1) Block.
2) Dodgeroll out of the AOE.
Rinse. Repeat. I die only 25% of the time due to a smart dcon user. 75% of the time I can avoid dying.
This has completely destroyed pvp! Playing on PC NA-server and AD has so many people just spamming it that it covers the entire courtyard and out! DELETE THIS SET FROM THE GAME OR CHANGE THE NAME TO "DARK CONVERGENCE ONLINE"!
I've seldom been this angry while playing this game. This set is just disgusting and ruins everything fun about the game! REMOVE IT! REMOVE IT, REMOVE IT, REMOVE IT!! It was a mistake to introduce it in the first place! REMOVE IT!!
IronWooshu wrote: »
It's not a PVE set tho, you earn it in PVP therefore PVE doesn't really have a say.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
Anyone saying roll dodge is the counter play is either using this wildly OP set in their zerg, or they havent actually played PVP in the last 6 months. I play a roll sorc in all well-fitted with 20k stam on mag toon. I can roll halfway across the map.
Except the fact you guys seem to be ignoring or overlooking is it's not just DC itself, it's the fact that it's paired with numerous other things that actually kill you. Block? So you're going to just use up all your Stam blocking not only several DCs around you, but also the various other skills that are being used at the same time. Dodge roll? Have you forgotten Dodge Fatigue is a thing, and that you can be repeatedly pulled by DC over and over? Even on a Stam character I've run out of Stam numerous times dodging just to avoid the several DCs going off around me, Mag characters are straight up screwed after a handful of dodges.Massive_Stain wrote: »
Careful, don't you know this is a dark convergence hate thread? Blocking, is objectively too difficult. When you see the aoe, it's way more easy to charge at the first red outline you see. Roll dodge? How about let's just nerf the set because that's too hard.
DC doesn't apply any kind of CC, which is why it can pull you even if you currently have CC immunity and why you can be repeatedly pulled by it over and over within one or two seconds.
Went into Cyro yesterday to join a zerg and work on getting AP and my tickets, and yep, DC everywhere, Colossus everywhere, dodge roll half a dozen times only to immediately get pulled back in after several of them. ZOS really needs to at the very least make DC apply a unique CC that prevents people from being pulled more than once every X seconds.
1) Block.
2) Dodgeroll out of the AOE.
Rinse. Repeat. I die only 25% of the time due to a smart dcon user. 75% of the time I can avoid dying.
BlackArgonian wrote: »
That sounds about as balanced as Dark Convergence, I'll assume you use Bolt Escape too so you can end up in High Isle before any of us.
Hmmmmm, I could have sworn the tooltip used to say that the pull didn't apply CC, and I don't remember ever reading that they'd changed that. I know it used to pull twice but they dropped one of them to make it ""easier"" to avoid. Either way, it doesn't seem like it's applying any CC if it's supposed to, even without lag being a factor.
MasterSpatula wrote: »Every Mayhem in the past, I've pretty much spent every waking, non-working hour in Cyrodiil. Not this year.
Since they introduced DC, I've barely been in Cyrodiil, and not at all since about three weeks after its release. I went from a PVP regular to someone who wants nothing to do with it. I don't want to play a game with designers who would be capable of pushing a set like that live. I don't want to PVP with or against anyone who would use it. It stripmined all the joy out of Cyrodiil for me. The whole thought of going in there leaves a bad taste in my mouth now.
Well, I guess I'll go in and give it a try for the first time in months. We'll see what happens, I guess. But sounds like DC is just as broken--just as much something anyone I could respect wouldn't touch--as ever.
pecheckler wrote: »After equipping a gold set of dark convergence and watching my boneyard suck players in I no longer want this set balanced. I’ve joined the ranks of the abusers.
The icing on the cake is how glacial colossus sucks players in too, and the colossus stun still works even though players were just stunned by the dark convergence proc.
The ugly truth of the matter is Dark Convergence is just a well-known offender due to its notable visual effects and the fact it pulls people. There are other sets out there that are far more abusive than Dark Convergence.
This has completely destroyed pvp! Playing on PC NA-server and AD has so many people just spamming it that it covers the entire courtyard and out! DELETE THIS SET FROM THE GAME OR CHANGE THE NAME TO "DARK CONVERGENCE ONLINE"!
I've seldom been this angry while playing this game. This set is just disgusting and ruins everything fun about the game! REMOVE IT! REMOVE IT, REMOVE IT, REMOVE IT!! It was a mistake to introduce it in the first place! REMOVE IT!!
Imho the problem isn't actually dark convergence. Because of the time delay, it *is* possible to break free and dodge roll out or block before the boom.
The problem is that in cyrodiil the latency is such trash that you can't break free fast enough. when the latency is bad getting stunned is a death sentence if there is any significant damage coming in over the next couple seconds, and dark convergence does all that to a lot of people very easily.
Imho the problem isn't actually dark convergence. Because of the time delay, it *is* possible to break free and dodge roll out or block before the boom.
The problem is that in cyrodiil the latency is such trash that you can't break free fast enough. when the latency is bad getting stunned is a death sentence if there is any significant damage coming in over the next couple seconds, and dark convergence does all that to a lot of people very easily.
Agree with this. By itself, even multiple Dark Conversions can be avoided without death.. but when you include the crippling lag of prime time Cyrodiil with 3 factions pop-locked.. there is no escape from it & whatever other AOE gets dropped on top.
Something I noticed while playing a fair bit during this Whitestrake's Mayhem & when it's prime time & I am mostly fighting vs Americans (I am Australian)... the lag is savage. I can see my enemy getting off skills & light attacks smoothly while I have to press every button 4 times & maybe a skill goes off. There is major position de-sync & most of my single target abilities fail to land on target & so they just don't go off. I feel like this is why mega ball groups use so much AOE... cause any single target stuff mostly misses due to the positional des-sync.
You can see it in the NPC guards during prime time... they run back & forth like they just don't know where the enemy players are... when enemy players are right next to them.
When prime time dies off & I find I am fighting players with similar latency to my own (250-400ms) the gameplay become relatively smooth. Skills still misfire, but the positional de-sync seems improved.