Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
If it makes you feel better, we Americans (and I usually have double digit ping when not in Cyro Primetime) are pressing skills 4 times as well. Some skills do work better than others. I found myself fantasizing about a resto heavy attack build, because it seems to be about the most reliable thing. Haha. AOEs, both ground and spam, do seem to work better than anything that requires a target.
You know, its funny. We keep using the term Lag, and I am starting to think that is not the correct term. To me, Lag implies a delay. This is not lag. If I press a skill once, lag would imply that it should eventually go off, just with a delay. It doesnt...
Agree with this. By itself, even multiple Dark Conversions can be avoided without death.. but when you include the crippling lag of prime time Cyrodiil with 3 factions pop-locked.. there is no escape from it & whatever other AOE gets dropped on top.
Something I noticed while playing a fair bit during this Whitestrake's Mayhem & when it's prime time & I am mostly fighting vs Americans (I am Australian)... the lag is savage. I can see my enemy getting off skills & light attacks smoothly while I have to press every button 4 times & maybe a skill goes off. There is major position de-sync & most of my single target abilities fail to land on target & so they just don't go off. I feel like this is why mega ball groups use so much AOE... cause any single target stuff mostly misses due to the positional des-sync.
You can see it in the NPC guards during prime time... they run back & forth like they just don't know where the enemy players are... when enemy players are right next to them.
When prime time dies off & I find I am fighting players with similar latency to my own (250-400ms) the gameplay become relatively smooth. Skills still misfire, but the positional de-sync seems improved.
Kalle_Demos wrote: »
This. ALOT of y'all are missing the forest for the trees. DC isn't a problem. The broken state of PVP is. Lets say y'all get what you want in this instance. DC is nerfed into uselessness like so many other popular and useful components that players liked and had fun with, thanks to a loud handful of discontents.
You remember 'FUN' right? What's the next move? You switch your focus to the next fun thing? All the while you still have massive lag. De-Sync and skills not firing. You still have imbalance that also wrecks PVE. And when things do get bad enough and you get around to criticizing Zos for poor performance, they can just point to the long list of fun things they destroyed to appease you.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
I think you are oversimplifying that. Do I think lag compounds the problem with this set? Yes, absolutely. That said, I am also very comfortable in my position that it was very irresponsible to introduce a set like this in the current state of cyrodiil. I also dont believe its a loud handful of discontents. I cant remember the last time there was this much pushback against a single set.
Also, just because a lot of people use it, doesn't mean everybody likes it. It is an overperforming set, full stop. A certain % of the population is always going to run whatever the latest OP meta craze is. In fact, I would argue that the unusually high percent of people running this set shows just how out of line it really is.
Lag is not causing this to pull people off keeps. Lag is not the reason we have a lazy AOE pull that doesn't play by the established rules of crowd control. Lag is not the only reason that this set has greatly empowers ball groups, something a lot of people, myself included, fundamentally oppose. If we fixed lag tomorrow, ball groups are still running this set as is because it makes them MUCH stronger. Just because half of Cyro is running it, doesnt mean it was a good design choice.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
And they are? Seriously, how about some examples? This set clearly violates the established rules of CC. How can anybody be okay with this and keep a straight face?
I remember the torug pact meta when ST dots could trigger multiple enchant procs. Everybody in PVP ran it for like a week. This fix was fast and drastic. They fundamentally changed how enchants proc'ed (only continuously apply with ground DOTS to keep PVE tanks happy).
Tons of middle ground approaches here. If it where me, I would ensure the the pull is blockable (I honestly have no idea if it is or if this is just a lag issue) and that it wont pull a CC immuned appointment (certainly seems it can currently, which is inconsistent with every other pull in the game). Seems straight forward.
I would also probably remove the stun, at least in the short term. In a high lag environment, CC break is so unreliable. It would still require a roll dodge to get out of it. I am always hesitant to balance around lag, but frankly, ZOS should know that the current performance in Cyro only compounds the problems with this set, a set that seems to play by its own rules.
Hey there just saw your reply.
So I read what you said and same for others on here. I get it and this Dark Convergence business used to seriously frustrate and anger me as well.
However aside from being pulled from siege on walls, I can't really remember any time in recent history where I died to Dark Convergence. Now before I woke up, this thing was kicking my teeth in, but no more.
Now, all of my builds for Cyrodiil are either in part or in whole made of reliable Heavy Armor sets with Sword & Board. Anytime I get pulled the first thing I do is block and relax. Seriously. DON'T PANIC. Just block and relax, find out where it pulled you to. If you can just start walking away, if your health is low try dodge rolling away BEFORE it detonates, otherwise you'll have to hold block and keep walking. Generally healers nearby can keep you alive while you block.
For me Dark Convergence is really a non issue and hardly a threat. Other sets are much more dangerous and exploitive but the lag in Cyrodiil is so bad we gotta use what will work for us in spite of lag.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »
Market was flooded with it cheap not long ago so I doubt it. Events almost over and pretty much everyone will have a sticker book full
Would DC be worth selling right now? lol asking for a friend
Hey there just saw your reply.
