HertoginJanneke wrote: »No. I don't play PVP, and I can see by how it works in PVE that it can by extremely annoying for PVP, but for PVE it's a fun set.
Then ZOS must disable it for pvp. It's destroying everything and everyone but those using it despise that set!
Unfortunately there aren't two rulesets in ESO.
So, what they nuke/nerf/yank in PvP is also done in PvE. Usually this is done to the detriment of PvE players, as whatever was perceived as being OPd (or whatever) in PvP was just fine for the rest of the game.
HedgehogFeet wrote: »I use it & love it, it is great fun in dungeons
I'm looking for sets for solo dungeon/arena runs, would you recommend it?
Not true.
• Battle Spirit
• Abilities like Negate Magic or Mist Form
• Sets like Bahsei’s Mania or Marksman’s Crest
These all have different effects based on the content you’re in (PvE vs PvP) or if you strike a Player or Non-Player.
I've never seen anyone use it in PvE. What's the application?
Not true.
• Battle Spirit
• Abilities like Negate Magic or Mist Form
• Sets like Bahsei’s Mania or Marksman’s Crest
These all have different effects based on the content you’re in (PvE vs PvP) or if you strike a Player or Non-Player.
HertoginJanneke wrote: »No. I don't play PVP, and I can see by how it works in PVE that it can by extremely annoying for PVP, but for PVE it's a fun set.
I'm sure there are exceptions, as you noted, but in general it is still the case that a PvP nerf also unfairly nerfs PvE as well.
There are many threads on this.
Oh I agree - I’m only saying ZOS is capable of balancing separately but makes the decision not to in most cases.
It’s not possible for PvP and PvE to have the same ruleset while still maintaining good balance. Battle Spirit was a created to acknowledge this issue but like always, they choose the route of rebalancing both sides. Pretty sure no one likes this. In other words it’s not the PvPers vs the PvEers but rather ZOS not doing what either side wants.
As someone who tanks dungeons, if I see a dps using it, as I often do, I purposely don’t taunt those adds. Pulling things is the tanks job. If you pull it all on you and they agro to you then so be it. Fortunately dungeons are stupid easy and they do fine, but occasionally they get what they deserve. Dark Convergence is a no skill carry set in both PvE and PvP..but especially in PvP.
proprio.meb16_ESO wrote: »Woha mate, relax
I think it's being nerfed (don't know at which extent, you can check for yourself) in u33 now on pts, such update will land on normal servers on March, with next dlc: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/596951/pts-patch-notes-v7-3-0
There's also a specific thread on it in pts forum: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/597441/dark-convergence
I don't enjoy being pulled of forts with the set, no and it's not normal.
On PC EU I could probably name the people hitting the angles to get you down, but we won't go there.
I would consider it an 'exploit' of the set though, yes.
I thought those kind of issues were resolved many years ago in ESO and I don't understand this regression?
HertoginJanneke wrote: »No. I don't play PVP, and I can see by how it works in PVE that it can by extremely annoying for PVP, but for PVE it's a fun set.