PvP Class Census 5/4/2014 (including supernatural lines)

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I think the other class polls are out of date. This is just a survey of your current Class "main" choice in Cyrodiil.

Please, do not use upcoming changes as your CURRENT "main" unless you plan to re-roll with upcoming changes.

I've made an option for people who intend to re-roll, or use no class roles whatsoever. Please let us know why.

I am sincerely curious as to how heavily the PvP classes are weighted currently to any one class/supernatural line. Thank you in advance for sharing your information and point of view.
In advance, this is a request for agenda free, PvP ONLY, class census, but replies will have opinions. Please respect that opinions are opinions, not facts unless otherwise supported with links/quotes/supporting documentations.
Edited by LadyChaos on May 4, 2014 10:58PM
VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
>:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census

PvP Class Census 5/4/2014 (including supernatural lines) 175 votes

Dragon Knight (DK)
PhaziusSirAndyIzzbanrophez_ESOaisriyth_ESOrealcaged_ESOUtherixpolarizedphoton_ESOAzarulRykothwpitterlb14a_ESOArmitasSariiasXsorusJamersonb16_ESOSer_OrionGhenraJarnhandsbatb16_ESOarnaldomoraleseb17_ESO 37 votes
DK Vamp/WW (reply appreciated)
TankqullRosathnaterie82ub17_ESOawkwarrdnicknogueiraSeinSchatten 6 votes
Socerer (Sorce)
Sobandahl.lucas_ESOSeñorCincoWolfaenNordJitsuNick_KlausLakevrenArzarzelTaonnorYusufHessenRackieraThiedeSilverionCuddlernicholaspingasb16_ESOLadyChaoscis190MoltierHazardousNovex 29 votes
Sorce Vamp/WW (reply appreciated)
HelbaCinnamon_SpiderChairGraveyardBitz_Maidenhellmb1995b16_ESOalexion891ub17_ESOeaglestormub17_ESORagePlugNoobletxDonMega 10 votes
Templar (Temp)
MallowayEstwingNekOnOkOthigaSwampRaiderSyndyTedLevineIzatarmaholiskyprowerb14_ESOArpheuslordz88b16_ESOtylarthb16_ESOEzikielStormNiffoObservantRaZaddhaflorian.haas91eb17_ESOThatHappyCatmurphy1337ub17_ESO 32 votes
Templar Vamp/WW (reply appreciated)
ShaggygamingLariraDudisGrendu 4 votes
Night Blabe (NB)
limeli8Kewljag_66_ESOfrwinters_ESOChiefwilliamsHakokelimbaughb14_ESOiluvatarisSheldonsorenb14_ESOsommazzatoreb14_ESOxxslam48xxb14_ESOkoettyAedhDoyenMrAmadeusVilGuizanSamadhiGrim13FoxhuntChased 35 votes
NB Vamp/WW (reply appreciated)
GeeYouWhyWraithAzraielSaetJaxomXundiinRaykoSanguisaevumZershar_Vemod_Proteus_sixty9eb17_ESODinapuffZubbalaoTanthulDevergerStuck 16 votes
Re-roll: I plan to change class with upcomming changes.. (provide response plz)
davidetombab16_ESOTal_72 2 votes
I use NO class lines whatsoever... (provide reasoning factors plz)
JSeymour421b14a_ESOCastanamerecjhookaHonfold 4 votes
  • LadyChaos
    Socerer (Sorce)
    TY in advance for the guys who voted. I used a PvE/PvP census to quote how many xxx players use xxx class... in that case it was just about even across the board, and very much in favor of my argument for the topic. I'm hoping to snap a better picture for the PvP primary perspective.
    • 5/4
      • DK 3 - 18%
      • Sorc 3 - 18%
      • Temp 4 - 25% +1 - 6%
      • NB 3 - 18% +1 - 6%
      • NONE 1 - 6%
    Edited by LadyChaos on May 5, 2014 12:51AM
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • sociald100ub17_ESO
    Night Blabe (NB)
    would be interesting if they just output that api so we could just see what the real numbers are.
  • Dudis
    Templar Vamp/WW (reply appreciated)
    I play a Templar (vamp). I chose to go vamp for the sneak speed and the escapeability Mist Form provides.