So I read what you said and same for others on here. I get it and this Dark Convergence business used to seriously frustrate and anger me as well.
However aside from being pulled from siege on walls, I can't really remember any time in recent history where I died to Dark Convergence. Now before I woke up, this thing was kicking my teeth in, but no more.
Now, all of my builds for Cyrodiil are either in part or in whole made of reliable Heavy Armor sets with Sword & Board. Anytime I get pulled the first thing I do is block and relax. Seriously. DON'T PANIC. Just block and relax, find out where it pulled you to. If you can just start walking away, if your health is low try dodge rolling away BEFORE it detonates, otherwise you'll have to hold block and keep walking. Generally healers nearby can keep you alive while you block.
For me Dark Convergence is really a non issue and hardly a threat. Other sets are much more dangerous and exploitive but the lag in Cyrodiil is so bad we gotta use what will work for us in spite of lag.
There's a big difference between nerfing and balancing, though. And if something can't be balanced then it should be removed until a time comes when it can be, in terms of sets at least (though disabling them might be easier than outright removal).I honestly wish we'd stop asking for nerfs. That( and my arthritis) is the main reason I left pvp full time. Yes, I know "balance" but who remembers when we used to JOKE about the king of the hill mentality would have us with no class skills, naked, and only light attacks because heavy attacks would be nerfed....well class skills are being homogenized, we still have sets, and heavy attack builds...har har. It's not always pvp I know.and sometimes it's real issues. It's not even always the player base, sometimes zos does things with no explanation (dev notes) but we DO have a tendency to ask zos to nerf a lot of play as you want all on our own. I don't see an issue with these sets. In war you will throw grenades, bombs, poisonous gas, maybe even use grappling hooks to pull people off walls. In ESO we have Magicka to aid our weapons. I'd rather open the floodgates and be creative/combinations than keep limiting ourselves to a few sets.
There's a big difference between nerfing and balancing, though. And if something can't be balanced then it should be removed until a time comes when it can be, in terms of sets at least (though disabling them might be easier than outright removal).
Asking for a singular problematic set to not be so easily abused isn't *quite* the same as removing ALL sets. While there are people asking for it to be removed, I think everyone could it only needs two things to not be so OP. First, it needs to stop pulling people off walls and siege and through doors. That can't be intentional. Second, if it's going to ignore CC immunity, it needs to at least apply a unique "Dark Convergence CC immunity" so people can't be repeatedly pulled by it over and over and over.
I agree(hence why I stated sometimes it's real issues) but your balance probably won't be the same as mine. And both of ours probably won't meet player 3, 4, and so on. Every thread over the years has people for and against certain changes/proposals/and calls for nerfs. So again, back to king of the hill. I'll join ya at roe when we're in loincloths light attacking the gate cause that's all we got left 👍
drsalvation wrote: »We've been asking for class ultimates and new skill trees, but we keep getting dismissed because "it would break balance" and whatnot, and yet we keep getting new OP skills that are cast for us for free by gear sets that keep getting introduced in the game. Dark Convergence should've been a racial ultimate that costs over 250 ult. The base morph would be in its current state, and the other morphs would be the way DC was before nerfed (either 2 pulls, or extended range).
This way, only a few select characters would be able to use it, AND it would only be a single-cast expensive ult that doesn't combine with other stuff like colossus or caltrops.
Yes, other players could team up to gank you that way, but they can still do that now anyway so would it matter?
TechMaybeHic wrote: »
A lot of it is range of attack or other position requirements and you are just not where you are yourself so; that would explain targeted abilities; but sometimes even aimless AOE won't go off either just not as often
EdmondDontes wrote: »Maybe if Dark Convergence pulled people to the "caster" it would be less universally hated.
I honestly wish we'd stop asking for nerfs. That( and my arthritis) is the main reason I left pvp full time. Yes, I know "balance" but who remembers when we used to JOKE about the king of the hill mentality would have us with no class skills, naked, and only light attacks because heavy attacks would be nerfed....well class skills are being homogenized, we still have sets, and heavy attack builds...har har. It's not always pvp I know.and sometimes it's real issues. It's not even always the player base, sometimes zos does things with no explanation (dev notes) but we DO have a tendency to ask zos to nerf a lot of play as you want all on our own. I don't see an issue with these sets. In war you will throw grenades, bombs, poisonous gas, maybe even use grappling hooks to pull people off walls. In ESO we have Magicka to aid our weapons. I'd rather open the floodgates and be creative/combinations than keep limiting ourselves to a few sets.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
There is a massive difference between asking for a nerf to every little thing that killed you, and calling out a set when it is grossly out of line. This set should simply not exist in its current state. The pull ignores CC immunity, and it can pull you off keeps. [snip]