This has completely destroyed pvp! Playing on PC NA-server and AD has so many people just spamming it that it covers the entire courtyard and out! DELETE THIS SET FROM THE GAME OR CHANGE THE NAME TO "DARK CONVERGENCE ONLINE"!
I've seldom been this angry while playing this game. This set is just disgusting and ruins everything fun about the game! REMOVE IT! REMOVE IT, REMOVE IT, REMOVE IT!! It was a mistake to introduce it in the first place! REMOVE IT!!
EdmondDontes wrote: »If ZOS was trying to design a set that would make PvP toxic and unenjoyable, they succeeded in that goal with Dark Convergence.
Ranged bombing from stealth should not be a thing that is possible. It's more damage than most siege weapons, has a stun, and doesn't cost anything. It's stronger than an ulti, and it's free and doesn't even have to be aimed.
Okay, so what do you do if you come across a group using it to stagger the proc and ping-pong you until you're out of Stamina and can't dodge any longer?Man Stop !
this is fun set and was already adjusted, in pvp just roll-dodge out from it.
It costs 7 seconds and space in your build.
Dark Convergence does very little else other than its proc so if you miss the proc you get nothing out of it.
I understand saying it kind of makes PvP Toxic however once you understand how to react to it and how to use it PvP becomes much more enjoyable.
TheMightyRevan wrote: »this thread is about ppl complaining, not being able to zerg in peace
EdmondDontes wrote: »
Dark Convergence still pulls people off their siege, off the third floor, pulls people out of keeps and even through doors sometimes. It's a free ulti that doesn't have to be aimed or cost anything other than 7 seconds and space in your build.
Ranged bombing from stealth should not be a thing. Defending this kind of toxic game play is probably not appropriate.
Then ZOS must disable it for pvp. It's destroying everything and everyone but those using it despise that set!
Disable PVP set that was made for PVP and gets from PVP revards ?
What next - disable PVE monsters in PVE ?
In principle I agree that walls and prior limitations assigned to other abilities should also be respected here as well, such as no chain pulling from keep walls as an example. However, while defending a Keep, frequently I get hit with Dark Convergence and you know what, it doesn't bother me anymore. I just hold block and gently walk away because I'm generally thoughtful with my builds and use a sword and board.
If I get pulled in, hold down block and I'm usually fine. You have to be able to react to the situation appropriately even if its an attack from stealth. Most people probably don't know to hold block or switch over to your shield if you have one. Honestly its not that bad really if you react appropriately.
There's nothing toxic whatsoever about anything that I said and neither do I use Dark Convergence in an exploitive manner. In fact I mainly use it to defend Keeps, not to siege or pull people off walls. This set it seems to bring out the worst in people however if you understand it, how it works, how to use it yourself, then its very easy to make this a non-issue, not a big deal, especially compared to other things. If say some Emperor is wrecking people using Dark Conv then almost certainly the first thing you need to realize is they are more than likely not using this set exclusively. Its other things that tie into it.
Beyond that, I believe ZOS is working on making changes in an upcoming patch however all the same I hope the set remains in the game.
It's either that or remove it completely. PvP has turned into a joke since implementing this set from hell.
I don't think you understand; it drags you down while you're on oils or ballistas. You have no chance to react because it automatically pulls you away violently in such a stupid manner that you can't but help getting angry at this stupid mechanic. There's no defending this in any way, shape or form. This set needs to be removed from the game or disabled for pvp since som epeople are liking it in pve.
Yes, pulls have been in the game since launch. But like you said, the problem with DC is that the pull from it doesn't give you CC immunity like every other pull does (aside from the one from Rush of Agony). That's the issue, not that it pulls in general.Pulls was in game before this sets. It is OK.
But why this sets pull works different is the question.
Why changes of same mechanics and sets are different, why sets with 120+k dps do not get nerf but sets with 90k does.
All i can say - bad balancing.
No balancing trully - random changes.
Very bad changes, a lot of them.
Party drop to 12 people from 24, crosshealing, constant nonstoping changes, sets changes, skills changes, race changes, nerfs, removing ofone cool race skills but not removing the same by power other skills, not working foryears skikls ... dark convergence is just a small part of problems.
Just remember deathmatch arena changes.
pecheckler wrote: »Is this set going to be balanced before the PvP event?
ForfiniteStories wrote: »From a Role-Playing perspective, I like this set and do not want to see it removed from the game. I don't care if they balance it better, and perhaps they should, and perhaps they will. It functions perfectly with my Dark Magic skill line and the overall build that I am using. The more cool, unique sets they add, the better. Obviously, things will be reworked and balanced overtime, as they should. I hope ZOS can address the issues players are having with this set, assuming that is a feasible course of action, without removing it from the game entirely.
DC doesn't apply CC, thus it doesn't apply CC immunity. That's one of the main problems; not that it doesn't apply any CC, but because it doesn't even use a unique CC against itself to prevent it from yanking people everywhere.pecheckler wrote: »After equipping a gold set of dark convergence and watching my boneyard suck players in I no longer want this set balanced. I’ve joined the ranks of the abusers.
The icing on the cake is how glacial colossus sucks players in too, and the colossus stun still works even though players were just stunned by the dark convergence proc.