    Playstyle is mainly smallman (2-3) or solo.
  • LadyChaos
    Socerer (Sorce)
    5/5/2014 #s

    PvP Class Census 5/4/2014 (including supernatural lines) - 36 votes
    • Dragon Knight (DK): 19% - 7 votes (21% total)
    • DK Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 2% - 1 vote
    • Socerer (Sorce)16% - 6 votes (18% total)
    • Sorce Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 2% -1 vote
    • Templar (Temp) 19% - 7 votes (24% total)
    • Templar Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 5% - 2 votes
    • Night Blabe (NB) 22% - 8 votes (30% total)
    • NB Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 8% - 3 votes
    • Re-roll: I plan to change class with upcomming changes.. (provide response plz) 0%
    • I use NO class lines whatsoever... (provide reasoning factors plz) 2% - 1 vote
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Milky
    Dragon Knight (DK)
    Doesn't allow multiple votes. I play vet templar and DK
  • LadyChaos
    Socerer (Sorce)
    Milky wrote: »
    Doesn't allow multiple votes. I play vet templar and DK

    I wish allowed for multiple choices, I'm sorry. If your hardrive was crashing and you could only save one toon from a fire... what would you pick?

    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Milky
    Dragon Knight (DK)
    LadyChaos wrote: »

    I wish allowed for multiple choices, I'm sorry. If your hardrive was crashing and you could only save one toon from a fire... what would you pick?

    Well my templar is a redguard, so he could outrun the fire.

    My DK is an argonian, so he could just withstand it.

    But the DK is what I'd probably choose currently, until they buff templar build variety. I don't enjoy playing support and all the other templar builds just aren't up to par with Sorc or DK so I had to reroll one for AvA tactics. I don't really want to play DK, but it's entertaining enough for the time being.
  • LadyChaos
    Socerer (Sorce)
    I'm aware there is a typo (sorcerer). TYVM for pointing it out... unfortunately you cannot edit a poll, but appreciate the QA!
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • LadyChaos
    Socerer (Sorce)
    • PvP Class Census 5/4/2014 (including supernatural lines) 96 votes
    • Dragon Knight (DK) 17% (21% total)- 17 votes
    • DK Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 4% - 4 votes
    • Socerer (Sorce) 16% (21% total) - 16 votes
    • Sorce Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 5% - 5 votes
    • Templar (Temp) 18% (21% total) - 18 votes
    • Templar Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 3% - 3 votes
    • Night Blabe (NB) 22% (30% total) - 22 votes
    • NB Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 8% - 8 votes
    • Re-roll: I plan to change class with upcomming changes.. (provide response plz) - 0%
    • I use NO class lines whatsoever... (provide reasoning factors plz) 3% - 3 votes
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Oblongship
    LadyChaos wrote: »
    • PvP Class Census 5/4/2014 (including supernatural lines) 96 votes
    • Dragon Knight (DK) 17% (21% total)- 17 votes
    • DK Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 4% - 4 votes
    • Socerer (Sorce) 16% (21% total) - 16 votes
    • Sorce Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 5% - 5 votes
    • Templar (Temp) 18% (21% total) - 18 votes
    • Templar Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 3% - 3 votes
    • Night Blabe (NB) 22% (30% total) - 22 votes
    • NB Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 8% - 8 votes
    • Re-roll: I plan to change class with upcomming changes.. (provide response plz) - 0%
    • I use NO class lines whatsoever... (provide reasoning factors plz) 3% - 3 votes

    Can you please stop bumping your own thread?
  • Cydone
    Night Blabe (NB)
    Oblongship wrote: »

    Can you please stop bumping your own thread?
    Look how else are ppl going to be able to see what the numbers of each choice are and the percentage??? Oh....wait..
  • LadyChaos
    Socerer (Sorce)
    Oblongship wrote: »

    Can you please stop bumping your own thread?

