out of the "Launcher" folder into the Zenimax Online folder.
Inside "The Elder Scrolls Online" go to the "depot" folder, delete "depot.version" and go back to "TESO" folder.
Go to the "game" folder and delete "game_player.version", then back out to "TESO" folder.
Go to "vo_en" folder and delete "vo_en.version".
The above lists all four version files that need to be deleted or renamed, under the assumption that they are named the same as the ones in my folders. Basically, look for four ".version" files if you can't find those above.
3) Launch your client.
4) WAIT. Wait for the client start patching like it's downloading the full game again and ABORT
5) Go to your recycle bin, select all four files, right-click "restore".
6) Restart your client.
"ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
» show previous quotes
Ah, thanks! That is legit, and you can go ahead and follow the steps given here."
If all else fails, this has worked fora few people. Who knows really.