    It's not a guild recruitment thread... not an "I'm" special thread... it is a vote for what class you play in pvp thread. There are 15 threads on any individual topic in this forum and poll and question threads get knocked to page 2+ in 20 minutes. How about not making a new thread for topics that have 10 of them already so non-QQ threads don't get bumped to page2 so quickly? Just constructive feedback.

    There a reason don't want people to participate in poll? You can only see results if you have voted, for one. Not everyone is a forums junky and catches a thread that isn't a QQfest with 15 duplicate threads.
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Milky
    Dragon Knight (DK)
    Oblongship wrote: »

    Can you please stop bumping your own thread?

    It's obviously to keep the poll running since it's not the kind of thing that would warrant lots of posts.

    I'd much rather have threads like this than 10 threads all about bolt escape.....
  • SirAndy
    Dragon Knight (DK)
    Dragon Knight with none of them fancy supernatural fluff.

    Why? Because a Naked Nord with a name like "Thorwald Titanborn" simply can't be anything but a DK ...
  • florian.haas91eb17_ESO
    Templar (Temp)
    Templar healer, main focus: heailing my guild group and the rnd groups, that will be led into battle by other members of our guild.
    Was considering vamp from time to time, but that tiny reggen increase is not worth the fire damage, especially for me, who is 50% of his time in sieges xD
    Since I am not stealthing, need no escape (If I die, the raid did too and we will rezz in a single point) and busy healing all the time, vamp is not an option...
  • Sanguisaevum
    NB Vamp/WW (reply appreciated)
    Voted above, here is my explanation.

    I currently (and will continue to, no matter what) play a Redguard vampire nightblade.

    However, there are no vampire abilities on my quick bars during combat.

    I took vampire on my nightblade for the passives only, and i feed every 30 mins to maintain stage 1.

    I am currently vr2 running pvp set medium stamina armour, with mage stone and majika food. This results in near capped majika and enough stamina to do what i need to as the redguard passives combined with medium armour mean stamina is not normally an issue despite it being a bit under cap. Both stamina and majika regen are both near cap.

    I use a DW / DW load out with one bar set for melee and another for ranged incase i need to maintain separation for some reason.

    DW1 - blood craze, heated blades, surprise attack, syphoning attacks, shadow cloak, soul harvest.

    DW2 - flying blade, piercing mark, swallow soul, syphoning attacks, shadow cloak, soul strike.

    Syphoning attacks sits on both bars to ensure my resources can outlast an opponent if my opening burst doesn't kill them or i get additional opponents after the initial target.

    Piercing mark is invaluable for the heal on target death and for keeping track of targets that try to escape or stealth. (If they finally fix the defence piercing it is supposed to offer then thats a bonus!)

    I do very well vs single players of any level including vet10. It also does ok vs 2 opponents. 3 means i usually have to bug out, unless they come staggered in which case i can simply treat the engagement as multiple 1v1s due to the resource replenishment of syphoning and the mark heal.

    I sometimes temporarily slot in mist form and retreating manoeuvres if i need to sneak past a defended choke point (like a mile gate) once i am through and behind enemy lines i switch them back out to my regular bars.
  • LadyChaos
    Socerer (Sorce)
    5/8 Not a ton of change except slightly more DK, slightly less Templar. This seems to be showing closer to the PvAll census than even before.

    PvP Class Census 5/4/2014 (including supernatural lines) 154 votes
    • Dragon Knight (DK) 21% (24% total)- 33 votes
    • DK Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 3% - 5 votes
    • Socerer (Sorce) 16%(21% total) - 25 votes
    • Sorce Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 5% - 8 votes
    • Templar (Temp) 18% (20% total) - 29 votes
    • Templar Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 2% 4 votes
    • Night Blabe (NB) 22% (30% total) -34 votes
    • NB Vamp/WW (reply appreciated) 8% - 13 votes
    • Re-roll: I plan to change class with upcoming changes.. (provide response plz) 0%
    • I use NO class lines whatsoever... (provide reasoning factors plz) 1% -3 votes

    I am curious about the guys who voted no class lines at all, what class they rolled and found not worth slotting class skills? Curiosity.
    Edited by LadyChaos on May 8, 2014 10:18PM
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
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